Warm Dragon

Chapter 234 Goodbye Watch Pan


Iron-feathered gray crane Mora was resting in the camp dedicated to the fantasy beast. When he saw Mel Yujiuka coming to visit him, he immediately stretched his neck and called out.

"Mora is particularly pestering me." Cousin Mel walked into the camp and hugged the Iron Feather Gray Crane's slender neck. "The running-in between us is progressing very quickly. Fighting Qi and wielding a sword are no longer a problem. Soon I will be able to fight Qi. Armored!"

"Awesome, my watch pot." Russell clapped his hands gently.

At this time, in the camp, a snow-white unicorn suddenly flew over with four hooves riding on the wind. It gently landed next to Russell and touched Russell's shoulder affectionately with its unicorn.

Cousin Mel's proud expression turned into surprise in an instant: "Ah, what kind of war horse is this? It's a fantasy beast, it's so cool! I thought the Nightmare Ghost Horse was the coolest war horse, but with it, It’s better than that!”

"Calm down, cousin." Russell smiled softly, "Let me introduce to you, this is Unicorn Paulie, my partner."

"Huh?" Mel was surprised, "When did you catch such an amazing phantom beast... No!"

He reacted quickly: "You're talking about a partner, Russell, right? You've already made a contract with this unicorn?"

"Just a few days ago." Russell nodded.

"Ah!" Mel grimaced and said with a wry smile, "Such a cool war horse... it makes me so sad. I just wanted to trade you a fantasy beast from the family... Where did you find it? , why can’t I find it!”

"Snow forest, Paulie and I met in a snow forest." Russell smiled.

What he is most satisfied with is the unicorn Baoli, which is more popular than most fantasy beasts. Especially from the perspective of a knight, Baoli is simply perfect.

Tigers, leopards, wild boars, eagles, falcons, snakes and scorpions and other phantom beasts are certainly very attractive, but they are not serious enough for knights.

Only war horses are the favorites of knights.

Especially when the legion is fighting, the war horse phantom beast can perfectly integrate into the knights and fight side by side with the knights.

Cousin Mel, who excitedly showed off his contracted fantasy beast, was already a little shaken by the appearance of the unicorn Paulie. Iron Feather Gray Crane Moura felt his frustration and nudged him with her head, which made Mel feel better.

Although not as handsome and stylish as the unicorn Baoli, the iron-feathered gray crane is also a rare flying fantasy beast.

Still very strong.

Suddenly, he thought of something: "Russell, you have contracted with the fantasy beast now, which means that you are no longer pure...don't you want to get the approval of Lord Medikalen anymore? That is a dragon, a flying dragon knight!" "

"Cousin." Russell said softly, "There will be a war soon. The more strength I have, the more ability I can protect myself."

"I understand, but... we are dragon knights after all." Mel struggled, "Don't you want us brothers to ride on two-legged dragons and fight side by side in the future?"

"I am lucky to have gained it, but I have lost my life." Russell smiled calmly, "If Lord Medikalen really recognizes me, so what if I contract a fantasy beast? Which flying dragon knight has not contracted a fantasy beast? It's just a matter of order. "

Most dragon knights, even if they succeed in riding a dragon as a virgin, will continue to contract with fantasy beasts in the future to increase their own power.

There are also many flying dragon knights who were already fantasy beast knights before riding dragons.

The difference between the two is probably the difference between taking a wife first and then taking a concubine, and taking a concubine first and then taking a wife. Whether or not you take a concubine does not actually affect getting a wife.

After a pause, Russell added: "Besides, Your Excellency Medikalun may not really approve of me. A mouthful of Origin Dragon Breath is probably just a sign of taking matters into consideration and not wanting to owe a debt, so let it be."

"Alas!" Mel sighed, still a little upset.

"Cousin, go back."

"No, let me be quiet here." Mel glanced at the unicorn Pauly, feeling regretful.

People are divided into groups and things are flocked together.

Such a handsome horse should be worthy of such a handsome knight.

Of course, he could accept it with Russell - at least it wasn't a knight like Roland who contracted a unicorn.

Mel refused to leave, and Russell was too embarrassed to leave first, so he stayed with him in the camp for a while, and then he couldn't sit still anymore and started to get along with the unicorn Paulie.

"You are really hardworking all the time." Mel said with emotion when he saw this.

During the time when he lived in the territory of Sanchahekou, Russell would never forget to practice even if he traveled around.

Now that they have all been promoted to Phantom Beast Knights, it is still the same.

"It has to be like this, cousin, I suggest you be more diligent." Russell took back his sword, took a breath, and said, "If you don't sharpen your weapon quickly in battle, it will be useless. The war is coming, and your current strength is far from enough."

"We just stayed in the back," Mel said. "My father asked me to stay in the support formation and be ready to retreat at any time."

"That's what my father told me."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Then Russell stopped smiling: "Despite this, you still have to practice hard... The Battle of the Fall twenty-one years ago... By the way, it stands to reason that as the heir, you can stay at the mouth of the Sancha River, why are you here at the front line?"

"It was my grandfather who asked me to come and see the world." Mel shrugged, "My grandfather will come over in person in a few days, and then I will go back."

"Uh..." Russell was stunned.

Then he started to despise Mel. No wonder Mel was still as lazy as before. It turned out that he just came here to show his face and would return to the territory soon. There was no need to go to the battlefield in person.

"Don't look at me like that." Mel seemed to already know what Russell was thinking, "If it weren't for the continuation of the family, I would not go back, and this time I have decided that I must see the Snow Giant with my own eyes. Da!”

He clenched his fists and said excitedly: "In such a battle, if I can't even see the Snow Giant, it will be a lifelong regret for me!"

"Be careful not to faint."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"We have a Lord in the Netherworld Valley who participated in the Battle of the Fall twenty-one years ago. He only saw a big foot of the Snow Giant falling from the sky, and then he was knocked unconscious by the shock wave of the big foot stomping on the ground."

"Haha, he is too miserable."

"There are others even worse than him. Many people don't even have the opportunity to return to their hometowns and tell this bleak and funny story."

"Okay." Mel thought for a moment, and it was indeed true.

Afterwards, the two brothers chatted about life in the camp for a while, and then returned to the guest tower of Neuschwanstein Castle to rest together.

This night.

Unicorn Paulie is still in the dark dreamland, thinking about her own use.

Russell and Xiao Menglong took Sword Butterfly and Thorns for a tour around Swan Castle and Swan Lake.

I also admired the mysterious flame patterns of several bipedal flying dragons, including the blue crystal dragon brought by the Yujiuka family, the brass dragon brought by the Sunflower family, and the Bismuth Hualong brought by the Bajiao family - Bismuth Hua is a A special metal that can be used to enchant ordinary weapons.

An ordinary long sword can be transformed into a magical weapon by spraying it with a layer of bismuth. It can cut iron like clay.

Even the sword's glow can skyrocket.

"Cool, when can I ride a flying dragon?" Russell thought in his mind. Although the little Menglong is good, he is still young.

I don’t know that it will take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to accompany the volcanic eruption and become a real giant dragon.

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