In the school yard, Yalina is adjusting the car by hand. The fascinating look has a unique charm. The big eyes of the sparkling crystals are unscrupulous. The white fingertips are pressed and pressed, the tip of the nose and the forehead. There is a layer of tiny sweat on the top, which is extraordinarily calm, and this is not what Yalina usually does. Only at work, she will become a real big magician. When she leaves work, she is a long Not a big child.

There were many people who came to watch the exercises. The Holy cultivator Adolf and Pope Jeddis, as well as the three St. Knights and Cardinals, also came. Apart from Adolf, the people of the Holy See had seen the konjac, but they all exposed. Amazed and curious expression, while watching Yalina debugging, whispering.

Jedice couldn’t help it anymore, and walked slowly to the side of Geng Green, whispering: “German Green?”

“Jedice, is there something?” Greene turned back.

“This is a konjac? How does it look…”

“It looks a little different?” Zeng Green said with a slight smile.

“Yeah, there are a lot of parts, what are they used for?”

“In fact, if we just want to copy the konjac, we can finish it yesterday.” Geng Green said with a smile: “However, after talking to the adults a few days ago, gave me a lot of enlightenment, so…hehe The konjac you see now has been greatly improved, the formidable power is much stronger than before, and the launch speed is much faster.”

“You mean Raphael?” Jedisi asked with a dubious suspicion that Han Jin was almost ignorant of conventional magic. What can he give to Greening?

“Yes, you can stand by Yalina and see for a while, now… I want to keep it secret.”

Jeddy couldn’t help but look at Geng Green, the old opponent, he knows that Green is most like dressing up as God, playing the devil, the more you are curious, the more happy he is, of course, the less you will tell you, but Look at the expression of Geng Green’s excitement. Those who just said that it is not a big talk, should have their own cuddling.

Just then, there was a loud scream in the air, and a shadow of red was rushing down, falling behind Yalina, but Yalina was fully engaged in the work, and she was still not aware of the arrival of the ‘baby’. With.

Seeing no one cares about it, Undying Bird’s wings to be unfolded are a little bit closed, and the head and neck are also low, which is very disappointing.

Then Han Jin and Harley fell down. Han Jin glanced around and then went to Geng Green, and Harley got to the side of Undying Bird and said, “Second Brother, you are flying too fast.” … Really, too fast and too fast…” After that, he also extended his thumb to show praise.

Undying Bird is an embarrassing thing, ignores Harley, only sticks his head and looks at Yalina from the side.

“Is it almost ready?” asked Han Jin.

“It should be almost the same.” Zeng Qingdao, then the sight fell on Jedice: “Jades, you have to trouble you.”

“Okay.” Jeddy nodded, and walked slowly to the other side of the school. There were two human targets made of rough stone. Jeddy sang incantation and released an absolute barrier. One of the targets, then sang the incantation again.

There were two absolute barriers, and the magic was lost in a moment, which made Jedice’s face look a little bad, but he couldn’t take care of it, and he quickly walked back. He wanted to see Yalina as a konjac. the process of.

Just an exercise, let Jedice release the absolute barrier, on the surface is not necessary, from a psychological point of view, this can achieve the best results.

Absolute Barrier is the most powerful magic shield, not only can resist almost all magic attacks, but also resist the physical attacks of warriors. If the 湮 湮 can easily destroy the guard of absolute barriers, it can play a big role. The exciting effect.

Yalina finally finished debugging, long sighed in relief, looked up, only to see Han Jin, then a bright smile: “Raphael, you are coming.”

“Well, have you been tired these days?” Han Jin was a little distressed.

Uh… suddenly there was a very low screaming sound behind me, something in this way expressing her dissatisfaction, or trying to attract attention.

“The baby is coming too!” Yalina laughed at Hehe’s extend the hand and stroked the neck of Undying Bird: “Hey, wait for me to finish, then stay with you, don’t be angry.”

“It doesn’t matter, Yalina Young Lady, I am with the Second Brother.” Harley accompanied with a smile.

“Second Brother?” Yalina.

It’s okay for Harley to talk about it, but he tried to stop them in Yalina and Undying Bird. Yalina is still nothing. Undying Bird is really angry, suddenly sticking out, like lightning, smashing at Harley’s head. on.

Harley’s body has been materialized since he took the power of the abandoned land, especially his head, which reflects the cold light of steel, which looks extremely hard, but under the attack of Undying Bird, his forehead appeared. A small hole-sized black hole with a path of small cracks around it.

“Aiya…” Harley was angry and anxious, grief and indignation, and painfully grabbed his forehead with his hand: “How can you attack your big brother?!”

Undying Bird raised his head and neck and screamed with high screams. He didn’t seem to have any regrets or concessions.

“Okay, okay.” Harley immediately softened: “Not with you lower oneself to somebody’s level, who made me a big brother…”

“Yalina, you can start,” said Green.

“Yeah.” Yalina complied, his gaze fell on the brakes, and Hogan, who was next to the brakes, sent a magic signal to announce the official launch of the exercise.

Harley, who retired, muttered a few words. He realized a phenomenon. He used to not fear this kind of attack. It seems that it is not a good thing to have physical and chemical capabilities.

Jedice has come back. He stands behind Yalina and carefully observes the brakes. Compared with his impression of the konjac, the most obvious change is that there is a steel frame behind the brakes. There is a small table made of crystal, and there is a bowl of crystal ball at the front of the small table. What is it used for?

Yalina put her palm on the crystal table, and the car and the crystal table released the light at the same time. The onlookers began to see the exercise, and could not help but hold their breath and watched nervously.

Yalina’s palm is gently stroked, and the brakes seem to have life. The naked eye can be clearly seen. Numerous magic runes flow like a flowing water on the brakes, sometimes hidden, sometimes bright, sometimes It became bleak.

The crystal ball in front of the crystal table also lit up. Jedice saw that there were three circles of different sizes in the crystal ball, and the human target with 100 meters was appearing in the crystal ball.

Yalina took a deep breath and pressed the palm of his hand.

Bang… The car screamed and the whole body trembled fiercely. The giant smashing arrow that was thicker than the human waist spurred out, but it didn’t flash, and the absolute obstacles released by Jeddis The annihilation, the entire human target was smashed by a vague shadow, the next moment, the giant arrow has been shot into the earth hill behind the target, and the splashing smoke flew into the high air of severe ten meters.

Countless gravel and dust fell, and one can see that there was a black hole two meters wide on the mountain, and the giant arrow disappeared without a trace.

The onlookers of the powerhouses absolute silence, most of them just heard that the konjac is a very terrifying weapon, but they have not seen it before, they can instantly destroy the absolute barrier of Jedisi, they are barely acceptable, but they can barely accept it. As it turns out, the formidable power of the konjac is far beyond their imagination.

It is not an ordinary earth hill. Thousands of soldiers have followed the night, and the rockery that has been repeatedly soiled with mud and water is much more tenacious than the ordinary hills. How can the long giant python disappear completely in the earthen mountains? !

Hogan raised the small flag in his hand, and Alexander Hillett led seven or eight mountain warriors, and took a giant arrow and walked up, putting the arrow on the brakes. The strange thing is that the giant arrow that needs seven or eight robot man to shake, after the contact with the brakes, the weight seems to disappear, and Kane can flip the arrow until the arrow runs upwards and the magic rune and The rune on the brakes coincided, and Kane got up straight and retreated to the side.

I don’t know what Yalina did, a very light light curtain slowly expanded, and Yalina, Han Jin, Jeddis and the others disappeared in everyone’s sight.

Bang… The car once again screamed, and while everyone heard the roar, the silhouette of Yalina, Han Jin and the others also emerged from the magic enchantment, and the absolute barrier released by Jeddis was unquestionable. Being crushed, the human target has also become a splash of gravel.

Looking at the two black and secluded holes on the mountain, everyone is still absolute silence.

Alexander Hill and several mountain warriors came out with a giant arrow, but this time there was a guy with a blindfold after the team, a vampire captive.

When the arrow was installed, Alexandre Ritter pulled off the black cloth on the vampire’s eyes, coldly said: “You can roll now, go back and tell Donald, don’t come to us!”

The vampire looked at all around, a pair of unscrupulous sights, and made him shudder.

“I didn’t understand my words?” Alexandre Ritter put his hand on the hilt.

The vampire screamed and then turned into a black big bat, flying the flesh in the air.

Yalina’s palm rested on the crystal table, and it kept moving, and the brakes moved along with it. Soon, the silhouette of the black bat appeared in the crystal ball.

Bang… The black bat turned into a popped blood mist, and the blood mist was swept by a fierce airflow, smashing into the sky, forming a very visible blood-colored column.

“Is this used for mental locking?!” Jeddy pointed and stunned at the crystal ball. The former 湮 湮 弩 can pose a deadly threat to large creatures, such as giant dragon, but against the powerhouse in humans, the effect is not satisfactory.

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