The shape of the humanoid Xia Zuo, the flying posture is very different from the Magician, the Magician are standing in the air when releasing the flight, while Xiazo keeps parallel to the ground, his speed is much faster than the Magician. Han Jin, who followed, can clearly hear the whistling sound of Xia Zuo’s body piercing the air.

Seeing that Han Jin is always behind, Xia Zuo is getting faster and faster. The sky has always been the stage of giant dragon Only I Am Supreme. No creature can challenge giant dragon in this field. As for Angel Although it is stronger than the giant dragon, Angel is not a creature. It is just a kind of life. In the heart of giant dragon, I have always looked down on the ignorance of the progeny who do not know what it is. Yes, it is!

When Xiazo became more and more horrified, he found that Han Jin couldn’t keep up with him. The distance between them was more than 100 meters. Xia Zuo smiled and naturally slowed down.

In fact, Han Jin did not release all his strength at all. What can he do? No need, if he and Xiazu broke out, Xiazo is desperately trying to escape at this moment, he will definitely let Xiazo know what is a nightmare.

I don’t know how many days of flight, Xia Zuo did not stop to rest, Han Jin did not, Xia Zuo rushed back to give an explanation to Longyu, Han Jin wants to hurry back to Holy Crown City, all tacit.

The 莽莽 forest passed under them, and Han Jin did not know how far it was from the lost paradise, but he could see that the forest vegetation is getting higher and higher, and it is getting denser and denser. Later, even often see it. Ancient trees with a height of around 100 meters. In a sense, every ancient tree is a complete World. Countless long vines hang from the branches into the ground, the trunks are covered with moss, and each A variety of fungi, countless insect ants explored in the branches and leaves, perhaps their life, have no way to see another ancient tree, here is their sky, their land, their World.

The World of Warcraft here is swimming in groups. Han Jin also saw a thrilling scene. A group of thunderbirds fought with the lions and beasts. The number of thunderbirds was almost a thousand, and the number of lions and beasts could not be counted. Thunderbird owns The ability to release magic, the lion beast can only fight in close proximity, but without fear, from all directions wrapped in the thunderbird group, both sides played dark.

Han Jin was hesitant, so flying straight away, in case of alarming the thunderbird group, it would cause him some trouble, but Xia Zuo could not see anything like it. If nothing happened, he would fly forward and then broke out world-shaking. The growl.

The thunderbird group and the lion beast in the fierce battle immediately made birds and beasts, and the relatively simple-minded Warcraft could not bear the pressure of Dragon’s Prestige. This has nothing to do with the number of companions. They dare not challenge the existence of the top of the bio-chain.

When I saw the battlefield, I was emptied. Looking at the bodies of a large number of thunderbirds and lions and beasts, Han Jin wanted to fly down to collect Magic Crystal. Unfortunately, Xiazo is here. .

The Dragon’s Prestige swept over and the forest became quiet. More than a dozen giant lizards squatting on the hills shook their tails, and they disappeared into the forest. In the distance, a group of unicorns just came out of the jungle. When I heard the Dragon’s Prestige, I immediately turned back and went back.

Xia Zuo was very satisfied, but his mouth was just smiling, and there was a fierce roar in front of him, as if he was responding to Dragon’s Prestige.

“That is…Bimeng?” Han Jin’s vision is very good: “How can there be Bi Meng?”

“These are wild Bi Meng, damn it!” Xia Zuo’s figure came to an abrupt end, and he secretly calculated it in his heart: “After returning to the Dragon Field, the lesson learned the lazy worm, how can you let Bi Meng Staying close to such a place?!”

Dozens of creatures like giant ape emerged from the front, and each of them was wide open, and roared, and a pair of thick and powerful arms were waving again and again. Obviously, they went down to Xia Zuo. War book.

Xia Zuo felt that his face was too late, his eyes turned sharp, and suddenly the hand, a long spear composed entirely of flames appeared in his hands, next moment, he had already thrown the flame gun out.

When the battle was attacking the Holy See, a flame gun with a feeling of affection, but also the ability to reinvent Yadunis, the magic released by the dragon guardian Xia Zuo, is not the wilder than the Mongolian can resist.

The flame gun flashed in the air, and the attacked Biangi giant beast only had time to lift his foot. The flame gun had hit its chest and banged a loud bang. There was a bucket at the chest of the giant beast. The thick hole, from the front of it can see the grass behind, seven or eight meters wide, the sturdy chest was actually penetrated in an instant, the flame gun did not disappear, and then shot into the ground, and finally blasted , the ground is blown out of a large hole with a radius of three or four meters.

Han Jin’s heart is stunned. Xia Zuo’s flame gun is extremely fast, and it has a huge attack power. If you don’t say anything, even if he binds him in front of him and lets him attack at random, he can’t guarantee himself. Heavenly Dao can penetrate the body of Biemen’s giant beast. After that battle, he knows how strong the body of Biangi beast is, can kill that many than the giant beast, completely dependent on the metamorphosis of Three Smells True Fire With Heavenly Dao, the effect will definitely be very bad.

The attacked Biangi giant beast slowly fell backwards, although there was no blood, but it was because the flame gun burned its internal organs in an instant, and its life has actually been cut off.

The rest stayed for a while, and then roared again. There were a few giant stones that picked up the boulder on the ground, and they struggled to throw into the air, but they were not as good as the giants on the hills, and the heads were too bad, and Xiazo was high. In the air, the range is not enough.

Not satisfied! Just don’t accept it! This is the answer to Biemen Giant Beast.

At this moment, there are dozens of more than one giant beast rushing out of the forest and joining the provocative camp.

Xia Zuo’s face is lightly red, as the guardian of the Dragon Field, even this group of Warcraft can not be convinced, it can be considered a shame to be thrown home, he has the heart to stay to kill all these damn guys, but it takes time, And in front of Han Jin, he was too angry and hesitated for a moment. He had to give up: “Let’s go, Raphael, ignore this stupid World of Warcraft.”

If you use the ‘professional’ in human to describe the biennial giant beast, the rogue is the most appropriate, I have nothing, I am not afraid of anything!

Even the mercenaries who specialize in hunting for Warcraft, seeing the Biangi giant beast is also afraid to avoid it. It is not afraid of the fighting power of the giant beast. With wisdom, it can completely fight against brute force. The problem is that killing is better than killing. What are the benefits of giant beast? Kill a giant dragon, don’t want anything else, at least you can harvest a dragon crystal, even the giant beast even Magic Crystal, do you have to work hard to kill it? Test your combat power? Are you full of food… Only Dragon Race, because your dignity has been offended, it has been repeatedly compared with the giant beast, other strong races, big will not have no chance to cause conflict, even in the eyes of the Black Dragon family The incomparable Titans will also choose to give in. Of course, if there is a genius treasure in the body of the giant beast, the result will be completely different.

Perhaps this also shows the fate of Dragon Race, which is easy to break, and even if the dignity is offended, it will be solved with an extreme method. What happens if the interests are encroached?

During the Battle of Genting City, Black Dragon’s leader, Van Luding, angered the Titans’ arrogance and ruthlessness, led all Black Dragons, launched a super-war between the two races, and finally, Genting City was completely destroyed.

In the eyes of smart people, it is self-evident that who should take full responsibility for this war.

The battlefield is located in the Holy Land of the Titan family. Who is the active attacker?

Van Lun Ding said that his dignity was damaged, that the Titans were too arrogant, but that his dignity was preserved, predicated on the trampling of the Titans’ dignity and the loss of interests. That is to say, the Titans did not want their dignity to be Trample, is the unforgivable sin, who is more arrogant?

Dragon Race can always stay above the continent, just because they have powerful power and because they have always been united.

However, the Black Dragon and the Golden Dragon broke out, letting the Dragon Race split into two. Then Jinlong broke out of the guilt, and divided it into the Dragon City and the Dragon Field. Now there is another such thing as Han Jin. Perhaps the so-called fate is always Kindly, when fate decides and so on, there are always signs of pre-reduction. Of course, it is not obvious at this moment. After thousands of years, smart people may find a coherent clue from these legends.

Continue to fly forward for a few hours, the scene suddenly changed, the towering old trees became scarce, the terrain became flat, and there was a vast wilderness. At the end of the wilderness, there were five towering clouds. The peaks of the shape are connected to each other and look like a four-leaf flower. The center of the mountain is the flower, and the surrounding peaks are the leaves.

From this distance, it is also clear that some small black spots are rising and falling between the mountains. Han Jin knows that it is Longya, the giant dragon is snoozing, often sleeping for a few months, even years, decades, very annoying Being disturbed, giant dragon likes to build his nest on sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces.

Xiazu and Han Jin flew closer and closer, and found that the mountain in the center of the city is surrounded by a tall, palace-like building that covers almost the entire mountain. Han Jin smiles and Solomon once mentioned it to him. It is the influence of culture.

Although the culture of the elf is far older than human beings, it has invented its own words. However, the influence is not comparable to that of human beings, because elves advocate nature, and everything humans do is to change nature and even to change nature. It is more in line with your own life.

Whether this is right or wrong, at least for now, human beings have shown their value.

A giant dragon flies out of his damp, dark nest and goes to a human king friend. Of course, suppose he can give up his pride and really regard human beings as friends. As a result, he found that his friends lived in tall, neat palaces, intoxicating wines, gorgeous clothes, the floor was polished like a mirror, and the walls were inlaid with countless beautiful ornaments, even carved on the soup spoons. Exquisite patterns, flaming fireplaces make the palace warm as spring, giant dragon really won’t be heart-warming? No? Even if there is a conflict, the giant dragon shouts: You stupid, despicable human beings, this time his enthusiasm is definitely insufficient, your lair is not as clean as a human toilet, where is your noble place? !

The charm of civilization is unstoppable. When the Spirit Race is the strongest, the Elvish language is the universal language of continent, but now it has been replaced by human language, which is enough to prove everything.

After the giant dragon advanced, you can naturally master the ultimate deformation, but the ultimate deformation can only choose one kind of creature, and then can not change, all giant dragon, will choose to change the class, in fact they can choose dwarf, you can choose Elf, you can even choose Titan, Bimengi giant beast must be excluded, others pick them casually, why must they become honest? This is another powerful proof.

Because the human way of life has become the mainstream of continent, whether the power is stronger than human beings or weaker than human beings, it will always unconsciously move closer to the mainstream. The giant dragon family can’t be excused. After all, this lifestyle is really comfortable, they also have Sufficient ability to change, why should we exclude?

Of course, when will there be old school, and those who are unwilling to change can continue to live in the dragon cave. No one interfered. In fact, the original Spirit Race was also controversial. Some elves demanded change, so they came to the plains and created a new and powerful city, Wild Willow City. Some elves strongly opposed learning from humans. They prefer to live in the forest, and the southern forest tribes are born. Some of the elves don’t want to learn from humans completely, and they don’t want to hide in the forest tribes. They find a place where they can penetrate deep into the forest and come into contact with humans. They are the jade tribes; other elves see the end of the fine Spirit Race in a blink of an eye, I feel very sad, they choose to go far away, eyes are not bored, Branchi is the descendants of this part of the elf.

Xia Zuo did not stop at all, and continued to fly to the front of the mountain. There were more than a dozen Jinlong found that some people were approaching, and the two wings greeted him. Then he recognized Xia Zuo and immediately retired.

For a moment, Xia Zuofei went up to the highest point of the mountain and fell in front of a splendid tall building. Han Jin followed it and flew down, and collected the purple light and landed next to Xia.

Xia Zuo recruited a beckoning, a shadow hurriedly greeted from the corner door, standing in front of Xia Zuo, Han Jin’s line of sight swept up and down the silhouette, turned out to be a personal class! But there is nothing so strange. The giant dragons that can live in this palace have mastered the ultimate transformation. They can’t clean up their own hygiene. They always need human slaves.

“Harry Yate is not here?” Xiazo indifferently asked.

“Harry Yate has not returned yet.” The servant whispered replied.

Xia Zuochang sighed in relief, and after encountering the group of Bian’s giant beast, the face that had been tightened, finally got a smile: “Raphael, come with me.”

Han Jin point nodded, followed by Xia Zuo, his eyes are not idle, looking around, looking like watching the scenery of the dragon field, actually trying to find a person, an age of about 60, eyes smashed One of the one-eyed man, that is the tragedy of Nikolay, but it will be his comedy of Han Jin, Han Jin has this confidence!

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