“How much do you drink too much?” Duye Sam’s savage martyrdom.

Han Jin looked around and asked softly. “Is there a lot of people thinking about this?”

Several mercenaries just wanted to talk, but they immediately greeted Duye Sam’s fierce gaze and suddenly closed his mouth.

Other mercenaries don’t know, Duye Sam’s relationship with Han Jin and Sunier is clear, and I am afraid that these people will say anything excessive to anger Han Jin.

Han Jin looked at Duye Sam and a few mercenaries with a headache. I naturally knew what these people thought. I couldn’t help but feel a little tricky. These men who often put their heads on their waistbands to discuss their lives often judged. The standard of likes and dislikes is very simple. You are good to them, as long as they feel that you are sincere, they will treat you as brother. And if anyone is uncomfortable with them, then it is very simple, the first choice they make is definitely the opposite.

The mercenary profession is destined to live in a difficult and sinister environment for a considerable part of the time, the devastating virgin forest, the fierce World of Warcraft, and of course, terrifying is the betrayal of companions from around. Under such bad living conditions, a betrayal is fatal, and they cannot withstand betrayal, because that is often equal to death.

Because of this, the mercenaries are rarely open to anyone, but they are easily hostile to life. The mercenaries in the city of Lonely only know that they have been under siege by the Spirit Race. As for the things after the alliance, they are not clear, and they don’t know the contribution of the Spirit Race in the battle to destroy the orcs. .

Among the mercenaries who followed Duye Sam, the people who were hostile to the Spirit Race were at least three-quarters of the total. Even Duye Sam himself has some resistance to the alliance, but he can’t show anything. He knows that he still has it. It is not necessarily better to offend Sunier than to offend Han Jin.

“brothers.” Han Jin sighed for a moment and said, “I know you have a view on the Fine Spirit Race, but I want to speak correctly. Nothing is fixed. Now friends may become enemies in the future. Although the Spirit Race has attacked us before, it is only the decision of the Senate. It does not represent most of the elves, nor can it affect the sincerity of the Spirit Race in this alliance.”

Duye Sam and the mercenaries did not speak, just listened quietly.

“And, you may not know the situation right now,” Han Jin continued. “Although the orcs were annihilated, this is only the beginning. There are still many more powerful enemies waiting for us in the dark. In this case, The alliance of Spirit Race is no longer a method, but a must-do. Only by uniting all the forces that can be united, can we go further. Do you understand what I mean?”

Duye Sam nodded, can stand out from the many mercenaries, the mind will not be stupid where to go, when Han Jin did not go to the cliff city, Duye Samt is also considered a very important figure.

The other mercenaries also understood the meaning of Han Jin’s words, but the ingredients they were grateful for were even bigger. Han Jin did not need to tell them, Han Jin’s commission for these lonely cliffs. Bing, is a fabulous existence, even if Han Jin does not explain a little, as long as the command, the mercenaries will perform without compromise.

What they can’t think of is that Han Jin has carefully analyzed the meaning of their a nobody’s alliance with the Spirit Race, which makes them feel great attention.

“Since all of you have understood, then…” Han Jin stood up and glanced around in a circle, his eyes shining. “I don’t want to see anyone of you collide with the fine Spirit Race. The elf is not Our enemies are not now and will not be in the future.”

The mercenaries swept by Han Jin’s eyes were all in the heart, and there were a few unruly guys who were still thinking about doing small tricks in the back, but now they are completely ruined.

“Schumann, I will remove these dishes and give them to the VIP standards.” Han Jin said: “There is also a change of wine, brethren, I will tell you some heartfelt words, don’t be afraid to enjoy, don’t be afraid. Give me the impression that you like to enjoy, your ability is bigger than others, you pay more than others, you are more dangerous than others, enjoy more, what happened? If you do that many, you are not allowed to enjoy Then, my lord does not mean anything, it is better to go back to be a mercenary.”

Duye Sam and the mercenaries laughed loudly, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm. They left the city of Lonely to come here. What? It’s not that the figure is a fame, completely changing its social status, rather than being a mercenary.

After coming out of the night of bliss, Han Jin went straight back to the War God. Compared to dealing with some large and small things, Han Jin would rather sit alone and experience the feeling of a little bit of growth, just now. The position you are sitting on does not allow him to be a real messy shopkeeper.

The next morning, Han Jin, who had just stepped onto the deck, met Domini, and it was inevitable because the thunderbolt Titan had nowhere to go except the deck.

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and no one spoke, just nodded each other, even if they had said hello.

The atmosphere is a bit subtle, and Han Jin wants to leave it, but it is too revealing, but not good.

Just when Han Jin and Dominique were standing there, no one knew what to say when they were good. A silhouette hurriedly walked onto the deck and broke the deadlock. Finally, both of them were secretly relaxed. .

The person who came was Chitke. I didn’t know what happened. His face looked a little nervous. After walking to Han Jin, he blinked at Dominie and then crouched down, some hesitantly said. “grown ups……”

“Beginning?” Han Jin asked softly.

Qi Keke startedled, and even if he is busy, nodded, in fact, he would like to ask Han Jin how to know, but there are many Minnie on the side, he can only put the doubts in my heart.

“Sit for a while.” Han Jin greeted Chitke. “It is estimated that Schumann is coming, right. Have you had breakfast yet?”

breakfast? ! Qiu Keke’s expression suddenly became very weird. This adult is really different. What happened to him? He still has the leisure to care about eating and not eating breakfast.

Although some are unbelievable, Chik’s heart is still a little moved, respectfully replied. “I just heard about it when I got up, and then I came over directly. I really didn’t have time to eat it.”

Han Jin ordered nodded and sat down in the chair. “That will be with us for a while.”

It wasn’t long, and everyone on the War God came up one after another. The seemingly empty deck was so busy, and at the same time, the early morning was placed on a table.

Chirk is sitting there carefully eating something, knowing that the War God is not so easy to come up, now free to enter and exit the War God, has become a symbol of identity, not to mention eating breakfast here. This rare opportunity, Qi Keke, naturally cherishes, and does not know whether it is a psychological effect. Anyway, he feels that the things on the War God are really delicious.

“pa!”, a big hand suddenly fell heavily on Chikirk’s shoulder, scared Chitke a shivered, almost spewed out the things in his mouth.

The angry Chitke just turned around and caught the eye of Moxinke’s big face.

“I said, how did your kid run for a meal again?” Moxinke didn’t seem to see Chik’s angry expression. He sat next to Chitke and took a pick from Chitke’s plate. Chicken legs.

Qi Keke opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. He was not clear with Moxinke. I am afraid that I will suffer from it later. Besides, this is on the War God. He can’t be like Moxinke. So carefree.

Then Chitike only had to endure, while sighed in his heart, while bowing his head to prepare to eat the remaining chicken legs in the plate, and then not to hurry, it is estimated that Moxinke had to come over and grab it.

It’s said that what one fears is what comes to pass, and the thing that happened to kill Chitke happened. A hand that appeared out of thin air took away the chicken legs left by him, and at the same time, it sounded a little unfriendly. He rang in his ear.

“Qi Qi Ke, I found that your temper is very good today. Moxinke is not angry with you like you. If you want to come, you will not be angry with me?”

“Lei Zhe ……” whispering the whispering teeth of Chirk gnashing teeth, while barely controlling himself not to violently, while slowly turning around, he was able to successfully steal things under the hands of a thief, usually only Explain one thing, this person who is shot is also a thief.

Although the War God is not only a thief of Lei Zhe, but in the capacity of the governor of Gail, no matter how old or not, can not do this kind of thing.

Sure enough, Chitke turned and saw Lei Zhe staring at himself while keen interest pleasure with his chicken legs.

However, Chitak’s anger is angry, but I don’t know if there is any way to deal with these two guys. It’s obviously not feasible to rush to the hands. He asks himself that he is not impudent on the War God. Attack them with words? It is estimated that there is no effect at all, but it is such a calculation, and Qi Keke is really reluctant.

Seeing that Qi Keke did not respond, Moxinke and Lei Zhe did not make any more excessive things. The two people quickly picked up their respective breakfasts on the table, sitting opposite Chitke, eating and not blinking. Looking at Chitke, a pair of fears of Qi Keke rushed over to grab the expression.

“You…” Chitke really didn’t know what to say. He shook his head and sat back. It was not a general depression. It seems that the breakfast on the War God is really not easy to eat.

Chic is so low-key, but Moxinke and Lei Zhe have a punch on the cotton, and suddenly there is no more to tease Chic, the table is quiet, and several people are eating their breakfast. You must know that when you were mixed in the forest, everyone was having fun together. Now that Chitke went out to do things, he became polite to them, and he was a little more respectful, but he was a little more easygoing.

Some things existed in order to be broken. The calm on the table has not lasted for one minute, and it ended with the arrival of Cessacioun.

The first sentence Cessacioun sat down was, “Moxinke, I heard that you went to see Hilna?”

Moxinke’s face suddenly rose red, and screamed, “What is it about you?”

“You see, don’t be excited, I don’t care about you.” Cessacioun has a good temper. This is a common problem for these people. When they have the upper hand in speech, they often become gentle and very versatile. demeanor.

“Impossible.” Lei Zhe on the side suddenly popped up.

This time, even Moxinke was a little surprised, because usually at this time, Lei Zhe should play the role of falling down the stone. How come today suddenly became kind?

“It’s true, this news is true.” Cessacioun stressed that such a good opportunity to fight Moxinke can not be destroyed.

“He must haven’t seen Hilna yet.” Lei Zhe didn’t know what happened, just didn’t believe in Cessacioun. “According to my analysis, he and Hilla haven’t met each other. Didn’t you find out? Moxinke has a little There are no injuries. If you have seen it, it is estimated that he should be lying in bed now, and he is dying, the power of Hilna… tsk tsk !”

Moxinke’s eyebrows erected immediately, and when he stared at Lei Zhe, he knew that the boy didn’t do anything good.

Several people held back and smiled at Moxinke, and Cessacioun asked narrowly. “Moxinke yourself said, have you seen it or not?”

“I…” Moxinke just wanted to talk, and he felt that it was wrong. He immediately closed his mouth. If he said that, then these people will definitely follow the process at that time, and if they have not seen it, then they will confirm Lei from the side. This is obviously a dilemma for Zhe.

So Moxinke had no choice but to learn Chilk’s practice. I didn’t talk to the head office… “Adult, something went wrong!” As Han Jin expected, the silhouette of the general security officer Schumann appeared on the deck.

“What’s wrong? Don’t worry, sit down and say.” Han Jin sat down and pointed to the chair next to him, motioning for Schumann to sit down.

Schumann’s face looked a little bad. He first looked at Han Jin’s face and then cautiously said, “Adult, your lord’s house, surrounded by the believers…”

“What?!” Before he did what Han Jin said, Guevera was furious and a heavy palm was shot on the table, but the table was also within the protection of the War God, but it was not collapsed by Guevera.

“By the lord’s house? Hehe, is it useful? If they are surrounded by the War God, then maybe they can scare me.” Han Jin looks like a calm calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. There is no sign of anger.

This is the anger of Guevera. Seeing Han Jin’s expression is not like a fake, there is a hint of clear comprehension in his heart, but still not sure, he asked, “Raphael, you mean…”

Han Jin sighed, “Sir, since things have happened, then whether these believers are spontaneous or provoked, we can’t take radical methods. After all, the believers are also the people of Holy Crown City.”

“But…” Han Jin said, and murderous aura said, “If you go down, if anyone dare to rush into the lord, kill without mercy!”

“Yes, adults.” Schumann said, “There are still things that the believers have made a request…”

“Required?” Guevera sneered out, and everyone else on the War God was also disdainful. Even the church was attached to Han Jin to survive. Do the districts dare to ask them?

“Talk about it, what are they asking for?” Han Jin has no excessive reaction, indifferently asked.

“These believers are asking to open all the parishes…”

Han Jin’s brow wrinkled. “The appetite is really not small.”

“All? Those idiots don’t think that today’s Holy Crown City is what they hit?!” Guevera’s words are filled with a cold taste, Han Jin step by step to today, which poured Guevera too much effort. He must not be allowed to be destroyed, no matter who the person is. Even if Jeddy personally came up with this request, it would be rejected by Guevera without the slightest hesitation. Even if Adolf, whose legendary power is above the Pope, stands here, I believe there will be no second result.

After Han Jin indulged for a while, he said to Schumann, “You should go back and stare at it. Remember, when it is not necessary, don’t let it go, let them toss outside first.”

Schumann hurried back and rushed back. The rest of the people were watching Han Jin. How strangely he was surrounded by his own mansion, or was he not worried?

I noticed everyone’s eyes, Han Jin laughed, “What are you doing with me? The men are not mobs after all, I can’t order them to kill them all?”

“It’s impossible to kill the light. You don’t know that we know it,” Guevera said worriedly. “But, can’t you just let them do anything wrong?”

“Now how many people can pick up the storm, and then wait, I believe that sooner or later someone will not be able to resist.” Han Jin said meaningfully.

Guevera frowned and thought for a moment, and smiled and looked at Han Jin. “Alright, Raphael, you are right, someone can’t stand the loneliness.”

At this time, the Gail manager also figured out the key, and looked at Han Jin with surprise. They are not surprised by the old vicissitudes of the old fellows, but Han Jin’s age can be done before them. In response to this, in addition to Han Jin, the Gail manager has never seen any young people can do so.

Guevera is appreciative, Gail’s manager is surprised, and Duane’s heart, who is always standing on the sidelines, is stunned by the waves.

The scenes of the dialogue between Chitak and Han Jin came to the forefront of Dominique.

“grown ups……”

“it has started?”

Reminiscent of Chikke’s look at towards his own watchful eyes, Dominy’s heart faintly felt that Han Jin should have known what was going to happen! However, the question is how did Han Jin know it? As soon as the believers surrounded the lord’s office, Schumann would have come to report in the first time, and then… Dominie suddenly remembered Han Jin’s words to Chitke… “It is estimated that Schumann is coming…”

He even knew that even Schumann’s arrival knew that he and Schumann had made an early appointment. It seems that this is not the case at all. All kinds of signs indicate that Han Jin knows the behavior of the believers so that he can explain Why is Han Jin so stunned, because everything is in his calculations, even… it seems that Han Jin is acting in command of the believers!

A cool lingering from Dominique’s heart…

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