Warm Dragon

Chapter 162 Tit for tat

On the slope at the top of the arrow tower, His Excellency Medikalun was still squatting as before, but his head was drooped, and he was obviously not in a high mood.

The pain on the back of his thigh made it difficult for him to cheer up. His previous posture was just the pride of being a wyvern, which he held on to.

Now that Russell has exposed it, it has taken off its disguise.

As for Russell, he put his hands on the back of his head, lying on the slope, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, watching the slowly changing clouds on the horizon.

The whole person's posture is very relaxed.

But his mind was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Visiting Mr. Medikalun and revealing the hidden dangers in Mr. Medikalun was not because of his good intentions - of course, there were some factors that caused his good intentions. His grandfather gave him an elf, but he could not repay him, so he thought of doing something for his grandfather. Heal the dragon.

The bigger reason was that he wanted to use this trial to explore whether the bipedal flying dragon could discover the little dream dragon in him.

Now it seems.

Lord Medikalun was obviously able to sense the aura of Little Menglong from certain aspects. But it was probably just a vague feeling. It was not certain that Russell actually had a giant dragon on his body, otherwise his reaction would not have been so light.

Whether it is showing hostility and resistance, showing caution and fear, or being submissive and submissive, this is the true reaction that the flying dragon should have after noticing the presence of the giant dragon.

The bipedal flying dragon was born from the power radiation of the giant dragon, but at the same time it was an independent individual. It would not surrender to the dragon because of this, and would only obey its orders. Individual differences will also lead to resistance, fear or surrender to the dragon.

"But now, His Excellency Medikalen's behavior is more like... friendly?" Russell thought in his mind.

This is obviously not the attitude that the flying dragon should have after noticing the existence of the giant dragon.

Therefore, he speculated that Lord Medikalen had no idea that Russell had a giant dragon on his body.

Maybe it was the aura of Little Menglong that had an influence on it, causing it to show a friendly side to Russell.

"So, Mr. Rose's hostility towards me, Mr. Mercedes's disdain for me, and Mr. Medikalen's friendliness towards me are all actually due to the power of the ice cream dragon, which has a certain influence on them. A 'radiation' effect?"

It's a pity that Russell doesn't know the language of flying dragons, can't guess the thoughts of the flying dragons, and can't prove whether his judgment is right or wrong.

After thinking about it, Russell took back his hands on the back of his head and sat up.

Then he raised his left hand, calling Xiao Menglong in his heart, and saw the M-shaped mark on his palm slowly burning.

There are sword butterfly marks the size of sesame seeds rotating around, and thorn marks on the corners of the M-shaped mark are also swinging in the wind.

When this set of seals burns, sparks will scatter outward.

Russell turned to look at Lord Medicalun. The blue crystal dragon obviously didn't notice the abnormality. He turned a blind eye to the burning mark in Russell's hand and the scattered sparks. He just lowered his head and felt depressed.

"It seems that it really can't feel the existence of the ice cream. Its friendliness to me should be an effect based on the radiation of the ice cream's power."

Russell thought, clenching his left hand into a fist.

The burning mark quickly disappeared, sparks splashed out from the gaps between his fingers, and quickly disappeared. This was an illusion that only he could see.

Mel was still rushing over in the corridor, and Count Merlin was already pacing in the air, walking on the air to the top of the arrow tower.

As a flying dragon knight, he can already fly freely regardless of the gravity of Longmian Continent.

"Grandpa." Russell stood up.

"Well." Earl Merlin fell in front of Lord Medikalen and asked in a deep voice, "Medikalen, your hind leg injury has not healed? Is it a scratch from two months ago, or was it the battle in the snowfield a few years ago? , the wound punctured by the snow demon?"

Lord Medikalen looked at Earl Merlin, his eyes showed no emotion, and naturally he did not answer Earl Merlin.

The communication between the knight and the flying dragon has always been something that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

But at this moment.

Russell felt that there seemed to be neither words nor understanding between his grandfather and His Excellency Medikalen.

The big eyes stared at the small eyes for a while.

Earl Merlin became impatient and said: "You guy, why do you always have such a face when you see me? Kunna is my daughter-in-law. She married into my Yujiuhua family, and she is a member of my Yujiuhua family. You That’s my dragon!”


Lord Medikalen blew out two dragon breaths and dismissed Earl Merlin's words.

Although the wyvern has a high IQ, it is still a proud magical creature and is unwilling to bow its head in front of Earl Merlin.

"Let me help you take a look at the injury." Earl Merlin had no choice but to beat Lord Medikalen.

But Lord Medicalun suddenly spread his wings, with the dragon's head lying in front of him, blocking Earl Merlin's way.

His teeth were exposed, his teeth bared, and he let out a low growl.

Apparently he was very resistant to Lord Merlin checking his injuries.

"You want to disobey me!" Count Merlin glared. The dragon knight's aura suddenly surged, and powerful power continued to leak out, distorting the air around his body.

Russell quickly took two steps back.

Whether he was a bipedal flying dragon or a flying dragon knight, the dragon's breath was flowing through his body, and he didn't want to be burned by the dragon's breath.

"Huh!" Not to be outdone, His Excellency Medikalen also burst out with a strong aura, confronting Count Merlin tit for tat.

One person and one dragon, the size difference is huge.

But the strength is equally divided. No one can crush the other, and they can only stand in a stalemate on the top of the arrow tower. The specially fired tiles are harder than metal armor, but under the impact of these two forces, they gradually crack. Tiny cracks.

"Grandfather! Your Excellency Medikalen!" Cousin Mel saw this scene just as he climbed up, "Don't fight anymore!"

As he said that, he withstood the two surging forces and rushed between a man and a dragon, separating Earl Merlin and Lord Medikalen.

Lord Medikalen's contract has been transferred to Mrs. Kunna by the Red Castle.

As the son of Mrs. Kunna, the power of the contract was naturally inherited by Mel, so Lord Medikalun would not harm Mel.

After Mel got in the way, both the man and the dragon were on the right track, so they all stopped and took back their own dragon breath power into their bodies. The crisis of the upcoming human-dragon war was easily eliminated.

Russell also poked his head out from the other side of the sloping roof of the arrow tower.

Although Earl Merlin calmed down his momentum, the expression on his face was very ugly. He said coldly: "You don't let me help you treat your injury, and the injury cannot be healed. What are you going to do, commit suicide slowly, stupid dragon!"

"Huh!" Lord Medikalen bared his teeth and glared at Earl Merlin fiercely.

Earl Merlin wanted to scold him again, so Mel quickly stopped his grandfather, then turned to Lord Medikalen and said, "You'd better let your grandfather take a look."

Lord Medikalen snorted two dragon breaths from his nostrils with disdain, the meaning is self-evident.

"Then let it die. One dragon is enough to protect the territory. It doesn't matter whether there is this stupid dragon or not." Earl Merlin said coldly.

Mel was again kind and persuasive.

But Lord Medicalun insisted not to let Count Merlin touch him, but it didn't really want to die. Instead, it turned to look at Russell who came back quietly, then lowered his head, arched Russell's back with his head, and signaled Russell Help it heal.

Russell looked at Lord Merlin.

Earl Merlin frowned, but soon returned to calmness: "Feel free to take action, Russell. If you kill it, it's just because of its bad luck."

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