Warm Dragon

Chapter 169: Soul


Viscount Major and his wife took their son Mellin with them and left Earl Merlin's room, and then said goodbye to their son outside Mellin's room.


Back in the room, Mrs. Kunna immediately slammed the door.

"What's wrong with you?" Viscount Major frowned, "It's okay to slam the door. Your Excellency Medikalen is safe and sound."

Mrs. Kunna looked at Viscount Major coldly: "Don't you think your father has gone too far!"

"What's wrong with father?"

"Your Excellency Medikalen is my dowry. What right does he have to hand over Medikalen to Russell for treatment? The most important thing is, when Your Excellency Medikalen gave the Origin Dragon Breath as a gift, why didn't your father stop him!"

"Russell was kind enough to save Mr. Medikalen. Mr. Medikalen thanked him with his original dragon breath. So what's going on? Is there anything to make a fuss about?"

"Original Dragon Breath, Major, don't you understand?" The veins on Mrs. Kunna's beautiful face were exposed, "Your Excellency Medikalen only had a little bit of Original Dragon Breath, and he wasted it on an outsider. "

"Russell is not an outsider."

"Yes, he is your relative and nephew." Mrs. Kunna sneered, "But what does it have to do with me."

Viscount Major frowned deeply: "It's just a little bit of the origin. Father made it very clear, just a small sip, it's harmless!"

"Whether it's a small sip or a big sip, this is no reason for your father to dispose of it at will. I am the only one who has the right to use my dowry. No one, including you, including your stubbornly in love father, is eligible!"

"I understand that you are angry, but pay attention to your wording." Viscount Major responded in the same cold voice, "My father is also your father!"

"My father is the Dragon Knight, Quentin III Shadowflame!"

"You should say the late Dragon Knight!"

"Don't insult my father, you are just his subjects!" Mrs. Kunna raised her hand to slap Viscount Major.

But she was no match for Major, the Phantom Beast Knight. Viscount Major grabbed her arm with his backhand and threw her to the ground.

Then he said in a cold voice: "After all these years, you are still pretending to be the daughter of your grand duke. Kunna, you can't see the truth, can you! Your dragon knight father is dead. Even the Shadow Flame Dragon is almost dead. Killed by the Snow Giant!"

"shut up!"

"If my father hadn't stood up and taken control of the Senate, your nephew Kunstein might not have been able to keep his position as Grand Duke!" Viscount Major yelled, "So you'd better respect my father and really kill Kunstan." Stan, the Shadow Flame Dragon may not punish my family!”


"What are you doing? In order to fight for power, your nephew even brought out his own mother to make pornographic rumors. He is truly a son of a demented marquis, as demented as his father! Look at Kunna, the principality will fall sooner or later. In his hands, including the Shadow Flame Dragon, he will be killed!"

"Shut up, shut up, Major, I told you to shut up!" Mrs. Kunna rushed over like crazy, but was quickly thrown by Viscount Major by the bedside.

This time, she finally recognized the reality of strength and weakness.

So he held the bedside and began to cry: "If your father hadn't been in love with the family and wouldn't let go of the Grand Duke's seal, how could Kunstein use rumors to force him to retreat... retreat to the territory, and still not delegate power to you and me? !”

"If you still remember that we are husband and wife, then put away your ugly behavior and continue to act like a good viscountess!"

After saying that, Viscount Major relaxed his expression and stretched out his hand to Mrs. Kunna.

Mrs. Kunna gave Viscount Major a fierce look, opened Viscount Major's hand, and stood up: "If I hadn't wanted to win over the two earls, how could I have married you and suffered so many years of grievance in your family? "

"If you don't marry me, you have to exchange with your sister and marry Osclo Shuiliu. That barbarian is not as gentle as me and won't hit a woman."

When Viscount Major spoke, his expression was quite proud.

Marrying the Grand Duke's daughter as his wife was one of the factors that made him proud. He had a better reputation than another Earl, Osclo Mizuryana, and it was also a factor that made him proud - he and Earl Osclo were brothers-in-law.

Mrs. Kunna was speechless after hearing this.

After a long time, he sat back on the dressing table and shed tears: "It is our misfortune for my sister and me to be born into a powerful family."

"Don't moan for a while. You were born into a serf family. You may have to be buried at this age. Go to bed quickly." Viscount Major took off his clothes and lay on the bed, and warned him uneasily, "I will see off the Romans tomorrow. Don't cry." Swollen eyes."


In the dark dream, Russell waved to the flying little dream dragon, then turned over and rode on it.

In an instant, magical light bloomed bit by bit, adding countless vitality and brilliance to the entire dark dream.

"Come on, ice cream, take a look at the gift I brought you." Russell pointed to the thing on the bed that glowed with dark blue light and said, "Snow Demon Crystal, although it is not an ice soul bead, it is still the power of Snow Demon. The crystallization is absolutely a great supplement.”


Little Menglong came close to the Snow Demon Crystal, sniffed it, and then opened its mouth and began to retching: "Gah vomit..."

"What's wrong?"

"Gah!" Xiao Menglong immediately stepped back three meters away from the Snow Demon Crystal, as if he smelled shit.

Russell scratched the back of his head: "Isn't this Snow Demon Crystal delicious?"


"No way, such a strong snow demon light, it shouldn't be. Don't you like to eat the ice soul beads that are crystallized by the snow demon power? Why are you so disgusted with the snow demon crystal?" For a moment, Russell was a little confused.

But soon he thought of it. When Xiao Menglong absorbed the snow demon power from Kevin, the half-ghost beast, he also had this kind of shit-eating reaction.

It seems that this impure snow demon power is not a tonic for Xiao Menglong.

I can't figure it out, but Russell can't press Xiao Menglong's head and let it eat the snow demon crystal like eating shit, so he can only give up.

"Let's go, let's go see how the injury of Lord Medikaren is."


"It's a pity that I can't see my body. If possible, I really want to see how my current body can shine with magic light!" Russell looked at the bed with some regret. There was no glowing body there.

Russell in the deep and dark dream is a cartoon villain, which is obviously not his real body.

His real body is still sleeping on the bed in the real world.

It's just that unlike other knights, because of the existence of fighting spirit, a rough outline will be formed in the dark dream.

"Maybe the me in the dream at this moment is the concentration of my whole body's magic power?"

Russell guessed that he was probably in the so-called "primordial spirit" form in fantasy novels. The magic power of the body is maintained by the primordial spirit, so after the primordial spirit leaves the body, the real body will not emit the light of magic power.

Little Dream Dragon flew slowly towards Lord Medicaron.

Russell suddenly thought: "Since I am in the form of 'primordial spirit', what about Xiao Menglong, and what about the sword butterfly and thorns?"

He looked at the Xiao Menglong under his crotch. This giant dragon was quite mini, so he narrowed his eyes: "Obviously, the giant dragon will not be so small, so it is very likely that the ice cream is also in the form of 'primordial spirit', and its true body is living in a volcano that has not yet erupted?"

Then he looked at the thorns growing on the giant dragon's horns and the sword butterfly resting on its head: "These two amber insects, are they also in the form of 'primordial spirit'... The thorns are a bit similar. It can turn into a five-meter-long thorn whip in my hand, but it's hard to say about the sword butterfly."

The sword butterfly is a sword butterfly. After being summoned, it is an ordinary, fist-sized silver-gray butterfly.

"I can't figure it out." Russell shook his head.

At this time, Xiao Menglong had already flown in front of Lord Medikaren, flying around the other party's body of light that was burning like a flame.

The cry was quite arrogant and disdainful: "Ga!"


On the first day of April, Lao Bai begged everyone for the guaranteed monthly ticket~

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