Perhaps the extreme sorrow turns to joy, Holy Crown City’s happy event one after another, first Yalina succeeded, becoming the youngest magister in addition to Han Jin, followed by Cessacioun, Lei Zhe and Dip City The lord Ma Lishen returned to the Holy Crown City. For various reasons, Han Jin did not appear for the time being. Guevera and Ma Lishen made initial contact. If Ma Lishen refused to be enshrined by the Holy Crown City, there is still room for manoeuvre between them. After all, Han Jin is the leader of Holy Crown City, and Guevera’s words are not counted.

Of course, this kind of thing can’t help smart people. Without Han Jin’s approval, Guevera will not make such a surprising request, but who will not poke the window paper, in the face of the threat of the Abyss World, unity and cooperation are The main melody, the so-called lip-toothed cold, the so-called loss of one loss, one glory, if it fails, all the ground race will be devastated.

Surprisingly, Ma Lishen did not hesitate to agree with Guevera’s suggestion, and did not even propose exchange conditions. However, a deputy brought by Ma Lishen was very euphemistic to make a request to Guevera, Lei Zhe and Cessacioun stayed in Di During the city of Pucheng, I attended the gatherings of the nobles almost every day. According to Ma Lishen’s deputy, several noble ladies, Young Lady, fell in love with Lei Zhe and Cessacioun respectively. They said that they wanted to marry Holy Crown City. .

This kind of request should have been personally proposed by Ma Lishen, let the deputy come forward, has exposed a lot of things, Guevera first insight into the panic and weakness of Ma Lishen.

In fact, this can be understood. If the rise of Han Jin is a miracle, then Han Jin can defeat the fallen Angel Catherine, which is completely a mythical legend. Don’t say that Ma Lishen’s psychological endurance is limited, even in the capital of the elements. The group of people centered on Solomon’s eldest son was also collectively silent, and before that, they had been hostile to Holy Crown City, but they were afraid of Solomon’s pressure before they dared to show it too clearly.

Then, Cesham of Cold Shadow City sent a messenger. About seven or eight days ago, a dozen Black Dragons launched a temptation to attack the cold shadow city. Although it was a surname, the battle was very intense. Like Angel and the devil encounter, seeing the enemies, both sides will release the most violent attack with the slightest hesitation. Finally, Cold Shadow City won and knocked down two Black Dragons, and the rest of the Black Dragon wolves escaped into the sky. Chesham fears that the Black Dragon will harass the Holy Crown City and send a combat squad of more than a dozen Titans to assist the Holy Crown City defense.

It’s not too much to describe Chesham before and after, and Chesham’s reason is very good, because Black Dragon’s threat to humans is very big, all Magician, even the ranks of Green, in Black. Dragon will also become a waste in front of you, Black Dragon can immunize all magic! The human warriors lack the air combat capability and can only be beaten passively.

However, when the think tank of Holy Crown City was watching Chesham’s letter, everyone saw that the lines were filled with a pleasing taste. The command of the Titan squad fell on Dominique, and Chesham revealed. Out, at the Titan meeting, he has already specified that if he is unfortunately killed by Chesham, then Dominique will be the patriarch and his proposal will be approved.

There are no silver three hundred and two here!

Chesham was originally a reader. He was so powerful that no one dared to raise objections to him. Even the Titans did not dare, and the young Dominic did not offend him, just because of the speed of entering the world, becoming a thunderbolt Titan. When he was younger than the original Chesham, he was expelled from Chesham and sold to Zaganide. Such Chesham, inexplicably made a family meeting, more or less ridiculous.

Of course, Guevera and the others also saw the good aspects of Chesham from the letter. When referring to the abyss race, especially the black Dragon Race, Chetham’s wording became extremely intense and tough. Then the brave martial arts leaped on the paper. Obviously, he could not forget the humiliation and hatred of the ancestors, or that no Titan could be put down!

They all say that Fusuke is not, and Misfortunes never come alone, but the recent events in Holy Crown City have negated the saying.

On this day, another great news came out. After a few days of hard work, Zeng Green, Yalina, Hogan and Kane finally succeeded in making the first 湮 湮 弩, which is for the Powerhouse of Holy Crown City. A brand new weapon that requires an audition. If you follow the previous progress and always sneak in, the konjac will not be so fast, but Han Jin has told Geng Green that there is no need to worry about how to achieve the fastest efficiency.

The audition time is set at 10 am, War God, the Holy See, and the Holy Crown City each Legion will send people to watch the exercise.

Half an hour before ten o’clock, Han Jin slowly opened his eyes. In the past few days, he became a spinning gyro. In addition to cultivation, he went to the city to arrange his own yin and yang. Array, even thinking about eating, Yalina is more busy than him, will not bother him, and Sunier knows the pressure of Han Jin, and will not be as obsessed with him as he just returned to the city, at most at the table. When I talked and laughed a few words, I quietly retired.

Han Jin took a few activities and pushed the door to the promenade. The people on the deck were very few. Everyone had already gone to the military camp first.

Harley and the Undying Bird stood on the bow and were talking about something. However, the Undying Bird was still young and couldn’t talk. Only Harley was talking about it.

“Do you know? We should be the best and best friends.” Harley said.

Undying Bird squinted and looked at Harley without hesitation. Undying Bird has a highly developed wisdom, not inferior to the giant dragon. Although it can’t be said, how much can understand some of Harley’s meaning.

“Why? Look!” Harley said: “My master is Raphael, and your master is Yalina Young Lady. Is that right? Raphael and Yalina Young Lady are husband and wife. Do you know what a couple is? Tell you that husband and wife are the most intimate partners, they do not want to have a moment to separate, even sleep will sleep together, breathe each other’s breath, exchange with each other … cough cough, forget, you are still small, this Things will not be told to you, or the master will kill me! Anyway, the couple must share the same pains, there is nothing to separate them! Since our master is the closest partner, then we should be the best. Friends, do you agree?”

Undying Bird shook his wings and made a low-pitched scream. Harley’s words were a bit complicated, but it could be felt, and Harley was deliberately pleased. In the past few days, Yalina has been painstakingly studying the konjac. It is Harley who has been lingering around it. It is also used to Harley’s pleasing.

“In this way, we will become brothers! Are you optimistic?” Harley paused: “The story of the master is how to say it… Yes, it is not seeking the same month in the same year, but seeking the same year in the same month. “Harry said as he stretched out the bones of the material that had been successfully materialized and stroked the feathers of Undying Bird.”

Undying Bird slightly narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and nodded again. Its action is not at all, just because he likes the feeling of being touched. It stands to reason that Undying Bird is very disgusting with undead creatures, but it is very clever. In the abandoned land, Han Jin and Yalina are felt close. Looking at Han Jin’s face, it tolerates the existence of Harley, otherwise it is early. When Harley first tried to get close to it, a Fireball flew Harley.

“Do you agree? Very good!” Harley deliberately ignored the first action Undying Bird made, only paying attention to what he wanted, and then said: “We are now brother, but… who will do it? Big brother?”

In the distant school yard, Hogan and Kane pushed a smashing car out of the magic enchantment, and then Yalina and Geng Green also came out, Undying Bird immediately sensed the breath of Yalina, and turned his neck to the sky, making it extremely bright. Whistling, it is greeting hello to Yalina.

“Divided by strength? No, no, how can this be?!” Harley was shocked and said bitterly: “For example, an ordinary civilian couple, raising children hard, taking out all the savings. Let children learn magic and learn fighting skills. Finally, one day, child becomes a strong professional. Can he not recognize his parents because of his own strength?! That is a beast!” In the end, Harley Look Up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

Undying Bird Curious look towards Harley, it feels that Harley’s sigh is full of sorrow, is this guy unhappy?

“The most fair way is to use the years of survival as the standard.” Harley said: “Baby, have you been born for a few days?” Harley’s pretense does not know the origin of Undying Bird, but his question has already revealed his inner heart. Stealing hi, otherwise, he should not ask for a few days, at least ask for a few years of birth.

“I have probably lived for thousands of years. Although I have been sleeping in a dark World for a long time, it is still alive, isn’t it?” Harley continued: “You should not live without me.” Is it long?”

Undying Bird certainly won’t answer, still looking at Harley.

“It seems that I have to be a big brother, oh…” Harley’s tone seemed very difficult: “You don’t understand, it’s very hard to be a big brother. You are in danger, I have to protect you, you are wronged, I am You must be in your head, tsk tsk, you see, no matter what headaches you encounter, just come to me, everything can be solved, how happy you are… and me, my life is really bitter!”

Undying Bird suddenly felt something, turned back, and saw Han Jin at a glance, making a scream of joy.

“But… if I am in danger, you will help me as well, right?!” Harley said again.

Those who are familiar with Harley’s family name will understand that everything before is a foundation, and this sentence is the focus of the key.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Han Jin said.

“haha…Master, tell you the good news, I have already married brother with my baby!” The unilateral agreement has been settled, and Harley’s voice is very proud.

Han Jin ignored Harley and reached out on the fluff of Undying Bird’s chest: “Go, baby, I will take you to Yalina.”

This sentence is very simple, Undying Bird understands, it exclaimed with excitement, then spread the wings into the air, Han Jin flashed and landed on the back of the Undying Bird.

“Master, Second Brother…and wait for me…” Harley screamed and immediately turned into Devouring Soul Bead, rushing to catch up.

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