“These scorpions, Holy Crown City have too many abnormalities.” In Han Jin’s room, Jeddy said from his own eyes, his eyes were always squatting around, as if deliberately avoiding confrontation with Han Jin. .

“Is not normal? What happened?” Han Jin sat at the table and gave it by hand: “Sit down and talk.”

“The mood of many priests and believers has become very extreme.” Jeddy said slowly: “They are in tandem, gangs, and… they all aim at you.”

“Align me?”

“Yeah, they said that you restricted the development of the Holy See, and it was a malicious sinister.” Jedice paused: “Some people say that when the dragon field attacks the Holy See, you know it beforehand, so take the time. With the defense of Holy Crown City, the Holy See should not continue to cooperate with you, otherwise the Holy See will be destroyed by you sooner or later. Others say that letting you be so ruthless will rule the Holy Crown City, and sooner or later will bring disaster to Holy Crown City. The people should unite and drive you out.”

“So serious?” Han Jin faintly smiled and said: “When did I become a street mouse?”

“I used to think that Adolf or Odd and the others were tempted by the believers, but after careful investigation, they found that they had nothing to do with them. Then I thought that some unscrupulous people deliberately disturbed the right and wrong, their purpose. It is to make the contradiction between you and the Holy See more and more indirect, and indirectly weaken our strength.” Jedice narrowed his eyes: “But there is one thing that cannot be explained, they are so tossed so badly, your secret spy is wonderful.” Ke has always been indifferent! This is your Holy Crown City, no matter what kind of enemy, no matter how strong their background, here, they must abide by the rules you set, otherwise, you can put them in one sentence Sweeping into the garbage. Donald’s Hell Aster, is it strong enough? But I have never heard of it, they dare to open their activities on the sites of other lords, so… I can’t figure out, who are they? What is so timid?”

Han Jin smiled and listened only quietly.

“However, after I saw you, I understood a lot.” Jedice whispered: “Raphael, you know? You have a deadly weak spot in front of me.”

“Fatal weak spot?” Han Jin.

“Because you know, I won’t deceive you, so you don’t want to deceive me, at least you can’t deceive me maliciously.” Jedice sighed with a sigh of relief: “When you talked to you just now, you should do it properly.” Some expressions, such as anger, anxiety or incomprehension, but your expression…hehe, I can’t describe it, frankly, even if I didn’t doubt you beforehand, seeing your eyes, I will start to doubt you.”

“You have been avoiding my sight, when did you see my eyes?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Some things don’t need to be seen, I can feel it.” Jeddes turned a little bit, looked towards Han Jin: “Why?”

“you mean……”

“Why do you want to do this? Why do you deliberately provoke contradictions?!” Jedice said in a word: “Don’t you make a reason for attacking the Holy See?”

“Do you think so?” Han Jin brows and provokes.

“The facts forced me to think about it.” Jeddy slowly said.

“Amy Jie just warned me that you have been very angry in recent days, hehe… that’s true.” Han Jin indulged for a moment, said with a smile: “Jedice, have you ever thought about it, Why don’t I want to lie to you?”

“Because I have never…”

“You don’t lie to me, so I won’t lie to you? Don’t you think this causality is too funny?”

Jedice reveals a wrong expression, and his heart always thinks that this is normal, but when Han Jin deliberately took the causal relationship out for discussion, he finally realized that if this causal relationship is really strong No one can pass, then World will become a beautiful paradise, everyone will not deceive others, because others have not deceived him, everyone will not hurt others, because others have not hurt him, then there will be disputes and contradiction?

“I will tell you.” Han Jin put his speech rate very slowly: “I don’t want to lie to you because I never thought of you as an enemy. I didn’t have it before. I don’t have it now. I don’t have it in the future. Of course, if You can always treat me as a friend, hehe… I should understand that I have never liked to suffer.”

Jedice showed a bitter smile. In fact, he really regarded Han Jin as a friend, so he would take Han Jin’s trust, attitude and so on. Just like a person has encountered difficulties, friends help each other, it seems normal to that person, replaced him, he will also help friends.

“I have signed a covenant with Fine Spirit Race.” Han Jin leaned back on the chair, lazily said: “Do you know why I did this?”

“The forces of the human race have been weakened, but their power is still…”

“I have now eliminated the human race.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Abyss World is just around the corner, and we are facing the threat of Chesham. It’s good to have one more helper.”

“Shit.” Han Jin said something swearing.

Jedice’s expression is stiff, he doesn’t know how to respond to this rudeness, and Han Jin’s language is unknown, who is shit? Han Jin is talking about him Jedith? Still talking about Abyss World, and that Chesham?

“The most fundamental reason is they!” Han Jin extended two fingers.


“Sunier and Julia, for me, what you said, what you think in your head, all the reasons are added together, there is no two of them important.” Han Jin laughed: “Maybe in the eyes of others, my reason is very absurd But…Jedice, you have to remember, I am not a general, not a politician, and what I want to pursue is that they are forever… “The words are not finished, Han Jin’s voice is abruptly stopped.

“What are you going to pursue?” Jedice, although he knew that he could speak at the same time, could be counterproductive, but he was really curious and couldn’t help but ask.

“I will talk later.” Han Jin smiled. Jedice suspected that he was prepared to poison the Holy See, which made him very bruised. So he was emotional: “They think that it is insignificant. I just think it is a baby. They think that the military major must be cautious. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Whether you can understand it or not, I still have to say that Sunier and Julia are more important in my eyes than the whole fine Spirit Race! So… Jedish, you are more hearty. As long as you are still doing the Pope, I will not point the finger at the Holy See!”

Jedice was silent for a moment, showing a bitter smile. He always believed in Han Jin, otherwise he would not be so angry. For a moment, Jedisi sighed: “I understand the ideas of the priests now, you… it is possible to give Holy Crown City is a disaster, because you are too emotional and too radical, are they really more important than the entire Spirit Race?”

“It seems that it is not me.” Han Jin indifferently said: “And, so far, I have been very successful, isn’t it?”

“Okay… don’t talk about it.” Jeddis said: “Raphael, you tell me, why should you deliberately provoke the contradiction between the Holy See and you?”

“Can you remember when we first met?”

“Of course, remember.” Jeddy said that when he was attacked by Nikolay, his own magic saved himself. He had nothing to do with Han Jin, but he had no magic when he woke up. If there is no Han Jin, it is difficult for him to get out. The forest was even eaten up by Warcraft early, which is a life-saving grace.

“You know that Nikolay will definitely poison the Holy See, so I want to find a peaceful sky, continue to spread the doctrine, at least not let the fire of God go out, and I need your help.” Han Jin said with a slight smile : “So, we can come together now because we have a common language.”

“What does this have to do with you…”

“Do I have a common language with Adolf?”

“He…” Jeddy groaned and hesitated for a moment, shaking his head. “He has a deep prejudice against you…”

“In fact, I have been paying attention to the movement of the Holy See in the front.” Han Jin slowly said: “Adolf wants, one is a completely open parish, and the other is the implementation of the “God’s Order”, all believers, tax All halved…hehe, compared with your former pope named Tuya, he is very conservative, as long as half…”

“How do you know?” Jedisi asked in surprise.

“You have been arguing that many days, how can I not know?” Han Jin said: “Improve the parish completely, carry out his plan… If I promised him, the entire Holy Crown City, including the sub-city, except the nobility, every A person will become a believer, then me? And my tens of thousands of soldiers, what can we do to survive?”

This time, it was the turn of Jedice to be silent.

“I am really wondering why the Holy See always has such a brainless person!” Han Jin coldly said: “In addition to ideals, do they know that there is something called reality?! A person is eating at his own home, he suddenly breaks into Go, ask to eat half of the food, if that person dare not give it, it is a blasphemy, should be expelled, or even destroyed. Is this a robber, or a believer?! Jedith, if you change to you, you will Give it?”


“You…” Han Jin said.

“For the glory of God, I can give my life at any time.” Jedice whispered, the implication is that I don’t even care about life, how can I care about food?

“Oh… I found out that it is very unwise to discuss the problem with a stubborn believer.” Han Jin’s tone was a little helpless.

“But you will never agree, I can understand this.” Jeddes smiled and said: “Okay, let’s say it.”

“By benefit-driven, is he really a believer?” Han Jin said: “If I issue an order and I don’t want to join the Holy See, I will waive all the tax, you can’t get it, believing or not?”

“This…may not be.”

“Don’t take God too great, don’t look too simple.” Han Jin indifferently said: “What makes me angry is that who gave him the power, ran here to jump, and pointed me wrong. You always shouted freedom of belief. Then, the people have the power to become believers and the power to refuse, but how do you do it? The people who believe in the doctrine are bright and kind, and those who are not willing to join the Holy See are It’s dark and evil. Your freedom is too one-sided. If you believe, you can get freedom, don’t believe, is your enemy? Can I understand this, I am willing to work hard for you, all good people, can be on death. Heaven, do not want to pay for you in vain, is the bad guy, must be transformed, or even eliminated directly?”

Jedice showed a bitter smile. Although these words were not very comfortable, the corresponding phenomenon did exist.

“Faith this thing is actually similar to morality.” Han Jin said: “For example, if you are willing to be a saint, then you can strictly demand yourself in all aspects. Others are willing to be a prodigal. It is his choice, as long as he does not. If you hurt others, no one has the right to interfere! If you just feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, you must punish him. This kind of morality is a hypocrisy!”

“You are not talking about me?” said Jeddy.

“I am talking about Adolf.” Han Jin said: “What did he say and said, I know very well, and… I also imagined how to change to win his affirmation? First, I To give power, hehe… Although I don’t know what kind of power I have, I have to let it go, obey the command of the Holy See, and even be a dog of the Holy See. Anyone who dares to be dissatisfied with the Holy See, I want The first one stood up and barked, or… simply joined the Holy See, kneeling under the statue, kissing the toes of the gods. If I could do this, Adolf would think that I am a big good man. Jedice, and so Adolf has room to talk and discuss? He will not talk to me at all, just see if I have paid, then, who is the rule? Only the wholeheartedly, no regrets, can be a good person? Is it a bad person? Because only then can they get more benefits!”

“Adolf is not what you think.” Jeddes said with a bitter smile: “I also admit that his attitude is indeed a bit extreme, but he also knows that many things can’t be done, just talk about that’s all. ”

“Is it?” Han Jin smiled. He wanted to say that he could recognize the status of the Holy See because you were Jedish. If Adolf wanted to change the Pope or re-establish the established Sect, then Han Jin was not the first. Will promise, but there is a provocative taste in his words, so I eventually swallowed back.

“In any case, he saved Keeley and Hilna.” Jeddis said: “You just said that something is what you cherish most?”

“Yeah, I am very grateful to him, so I will give in. What does he say I want to hear?”

“No, he…how to say it, I hope that you can understand his mood.” Jeddy said slowly: “When Adolf left the mountains, the Holy See was still prosperous and powerful. Who knows the blink of an eye? Everything has changed. The powerful cardinal group has only a dozen cardinalists left. There are only a few hundred people left in the Bright Knights. Now the Holy See is on the verge of destruction. He is in a hurry! If you Talk to him face to face, you can appreciate his pain and urgency! Raphael, you will forgive him!”

“Forgive? It’s too early to talk about this word.” Han Jin whispered: “He is here and I am anxious? It’s ridiculous! Holy Crown City is mine. His duty is not to find ways to grab the ground with me, but to go southwest. Go to the district and find Nikola to settle accounts!!

“He will go.” Jeddis said: “Adolf has said many times, and as soon as the Holy See is on the right track, he will leave.”

“Ten years? Or twenty years?” Han Jin sneered: “Jedice, to be honest, I don’t want to have a conflict with the Holy See, so I didn’t rush into the city after I came back. If I saw Adolf, I was afraid I couldn’t help it. “”

“Can those you do not encourage Adolf?” Jeddis said: “Almost half of the believers and priests are shaken! If they really do, what should you do? Adolf uses the emotions of believers and priests to continue to force you. What should you do?”

“They? They make the bigger the better!” Han Jin whispered.

“What?” Jedisi asked in surprise.

“Now I am standing in two camps with Adolf. He wants to ask for it. I don’t want to give it, so the contradiction between us is irreconcilable.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “I don’t think you want to see Holy.” Crown City and the Holy See clash, Adonis, Amy Jie, and Odd, they don’t want to, yes, Odd’s wife is on the War God, but these days have been uncomfortable, so did not come out, waiting for you to go back After that, tell Odd. Adolf… He traveled for a long time in the continent for a long time. With his experience, I don’t believe he can’t see how dangerous the situation is. If the Holy Crown City and the Holy See really conflict, now The Holy See is definitely not the opponent of Holy Crown City. The power of the Holy See is running out. It makes him feel painful and urgent. Does he really have the courage to risk the complete destruction and support the chaos? This responsibility is too heavy. He can’t pick it up.”

“what do you mean……”

“When the fire is burning, Adolf will be afraid. He must choose to put out the fire.” Han Jin laughed: “And I… will also try to put out the fire, so that we have at least a common language, and Adolf also lost the toughness. It’s much easier to talk about.”

“The more you burn, the more you are? It’s messy now, how do you want to mess?” Jeddis said.

“Not enough, it is not enough now.”

Just then, there was a sudden echo of Cessacioun’s anxious voice outside: “Raphael, Keeley Young Lady is in a hurry to see you, are you going to go right away?”

“What?” Han Jin was a little surprised.

“Why didn’t she tell me, I asked you to go.”

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