A group of elves are walking through the wilderness without any problems. They are not many, at least twenty, but each elf has an elegant silver pegasus, because the army has been prediction to the abyss race. It is likely to appear near Dark Raven City, so Gaobin sent hundreds of reconnaissance squads to closely monitor all the plains, mountains, and rivers in the nearby area. As long as any abnormalities are found, the elves can rely on the flying speed of the Silver Pegasus. Quickly retreat and immediately report the findings to Holy Crown City.

These elves are one of the reconnaissance squads. According to their prescribed route, they can turn back along the hills. Gaobin not at all conceal the truth. This way, the elves are always vigilant. Anything will be clear and clear, but now, seeing the destination is coming, the elves’ expressions are somewhat relaxed, each other. I also chatted about gossip.

There were two elves in the middle of the whisper, and the one on the left said something. The elf on the right didn’t hear it clearly. He turned his head and prepared to ask again. It just happened to see a cloud of black clouds flying far away. .

“Captain, look!” the elf shouted at the cloud.

Walking on the head of the little Captain, gently pats the head of the silver Pegasus, letting the Silver Pegasus stop, then he turns over and glances back, then looks in the direction of the elf’s finger.

“What is that?” Elf Captain frowned, too far away, hard to see, but he knew it was definitely not a dark cloud, like a large group of migratory birds.

The clouds are approaching at a rapid rate. For a moment, the distance between the two sides is less than two kilometers.

“Not good!” Elf Captain suddenly cried and said: “It’s a vampire! It’s a large group of vampires!! Let’s go…”

The reconnaissance squad immediately blew up the pot, and the elves rushed to the silver steed and ran towards the direction.

Compared to the short-distance start and short-distance sprint, it is difficult to have Warcraft compared with the Silver Pegasus, only a few interest, a silver flying horse is turned into a silver light, spurred between the heavens and the earth.

The large group of vampires also saw the elves, and they changed direction, biting the tail of the elf reconnaissance unit.

The desperate silver Pegasus is far faster than the vampire, and the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther away, but those vampires don’t seem to care about the distance that is gradually being pulled away, and they always fall behind.

Seeing this scene, the head of the little Captain has changed his face. The speed of the Silver Pegasus is fast, but it can’t last. If the enemy’s mount is just a normal horse, then the Silver Pegasus team will chase or escape. It seems to be easy.

However, the enemy at the moment is a vampire, one of the most enduring races, even a normal vampire, can fly for several days and nights under the status of becoming a bat.

Sure enough, when the elves rushed out of the thirty or so, the distance between the two sides began to level.

The Elf Captain without the slightest hesitation issued instructions, and more than twenty silver Pegasus Knights dispersed into a dozen directions and ran out like a fireworks on the ground.

The little Captain of the Elf is not worried about his own safety at the moment, but someone must send the message back. A large group of vampires appear at the same time, which means that the abyss army is not far from here.

At this time, the choice made by Elf Captain is absolutely correct. Only when it is dispersed can someone live, but the problem is that the number of vampires is too much.

With the dispersal of the Silver Pegasus Warrior, the vampire group also scored a dozen branches and chased it down. It looked like a dark tentacle and was reaching for their prey.

Time flies by, flies for almost three hours, and then twenty or so, you can enter Beitman, where a large number of elves are stationed, but as the physical strength of the Silver Pegasus gradually declines, the speed of running They are slowly slowing down, and the vampires who are chasing after them are always at the same speed.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that the crisis was irreparable, the headed little Captain roared and shouted the last remaining elf around him: “Come on! I will stop them!” Then I turned back and greeted the vampires.

The elf looked at Captain sillyly. I don’t know what to say. He originally wanted to do this. Unexpectedly, Captain actually gave the opportunity to escape to himself.

The little Captain of the Elf seems to know that the companion who is far away is looking at himself, but he just swings his hand and does not look back. Then he looks at the vampire group that is approaching gradually, and slowly raises the longbow in his hand, even if only Blocking for a second, this news must be passed to the hands of Gao Bin adults!

The same scene appears everywhere, and when scattered and escaping, the Silver Pegasus Warriors are a group of two, in order to cope with the current situation.

More than a dozen long bowed pointed fingers towards the sky, as if erected more than a dozen unyielding flags, as Han Jin said, this is not a battle, but a war. In this upcoming war between the ground and the abyss, no one will retreat and there is no way to retreat.

A few elves in the area certainly couldn’t stand the vampires in groups. Although there were inevitable casualties in the elves’ suffocation, the vampires who were keen on revenge were not afraid of casualties.

The screaming of the empty arrows repeatedly sounded, and there were more than a dozen blood flowers in the black tentacles that the vampires stretched out. The vampires under the bat status were so fragile that some of the arrows penetrated. After the body of three or four vampires, they lost their strength.

The bodies of dozens of vampires have fallen from the air. However, compared with the number of vampires, these dozens of bodies are really insignificant.

After the first arrow was shot, the little Captain did not look at the result. He had already placed the second arrow on the string. When the second arrow flew to the vampire with a piercing scream, he again It was like a mechanical pull out of the third arrow from the quiver.

Every remaining elf is doing this, as if their lifelong wish is to shoot all the arrows in the quiver, as if they had shot more than just an arrow, and shot it at the same time. And their anger.

The dozens of tentacles composed of bats are divided into two, one chasing the silver Pegasus Knight, the other one is turning to the ground, and they are thrown on the ground, only knowing the endless bow and place arrow, but I don’t know what Life and Death is.

In the face of the vampire group that is hiding the sky and covering the earth, the elves who are staying in the battle are becoming more and more isolated. However, no one stops attacking.

The Elf Captain was the first to fall, he was the first to decide to stay, so he was also the first person to be drowned by the vampire torrent.

In succession, there are always elves falling down, but every fallen elf has become a bloodthirsty wild beast. If you can’t shoot an arrow, you can use a bowstring to twist. When the bow is broken, you can tear it by hand and bite it with your teeth. At that moment, The unique elegance of the Spirit Race is gone, and every elf is red-eyed. As long as there is a little bit of effort, it will do everything in its power to fight back with all parts of the body.

Unfortunately, compared to those vampires who are good at melee, the elf’s attack is very naive, and in the blink of an eye, they are all knocked down.

It’s not that the vampires don’t want to stay alive. It’s really they can’t think of the elves. They can also violently reach this level. A vampire who has lost his eyes sucks his wounds and looks at the dead bodies on the ground. Who says the ground race Weak for a long time, unable to withstand a single blow? The elves, known for their elegant civilization, have become devils who choose to be human. What kind of races that have always been strong will become like?

Victor looked gloomyly at the corpses of the elves in the row, each of which was bruised and ruined.

“Why don’t you stay alive?” Victor’s voice brought a little dissatisfaction. When he thought about it, he must have committed the bloodthirsty name of these people.

A vampire standing next to Victor replied cautiously, “Victor, we originally wanted to leave a few mouthfuls, but these elves resisted too much, and some of the children who went to catch them were injured. So we are…”

“This way…” Victor ordered nodded. “It’s not a big deal. I have the same way I can get what I want to know.”

Victor waved to the body of an elf, only to see that the body instantly dried up at the speed visible by the naked eye, and then a drop of red blood appeared in the eyebrows of the body and flew into Victor’s mouth.

After swallowing the blood drop, Victor slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, the eyes opened and the expression on his face became complicated.

It was wrong to see Victor’s expression, and all the vampires present were silent.

After a long time, Victor said: “The notice goes on, you can’t let go of an elf!”

“Yes!” Vampires around Victor immediately approached.

Another large vampire vacated and chased down in a dozen directions.

After the order was released, Victor’s expression returned to normal, but in fact his heart was shaking up at the moment.

It turned out… I was worried about something happening… Victor was thinking silently in his heart, this news is definitely not released at the moment, too bad morale.

Lord of Holy Crown City? Dragon Slayer? Victor secretly calculated in his heart, is it necessary to slow down some speed? On the strength, Alquite is still on his own, even he is not an opponent, it is estimated that he can not ask for it.

It seems that this matter should be quickly reported to Catherine, let her decide, just… Does Catherine’s adult manage the matter here?

At this time, the surviving silver Pegasus Knights are still running away in desperation. After having two mounts, the chance of escape is a little bigger, as long as the silver flying horse underneath has a lack of energy. I immediately switched to another flying horse, although the vampires are still chasing after them, but they can’t catch up with them in a short time.

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