The most famous Magician of the contingent, except for Solomon, known as the light of magic, is probably a greener. Adolf heard about the name. However, his source is somewhat occluded. If it was a few months ago, he was only Knowing that there is such a person, the other is not very well understood, but after he returned to the Holy See, he had a lot of information about the relationship with the male Emperor Nikolay. In the past, he thought that his mission was only two. One was to guide the Holy See on the right track. The other was to go to the Xiongguang Empire to find Nikolai revenge. Of course, you should check Nikolai as clearly as possible.

As for the relationship between Geng Green and Nikolay, Adolf had already learned about it. When he heard that Han Jin suddenly mentioned Geng Green, he stumbled for a moment and whispered: “Adult, have you gone to Longyu?”

“Yeah.” Han Jin nodded, and he didn’t want to take advantage of Adolf. The key point is that the appearance of Geng Green is too conspicuous. If you deliberately conceal it and you can’t hold it, it is likely to cause a gap.

“How can Dragon Field give Genglin to you?”

“They certainly can’t.” Han Jin smiled and briefly introduced the matter, then added: “This thing, only you and Jedith know, I hope you can keep a secret, we can’t manage the power with the dragon now. I don’t want to go to the old road of Nikolay.

“Adult, you can rest assured!” Adolf paused: “But Jedice…”

“What happened to Jedith?”

“His belief is far from firm.” Adolf hesitated for a moment, still said his opinion: “not enough to trust!”

Han Jin was silent. He didn’t know how to answer it. He almost went to the room of Geng Green. He said slowly: “So who do you think is more suitable than Jedith?”

This time it was Adolf’s turn to be silent, and the mountains were captured. The Holy See’s talent reserve was almost completely destroyed. He hated Jeddes and liked Jedice. He had to admit that Jeddes was the only one. And the best candidate.

Han Jin pushed the door open and walked in. Adolf came in with the heel and cautiously closed the door.

“There, there, you see if he has saved.” Han Jin slowly said.

Adolf walked to the bed and looked at it for a moment. He didn’t see him sing incandation. A crystal white light shot from his palm and fell on the chest of Geng Green. For a moment, Adolf said: “Adult, his vitality has been It’s so low that it’s still alive… It’s incredible! This kind of injury ordinary magic is useless, and it can only release redemption.”

“Can you release redemption? Are you sure?”

“Adult, a few decades ago, I was a qualified bitter cultivator.” Adolf said with a slight smile: “But not here, I can’t open the door to heaven.”

“Harley.” Han Jin reached out and pulled Devouring Soul Bead out.

“Don’t…” Harley screamed, but it was too late, Han Jin waved Devouring Soul Bead, and Harley restored the prototype. Next moment, Harley had already taken his staff and stared at Adolf. In the deep eyelids, the red glow keeps flashing, ready to meet Adolf’s attack. If only he is himself, it is estimated that he has long screamed and fled, but Han Jin is here, and he has a reliance on his heart.

Who knows that Adolf has a nose and a nose, as if he did not see Harley at all.

In fact, the name of Harley’s publicity has long been notorious. Many people in Holy Crown City know that Raphael’s lord has made a dead creature into a magical prop. Adolf has no reason not to know, because he has not said it because he has not decided yet. What kind of attitude is used to treat Han Jin? If you don’t say it now, I believe that Han Jin must have his own reasons.

“Harry, go tell Guevera, let him empty the deck, everyone will go back to the cabin.” Han Jin said that Harley did not respond, could not help but raise the voice: “Harley?”

In the face of Adolf’s disregard, Harley became more and more confused. He didn’t know if this was his victory. Hey or Adolf deliberately paralyzed him. He was about to shoot. He heard the voice of Han Jin, and Harley immediately reacted. Shrinking behind Han Jin.

“What are you doing? I asked you to tell Guevera, leave me the deck and let me hear it?” Han Jin was most dissatisfied with Harley, that is, this is not good, so the tone is much stricter.

Harley woke up like a dream, showing his body shape, cautiously bypassing Adolf, drifting to the door, but his eyes flashing red glow are always watching Adolf, next to Han Jin, staring at Adolf. There was nothing, but he had already floated to the door. When he reached for the door, he still stared at Adolf. In the process of drifting, his head just rotated 180 degrees, like Adolf’s silhouette. It has an irresistible appeal to him.

When he opened the door, Harley fled immediately and fled, and he didn’t want to stay longer for a second.

Han Jin’s eyes fell on Zeng Green, waiting for Adolf to ask, he had already thought of enough reasons to prove Harley’s necessary surname. Unexpectedly, Adolf remained silent.

Han Jin doesn’t understand. For Adolf, it takes great courage to ask Han Jin. It takes a considerable amount of time to brew. Let alone make an undead creature into a magical prop, even if Han Jin is working with a The abyss of the abyss shook hands and laughed, and Adolf would think that it was a secret that he could not understand.

For a moment, Harley’s voice rang at the door: “Master, the deck has been vacated!”

Han Jin slammed his fingertips and played two talisman one by one, playing on Adolf, playing on Geng Green, and then loudly shouts: “Get up!”

Adolf suddenly felt a whirlwind, then he noticed that he had come to the deck, and Geng Green was lying in front of him. There was no one on the deck. There were only a hundred of them on the sides of the ship. Thunderbird, with curious eyes, looked at Han Jin and Adolf, who appeared suddenly, and Little Jin Lei spread its wings and made a crisp scream. The little things are getting smarter. This is its temptation if Han Jin makes In response, it must have jumped off the ship’s side to get in touch with Han Jin. If Han Jin didn’t pay attention to it, it could only stay in place.

“Adult, do you really want me to release redemption?” Adolf asked softly. He did not want to repent, but reminded Han Jin that he could only release the redemption once in his life. Are you sure to use it on Geng Green?

“This person… is very important to us.” Han Jin slowly said.

“Understood.” Adolf said with a slight smile, he slowly spread his arms, his eyes quietly staring at the gradually dim sky.

Han Jin let him save the life of Geng Green. It is somewhat unreasonable. With the power of Han Jin, there is no need to help others. This is one of them. Even if Han Jin is inconvenient, the two Angel attendants can save people. This is its Second, however, Adolf is not at all thinking, Han Jin let him do, he tried his best.

There was a fierce magical wave in the sky, followed by a path of surging white light. The white light was born and condensed. In a moment, it became a faintly discernible, imaginary giant. The door, the door is engraved with countless clearly visible magic rune, the clouds are haunting, a suffocating pressure hangs from the air, like a mercury rushing in the air, that is the door of heaven!

Pedestrians in the city have seen this scene, and those who have no common sense of magic know that someone is releasing the curse! In the blink of an eye, the flow of people on the street has become stagnant, and almost everyone is looking up at the sky. The curse can not be seen casually. Of course, if it is another city, maybe people have already run away, but the residents of Holy Crown City have great confidence in Han Jin, because Han Jin’s performance in the war has spread through the mouths of the soldiers. At the end of the day, it has become Sir Lord alone to fight hundreds of golden behemoths. The residents absolutely believe that Sir Lord can protect Holy Crown City. If the curse is malicious, it is estimated that even the incantation cannot be sung, then Magician It will be pinched to death by Sir Lord, yes, it is pinched!

The door to heaven slowly opened, and the pressure of the cascading suddenly increased a lot. Then a giant Angel flew out of the door of heaven. When Angel flew out, a thick light curtain ran vertically and turned War God. The number shrouded inside, and there was a sudden sound of crying in the air. The song was very strange. When I listened carefully, the song suddenly disappeared. When I thought it was an illusion, the song rang in my ear. Then, the giant Angel slowly stumbled in the air, vain long sword, hands clasping the hilt, and a pair of light wings stretching to the distance of the kilometer are slowly gathering, the momentum is solemn and sinking.

For a moment, the giant Angel’s rays of light became dim, or the brilliance that made up his body was condensing to a certain point, and finally the giant Angel’s wings, body, and the giant sword disappeared disappear. Without a trace, only a drop of teardrop-like light left in the air, fluttering and falling, is dripping on the forehead of Geng Green.

Han Jin once again witnessed the miracle happening, and the pale green face was quickly turning into ruddy, because Green was replaced by another servant’s clothes, the wounds were covered, the situation could not be seen, and the thoughts should be healing.

The effect of Bright Magic is truly amazing. Han Jin remembers that when he faced the unconscious Yalina, he was helpless and miserable.

“Adult, he has the seal left by Dragon Race.” Adolf said softly, his eyes were still clear and he couldn’t see any fatigue, as if his magic was not lost.

“Can you unlock it?” Han Jin said.

“Yes.” Adolf walked over again, his arms flicked, and a white halo bloomed in his hands. Through the reverberation of light waves, Han Jin could clearly see that there was a lot of densely packed on Green’s skin. Rune, Adolf whispered an incantation, and with his gestures, all the rune instantly became scattered fragments.

“His injury has been restored?”

“Yes.” Adolf replied softly: “And he is already awake.”

Geng Green slowly opened his eyes. Han Jin had heard it a long time ago. One eye was blinded and affected the other eye. Maybe it was the reason. Genglin’s eyes looked a bit muddy, and the shrinking The eyelids have become a failure in his appearance, only looking at the appearance, Geng Green lacks the temperament and prestige that matches the big magician.

Geng Green’s line of sight swept from Han Jin and Adolf, then slowly stood up. He did not speak, but walked step by step toward the ship’s side. Genglin thought that the outside was the sea. When he walked to the side of the ship, he saw that it was a city below. He was shocked. He immediately turned his head and looked at the War God curiously. For a moment, he turned his eyes outside. I don’t know. For a long time, he said leisurely: “I like this atmosphere.”

“Atmosphere? You mean…” Han Jin asked softly.

“I haven’t seen so many people for a long time.” Geng Green turned and said with a slight smile.

“It’s not as good as the Dragon Field compared to the scenery, but when it comes to popularity, my Holy Crown City is not bad.”

“Yeah, I can see that the people here are very quiet and can’t sense the chaos of the world.”

“You are wrong, this city has just experienced a war, and there is another war coming.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Is it?” Zeng Green was silent for a moment and suddenly said: “I did not expect that you can really rescue me.”

“Then why should you choose to believe me?”

“I just bet on a gamble. Anyway, it doesn’t mean anything to live.” Greene sighed: “You tried to save me and restore my magic. I want to exchange my drawings with me.”

Han Jin couldn’t help but pause. The guy who is old and fine, really no one is good. The angle of this question is very smashing, shaking his head, proving that he is too hypocritical, nodded, and proves that he is too market-stricken, Han Jin laughed, not revealing The sound of the theme shifted: “These things will be discussed later, Lord Green, I will introduce you to an old friend, Harley, please come and invite him!”

The expression of Geng Green is very dull, as if he is not interested in the so-called old friend. He looked around and said, “Who made this ship made?”

“It’s me.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Are you also an alchemist?”


“Well, I admit that my problem is flawed.” Zeng Green thought for a moment: “Who made this ship have the power to float?”

“it’s me.”

“You… is an alchemist?”

“No.” Han Jin shrugged: “I just said that?”

Geng Green’s one-eyed eyes were even more turbid. Obviously, this kind of conversation routine made him very uncomfortable.

“Growing Green, you may wish to look back and see, your old friend has come.” Han Jin whispered.

Geng Green turned his face indifferently, but when he saw Jedice, his body suddenly jerked and screamed: “Jedice, are you?!”

“It’s me.” Jeddis indifferently said: “Geng Green, do you seem to dislike me?”

“It turns out… it turned out to be Nikolay… I saved it!” Geng’s face became cold, and his tone changed very hard, especially after Nikola’s name, probably because of habits and bad A little brought out the word ‘adult’, but he was forcibly erased.

When Geng Green was sold by Nikolay, Jeddis was still beside Nikola, and Geng Green lived a life of isolation in the Dragon. He didn’t know what was going on outside, seeing Jedice, immediately I remembered Nikola.

“Nikola? He will save you? Geng Green, I can’t think of you in such a miserable situation, still talking to Nikolay, you are really loyal!” Jeddes said with a sneer, he is an excellent People with a mentality are always so peaceful, but they should never mention Nikola in front of him. Geng Green, who did not know the inside story, made a big mistake.

“Is he let you try to test me?” Geng Green is also sneer.

“Forget it.” Jeddy Sighed, after all, was a person who had experienced Life and Death. He only calmed down after an instant burst: “It’s a good thing for old friends to meet, we don’t want to I mentioned the thing of the wolf and the dog’s lungs.”

“You…you…” Zeng Green opened his mouth and shook his fingers to Jeddis. He was absolutely unimagined. He had always had a good relationship with Nicholas. He always had a gentle and elegant Jedice, and he would even have Nikola. Out of evil.

Jedice remembered this. The prisoner in the Dragon Field did not know what happened in the outside world. He said slowly: “Geng Green, compared with me, you are very lucky. After all, he did not kill you personally, not What?”

“What?? Is it…” Greene was even more shocked.

“Yes.” Jedice showed a bit of pain in his eyes: “Because I blocked his way, and because he needed to use my death, he controlled the Bright Knights to attack the Lola League.”

“But you are now…”

“He saved me.” Jedish’s eyes fell on Han Jin: “Just like he saved you.” In fact, Jedice is self-help, but his magic is depleted, if there is no Han Jin. It is absolutely impossible for him to live in the Forest of Warcraft alone, so Jeddy always thought that Han Jin saved him.

Zeng Qing looked at Han Jin and looked at Jedice again. He suddenly burst into laughter and laughed hysterically. He laughed so crazy that he finally laughed with turbid tears in his eyes.

“What are you laughing at?” Jeddy frowned. “Don’t you think I was testing you?”

“I… I am not that stupid!” Geng Green finally stopped laughing, and gasping for breath said: “Making a big ship that can fly in the sky is one of my many dreams, but I have been I can’t find a specific idea. What I can’t do. Someone here has done it. Isn’t it enough to prove it?”

“then you……”

“I have always been conceited, you… is also a very intelligent person, but we are all cheated by Nikolay.” Geng Green wiped the tears of the side: “Whether you or me, including the Magic Guild, including the Holy See Even the Dragon Field is just a tool of Nikola. When he doesn’t need it, we don’t have any meaning. Hehe…Jedice, not because I deliberately said nothing, since Nikolay personally Killing you, then the Holy See is also dangerous!”

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