Warm Dragon

Chapter 255 Selecting a Young Master (Updated)

In the early morning, the sun rises from the east.

The light is evenly sprinkled on one side of the Shadow Flame Volcano, forming a clear boundary between light and dark on the other side of the volcano, which is still shrouded in darkness.

The Shadow Flame Dragon has returned to the Shadow Flame Volcano and dived into the magma in the crater, using the power of the earth connected by the magma to truly cultivate the origin of its damage.

But at this time.

The Torrent Dragon, whose body was shining with blue light, was standing on the dark crater of Shadow Flame Volcano. The sunlight came directly and fell on its rough scales. There was no reflection of any light. It was pure black scales. .

Lowering his head, the Torrent Dragon just looked at the magma below the crater.

It has been waiting here for four days and nights.

And still waiting.

Marquis Arnold Lieyang rode a flying dragon and landed gently at the feet of the torrent dragon. Compared with the dragon's body length of more than 100 meters, the flying dragon of more than ten meters was like an elephant. As delicate as a bird.

"Your Highness Hongliu." Marquis Arnold bowed on the back of the flying dragon and saluted.

The Torrent Dragon didn't react at all. Its posture hadn't changed for several days, and its eyes only moved slightly.

Marquis Arnold continued: "Kunstan's death disrupted the kingdom's plan, but you left the Snow Giant Dabu to kill, which seems to have stimulated the Shadow Flame Dragon... The Shadow Flame Dragon firmly disagreed, and Kunlaya Xiao The bloodline of the princess will inherit the position of Grand Duke."

The torrent dragon's throat rolled, and a sound like ocean waves came from its mouth, which ordinary people could not understand at all.

But Marquis Arnold understood, and immediately responded with sincerity: "No, no, no, I dare not question your decision, His Highness Hongliu, but... the little princess Kunlaya's lineage has obviously lost the hope of becoming a Grand Duke. "

Wow, another wave came.

Marquis Arnold nodded: "Okay, I will follow your Highness Hongliu's intention and will not easily agree to any party ascending to the position of Grand Duke. I will delay it for a few years if I can. But on the side of the Shadow Flame Dragon, there is still You need to discuss it.”

After saying that, Marquis Arnold rode the flying dragon and left the hot volcano crater.

After a while.

The sound of crashing waves and the sound of lava bubbling resounded from the crater. This was the communication between the two giant dragons in magical dragon language.

Obviously the exchange was not pleasant, with shouts of "ho" and "hum" mixed in from time to time.

But in the end, the two giant dragons reached an agreement, and the sound of the waves and the lava were completely silenced. At the same time, the Torrent Dragon finally made some move, or in other words, the entire Shadow Flame Volcano experienced some magical changes.

But I saw that the entire huge Shadow Flame Volcano, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, had circles of ripple-like light flashing across it, quickly flashing from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Finally, the light merged into the feet of the torrent dragon, allowing the torrent dragon to raise its head comfortably.

Pointing towards the sky, it let out a loud roar that had never been heard before.


This dragon roar shook the entire Shadow Flame Volcano, and then rolled away in all directions like a tsunami.

Rolling past Stormrage City, the capital of the country, the entire Stormrage City seemed to tremble, and countless people ran around holding their heads, thinking that an earthquake had occurred.

Rolling past the Red Castle, the castle built in the lake also trembled.

The nobles who were discussing national policies in the main hall looked at each other, with expressions of frustration, anger, loss, and resentment on their faces. Only Marquis Arnold, who was sitting in the chair, took a leisurely sip of tea.

The corners of his mouth began to rise uncontrollably. He knew that the Torrent Dragon had gotten what he wanted.

The national power of the Blazing Torrent Kingdom will reach another level.

Princess Anxia glanced at Marquis Arnaud and figured out that Marquis Arnaud was her distant cousin. But at this moment, Princess Anxia's pale and beautiful face showed no enthusiasm for her relatives. Instead, her eyes showed disgust and resentment.

What I hate is the Marquis Arnaud and his triumphant face at the moment.

The one she resented was the aloof king of the Fiery Torrent Kingdom who did not show up but planned everything, that is, her father.

More than twenty years ago, he married her off to a fool despite her pleas.

More than twenty years later, the plot against her son began again. Now that her son is dead, the king still shows no mercy. Instead, he has taken away the hope of the Shadow Flame Dragon. This is tantamount to taking away the biggest pillar she relied on for revenge.

At this moment, Princess Anxia wanted to rush to the king and ask him why he treated his daughter so viciously.

But she didn't dare. She still had a daughter to support.

After a long time.

Lord Welch hurried over and said with a solemn face: "Her Royal Highness Princess, ladies and gentlemen, Her Royal Highness Shadow Flame has agreed to Marquis Arnold's plan."

After hearing this, Marquis Arnold put down his tea cup and said lightly: "Then, from today on, the Council of Elders will be restored to power. On the basis of the original seven consuls, Princess Anxia and I will be added."

After a pause, he said with a smile: "Of course, I will not interfere in your internal affairs. Princess Anxia will take care of the little princess Kunlaya. However, Princess Anxia and I need to preside over the 'selection of the young master' and select the future grand duke. Choose!”


Xiao Menglong was so angry that he wanted to log off.

Returning to the volcanic oasis from the fire ant swamp, Huoyun Business Road camped on the snowfield for two consecutive nights, but could not find the Snow Demon at night.

Occasionally, there are three or two lone snow ghosts, which are not enough to fill the gap between the little Menglong's teeth.

"Don't worry, Ice Cream. This time the Snow Giant Da summoned the Snow Demon Legion, which caused too many Snow Demons to flood into the Fire Ant Swamp. Then, as the big move came to an end, they were wiped out by the Knights."

Russell explained and comforted: "But with the arrival of the ice age, more snow demons will come in, and we will have a big meal then."


"Okay, it's settled, good night."

The next day, the remaining knights left the Huoyun Business Road and stepped into the warm land of the volcanic oasis. At this point, whether it is the knights of the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family or the knights under the great nobles, it is time to disband.

"Goodbye, Mr. Russell."

"Goodbye, Your Excellency Sogespo."

"Russell, you must come to Vanilla Manor when you have time. I'll treat you to my best vanilla milk tea."

"If I have time, I will definitely go to Vanilla Manor to find you, Tim."

Russell and the few knights he had become familiar with in the past few days said goodbye to each other reluctantly. As the second son of the family, he seemed to have his own small circle.

"Although my sister is only fourteen years old, you will definitely be surprised by her beauty when you see her. Really, don't believe it, Russell. Although I look ordinary, my sister is absolutely beautiful. After you see her, Will definitely fall in love with her!”

There was even a knight, selling his sister to Russell.

He is handsome, young, a knight of fantasy beasts, and even has the title of scholar. He is also the second son of a great nobleman. It is said that he has two elves at home.

Any knight who has a sister or daughter would not want to marry his sister or daughter to Russell.

Of course, the knights who really dare to speak are all lords and lords, otherwise the huge gap in status will become even more difficult to overcome.

"Lord Boris, I believe that if I have the chance, of course I would like to meet your sister." Russell looked at Lord Boris, who had a broad forehead, a square face, and a wine nose. He really couldn't believe that he had a beautiful woman. younger sister.

"Set a time and come to Nepenthes Manor, you won't regret it." Lord Boris said seriously.

Russell smiled awkwardly: "I have to go home first, next time, next time."

"You must come!"

"Yeah." Russell responded while quickly kicking the unicorn Pauly to let her leave quickly.

After Russell left, a knight beside him laughed and teased Lord Boris: "You are selling your sister again, Lord Boris. A few years ago, your father was selling you, saying that you are handsome and charming, haha!"

Lord Boris suddenly said angrily: "What do you know, my sister is so beautiful!"

Then he looked at Russell's leaving figure and exclaimed: "How can such an amazing and talented rookie from the Grand Duchy be worthy of our beautiful and beautiful sister!"


This chapter will be updated to make up for the extra update I owed from the previous book by a leader!

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