A loud noise echoed on the plain near Dark Raven City. After a while, a team of evil eyes, Medusa and the Minotaur sneaked out of the staggered ground. This army is not only a large number. And the composition is extremely complex, covering almost all abyss races. Under normal circumstances, the army of the abyss race is composed of three large races. The fierce Minotaurs are responsible for the attack. The evil eyes are responsible for launching long-range strikes. The Medusa is the most special race. They have long-range strike capability. They also have close-knit ability and defense stage. They can assist evil eyes and kill a lot of enemy forces from afar. In the offensive stage, they can follow the Minotaurs and cooperate with the Minotaur to fight with the enemy.

If it is a big Legion battle, it must be a silhouette composed of the tenth-order Warcraft squad, which is extremely fast, and is comparable to the Silver Race of the Fine Spirit Race, but the combat power is stronger than the Silver Pegasus Warrior. Too much too much, so that the Iris squad succeeded in breaking into the magic Legion, the blow was caused by the destruction of the surname. During the first World War, more than half of the Magician fell on the lion’s fangs. Under the teeth.

At the southern end of the plain, there are tens of thousands of vampires, perhaps to show their reading power, perhaps what is inside the entanglement, the vampire square array on the outside of the abyss race army, separated by almost ten or so, In front of the vampire’s square, there are four elders with different looks. If a descendant of a Blood Race happens, it will never make such a big noise, and the death of Blood Race’s distant ancestor Arquette has already caused The shock of the Blood Race, the remaining four Blood Race ancestors were all out, they have to personally revenge for Al Quart.

There are dozens of rare horror Knights swimming around. Horror Knight is a peculiar existence. They belong to creatures and are not biological. They are biologically defined. Only those who have the ability to reproduce can be regarded as Creatures, and Horror Knight has no ability in this area, but they can live and think.

Those horror Knights are followers of fallen Angel Catherine, they will not obey the orders of other powerhouses, even the big devil Donald, such a surname is very similar to the bright Knights, they will not yield to any human powerhouse, but willing Go and kiss the toes of the gods.

The farmers who farmed on the plains saw the abyss of the army rushing out of the ground like a tide, scared soul destroyed, fleeing around, probably the name of the name, Dark Raven City is really an unfortunate city, and live in Dark Raven City’s civilians were also a group of unfortunate people. First, the Spirit Race was called, and then the human race was also called. Finally, Han Jin came up with a big turn, which restored the calmness of Dark Raven City, but in a few days, the abyss race The army has appeared again.

The army of the abyss race is not at all chasing the farmers. They also have their own pride. They are on the ground to fight against the army of the ground race. At least, their first battle will not choose a farmer who has no backhand. .

From the early morning to the evening, the vast abyss army occupied almost half of the plain, and the squares were connected together. There was no margin at all. All the soldiers were ready to go. Unfortunately, they never waited for the command of the commander.

To be precise, the fallen Angel Catherine is not suitable for the commander, because she lives too casually, too surnamed, betrayed God, and lost her beloved husband and child, she is no longer concerned, this is an absolute Free, or she doesn’t know why she is alive.

That many warriors are waiting for Catherine’s orders, but Catherine is leisurely strolling on the grassland, black light wings have been gathered behind the back, like a noble and solemn cloak, her skirt is very elegant, short before the long, front It only covers the knees, but the back is dragged to the ankles. The legs and bare feet are as fine as jade, whether it is stepping into the grass or stepping on the dirt, it is very clear, in the twin black eyes, Full of intoxication.

The blue sky, the fresh air, and the fragrant earth, the beautiful… The abyss fighters are still waiting quietly, even the few distant races of the Blood Race are silent, in fact they have stood up Half a day, no matter what I think, is anxious or angry, but the face must remain calm, no one dares to disturb Catherine, this is the difference between the first sequence and the second sequence!

The Holy Crown City is a sequence, like Guevera, Jeddes, Gael, Gobin, etc. It is of course the first series of powerhouses, and Gibran belongs to the second sequence. Don’t look at the usual relationship, not There is a phenomenon of mutual disrespect, and there is a real conflict. The second sequence of people join hands and may not be able to fight a first sequence of powerhouses.

I don’t know how long it took, Catherine’s gaze finally moved away from the setting sun, and then thought of something, and reached out to recruit.

A Tauren general strode to Catherine and fell to the ground on one knee: “Adult!”

Catherine’s expression was a little confused, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a crisp, yellow-like voice: “Roy, in which direction is the Freedom Federation?”

If you ask Roy for a personal name, General Roy, who is known for his tyrannical surname, must have a big slap in the face, even if he is the chief officer of his own, he is still the best commander of the army, even in which direction the enemy is. Do not know at all? !

But in front of Catherine, Roy is as clever as a child: “Adult, in that direction.”

“Let’s go.” Catherine whispered: “Go and destroy them.”

“Follow, adults.” Roy stood up and waved his arms and said: “Go!”

A team of Minotaurs, evil eyes, Medusa finally took a step and walked toward the south. The tails of the lions and the lazily were behind them. They were fast, even if they let the army go to 100 li, they also Can catch up in a few hours.

However, the Vampires and the dozen Black Dragons have no place, because their goal is not a free federation.

Facts have proved that Han Jin’s fears are superfluous. He regards himself as a benevolent person, but others may not be able to afford him… Hell Aster flowers have opened every corner of the continent, but they are still quite backward in terms of intelligence transmission. At least absolutely not comparable to modern society.

Collecting information around, and then sorting out all of them in detail, it takes a certain amount of time, then it is sent to the underground, concentrated in the ceremonial office of Donald, and then the staff reorganize it again, pick the most important one, and give it to Donald. After that, it will take almost half a year. That is to say, until now, Donald is still not sure that Holy Crown City has a Han Jin and killed the Elder Maxwell of Dragon City.

What’s more, it is impossible for Donald’s army to appear on the ground at once, to form alliances, to send troops, and to hurry. These also take time.

After careful analysis, Donald decided to launch the war immediately. It should have been more than half a year ago. It happened in parallel with the fight of Han Jin to kill Maxwell. At that time, it happened that Nikola and the Dragon Field had joined forces to attack the mountains. Just passed to Donald!

That is to say, when Donald made the plan, Han Jin had lost his base and was preparing to snatch the Holy Crown City. Who would care about the kind of a nobody?

Donald’s first target was only two. One was Nikola’s male empire and the other was the Southeastern Freedom Federation. In his eyes, the area around Holy Crown City was insignificant, and a small Zaganide took the place. Stir up a mess, is it worth his attention? !

As Catherine’s silhouette went further and further, the dozens of Black Dragons became arrogant again. They didn’t even say hello to several Blood Race ancestors, and they flew their wings to the sky. Their goal was cold shadow city. Of course, Instead of attacking, but to test the current strength of the Titans, Black Dragon Wang Fan Luding is preparing to launch an attack on Jinlong. After the victory, the next target is naturally Cold Shadow City. You must know that Fan Luding’s adults must report!

A few of the Blood Race’s distant ancestors watched the Black Dragons fly, then they discussed it for a moment, turned into a giant bat, and led the clansman to the north, but their purpose was not the cold shadow city, but the Holy Crown. City.

If Gaobin and Guevera are here, witnessing this, they can judge the most deadly weakness of the abyss race army in the first place.

A loose sand!

That’s right, Donald’s influence covers the entire Abyss World and is qualified and capable of forming an alliance, but he is not a ruler of unique and unmatched after all, and he cannot indulge all the abyss of the army.

In many cases, Donald has to make a compromise. Black Dragon Wang Fan Luding must attack the Golden Dragon. Blood Race must go to Han Jin. Can he force all races to act according to their own orders? impossible!

Only the fallen Angel Catherine is better to talk, because Catherine doesn’t care, let her go to fight anyone, as long as it is fun, as long as it is interesting, she doesn’t care because her life is too boring.

This time the World War, the two worlds could not release their full strength, one had a disability, and one had a serious illness.


When the Minotaur general Roy gave orders, Adolf had already arrived at the War God. When he saw Han Jin, his attitude was particularly respectful, and the younger Amy Jie was stunned. Guevera was also puzzled, but against Adolf. In fact, these are indifferent. He does not value his status, identity, etc., or even his own life. As long as he can follow God’s footsteps, he can get a kind of Supreme happiness.

“Adult, you let me come, is there something?” Adolf bent down with respect and respect.

“Well, there is something that needs your help.” Han Jin laughed.

“This is my honor.” When he heard that Han Jin needed his help, Adolf’s smile was extraordinarily innocent and extraordinarily cheerful, and even the wrinkles on his face eased a lot.

“Follow me.” Han Jin suddenly felt a little unbearable in his heart, avoiding Adolf’s sight without traces.

Just then, there was a happy cry behind him: “Raphael, you are back!”

Han Jin had a happy heart and hurriedly turned back. Sure enough, Sunier’s silhouette jumped onto the deck, but to his surprise, Sunier’s surname was always strong, hard-working, and subtle. She would not easily put her own ideas. It was revealed on the face, and at this moment, Sunier’s expression and voice seemed very close, but it was also unnatural, as if it was deliberately pretending.

The surname is impossible to change, and it will always change with experience and sentiment. Sunier is also the same. Yalina has no bite with Sunier and said that Sunier and Han Jin always look uncomfortable when talking. This is not enough, it must be changed. With Yalina’s experience, whether it is qualified to be someone else’s Teacher, that is another matter, at least, she convinced Sunier.

“Come back.” Han Jin started in a hurry, but after seeing Sunier’s expression a little weird, his footsteps slowed down again. He went to Sunier and he was paused and said, “I will have this kind of thing with me.” Say!”

“Don’t you worry about it?” Sunier whispered.

“You don’t say, I am more worried!” This sentence exports, Han Jin suddenly feels the hair behind it erected, if the induction is correct, his communication with Sunier, Adolf has made some changes.

“I know, I will tell you later.” Sunier noticed that there were a lot of people on the deck, and Han Jin said that such awkward words made her more unnatural, and she immediately went straight to the topic: “Give You!” After that, Sunier took out a gray shirt.

“Bright jersey!” Guevera said with a big smile : “Raphael, congratulations, you already have three Divine Artifacts!”

Han Jin didn’t have any feelings this time. On the one hand, because he really wanted to get this shirt, on the one hand, he didn’t need to push it, took the bright shirt, and observed it for a long time, long sighed.

“Are you still sighing? You know, how lucky are you?” Sunier said with a smile: “Since the Holy See lost the Holy Armed Forces, I have never heard of anyone who can gather three sacred armed suits. Raphael, I have a feeling that one day, you will let the holy armage appear again on this continent!” This is Sunier’s truth, as long as I know where the rest of the kit is going, she must do whatever it takes to make the kit Han. Jin grabbed it.

When God said this, when Sunier said this, he really did not know that the boots of the saints were in the hands of Adolf, and she did not say to Adolf.

Adolf was silent for a moment, his eyes showed a happy expression, and he understood that he really understood.

“What happened in the underground?” Han Jin asked softly.

“No.” Sunier shook the head: “When the soldiers of the mountain Legion rushed to the treasure room, the army of the abyss races had already left. They had never found us, estimated… they might be on the ground soon. “”

“That’s good.” Han Jin smiled. “It’s a coincidence, I have something to give you.” After that, Han Jin took out a suit. From the appearance, the leather armor seemed to be woven with branches and leaves. , not at all What’s amazing.

Sunier, like Han Jin, did not give in and gently picked up the suit. She didn’t even ask about the use of the suit. Even if she had no use, she would cherish it because it was a gift from Han Jin.

“Wait a minute!” Gao Bin, who appeared later, saw the scene and suddenly cried: “This is…”

“This is a tree elf battle suit.” Han Jin said: “You can let the elf wearing the war suit disappear into the forest, even if it is a super-order powerhouse, you can’t feel any breath. Of course, Sunier, you can’t attack, if If you launch an attack, your silhouette will show up.”

“Sunier, put it on, this tree elf suit will make you have a few more lives!” Gao Bin sighed, and then looked at with a curious look towards Han Jin: “Is there a gift for me?”

“No.” Han Jin shook the head.

“You…” Gao Bin felt that he had no face and sighed. He just sighed, but now he is lamenting.

“My gift…” Yalina bit her lip and said in a very low voice that she saw something wrong with Han Jin and Sunier. She was anxious for Sunier and could even advise Sunier, but it was really compared to Sunier. When she went on, she felt wronged again. The complex psychology of the little woman was indeed unpredictable.

“This is for you.” Han Jin took out a magic wand and handed it to Yalina. Regardless of his true attitude towards the Dragon Field, he was very grateful to Weber for his thoughtful consideration of Han Jin, otherwise he would be more than good. It takes a long time to appease Yalina.

“I knew…” Yalina showed a sweet smile and immediately took the magic wand.

“This is a flying staff, holding this magic wand, you can fly freely without losing magic, and flying at a much faster rate than normal flying.”

“Raphael, is there a gift for us?” Gibran said with a smile.


Gibran looked awkward, but Gao Bin was laughed up and he found a balance.

“Adolf, I have also prepared a gift for you, but… I will hand it over to you.” Regardless of Adolf’s attitude towards himself, he also needs to use the title.

Adolf glimpsed, he never thought that Han Jin would miss himself! This is enough to prove that he is in the weight of Han Jin’s mind, the old face is also excited to shine, in some respects, he and Sunier’s mentality is the same, do not care about the purpose of the gift, only care about it or not.

“Come on, Adolf, and I will go see a person.” To be on the safe side, Han Jin has transferred Geng Green to a vacant room. He can convince Jedice, but he is not sure to convince Adolf to see the Holy Crystal. What if Adolf is worried?

“Yes, adults.” Adolf bent down again.

As a bitter cultivator of aloof and remote, Han Jin showed an attitude of obedience and obedience. This is somewhat inappropriate, but Adolf himself does not care, and no one can interfere with him.

Walking in the corridor, Adolf couldn’t help it anymore. The person who made Han Jin pay attention to him was very curious. When he saw no one, he whispered: “Adult, who are you going to see me?”

“Geng Green, have you heard of it?” Han Jin replied softly.

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