Warm Dragon

Chapter 121 Sprinkling Money to Make Trees Mutate

The time of the feast was short-lived, and with the appearance of Rosie the Mushroom Bird, the celebration banquet was basically announced to be over.

Did not stay in Fluorescent Castle.

After sending the departing guests to the door one by one, Russell also said goodbye to his grandmother, parents, Roland, and Laura, and returned to his own territory with Eric, Charles, the Red-Eyed Rat King and the Mushroom Bird Rosie.

"Sir, Rosie's birth is the highest honor for the territory. How should we celebrate it?" Charles asked on the way.

"What do you think?"

"How about following your custom and giving money to the serfs?" Charles didn't like giving money to the serfs, but Russell did, so he followed Russell's preference and prepared to give money to the serfs to celebrate Rosie's birth.

But this time, Russell chose to shake his head: "Maybe we can celebrate in another way."

"What do you mean, my lord?"

"Plant trees."

"Planting trees?"

"Yes, Rosie can now influence 1,500 acres of potion fields, but apart from the birch forest, there are no extra trees on the territory to plant fluorescent mushrooms. Therefore, the top priority is to expand the area of ​​the birch forest."

"Indeed." Charles nodded.

"So later, you make arrangements to purchase a batch of saplings from all over the Youguang River Valley and transport them to the Potion Village. Then announce to the citizens that you can use your spare time to plant trees in the Potion Village. If you plant one, you will be rewarded with a copper plate. "

After a pause, Russell added: "In addition, this is a long-term celebration that will last until we have planted fifteen hundred acres of trees... Of course, if the trees fail to survive, we must also consider the issue of punishment. "

Charles rolled his eyes and thought of how to punish: "Divide the potion farm into tree planting areas one by one. Each village will be responsible for one area, and then this area will be divided into small areas and assigned to each ridge. If there is any tree planting area in the ridge, If a tree fails to survive, the reward will be deducted!”

"Yes, this method works, allowing the citizens to supervise each other!" Russell praised, very satisfied with Charles's method.

At the same time, he proposed a new plan based on this: "You officials must also join in, but instead of planting trees, you urge the people to plant trees... Don't look at the quantity of trees planted, only the quality of the trees planted. , the higher the survival rate, the more rewards you will get.”

Compared to simply spreading money, Russell increasingly felt that this kind of welfare tree planting activity had more benefits.

After all, asking serfs to serve and plant trees would certainly not be very enthusiastic, especially during the busy farming season.

But money can make people excited and relieve fatigue. I believe that for the reward of planting trees, the enthusiasm of the serfs will be quite high.

Along the way, the two kept adding up and perfecting the tree planting reward plan.

As for Eric, he just kept busy and didn't participate at all.

After returning to the Black-rumped Snake Manor, under the leadership of Butler Morris, the male and female servants in the manor's annex shouted congratulations: "Congratulations to the master for successfully cultivating the fluorescent mushroom bird. From now on, the magic medicine has been continuous and the glory is unparalleled!"

"Reward!" Russell laughed.

For your servants, you don’t need so many fancy moves, just throw money out: “Butler Morris, I’ll reward you with one silver coin, Mrs. Moore and Leona with fifty coppers, Mrs. Brown with thirty coppers, All other servants are worth twenty coppers!”

"Master is generous!"

"Praise the master!"

"Ah, sir, I...my kitchen maid also has twenty copper coins?" Barbara, the kitchen maid, was a little in disbelief.

Russell happened to hear her exclamation and immediately responded: "The same goes for the kitchen maid!"

"Oh my god, thank you, sir, and praise you, sir, you are the most generous and kind man in the world!" It was not Barbara who spoke, but Mrs. Moore. "Even the kitchen maid can receive such a generous reward from you!"

Barbara was speechless with joy.

Twenty copper coins is equivalent to one month's salary for her.

In a world with extraordinary power, the gap between nobles and commoners is too huge, and purchasing power is difficult to accurately estimate. But in the bakery of the small market, one and a half copper coins can buy a piece of black bread that is enough for a family of three to feed a family for a day.

The purchasing power of copper plates is evident.

Russell walked into the courtyard of his manor amid the cheers and flattery of the servants.

Charles parted before entering the door, and couldn't wait to summon all the officials to come over for a banquet in the evening. Eric is planning to go home and take Kevin, the golden and silver wolf dog, with him, and come to the castle for dinner later.

Kevin's appetite is huge, and he has to eat some cultured animal meat from time to time to supplement his nutrition. He can't afford it alone.

You have to rely on Russell's help to support Kevin.


The fluorescent mushroom bird flew up from Russell's shoulder, seeming to remember that this was its previous home, so it overcame its timidity and began to happily fly around the manor's courtyard, peeking at every servant.

It is especially fond of Butler Morris, who often fed him jade powder when it was a mushroom bug.

"Master, Rosie is so beautiful." Butler Morris' voice almost choked with sobs. Looking at the mushroom bird Rosie flying around him, his whole body trembled with excitement.

"Yeah, beautiful magical creature."

"Praise the dragon!" Butler Morris put his hands on his chin and prayed devoutly, "Your devout servant Morris, I would like to express my gratitude to you, thank you for everything you have done for this family, and thank you for looking at the master! "

Everyone thought that Rosie the mushroom bird was the result of the Shadow Flame Dragon's attention.

Russell smiled at this.

Going up to the second floor, Butler Morris opened the elf room, and Rosie immediately landed on the shelf, curiously looking at her former companions - the other six elf bugs, fluorescent mushroom bugs, blood tooth fungus bugs, rain long flower bugs, dill bugs, birch bugs and dandelion bugs.

It has entered a new level of life and has intelligence, but these former friends are still lazy bugs.

There is already a huge gap between them.

"Chiji." Rosie called softly.

As if hearing the call, or feeling the familiar but powerful breath, the six elf bugs crawled towards Rosie one after another.

Then each of them raised their heads and looked at Rosie with sesame-sized eyes.

The two rows of tiny feet under the body kept waving, as if greeting Rosie.

Rosie also made a cheerful cry: "Jiji!"

Its voice was crisp and pleasant, much better than the obscene and harsh "Jiji" of the Red-eyed Rat King.

"Rosie, just play here."


After closing the door of the elf room, Russell said to Morris: "I'll find someone on the door head later. Well, forget it, just open a small door the size of a palm on the door panel so that Rosie can enter and exit the elf room at will."

"Okay, sir, I'll go find the carpenter in the manor to open the small door." Butler Morris responded briskly.

The birth of Rosie made him full of hope for the future of the manor villa, and he seemed to be ten years younger. Like many butlers in the castle who never married, Morris also concentrated all his emotions on the manor villa.

Every progress of Russell and every honor he gained made him happy and relieved.

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