Warm Dragon

Chapter 13 Old Lady Ingrid

For an hour, Russell practiced for a full hour in the morning class, going back and forth and only practicing one move in "Yu Guang Sword Technique".

By the end of the training, my arms were numb.

"Eric, have you noticed that Russell works much harder than before." Charles whispered to Eric. "In the past, he always had to take two or three breaks during morning classes, but now he doesn't even take a break, and he doesn't move at all. "Relax."

"My lord has matured." Eric said concisely.

The seed of fighting spirit blooms, the coming-of-age ceremony, the lordship, the boy's growth into a man does not only happen from a woman's belly.

At least in Eric's view, Russell's maturity was due to shouldering the burden of being a lord.

Lords are never just rulers and exploiters. They are also protectors of their people. They need to fight against the invading snow demons and protect everything on their territory with sweat and blood.


He put down his stainless steel sword, took the towel from the valet Ram, and simply wiped off his sweat.

Russell came over and said, "Teachers, it's getting late. I have to take a shower and then set off for the Fluorescent Castle. I'll leave the patrolling of the territory to you two. I hope that after I come back, you can discuss the area for planting potions." "

Eric responded: "No!"

Charles said: "Don't worry Russell, I talked to Old Hans and the others yesterday, and I already know a lot about the farmland in the manor. I will soon be able to determine which field is most suitable for growing potions."

"Okay." Russell returned to the manor courtyard.

The maid had prepared hot water for him. After taking a bath, the valet Ram helped him change into a tuxedo suitable for riding.

Without a hair dryer, you can only wipe the towel several times to quickly absorb the moisture from your hair.

When he went downstairs, he returned to the image of a handsome young aristocratic elite with jade trees facing the wind. Every gesture and gesture showed his luxurious temperament.

"You are a born noble, sir." Morris praised.

"Thank you." Russell smiled.

Then he strode out of the manor's courtyard. Ram, the manservant who followed behind him, was a little nervous and glanced at Maurice.

Morris immediately whispered: "Hurry up and follow the master. When you arrive at the Fluorescent Castle, be alert and serve the master. Don't lose your identity as the master!"

Ram responded: "I will try my best, no, I promise."

Outside the gate, Russell had already mounted his black horse, and four knights in costumes behind him were also ready to go.

Seeing the valet Ram, the costumed knight Tom smiled maliciously and asked: "Young man, can you ride a horse?"

"I, I will."

"It's boring." After not getting the desired result, Tom was too lazy to talk nonsense, "Be careful to keep up and don't fall behind!"


The black horse under Russell's seat neighed and rushed out like a sharp arrow. Four knights in costume followed closely behind him in a long line. At the end was the valet Ram, lying on the horse, holding on nervously and apprehensively. Don't dare to let go of the reins.

Taking care of the manservant Ram, who was not very skilled in riding horses, Russell did not speed up his horse too fast, but instead practiced fighting spirit on the road.

Morning classes are for fighting spirit to break through and open up new meridians.

Now it is time to guide Dou Qi and circulate Little Zhou Tian over and over again to refine new Dou Qi and continue to grow.

Two hours later, the Fluorescent Fort was in sight.

After passing through the stone arch and arriving at the castle gate, Russell got off his horse and saw the old butler Carter already waiting in front of the gate.

"Master Russell, welcome home. Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's very practical, but I miss the room in the castle." Russell actually didn't miss it at all. He was more comfortable living in the manor's courtyard.

"Your room is reserved for you at any time," Butler Carter said.

"Of course, I won't see anyone outside."

The four costumed knights behind him dismounted, and the manservant Ram also dismounted. His legs were still shaking a little when he landed.

Although horse riding is an important option in the required courses for valet training, he has not ridden a horse for a long time, except for a temporary surprise last night.

Seeing that Tom, the costumed knight, was about to leave, Ram asked what he had wondered along the way: "Sir Tom, if I don't know how to ride a horse, will I not be able to serve you?"

"Hehe." Tom grinned, "If you can't ride a horse, I will drive you...but you will have to accept the ravages of Uncle Tom along the way."

Ram suddenly shuddered and rushed into the castle as if he was running away.

Tom was left with a disdainful laugh: "Uncle Tom doesn't do fencing. Besides, you little kid has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks..."

"Don't cause trouble, Tom," said James, the costumed knight.

"Just teasing the manservant."

"Watch your attitude, Tom, and don't mess with your lord's manservant. Otherwise, if your lord investigates, we won't speak for you."

Tom sneered: "Why would you care about a male servant?"

Another costumed knight, John, said: "Whether you care about it, my lord, this is no reason for you to tease the manservant. Your lord is a born nobleman. If you still want to make progress, then be loyal to your lord and be a qualified follower."

Tom raised his hands in surrender: "Don't worry, guys, I understand the truth!"

"Father, mother, Laura, ah, grandma, when did you come?" Russell soon met his family.

Not only the Baron and his wife and sister Laura were there, but also his grandmother, Mrs. Ingrid.

"I'm counting the days. I know you, the little will-o'-the-wisp, are going to the fiefdom. Can grandma come and see you? I didn't expect you to be unwilling to stay for even one more day." Mrs. Ingrid came up and gave it to her eldest grandson. A heartfelt hug.

"I was just thinking about going to my uncle's manor to meet you." Russell smiled.

He also has an uncle, Rosen Fluorescent Mushroom, who is in a similar situation to him. He was also the second son of the family. When he came of age, he was made a lord by his grandfather. His fiefdom was in the Gale Manor upstream of the Glowing River. Now both of them are vassals of Baron Roman.

"Your uncle also wants to come, but the situation in the North is not stable. Those damn snow ghosts have repeatedly appeared, and he can't get away." Old Lady Ingrid said.

The old lady did not live in Fluorescent Castle with her eldest son, but lived in a hot spring villa in Gale Manor with her second son.

There is a hot spring there that is warm all year round. Taking a bath in the hot spring can prolong life.

Russell sat down with old lady Ingrid and asked casually, "Didn't your aunt come with you?"

"Once she comes, the two children will follow. Then your father will dislike them for being noisy."

"How could your father dislike two cousins ​​being noisy?"

"Yes, of course your father won't, but others may not." As she said that, old lady Ingrid seemed to accidentally glance at the baroness who was instructing the servants to serve the dishes, "After all, it is the baron's castle, and the rules are strict."

Baroness Meryl turned around, with an unchanged smile on her face, and seemed not to hear what old lady Ingrid meant.

Baron Roman said, "If you didn't come, then you didn't come. Let Russell visit the Rosen family next time."

"It's okay as long as you think about it." Old lady Ingrid took Russell's hand and patted it, "You are managing the fiefdom yourself now, so you have to be more careful and don't be fooled by the serfs in the territory. You have to have your own ideas about beating and killing."

Russell replied casually, "I understand."

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