Warm Dragon

Chapter 122: Manor Serfs Love Planting Trees

The small market has not changed much, but it is cleaner and tidier than before.

No one urinates anywhere anymore, even the feces of chickens, ducks, cats and dogs are picked up cleanly. Civilized behavior has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people - without him, the lord buys urine and feces in unlimited amounts for a long time, and everyone cherishes feces like gold.

Chickens, ducks, cats and dogs who dare to poop outside will at least be beaten severely. If they are beaten too much, they will naturally not dare to poop or urinate outside.

On this day, in the evening, the commanders of each village were summoned by Charles.

Have a meeting for about half an hour.

Then the village chiefs quickly ran back to their respective villages, summoned the serf stewards, and gathered together the serfs who had been doing farm work for a day.

Before he could even take a bite of the meal, Old Barton was dragged to an open space in the Potion Village by the serf steward.

Fortunately, I brought my pipe, lit it, and took small sips.

"What happened? I didn't even let anyone eat dinner, so I was dragged here for some kind of meeting." Next to Old Barton, another elderly serf came over, complaining, and stretched out his hand, "Borrow me a light. Old Patton.”

"I heard it's a good thing." Old Barton handed over the pipe.

The man took Old Barton's pipe, fiddled with it, and successfully ignited his own pipe, and then took a beautiful puff.

After blowing out a smoke ring, he said: "What a good thing, is the lord going to collect excrement again? I really can't pull it out. These days, my son and daughter-in-law are staring at me every day. I won't drink three large glasses of water." Let’s eat!”

As he was talking, another serf came over and joked: "Drinking so much water will make your urine watery. Why don't the stewards who collect urine use a whip to whip you?"

"Then how can you whip me? I swear to the dragon, there isn't a drop of water in my urinal, it's all urine!"

"Okay, don't complain that you peed too much. Listen to what Old Barton has to say. What good things can come out of tonight's meeting?"

Old Barton knocked on his pipe, shook his head and said: "The serf manager only said there are good things, how do I know what good things are."

"Isn't your daughter serving the master in the manor's courtyard? Didn't she tell you?"

"Barbara lives in the villa of the manor. You have to serve the master and you can't be lazy for a moment!" Old Barton raised his voice. It was a very honorable thing for him for his daughter to be a maid in the castle. "But just now, Barbara Bara really comes back."

"What do you say?"

"She gave me twenty copper coins!" Old Barton's nostrils were almost raised to the sky by him, and his voice was as loud as a quarrel. "This is a reward from the lord. I praise you, how generous you are!"

"Hiss, twenty copper coins?"

"You were rewarded right away, what's up, old Barton, what did Barbara do to get so much reward?"

"Tell me quickly, what's so good about it?"

"Don't worry, listen to me." Looking at the envious eyes of everyone, Old Barton felt that the wisest decision in his life was to send Barbara to the castle as a servant, even if it was just the lowest status kitchen maid.

Back then, Barbara followed the lord and returned to the Black-waisted Snake Manor.

He was still very angry, thinking that Barbara was stupid for giving up her job at the castle and going back to the country to work as a maid.

Who would have thought that the lord could be so generous and kind, and that any reward would be twenty copper coins!

After taking a puff of his pipe and blowing out a smoke ring, Old Barton was about to show off his daughter and tell him the news.

Suddenly, in the middle of the open space, a serf steward sounded the gong.

Dang Dang Dang!

The gong immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the chatter quickly quieted down. Then the red-nosed village chief Rudy shook his collar and walked to the center of the field surrounded by several serf stewards.

He pretended to cough, and then said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me."

The limelight was suddenly snatched away. Old Barton cursed secretly, but he did not dare to complain. He could only swallow the unfinished show back in his stomach.

This red-nosed village chief Rudy is not just a village chief, he is also an official in the manor.

Technical officer!

The technical officer responsible for planting potions, a subordinate valued by the lord, has a distinguished status and must not be offended easily.

Hundreds of serfs from the Potion Village formed a large circle. The elderly and children did not dare to shout any more and listened carefully to Red Nose Rudy's speech.

"First of all, I want to tell you some good news. The mushroom bug in the lord's house has evolved into a mushroom bird! This is the supreme honor and the best proof that the dragon is watching the Black-rumped Snake Manor, so each of us should share it. Lord Lord, I praise the dragon loudly for this joy!”

As red-nosed Rudy finished speaking.

Immediately, the clever serf steward shouted: "Praise the master, praise the dragon!"

So the serfs who were shocked or confused all followed suit: "Praise the master, praise the dragon!"

Similar shouts were staged in every village.

After waiting for the praise to end, Red-nosed Rudy continued: "In order to share the joy and glory with everyone, the lord has decided to reward each of you serfs, you, 豼, you... Of course, including me!"

At this moment, the serfs' eyes quickly lit up, and the sky was getting dark, but it didn't seem to get any darker.

Everyone seemed to see the yellow copper plates and heard the crisp and beautiful collision sound of the copper plates.

"Captain, how many copper coins will be rewarded this time?" A courageous serf asked directly and excitedly.

Everyone agreed: "Yes, how many copper coins?"

Red-nosed Rudy shook his finger: "This time the lord will not give out copper coins, but don't worry, this time the lord will give out saplings... With the birch forest as the center, the entire Magic Potion Village is divided into many areas... We are the residents of Magic Potion Village, so naturally we plant trees in the most central place!"

"Ah, planting trees?"

"Are we going to serve again? I thought there would be rewards!"

"The lord got the mushroom bird, such a big event, but he didn't even give out a copper coin?"

"I can't finish the farm work at home, how can I have time to plant trees!"

The serfs complained one after another. It was unheard of that planting trees was also a reward. Some serfs even got up and went back to have dinner.

Seeing this, Red-nosed Rudy didn't care to keep everyone's appetite any longer, and said immediately: "But... everyone sit down and listen to me... But the lord said that every household will be given a copper coin for planting a tree!"

As soon as these words came out, the serfs who were still complaining the previous second, their eyes lit up again the next second.

"The saplings are distributed by the lord, and I will personally teach everyone the planting techniques. Planting a tree will reward you with a copper coin..."

Red Nose Rudy quickly finished the rest of the words: "If you can plant ten trees, you will be rewarded with ten copper coins; if you plant a hundred trees, you will be rewarded with a hundred copper coins, which is a silver coin! The reward will continue until all 1,500 acres of land are planted with trees!"


"Where are the saplings!"

"I will start planting trees tonight!"

"Captain, chief, where are the saplings? I want to plant trees for the lord!"

"I claim a thousand saplings, no, two thousand saplings. Give me the saplings now, and I will ask my wife to go home and get a shovel!"

"I love the master!"

"Really, I swear to the dragon, my favorite thing in my life is planting trees, planting trees for the master!"


Red-nosed Rudy signaled the village headman next to him to continue beating the gong to attract the attention of the serfs again: "Don't worry, the saplings have not been transported yet. The saplings will be transported from tomorrow. I must remind everyone that you can only plant trees in your spare time!"

1,500 acres of land, all planted with birch trees and other tree species suitable for fluorescent mushroom parasites, about 100,000 to 150,000 saplings are needed.

One sapling is rewarded with one copper coin, and at most 150,000 copper coins need to be spread.

In fact.

It's just 15 gold coins.

This reward is just a sprinkle of water for Russell, but it can harvest 1,500 acres of saplings for free labor.

It really takes a small amount of money to do a big thing.

"The serfs are enthusiastic and can't wait to start planting trees tonight. My lord, I deeply admire your wisdom and means." Before dinner, Charles received the response of the clerk reporting the tree planting reward, and immediately flattered Russell.

Russell waved his hand: "If I wasn't in a hurry to build the 1,500-acre magic potion field, I wouldn't have resorted to this desperate measure. It would be more practical to just spend money directly."

"But in the long run, the serfs will be spoiled by your habit of spending money!" Charles made a small suggestion, "Spreading copper coins while waving the whip can ensure that the serfs are always full of energy like clockwork."

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