Warm Dragon

Chapter 170 The Dragon's Promise

After removing the snow demon crystal, Lord Medicaron's body no longer had any hidden dangers, so the flame pattern returned to normal.

However, it can be clearly felt that its flame color is darker than Lord Mercedes's flame color.

First, he was seriously injured once, and second, he gave away some of his origin, so he is now in a weak state.

"Ice cream."


"You said, before you grow up, if I plan to ride a two-legged flying dragon, how about riding Lord Medicaron?"

"Huh." Xiao Menglong bared his teeth, obviously not very satisfied with Russell's choice.

"Lord Medicaron is not bad, he gave me the origin dragon breath, which helped me to greatly speed up my cultivation progress."


Xiao Menglong simply shook his head, and he did not allow Russell to ride Lord Medicaron.

Russell frowned: "What about Mr. Mercedes?"


"No way, what about Mr. Ross? There are only three wyverns that I can get in touch with. You can't let me ride any of them?"


Xiao Menglong was very determined and firmly opposed.

"Then can you come out of the mountain earlier? Three years, I will give you three years to erupt from the volcano, how about that?"

"Gah." Xiao Menglong tilted his head to look at the sky, and there was nothing in the sky, just a dark patch.

Russell couldn't analyze what it meant from its cry and expression. Xiao Menglong has indeed grown up, and a pair of horns have forked, but apart from simple communication, it can't communicate with anything more complicated.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time." Russell could only do this, "And I don't want to be too ambitious, ride the fantasy beast first and then the flying dragon, earn more resources to help the ice cream develop, and strive to ride a real dragon as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this,

He patted Xiao Menglong's head: "Right, ice cream!"

Xiao Menglong didn't know what Russell was talking about, but that didn't stop him from pretending to know, and he said in a very cooperative voice: "Ga!"

"It's settled, ice cream."


"The dragon promised, and you can't go back on your word."



The next day, September 12, 5581 of the Dragon Calendar, the warm season gradually approached the hottest summer season, and even a warm enclave like Sanchahekou could feel a hint of hot air.

"I like this season, I like the hot summer season." Lola changed into a beautiful floral dress.

Sister Luo Lin took her sister's hand and said with a smile: "Which girl doesn't like the season when you can wear a skirt."

She also put on a skirt, but it was a long skirt with a black base, and a light purple jacket on the upper body. If you don't look at her face, the whole person seems to be a beauty walking out of a classical oil painting, with an elegant and charming temperament.

"If you are around a volcano, it will be no fun in the hot summer." The eldest brother Roland has come out of yesterday's embarrassment and regained the confidence of the heir of the baron.

Lola was puzzled: "Why?"

"Because the volcano is hot, if it is hot in the summer, it is simply not a place for people to stay." Roland began to talk about his experience in the Dragon Blood Knights, "... Every time you go to the volcano for training, you can get so hot that you will peel off a layer of skin..."

Rowling continued: "So it is better to go to a warm enclave. Even in the hot summer, you won't feel that hot."

"But it will be very cold in winter." Russell also came out.

He also changed into a new outfit, not the clothes he brought from home, but the clothes prepared for him by Bluebird Castle.

The dark red bottom waist buttonless tuxedo is embroidered with black floral patterns from the collar to the outer edge of the hem, and there are pins and chains on the chest. The inside is lined with a black vest, gold double-breasted, and each row of buttons is connected by a gold chain.

She wore a pair of tight breeches on her lower body and boots that were not very high, all made of black fabric.

The overall style looked simple and elegant, but if you looked closely, you could see the complicated patterns and decorations inside.

From bow ties to buttons, from pins to chains, everything needed to be carefully matched.

"Well, Russell, I really want to tear your face apart." Rowling said bluntly, "How did you get born to be so handsome? And I have to admit that this outfit suits you very well, even Mel is suppressed by you."

"Thank you."

"Russell, you are so handsome." Lola also praised enviously.

After praising, she sighed sadly. It was obvious that the eleven-year-old girl had awakened her talent for beauty and knew the gap between her and Russell.

Only the eldest brother Roland disdained Russell's handsomeness and even had a sense of superiority - what's the use of being handsome? Didn't you see that the ladies and ladies welcomed him more at the birthday party? Facts have proved that identity is much more useful than being handsome.

"Okay, hurry downstairs to eat. Father, mother, uncle, and aunt have probably finished eating."

The four siblings went downstairs together.

Cousin Mel hurried over: "Wait a minute, wait for me."

He walked quickly, and in front of him was a close-fitting manservant, who trotted sideways to help him straighten his wrinkled collar.

"Hey, be steady, Mel." Rowling laughed.

Mel ignored Rowling's ridicule. He was only one year older than Rowling, and he knew the mischievous character of this ordinary-looking cousin.

He simply asked: "Where's Cooper?"

"He's downstairs, eating with my parents and your parents."

"He got up really early."

"As an heir, isn't this a basic requirement?" Rowling said.

"You talk as if Roland and I are not heirs, but we are still sleeping until now." Mel tidied up his clothes and hugged Roland and Russell directly, "Right, there are not many happy things in life, and sleeping is one of them."

Russell laughed: "Sorry, I'm not an heir, so I don't need to get up early."

After talking and laughing, several people came to the buffet restaurant downstairs and saw Viscount Major and his wife chatting with Baron Roman and his wife. Lord Cooper also had a good chat with them.

When Russell and others joined, the chat atmosphere became more lively.

Until Earl Merlin came downstairs.



Everyone stood up.

Count Merlin looked at Baron Roman and his wife with a calm expression, without any reluctance to part: "Have you had breakfast? Let's set off early. It's a long way from Bluebird Castle to Shuanghe Commercial Road. Don't waste time."

"Father, we are leaving. Please take care of yourself." Lady Meryl stepped forward and gently hugged Count Merlin.

Baron Roman performed a knight's etiquette of beating his chest.

"Go, come and visit me when you have time." Count Merlin nodded.

Then the whole family moved to the gate of the castle. Count Merlin stopped at the door. Viscount Major and his wife hugged Roland and others respectively, and asked: "Mel, Russell, you can see me off."

Mel nodded: "Okay, father."

Then he and Russell got on the horse and followed the convoy of Baron Roman and his wife.

Count Merlin, Viscount Major and his wife were left standing in front of the gate, watching the convoy leave the castle and disappear on the road down the mountain.

"Father, the convoy has gone far away, you should go back and rest." Viscount Major said.

"Yes." Earl Merlin turned around, returned to the hall and went straight upstairs. Although he was over 70 years old, he was still walking briskly.

But today, his back looked a little lonely.

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