The bright robes that have been released from the seal have been transformed into a gleaming and shining armor by the gray and inconspicuous soft armor. The only thing that makes Han Jin dissatisfied is that in the front and back of the jersey, With a big Angel, Big Angel’s light wings open in parallel, plus the body, looks like a cross. Of course, people in this world don’t know what the cross means, but Han Jin is more or less psychologically shadowed.

The bright robes that I finally got can’t be worn, but when I put on it, it is like another World medieval crusad. No matter what kind of evaluation the Crusaders left in history, Han Jin feels awkward.

As his gods began to come into contact with the light robes, a white brilliance floated out of the robes and condensed into an angel slightly taller than humans. After the appearance, Angel floated in the air, as if Identify the surrounding environment.

Han Jin ignored the new Angel and turned to the other side. There are two Angels belonging to him. Since yesterday, they have been standing still because Han Jin asked them to make a choice. They can’t decide how.

On the floor in front of the two Angels, there are three extremely rare Magic Crystals. The magic of Magic Crystal is extremely pure, even if it is not touched by external factors, it also exudes intense elemental fluctuations.

The 12th-order Bright Crystal Magic Crystal!

This Magic Crystal is even more precious than the fire attribute Magic Crystal of the same order, because the 12th-order Bright Magic Crystal has a chance to be generated only in the case of the big Angel, and the general contingent may not even find ten. In Morgan Treasure, I found a whole five.

Not only is Magic Crystal worthwhile, but the Gaelic Explorer thinks that the Magic Crystal’s shelves are not unusual, all made of Jingjing, so Magic Crystal will be stored for so many years without problems.

“Don’t you make a choice?” Han Jin indifferently asked.

Two Angels also shook the head at the same time. In fact, Han Jin’s topic is very simple. Three completely identical Magic Crystals allow two Angels to choose one for themselves. If they let outsiders know, they will not believe it, even two. The old child can immediately give an answer to the question can actually stump Angel? !

“Why?” Han Jin’s mouth smirked: “It’s not difficult?”

“Because…” Both Angels have stuffed up, and theyselves really don’t know why they can’t make a choice.

“Because there is no reason? Is it?” Han Jin said: “I finally know what you are.”

“We are Angel!”

“I didn’t say you are not.” Han Jin laughed.

From a human point of view, for example, give a beggar two identical gold coins, let him choose one. If you don’t choose one, you don’t have one. In order to get the gold coin, beggar can be used for no reason. Pick one, Angel can’t, they want Bright Crystal, the problem is that the three Magic Crystals are exactly the same, if two of them are high, the other is low, or two of them are full of magic. Another magic power content is low, Angel can make a choice immediately, even if the shape is not the same, but unfortunately, the three Magic Crystal are equally round and the same crystal.

In many ways, Angel’s mind is similar to human beings, thinking, judging, and remembering. However, Han Jin knows very well that only one kind of wisdom has a causal name, and it must be triggered by causality to make judgments. Decide, that is the wisdom created, or the wisdom that is given.

For example, a smart program…

Of course, Angel can’t be a program. It is said that the Lord of Light God created Angel in order to protect human beings. The power of God cannot be tried. However, the wisdom that God gives to Angel is similar to that of another World. Perhaps the wisdom that has been created has The same surname, in order to verify his own guess, he deliberately made an experiment, the fact told him that his guess is not at all wrong.

Han Jin reached up and picked up a Magic Crystal and said softly: “The two Magic Crystals, you are one.” He didn’t want the two Angels to continue to entangle, and then he picked up a Magic Crystal and handed it back. Give one of the Angels, then the remaining Magic Crystal, naturally belongs to another Angel.

“Powerful humans… I didn’t expect that you found my two companions and got their allegiance.” Angel, who had just drifted out of the bright robes, said loudly.

Han Jin’s brow, just want to talk, is seeing Yalina’s mysterious sly from outside into the magic lab, and also clearly smirked.

“Yalina, what’s wrong?”

“Oh…” Yalina finally couldn’t help but laugh, but she immediately stopped: “Raphael, do you know what Moxinke is doing?”

“He? What is he doing?”

“He is proposing to Hilna!”

Han Jin couldn’t help but be shocked there. For a long time, he asked: “What happened? He is not…”

“Who knows what’s going on!” Yalina said: “The dead pig, actually slept for three days and three nights. The first thing to get up is to go to Hilna, propose to Hilna, don’t say anyone else, even Hilna is scared!”

“Isn’t this what Hilna wants? What is she afraid of?”

“haha…” Yalina couldn’t help but laugh again, even if she slammed her mouth hard, she couldn’t cover the laughter that had been lingering for a long time.

“Don’t laugh, what the hell is going on?” Han Jin is really curious.

“He doesn’t let go of Hilna’s life and he must marry Hilna right away.” Yalina bit her lip: “I have never seen such a proposal yet…”

Han Jin stayed for a moment, weakly asked: “Do you see… is his mind normal?” The first thing he returned to War God was to stun Moxinke, and kindly for Moxinke. It’s a beautiful thing, but in the end it’s a bit too much. If Moxinke is irritating, he can’t escape. * “Spirit?” Yalina said: “He is very good, just talking…somewhat strange.”

“Go, let’s go see.” Han Jin said.

“Okay, I just want to go see the fun together.” Yalina hehe said with a smile. After she finished, she swept the Angel and immediately lowered her voice: “Don’t bother you?” In the words of Han Jin, Angel It must be tempered, otherwise it will not be obedient. She also knows that Han Jin is in the magic lab’s ‘tune’ Angel in the bright robes, but Moxinke has proposed to Hilna, this is also a major event, she thinks Also tell Han Jin.

“No.” Han Jin said with a smile : “This guy just came out from the inside, fighting is in the Peak-Stage period, not tired and half dead, I can hardly control him.”

“Human?!” The new Angel raised his voice. In his memory, he has never been so ignored, so his heart is very angry.

“You two, take good care of him.” Han Jin still ignored the Angel, turned and said to the other two Angels, then he formed hand seals, the skylight of the sky suddenly shot at a distance, the space seemed to increase at once. a lot of.

Han Jin and Yalina just walked to the door. Guevera frowns rushed in from outside and almost hit Han Jin. Seeing Han Jin, Guevera immediately straight to the point and said: “To hold an emergency military meeting, you have Time?”

“What happened?”

“There are several silver Pegasus fighters who have discovered the trail of the abyssal army.”


Holy Crown City’s command system is in a highly alert state, Guevera is ordered, less than twenty minutes, several Legion’s Legion long, and Gaobin, Lydia and the others are all in War God The gathering was over, and the general managers of Yalina and Gael also participated in the meeting. As for the marriage of Moxinke, no one cares about it. Under the nest, there is no egg. If the Holy Crown City can’t keep it, the marriage is meaningless.

Gaobin briefly introduced the situation and finally said: “Collect the intelligence of all the reconnaissance squads. I think that only the Blood Race lineage is attacked by the Holy Crown City this time. Other units seem to have never appeared.”

“Impossible.” Gail’s manager shook his head and said: “I’m seeing their total strength in the underground at least has hundreds of thousands, my speaks correctly at least!”

“I sent a total of 133 reconnaissance squads. The reconnaissance routes of each squad were developed by myself. Their reconnaissance network is enough to cover the entire area.” When it comes to military issues, Gao Bin is unambiguous. He and Guevera are also the most military-minded powerhouses in the Holy Crown City: “I can guarantee that any army of more than a thousand people will not be able to survive my reconnaissance squad as long as they travel in the northern part of Dark Raven City!”

“Gaobin, are we…something missing?”

“Impossible.” Gao Bin’s expression is very serious: “This is a war, not a hide-and-seek. The army of the abyss race has come to the ground and is not playing games with us.”

“Then you said, where did the tens of thousands of military forces go?” asked the director of Gail.

“This question will be discussed at a time. What we are going to talk about now is what Holy Crown City will face.” Gao Bindao: “The facts are in front of us. Almost 50,000 vampires are approaching Holy Crown City to vampires. The speed of flight, when we were at this military conference, they should be close to Beitman’s Maximburg, or they have already attacked Maxinburg. If their goal is our Holy Crown City, then it will be at dusk today. I will be here between tomorrow and dawn.”

“Do you estimate the time span is too big?” Lang Ning asked.

“It has nothing to do with me. It is a vampire. This race is too strong.” Gao Bin laughed: “For example, what do they do after they arrive at Maxinburg? How long does it take to be satisfied?”

“I am only surprised, more than 50,000 vampires? Why are they coming?” Han Jin whispered.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became quiet, yeah, why are they coming?

The current Holy Crown City is not as strong as Nikola, and Nikolay is a powerhouse, but the powerhouses gathered around Han Jin are continental characters, Han Jin, Adolf, this is Two Half-God Level powerhouses; Jedith, the founder of Overlapping Magic, whose mastery of light magic can make a huge lethal effect on most abyssal races; Gobin and Guevera are super-powerhouses and The commander of the battle; the general manager of Gail stayed with Solomon all the year round, and looked much more, and of course the knowledge would not be shallow; Yalina is very likely to be the youngest magister incontinents after Han Jin; more than Han Jin There is also a trump card, increase Green!

Compared to Han Jin’s rise, the Holy Crown City was much stronger. At that time, a little bit of the Blood Race’s distant ancestor, Alquette, caused a great threat to Han Jin. Now, several of the distant ancestors of Blood Race are all rushing. It’s not enough to see it, even without Han Jin’s personal release, then the problem is back. Why are they coming? !

Did not send this death!

During this period, Holy Crown City has been highly alert to the status, because of the boundless abyss army, and the fall of Angel Catherine, Blood Race is only one of the factors, it is impossible to become all.

“Gao Bin, are you sure that your reconnaissance is not missing?” Guevera asked slowly.

“In this respect, I have never made a mistake.” Gao Bin laughed.

“So… I have a very reluctant explanation.” Guevera said.

“What explanation?” asked Han Jin.

“Raphael, remember the Alpine of the distant race of Blood Race?”

“of course I remember.”

“You killed Alquite by yourself, how can Blood Race be reconciled?” Guevera’s smile was a little weird: “So Blood Race defies Donald’s order and comes to us for revenge.”

“You said to find us revenge… I understand, but… what does it mean to defy Donald’s order?” Han Jin asked.

“Donald didn’t put us at all.” Guevera said: “We can’t get Donald’s first hit sequence target. Those abyss, including fallen Angel Catherine, should go somewhere else.”

“Where did you go?” asked Lang Ning.

“Freedom of the Union?” Gao Bin reveals a sudden realization of the expression: “In addition to Nikolay, the Freedom Federation should be the second strong force of continent.”

“No… don’t hit us?” Lang Ning stuttered: “They went directly to the Freedom Federation?”

“Is it strange?” Gao Bin said with a slight smile: “We feel that we are strong, but others may not be able to see us.”

Gao Bin’s words made the Legion’s Legion long fry, and the hearts of the people were so weird. When they were threatened, they felt nervous. The Abyss army couldn’t help you, went to other places, and made the generals indignant. .

“Adult, let’s take the initiative!” Saxon cried: “Why wait for them to come?!”

“Yeah, adults!” Lang Ning said: “We have magic Legion now. How can those vampires be our opponents? If the other distant ancestors of Blood Race are coming, hehe… is an adult thing.”

“Play? Then?” Gao Bin laughed at Hehe and said: “Take them a drop of water and let them know that we are amazing?”

“Yes…Yes.” Saxon felt that Gao Bin’s tone was weird, but the words were correct. Of course, the enemy should be beaten.

“Well, after we know what’s going on?” Gao Bindao. “After…” Saxon was stuffed, he didn’t understand, what did he do after the tube?

“And then Donald suddenly realized that the strength of the Holy Crown City was so strong? Well, the fallen Angel Catherine immediately adjusted the target. I supported some troops and attacked the Holy Crown City!” Gao Bin still laughed at Hehe: “Saxon, this is what you want.” need?”

Saxon stayed there and was speechless.

“I understand the strength of Nikolay.” Jessie, who has been speechless, said slowly: “No matter how strong Donald’s power is, I want to easily destroy the male empire… that is impossible! So, when he knows one more When the future of the Holy Crown City is about to rise, he will do his best to destroy us. A Nikola is already a headache, and he will never allow to appears a rival.”

“Actually… After Donald has set foot on the ground, he should also know the strength of Rafael. We are united and we will defeat the army of Blood Race in a blink of an eye. Donald’s gravity will immediately favor us.” Guevera said.

“That… what should we do?” Lang Ning asked.

“In fact, Guevera has already told you.” Gao Bin said with a smile.

“No?” Lang Ning’s face was wrong.

“The key is in ‘unity’.” Gail is in charge.

Guevera, Gaobin, Jedice and Gael’s chief executives smiled. The original continent top three think tanks now have one more. Maybe only one of them thinks, but only one small one. Small hints, others can immediately get through. Lang Ning, Winston and the others are still ignorant after the Gail manager points out important places. This is the gap between experience and experience.

“Raphael’s strength can’t be concealed. In order not to let Donald change the strategic plan, we can only think of other ways,” Jedith explained.

“So to say… I and you should be in the face of the whole city, and play a game.” Han Jin sighed.

“Too fake?” Gaobin said: “Raphael, this is a serious matter, you must not make a joke, if you do this … is equal to teasing Donald.”

“I just made a joke.” Han Jin whispered: “As for the Freedom of the Union…hehe, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, we have to choose to save ourselves.” Han Jin suddenly remembered the hero of the first World War. We then discovered that he no longer needs to look up to who, because the former has reached the same height as the latter.

Han Jin understands that Guevera and the others’ opinions are not always to protect themselves, but to accumulate strength and wait for the right opportunity. It is a kind of attack that does not fly but has a flying sky. The war has not yet fully erupted, and the trend of war has not yet been seen. Guevera and the others have thought of the distribution of interests after the war, so they chose sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight, this cold and cruel vision, and that Solomon’s unpredictable St. Knight Gotha is not much worse.

“Then we don’t fight?” Saxon still didn’t understand.

“Play, of course, you have to fight, and you still have to go all out.” Gao Bin’s tone is very determined.

“Go all out…” Poor Saxon is getting more and more confused, not to say that playing a vampire will lead to Donald’s main force? How do you want to fight? !

“Gaobin means that we went all out to fight the vampire.” Good-hearted Jadedis explained.

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