Warm Dragon

Chapter 235 Davis Golden-top Mushroom

Chapter 235 Davis Golden Top Mushroom

In the following two days, more and more knights gathered in the Fire Ant Swamp.

The Black Court Baron Kulis Tian Zicao of Black Court Mountain arrived, and Russell and his father welcomed this relative - Russell's sister Rowling, who was the daughter-in-law of Baron Kulis. The two barons were in-laws.

"Rowling is fine, and she will give birth in two or three months, haha." Baron Kulis was in a good mood as he was about to have a grandson.

Baron Roman felt a little uncomfortable. His daughter was far away in a foreign land, and it was difficult for her to get pregnant and give birth, but the parents could not be with her.

So he said to Russell privately: "After this war is over, you and Roland must go to Black Court Mountain to visit Rowling."

"Don't worry, father, I will."

"Alas, Rowling was always so strong when she was a child, and I don't know how she lived in Black Court Mountain. Fortunately, Cooper doesn't seem to be that kind of rude person... I hope they can live in harmony." Baron Roman sighed.

Russell said, "When I go back to Black Court Mountain, I will secretly observe the lives of my sister and brother-in-law, and I will support my sister in the future."

Baron Roman said with satisfaction, "Very good, Russell, this is how brothers and sisters should be."

After the arrival of the Knights of Black Court Mountain, Russell's relatives soon arrived.

It was the Golden Baron Davis Golden Top Mushroom of the Golden Plains who led the Knights. When he arrived, Baron Davis did not ride a horse, but rode a brown-yellow two-legged dragon, handsomely descending from the sky.

Baron Kunbiff was still waiting enthusiastically at the gate.

Standing in the welcoming team of nobles, Russell saw his father, and Baron Roman's mouth twitched with disdain.

He even uttered two words from between his teeth: "Showbag..."

After Baron Davis greeted Baron Kunbiff, he strode to Baron Roman: "Roman, my good brother, Luo Bi talks about you as a brother every day at home. After the battle, you must go to the Golden Summit Castle to stay for a few days!"

"If there is a chance, I will." Baron Roman smiled and hugged him, but Russell could feel his perfunctory attitude.

After the hug, Baron Davis looked at Russell again: "What a handsome young man, your aunt would never have thought that the inconspicuous nephew back then is now a qualified knight!"

"Hello, uncle." Russell smiled, "How is your aunt? I want to visit your aunt and cousin when I have time."

"Your aunt is in good health, and Diana is also looking forward to the brothers visiting her." After saying a few words casually, Baron Davis continued to greet other nobles.

When a group of people returned to the hall of Swan Castle and sat down.

Russell could clearly see that Baron Roman did not have a good impression of this brother-in-law, and they were not very enthusiastic with each other.

Of course.

Russell roughly knew the reason.

Because Baron Davis and Aunt Robbie only had one daughter. Of course, it was not that Aunt Robbie did not want to have another boy as an heir, but her physical condition did not allow it. Even this daughter took a lot of effort to give birth.

"It seems that Baron Davis has many mistresses outside to help him give birth to sons, but none of the mistresses are pregnant..."

Russell heard these things from his grandmother, old lady Ingrid.

The old lady and her daughter Robbie would exchange a lot of letters every month, talking about everything. Among them, Aunt Robbie complained more than once that Baron Davis wanted to give birth to an illegitimate child outside.

At first, the old lady was very angry, but later she hoped that Davis could really give birth to an illegitimate child.

She even planned that when Davis gave birth to an illegitimate child, she would let Aunt Robbie take the illegitimate child back and adopt him as her own son.

What to do.

Baron Davis didn't make any noise. It turned out that it wasn't that Aunt Luo Bi was in poor health and couldn't give birth, but Baron Davis had a physical problem.

"Alas, Aunt is also pitiful. She only gave birth to my cousin Diana... I'm afraid that the Golden Plains will fall into the hands of others in the future. But it doesn't matter. Baron Davis is a flying dragon knight and is destined to live a long life. It will be a long time before the Golden Plains change hands."

Baron Davis has no heirs. As a woman, his daughter Diana cannot inherit the title. In the future, he can only choose an heir from the family's side branch.

Russell thought about some random things.

Soon he shifted his attention to Baron Davis's mount, the brown-yellow two-legged flying dragon.

It was a peat dragon.

Peat is classified as a metal, but it is also a fuel and a fertilizer. Its combustion intensity is not as strong as coal, and its fertilizer nutrition is not as good as compost, but it has a rich yield. The entire Golden Plains is almost covered with peat underground.

With such abundant peat, naturally, the golden plains are fertile for thousands of miles, and crops can be harvested three times a year. It is a piece of fertile land.

It is said that the people there dig soil from the ground and burn it at home during the ice age, which keeps them warm throughout the ice age.

"How wonderful it would be if I had a peat dragon!" Russell thought sourly.

A peat dragon can bring endless peat, which can not only meet the fuel needs of daily life, but also meet the fertilizer needs of agricultural production. It is simply perfect.

Although it was on the eve of the war, the banquet did not stop for a day.

With the arrival of Osklo Shuiliu, the Count of the Stone of the Stone Territory, with two bipedal dragons and a large number of knights, the banquet at Swan Castle also reached its peak. Even a lord like Russell had no chance to sit at the main table.

However, after the peak, it came to an end.

With the return of the dragon knights who were monitoring the snow giant Da on the front line, they brought the news that the snow demon army had been formed. Swan Castle no longer held a banquet, and all the knights went to the cave at the border of the fire ant swamp to station.

The order from the Red Castle also came on January 19.

"The Shadow Flame Dragon has decided to launch a revenge attack on the snow giant Da. All dragon knights and knights will immediately start to clear the snow demon army!"

As soon as the order came.

The knights stationed in the cave, led by the dragon knights, quickly advanced to the snowfield.

"Clear the snow demon!"

"Hunting the snow ghost!"

The knights shouted slogans one after another, braved the bitter cold wind and snow, and galloped and charged on the ice-covered land of the snowfield.

"The Snow Giant is still at the lightning point a hundred kilometers away, and seems to be waiting for something, so we are safe for the time being and can hunt snow demons and snow ghosts at will!" Baron Roman said to several lords before charging.

"It must be waiting for the Shadow Flame Dragon!" Old Lord Sally looked stern, "This is a contest between top powerhouses."

Uncle Rosen nodded in agreement: "Yes, the Snow Giant summoned the Snow Demon Corps, just to use the Snow Demon Corps to block our Knights and prevent us from interfering with the battle between it and the Shadow Flame Dragon... The victory or defeat does not depend on us."

"That's perfect!" Lord Atlas laughed, "The giants and dragons fight them, and we fight ours!"

Baron Roman saw that the knights were in high spirits, and immediately waved his hand: "Then, charge!"


The Knights of the Glow Valley began the battle to eliminate the Snow Demons.

In the support formation, Russell did not take the command position, and still let Eric take the command. He just rode the unicorn Polly, followed the support formation in a low-key manner, cut into the battlefield, and hunted the snow ghosts scattered by the charge.

"Easy, too easy!"

After cutting off the head of a snow ghost with a sword, Russell quickly waved the green ceramic sword in his hand, and several sword beams flew out, cutting the headless snow ghost into pieces.

Another sword stabbed out.

The snow ghost's head was torn into pieces by the sword beam, and a snow-white glass marble-like ice hail bead fell out.

The fighting spirit attached to the tip of the sword, and with a light pick, the ice hail bead fell into Russell's hand.

"After being promoted to the Fantasy Beast Knight, except for the Snow Demon, no other snow ghost or big snow ghost can block my sword!"

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