In fact, when Han Jin led the army to Beitman, Adolf had turned the entire Holy Crown City into a parish, but he did not develop into other satellite cities. No matter how aggressive the attitude, the action should always retain some measure. Adolf is a After the vicissitudes of the old man, Human World may have difficulty picking out people older than him, and he can’t be as unscrupulous as a young man. If you really expand the parish, it is equal to Han Jin approaching the road, or back to the water, or completely independent allegiance, there is no other way to go.

Moreover, the system of the so-called Holy Crown City parish is very imperfect. Usually, the parish has a lot of power, parallel to the secular authority. As for who is on and who is down, there is never a fixed number, which depends entirely on the two counter-offers. The level of power, attitude, strength, etc., such as Jedice’s previous parish, Jedith has the chief voice, whether it is Nikolay’s personally dictated lord, or a general holding a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, You must bow in front of Jedice. Nikola’s iron-clad city, which was personally seated by the Holy See, was taught by another bishop of Archbishop Zakri, who was beaten to death by Nikolay. He could not blame Zakri for being incompetent and replaced Jedice. Will not challenge Nikolay’s authority, and finally, Zachary resigned as the bishop of the parish, and proposed to merge the Iron Witch City parish with Jedice’s parish, still by Jedice as the bishop of the parish, so a The parish with the widest, most significant and most prosperous birth was born, which also opened the curtain for Jedice and Nikolay.

Two sets of systems, there can be no contradiction, but the question of who makes more and who makes less, and Jedice has the pope above, can not maintain his own views, he must maintain the authority of the pope and the interests of the Holy See, the so-called when In the world, one cannot move freely !

In Holy Crown City, Jedice can maintain friendship with Han Jin. The most important point is that Jedice completely gave up his previous ideas. He never competed with Han Jin. He had to reopen the Holy See and went to find Han Jin, then Han Jin gave him a piece of land, not enough money, went to Han Jin, then Han Jin gave him a sum of money, for any ambitious person, it is unbearable, the site and Funding is the two lifeblood of realizing ambition. How can it be tolerated by others in the palm of your hand? But Jedice is a sweetheart. He will not fight for anything any more. As long as he accepts the existence of the Holy See and allows him to freely spread the glory of God, he will have nothing to ask for. Han Jin said that people’s minds are initially set, and there are threats from strong enemies. When they are not expanding the parish quickly, they are prone to confusion. He will be patient. Han Jin said that theocracy and the world are two different things. The territory of Holy Crown City can admit that God of Light is the only God and true God, but the Holy See cannot interfere with the world, especially in the name of mitigating taxes. Just spread the doctrine, nothing else.

In the eyes of some radical priests, Jedith is undoubtedly a shameful surrender. Interestingly, in St. Knight and Cardinal, Jedice received a majority of support, even the old Adonis also stood in Jay. On the side of Des, they all know that the Holy See’s Holy See can’t stand the twists and turns. And more priests have been accustomed to problems under the influence of stereotypes, education, and historical factors. They believe that human beings must believe in the gods of light, and they are the communicators of God’s grace, and should be subject to all human beings, including the lords. The emperor’s look up also deserves people’s dedication to the Holy See. Han Jin lays down the Holy Crown City and then handed the Holy Crown City to the Holy See. This is entirely a duty of the believer. If you want to occupy the Holy Crown City alone, you will reject the Holy See. Then, Han Jin becomes a blasphemy who must be eliminated.

But Holy Crown City is different from the southwestern region. The power of the Holy See has not been visited for a long time. It is equal to the desert of faith. Han Jin is famous. Many people speculate that the true strength of Han Jin has reached the Half-God Level, not to mention Holy Crown City. It was he who attacked it. Although the priests used the entire city as a parish, they did not levy many believers. They did not receive the slogans of tax reduction and exemption, but they received the response of the civilians. Half of the civilians kept on the sidelines, even if the priests touted Adolf and devalued Han Jin, the civilians did not dare to make decisions easily.

How was the Holy See coming to the Holy Crown City? Han Jin is so bad, how can I beat the Elder of Dragon City? That’s the real Half-God Level powerhouse!

The newly built lord’s house has been vast crowd, and the road that can be used by more than a dozen Knights has not seen a gap. It is crowded everywhere, but Amy’s belief in the Knights and Adonis The Freedom Shield Knight group not at all participates, the cardinal is not even seen, which means that the priests and believers who ran here to go to the lower levels of the Holy See are not easy to establish a unified command.

Han Jin is standing in front of the window, looking far away from the crowd, his face is always calm.

“Adult, let’s say… Adolf already knows what we are doing?” Schumann frowned and asked softly, “Why didn’t he stop it?”

“He can’t understand our specific plan, just notice that’s all.” Han Jin laughed: “After all, our reaction is too much, just…”

“Adult, what do you want to say?”

“Have you seen the circus?”

“I have seen it.”

“In the circus, there are always some World of Warcraft that look dangerous. In fact, those wild names of Warcraft have already worn away with the passage of time, otherwise how could they let people whipping and teasing? If they are Put back to the World of Warcraft, it is estimated that … they are difficult to survive in the forest.” Han Jin slowly said: “More than Warcraft, people will also degenerate! Adolf is a bitter cultivator, know what is the most needed cultivator? ?”

“What is it?”

“Lonely.” Han Jin smiled: “Only a long period of loneliness can make their hearts more pure and pure, make their beliefs more firm, and make their strength stronger, a lonely For decades, Warcraft suddenly returned to the population… I guess he will be somewhat uncomfortable because it is not the life he wants.”

Schumann was silent and thought about Han Jin’s words.

“Maybe, that Adolf is really a wise man, but his wisdom is only how to temper himself, how to perfect himself, has nothing to do with the surname, and Jeddy is busy with the teaching affairs and dealing with all kinds of people. In this respect, he should far exceed Adolf, and Jedice knows me very well, hehe…” Han Jin smiled: “Jedice noticed that we might be involved, he can faintly guess my intentions. And Adolf can’t do it, so he doesn’t do anything now.”

“Jedice guessed our intentions? Then he should always come out… Hey? You look over there!” Schumann cried.

At the same time as Schumann’s horror, Han Jin has seen the silhouette of the distant place. Jedice is here, with Amy Jie, Adonis, Odd and dozens of bright Knights.

“You really have a crow mouth.” Han Jin shouted the head, and took a few steps back: “Close the window and let them find that we are not very good.”

Schumann looked a little embarrassed, hurriedly walked over, cautiously closed the window, and then asked: “Adult, what is Jedice doing now? Destroy our plan?”

“As a pope, he can’t keep silent.” Han Jin sighed and sighed: “Try to do what you should, the rest, wait for the fate of choice, hehe…Jedice made A tragic decision.”

Just then, someone knocked at the door outside the room, Han Jin opened the mouth and said: “Come in.”

At the opening of the door, Chitke and a man in his thirties wearing a priest’s gown came in.

Han Jin’s gaze turned around in the priest’s robes, and he couldn’t help but frown. Then he gave Schumann a look. Schumann asked, “Isn’t it discovered by others? Why didn’t I change clothes?”

“No, I have been very careful.” Chitke hurried.

“Adult, I also want to change clothes, but time is too late.” The priest said: “Brothers are still waiting for me.”

“Are you ready?” Schumann said.

“I am sure that nothing is wrong, adults.” The priest looked very respectful in front of Schumann and never dared to look up.

Schumann took a letter from his arms and handed it to the priest: “Come on, burn it after reading.”

The priest took the letter, opened the envelope in a hurry, and quickly read it again. Then he took out the flint from his body, lit the candlestick on his side, and then put the letter on the flame, and it really burned.

“Okay, you can go.” Schumann waved his hand.

“Yes, adults.” The priest bent over and bowed. Although he felt that a fourth person was sitting on the field, he never dared to look up and then quickly quit the room.

“This kid is very honest in front of you.” Chitwick said.

“hehe…that’s because he doesn’t know you. If he knows who you are, it is estimated that he will be scared to go.” Schumann said with a smile: “I am the chief security officer appointed by the adults. Of course, he has to give me honesty.”

“He is very smart.” Han Jin whispered. The other party has never dared to look up, and it is likely that the mysterious person in the field has long been far more than Schumann, and may even guess his identity.

“Adult, what do you mean… leave them?” Schumann’s expression of horror: “But this… we have too many traces!”

“No, don’t take care of him and see his own abilities.” Han Jin slowly said: “If he can live in this turmoil… this person will be yours, I know, not only wonderful. You are short of gram, and you are missing.”

“tsk tsk ……” Schumann sighed: “He is just a small cellar. What luck has he learned, can you get your appreciation?!”

“The birth is not important,” Han Jin said.

“Yeah!” Chirk focused on nodded: “The former title of the adult is still lower than you, what can you explain?!”

“Yeah.” Schumann sang with a smile: “You still have no title, a civilian, I don’t have to listen to you?” Schumann is arrogant in dealing with people, he knows that he has inadvertently said something wrong. , immediately begin to remedy.

“hehe ……” Schumann’s words made Chitke feel very comfortable, naturally it is not good to continue to say it, and smiled.

The atmosphere fell into silence, and Schumann’s eyes turned, and changed the subject: “It’s a pity that a good lord’s house has just been built. You haven’t lived yet.” In this case, there should be nothing left. “”

“Can it be so big? Destroy the lord’s house?” Chirk asked in amazement. He and Schumann were only responsible for their respective links, and reported to Han Jin that he did not know much about Schumann’s actions.

“Of course, know how many people are there? Seven or eight hundred.” Schumann said with a smile “So much?”

“It’s still quite small. Some of the poor and savage guys have been thrown into jail.” Schumann said: “I used to clean up them. You see, adults trust me, let me be The sheriff, I can’t humiliate the grown-ups? Those powerful professionals, I can’t afford to offend, but I can still do what I can do to clean up the hooligans.”

“Those guys are listening to you?” Han Jin said.

“Listen, but this thing, they don’t know that I am secretly making things.” Schumann said: “People in the whole city know my relationship with you. I vented the bottom, you can’t explain it.” “”

“I am very surprised, the guys you said… have become priests?” Chitak shook his head.

“They have to live too.” Schumann said: “They used to live in the corner of Holy Crown City. They used to swindle the scorpion all day. I can’t lose the face of adults. Of course, they should be seen tightly. Hehe They don’t dare to do things that violate law and order. There is no ancestral home in the family, and they don’t want to work. What can they do?”

“The question is, how can the Holy See accept them?!”

“Adolf came to the Holy See and recruited believers everywhere. The Holy See was eager to expand its power. Where would the quality of the believers be?” Schumann said with a smile: “For those who are hooligans, they can enter the teaching and at least mix the rice.” Eat, isn’t it?”

Han Jin is a bit ecstatic, and this kind of thing seems to have appeared in the history of another World.

“The Holy See is so foolish, it will happen sooner or later.” Chitke sneered: “Even without us, they have to suffer.”

At this moment, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Chitke hurriedly said: “Winston is coming.”

Han Jin points nodded, indicating that Chitke used to open the door.

Winston had a normal casual dress and hurriedly took a few steps. He bowed to Han Jin: “I am already ready, adults, what else do you want to be?”

“Be careful of your own safety, don’t do it.” Han Jin said: “Know, this time I need you to defeat!”

“I understand! Adult!”

“How many people are there?” asked Han Jin.

“There are almost a hundred.” Winston replied: “The soldiers were selected from the first Swordsman group and the second Swordsman group. Their strength is very ordinary. They used to be responsible for transporting heavy weights and almost no chance to go to the battlefield. ”

“Well…” Han Jin for a moment, nodded said: “Let’s go.”

“Yes, adults.” Winston bent down again, then looked up and smiled at Chitwick and Schumann, and walked out quickly.

Winston had just left, and there was a sudden buzzing sound outside. Chitke curiously went to the window and looked out. Then, “Adult, I went out to see what happened.”

“Good.” Han Jin said.

“Adult, it seems that Jedice and those priests are upset.” Schumann turned back.

“Jedice?” Han Jin glanced, and went to the window and looked into the distance.

After a while, Chirk rushed back, and it was good. Jedice and the priests had a dispute!

Han Jin’s expedition to Beitman almost took away all the military power, which made the Holy Crown City appear a vacuum. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity for the expansion of the Holy See. If it is the chief of Jedisi, he has to consider the feelings of Han Jin. In the end, there will only be two results. One is to be gradual, not to stimulate Han Jin as a standard, and the other is to simply do nothing, wait for Han Jin to return to the division. But it is not the same for Adolf. For a believer who has been immersed in the faith for nearly a hundred years, the prosperous Holy See has suddenly come to the edge of Life and Death. This is an unbearable pain. He has to be desperate to recover. The voice of the Holy See, and he is very old, time is limited, he can not wait for the Holy See to gradually recover, so in a very fierce way, first arrested Hillett, showing his toughness, and then quickly expand the parish, The established facts, if not Han Jin’s prestige is too loud, if not Jedice, Adonis and the others are firmly opposed, he has extended the parish to the various satellite cities of Holy Crown City.

No one knows whether Adolf realized that the unscrupulous enrollment of believers has left hidden dangers for the future of the Holy See. Perhaps he has no choice.

However, today, the hidden danger suddenly broke out. In the past, Jeddes had a very high binding force on the Holy See. The three Knights of St. Knight’s Bright Knights, Cardinals, and all the bishops and priests will unconditionally obey. Dess’s order, unfortunately, the priests and believers gathered in front of the lord’s house at the moment are mostly newcomers. Coupled with hundreds of speculative priests who continue to confuse and incite, the influence of Jedisi has been reduced to a minimum. He stopped in front of the lord’s house and shouted for a long time, still unable to drive the Loose Practitioner group.

What’s more, there is a secret intelligence circulating among the priests. The Raphael lord led the army to smash the human race. The military loss was serious. I was also seriously injured. I want to do something, I must squat now! If Raphael is injured, if the army of Holy Crown City is over, it will be too late! In fact, many priests are not clear. They ran here to make troubles. What good is it for them? Anyway, everyone is here, they will come, and because the time for entering the teaching is short, I don’t know the prestige of Jedice. Ability, anyway, everyone is in trouble, they will follow the trouble.

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