Warm Dragon

Chapter 161 Pain

"Gah." Xiao Menglong hovered in front of the magical light figure of Karen, the blue crystal dragon, with disdain.

Russell carefully checked the condition of the blue crystal dragon.

Red flame patterns are all over the body, and every detail of the blue crystal dragon's body is outlined in detail. The scales, claws, dragon horns, and even the pupils are clearly revealed from the patterns, but there is no look.

There was only one place, a black spot on the back of the thigh, as if the flame had gone out.

The black spot is not big, especially compared with the blue crystal dragon that is seven or eight meters long. It can be said that it is just a small black spot. However, the appearance of this black spot seriously restricts the flame pattern on its thighs, making it Mysteries are gone.

Moreover, Russell looked carefully and found that there was another kind of light in this black spot, which was obscured by the black spot and could not be seen clearly.

"It seems like... a dark blue light. Hey, this light seems to be similar to the light of the Snow Demon!" Russell suddenly realized.

He now doubted whether Lord Medikalen had been seriously injured in his early years, so that the power of the snow demon still remained deep in the back of its thigh, and suppressed Lord Medikalen's own power, causing the flame pattern to disappear. .

"It seems like Sir Medikalen should be in pain every day, right?" Russell thought.

However, he did not let Little Menglong act rashly. Firstly, Little Menglong did not like food mixed with magic, such as half-ghost beasts. Secondly, if Little Menglong moved around, it might attract the attention of the flying dragon. .

"However, you can ask Cousin Mel tomorrow to find out what kind of injury Mr. Medikalun suffered, and it has not healed for so long."

"Gah." Xiao Menglong was already impatient with waiting.

Russell laughed: "Okay, let's go, let's go around!"

Russell didn't plan to find anything good this time. Sancha River Estuary was not his territory. Everything on the territory belonged to Earl Merlin. He had already received the tobacco elf Neeko generously gifted by Earl Merlin, so he didn't expect more.

I didn't want to hunt for treasure, so I rode the little dream dragon and soon flew away from the dark dreamland, wandering around, even going to Dawan Kuanhe.

The Qingshui River and the Zhuoshui River meet at the Dawankuan River. Because this area is a plain, a huge and wide river like a lake has emerged.

Countless fishes live and breed here, and even fish phantoms have been born.

One person, one dragon, one butterfly and one flower were flying at the bottom of the Dawan Kuan River. They saw a lot of strange magical lights. They were all small light spots. I don’t know what the blooming thing was. It might be a river clam. It may also be a metazoan fish.

However, these spots of magic light were fleeting, and even if Russell wanted to mark them, he could not mark them.


Little Menglong stood at the bottom of the river and yawned: "Gah..."

"Okay, let's say goodbye and see you tomorrow night." Russell waved his hand, and everything became dark again.

The next day, when Mel came to see Russell for a walk, Russell didn't waste any time and directly mentioned that he wanted to see the dragon.

"Looking at the dragon, no problem!" Mel smiled, "I heard Roland say that your Lord Ross is dismissive of you. It's better for you to please Lord Medikalen, just in case you two are compatible. , just be my vassal."

"How can riding a dragon be so simple?" Russell smiled.

As for whether to be Roland's vassal or Mel's, he actually hadn't thought about it. As a man who owns a giant dragon, it is enough to create a country by himself. He doesn't have to think about who he wants to serve as a vassal.

The two of them walked all the way to the Arrow Tower, with servants behind them carrying a roasted whole lamb, which was a gift to Lord Medikalen.

He quickly climbed to the top of the arrow tower.

Lord Medikalen was squatting above. When he saw Mel and Russell arriving, he rolled his eyelids and didn't react much.

Even if two people came up with a whole roasted lamb on their shoulders, it would remain indifferent.

"Your Excellency Medikalen, Russell and I are here to see you." Mel smiled, "Look, we brought you some delicious food."


Lord Medikalen blew out two faint flames from his nostrils, then gently stretched his neck, opened his big mouth, picked up the roasted whole lamb, raised his head, and swallowed it into his stomach in three or two strokes. , licked his mouth again, and sat down again.

A roasted whole lamb is just a snack for it.

Mel stretched out his hand and touched the calf of His Excellency Medikalun. Russell also took the opportunity to move to the slope on the top of the arrow tower, just enough to touch His Excellency Medikalun's thigh.

However, he did not stretch out his hand, but asked: "Your Excellency Medikalun, is it okay if I touch you?"

The IQ of the wyvern is not much worse than that of humans.

Medikalen squinted at Russell, snorted and blew out two faint flames, then lowered his head.

Mel nodded and said, "You can touch it."

Russell then stretched out his hand and touched it gently according to the position he observed in the dark dream last night.

At the same time, if you look carefully, you can see a faint scar on the back of the thigh.

The wyvern's metabolism is very fast. Basically, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as it is not dead, it can be recovered quickly.

"There is a scar here, cousin, when did Medikalen get injured?" Russell asked.

"Skin injury. About a few months ago, when escorting my mother to the Gravel Territory, Mr. Medikalun went out to hunt the Snow Demon, and then he scratched his skin... Well, it's been several days, why are there scars? It hasn’t been eliminated yet.”

Mel also saw this faint scar and joked, "Sir Medikaren, when did your recovery ability become so poor?"

Medikaren bared his teeth.

Russell immediately said what he had carefully considered: "Mel, I feel that Sir Medikaren seems to have some pain in his eyes. Could it be that this wound is very deep, or is it the power of the snow demon that remains in the wound and has not subsided?"

"How is it possible? It's just a superficial wound." Mel disagreed.

Russell asked Medikaren, "If Sir Medikaren is in pain, why not tell me, maybe I can help you."

"You are trying too hard to please him." Mel commented. He thought Russell was trying to please the Blue Crystal Dragon, so he was so concerned. "The dragon will not recognize you just because of your gentle behavior."

Sir Medikaren turned his head and looked at Russell.

It seemed that he was examining Russell.

Then, under Mel's surprised gaze, he slowly nodded to Russell, his eyes clearly showing pain.

"This..." Mel was stunned for a moment.

He had never seen a powerful and tough wyvern, but it actually had this side, showing such a painful look. Even the corners of his mouth full of fangs began to twitch, which was a situation that would only occur when the pain reached the extreme.

"Mel, it seems that Lord Medicaron's injury is more serious than I thought. I think this must be the power of the snow demon, which is stinging it in its body." Russell looked directly into Mel's eyes, "We need to open the wound and extract the power of the snow demon."

Mel was already confused, and nodded immediately after hearing this: "Okay, I'll go and inform my grandfather!"

Russell nodded: "Go, I'll stay here with Lord Medicaron."

When Mel climbed down the arrow tower, Russell whispered to Lord Medicaron: "Let my grandfather come to help you first. If he can heal you, let him do it, after all, he is a dragon knight. If grandpa can't heal you, I will definitely help you heal!"


Lord Medicaron lowered his head and snorted at Russell.

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