Going up the long steps, there is a palace-shaped building about 20 meters high. The palace is not very majestic, but the whole building is deeply immersed in the rock, or it is hollowed out. The construction of the mountain wall is much larger than the normal palace, but it seems that there is nothing surprising about the history of the dragon domain.

In front of the palace, there are four giant pillars flush with the top of the temple. They are separated on the sides, separated by three Dao Sect, and on both sides are small corner gates. They should be for servants. Xiazo certainly does not take Han Jin. At the corner gate, he walked slowly to the center of the shallow red giant door, reaching out and pushing the door, and the giant door quietly opened.

Stepping into the great hall, Han Jin reveals the wrong expression. From the outside, the shape of the palace is very simple, but the inside has become completely different, not just in name only, but also in reality.

The top of the temple, the walls, the columns arranged in a circle, the floor, and the carpet are all adorned with pearls, red, blue, green, golden, and mixed colors, which are dazzling and even dazzling. There is no ‘clean’ place in the entire great hall. Even the seven rows of chairs on the top are studded with gems. The Dragon Race’s preferences are undoubtedly in the palace.

Han Jin smiled in the heart, but it was too late. In humans, this is a typical nouveau style. It only causes ridicule. Next moment, his sight is swept from the chair above. How many dragons are there? The guardian has always been a secret, and even Solomon is not clear. Now, the secret has already appeared in front of him.

Xia Zuo saw the chair above, paused, and then frowned. “Adult, come with me, this is not the place to talk about things.” After that, Xia Zuo has stepped to the left side door.

In fact, this is where the guardians of the Dragon Field hold meetings. However, Xia Zuo feels that it is not suitable because there is obviously no Han Jin seat, and it is hard to find a chair. There is also a condescending, or interrogating and censoring taste. Xia Zuo is worried about angering Han Jin.

Xia Zuo is the only alternative to the Dragon City and the Dragon Field. Of course, Xia Zuo’s purpose is to use Han Jin, but his strength lies in expressing enough respect, while other giant dragons are too lazy to human. Around the bend, because of pride, because of disdain, they are used to express their determination straightforwardly, you have to obey, or you will kill you!

Can bend and stretch, is the formidable person! Nikola is definitely worthy of this title. At the beginning, he had decided to cooperate with the Dragon Field and ruin the Holy See. As a result, he was almost awkward and another guardian, Harriet, turned his face. He was not unyielding. However, it is really unbearable, otherwise his prestige will be greatly damaged, until Xia Zuo came over and exchanged for Harriet, Nikola took the opportunity to step down.

When Han Jin contacted Elder Xavier of Dragon City, Xavier knew that Han Jin had first contacted the Dragon Field and got a precious star gold. The tone of speech was still carefree, and the taste was extremely heavy. Han Jin also turned his face on the spot, and Xavier’s attitude became less relaxed.

This is not determined by the level of wisdom, but the habit that has been developed over the years. Human beings should be respectful in front of Dragon Race and should obey.

Walking through the side door, it was a small living room. Han Jin didn’t understand it at first. Later, he guessed Xia Zuo’s concerns. The look of the towards the back of Xia Zuo became softer, but his purpose was still to be achieved. Xiao En Xiaohui is unlikely to let him make concessions on the major event.

“Sit down, Raphael.” Xia Zuo sat casually on a chair and pointed to her side.

Han Jin sat down while observing the living room. Like the great hall outside, there was a hustle and bustle everywhere, and even the bottom of the foot was covered with gems. The ordinary person was lucky enough to dig a few pieces here and run. Going outside and switching to gold coin, it is estimated that you can guarantee your life to eat and drink.

“Raphael adults, you don’t have to worry.” Xia Zuo whispered: “Actually… just talk a few words, I dare to protect, no one here will marry you.”

“It’s bothering you.” Han Jin is slowly replied.

“What are you polite? We are friends, aren’t we?” Xia Zuo laughed: “And, it’s good for me to continue our cooperation.”

For a moment, the side door was pushed away again. Three people of similar age came in one after another. The person who walked in front was wearing a red robe, his face was clear, his eyes were a bit strange, revealing a faint golden light. Even in the blink of an eye, the golden light will not disappear, as if the eye is covered with an invisible gold film, the second person is wearing a black robe, the body is relatively thin, and the face has a tall, curved aquiline. Nose, there is a pair of extremely thin lips, this is a typical mean, the third person is also wearing a black robes, but the face is round and fat, the mouth is always smiling, no need, the eyebrows are half white, I don’t know if it was a coincidence. Han Jin suddenly remembered a person, Gao Lishi… Of course, the color of the pupils is different.

“Raphael, let me introduce you.” Xia Zuo stood up: “This is Master Weber, this is Antoine, this is the deed, this … I don’t need to introduce it? Young and promising Raphael lord!”

“Weber, Antoine, and the deeds are honored to receive the interviews of the adults.” Han Jin said as he stood up and said in a respectful tone that he was not afraid, but could not make a dispute because of attitude problems.

“Sit down, don’t be so polite.” Weber said with a slight smile: “Actually, this meeting is not necessary, hehe… Raphael adults, don’t misunderstand, we don’t have opinions about you because we believe in Xia Zuo He thinks you can trust, that’s enough.”

Han Jin laughed, although the attitude of the other party is very harmonious, but he still feels a slight contempt, Xia Zuo said what is good, a human, dare to deceive Dragon Race?

The guardian of the deed was looked around: “Harry Yate? Didn’t she wait to see Raphael?”

“She heard that the ice giant dragon An Qi Aier appeared in the lost valley, so they took them with them.” Xia Zuo said with a slight smile.

“Frost giant dragon An Qi Aier appeared in the lost valley?” Hechi stunned, then laughed at Hehe and said: “Xia Zuo, you have to be bad luck, if Harriet knows that you deliberately deceive her…”

“I didn’t lie again.” Xia Zuo shrugged his bladder.

“You really didn’t lie??” The guardian of Antoine said with a sigh: “Is the ice giant dragon An Qi Ai really reclusive in the lost valley?”

“Yeah, but…” Shawola said: “But that was 70 years ago, now I don’t know.”

“You are much more powerful than me in this respect, really!” Deeds sighed: “It is a lie, but no one can pick your fault. There is no place to send a fire.”

“The Harriet adult seems to be… not very irritating?” Han Jin curiously asked.

The four guardians looked at each other in dismay, then shook their heads together, and the decipher coughed: “Let’s say, Harriet master has mastered half of the dragon’s power.”

“It’s more than half.” Weber said with a bitter smile: “Deed, you forgot the giant dragons that have just grown up.”

Han Jin, stunned, has mastered more than half of the strength of the Dragonfield. Doesn’t it mean that Harriet has the supreme influence of Supreme in the Dragonfield? However, looking at the expression of these guardians of Xia Zuo, it is only a headache for that Harriet, but in the bones is not to care, as if looking down on Harriet, there is no tension to lose authority.

“Although Harriet’s strength is not very strong, just a few decades ago I just mastered the ultimate deformation, but…” Xia Zuo saw that Han Jin was a little confused and whispered: “In your human words, Harriet Astra is a woman, cough cough… I don’t know what method she used to unite most women in the dragon domain. You should understand that those young men who are just getting grown up, if they don’t try to please Harriet. In Astra’s words, it is difficult for him to find a suitable spouse, so…”

Han Jin is a ridiculous, feminist of the Dragon Field? This World is getting more and more fun… “Xia Zuo, I have seen Raphael, and I totally agree to continue working with Raphael, then…” Weber’s eyes turned to Xia Zuo, apparently, he has been Not interested in this matter, or maybe he trusts Xiazzo very much.

“All four of us agree, we have already taken up the majority. Is Harriet always opposed?” Antoine slowly said that his eyes were somewhat erratic and should be uncertain.

“Don’t worry, it will be gone after such a time. Can you guarantee that Harriet will not pick up the problem?” The deed is with a smile, and at the same time it is not easy to notice to Weber: “This way, it is almost evening.” Now, let me arrange it, everyone will have some wine and talk.”

“Alright.” Weber hammered.

Han Jin has been observing in secret. He found that several guardians are very anthropomorphic. There is no difference between them and the ordinary person. If you don’t know beforehand, it is really hard to believe that they are giant dragons. I used to listen to Xia Zuo. Giant dragon always likes to use the ultimate deformation technique to convert Chengren. Part of the reason is that it is convenient to walk in the continent. From their age, they should have mastered the ultimate deformation technique a long time ago. It’s not surprising that the time spent walking in the continent is too much, and the words and tone are infected by humans.

However, Weber’s attitude made him very uncomfortable. Obviously he wanted him to leave the Dragon Field quickly. His goal has not been reached yet. How can he leave? The time to eat the stopped meal is not enough to let him find the opportunity, what should I do? Although his chances of achieving it are very embarrassing, he always tries and tries hard.

At the time of the ups and downs, several servants came in one after another. Compared with Chesham’s arranging, this banquet was very shabby. Of course, a giant dragon that has been living for thousands of years is generally impossible to cook. It’s a waste of time on the wine. They have already tasted enough. They can attract them. There should be only one theme, and that is how to achieve eternal.

Xia Zuo took the knife and fork slowly, picked up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth, and chewed and said: “Yes, do you know what gift from Xavier of Dragon City to Raphael?”

“What did Xavier send?” asked the deed.

“Dragon blood, there are some alchemical materials.”

“Ha… that incomparable guy, is he kidding?” Antoine laughed.

“Yeah, Master Xiazu once suggested that I should put those gifts on Xavier’s face.” Han Jin smiled and he noticed that the deed was in secret with Weber and Antoine, but he installed Did not see anything.

Just then, a squatting old servant walked in with a crystal bottle, and it seemed that he was struggling. He walked closer and put the bottle on the carpet a little bit.

Han Jin’s eyes swept over the old servant’s face, as if was struck by lightening, this person, is it still alive? ! The main goal that I tried to see was miraculously appeared in front of him. Han Jin could not describe his feelings in words. He was grateful and grateful for the fate! Since the beginning of the story, he has rarely been grateful for his fate, but now he really can’t believe it.

Fortunately, the city of Han Jin has become very deep, even though the heart has already set off a stormy wave, but his face is still full of sunshine smiles, his eyes are quickly removed from the old servant, and the raised knife is stable. Very incomparable, without any meaningless vibration.

“Antoine, deed, you are all fooled.” Weber said with a slight smile: “You just laughed at Xavier, will you not be the same?”

“Xia Zuo, did you count on us?” Antoine shook his head, then indulged, his wrist turned over, and a crystal box was placed in his hand and placed on the table.

Xia Zu smiled and glared at Han Jin and asked, “What is it inside? If it is Dragon Blood… you still have to close it up.”

“I am not so stingy.” Antoine said with a smile: “This is the heart of the lava. The fire elements contained in it are even the highest-order fire attribute Magic Crystal. If you make a magic wand, you can All fire attribute magic has a great effect.”

“Xia Zuo counts us? I think you and I am calculating together with Xia Zuo!” The expression of the deed has changed a bit. Antoine’s shot is the heart of lava, then he can’t just find something, at least not. It should be worse than the heart of the lava, staying for a long while, he took out a pair of gloves-like things and placed them on the table.

“Hellfire gloves?” Xia Zuo knows that thing.

“Isn’t you forced by you?” The decoy took a look at Xia Zuo and then said to Han Jin: “Hellfire gloves can release a very high temperature hellfire. When you fight people, you don’t even have to attack the enemy. As long as you can rush over, you can burn your surrounding life into coke. However, you need to make a contract with the Hellfire glove, or you will be hurt yourself.”

“Hellfire gloves are a sacred instrument, so you must use contractual constraints.” Xia Zu is very happy to see Han Jin: “Although not as powerful as your Divine Artifact, it will provide you with a lot of help. ”

“Deed, I see the worst guy is you.” Weber’s expression was helpless.

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