Because there were a lot of wounded soldiers, the army was moving very slowly. After spending six days, I finally saw the city wall of Holy Crown City. The people in the city also found the black pressure team, when War God As the city wall approached, the city gate opened and a group of people came out from inside.

This is an army that has won a big victory. Of course, some people will come out to welcome it. However, there are fewer people, and there are still fewer than 100. In addition to Jedith, Amy Jie and several cardinals, there are also a number of strangers.

Guevera was condescending and looked very clear. His eyes suddenly lit up. Before Harley lowered the War God, he had jumped from the boat to the ground, and then he heard his laughter: “Haulman, really Miracle! Are you finally willing to leave your kennel?”

“I haven’t seen you for so long, you are still so rude, I didn’t want to mention it… you forced me!” The opposite old man looks very dissatisfied with Guevera’s rudeness, and the tone is very tough: “I owe me, Is it still?!”

“You found the wrong person, I don’t owe you.” Guevera turned and said, “Raphael, come on, your creditors will come to the account!”

“Creditor?” Han Jin felt inexplicable. He released a miniature spell and appeared beside Guevera, looking to the other side.

“Is it Raphael? Long time.” The old man bent down.

“Raphael, let me introduce you.” Guevera said with a smile: “This is the chairman of the Cliff City joint Chamber of Commerce, Hausmann, Hausmann, on the issue of debt, talk directly to him.”

“It turned out to be President Harman, long-awaited.” Han Jin suddenly realized: “When did you appear Holy Crown City? Why didn’t you tell us?” At the beginning, Han Jin had only a little poor reputation, and his hand was only There is a rapids Legion that didn’t really go to the battlefield. Because Langning needed a large number of Magic Crystal guns, but no military expenses, Guevera personally rushed to the city of Gua, in the words of Guevera, he was ready to sell this old face, and Howlman’s previous friendship, hoping to get help, can be seen from Guevera’s attitude, he is not at all enthusiasm, people go tea, he is no longer the Guevera that year, Haoman can Help him, of course, to be grateful, not to help him, is also reasonable, very normal.

As a result, Hausmann received Guevera with great enthusiasm. It was almost responsive. When Han Jin and Guevera left the City of Cliffs, Hausmann was still actively transporting supplies to Holy Crown City, even if the Spirit Race blocked the most stringent. At the time, it was not interrupted.

Therefore, Han Jin’s attitude is very polite, you must know that the meaning of provide timely help is far better than the icing on the cake!

“When we arrived, you have led the army to go out.” Howlman’s eyebrows replied, Han Jin’s attitude far exceeded his expectations, he thought that Han Jin was a young man, and he was victorious. Han Jin’s smile is mild and hearty, just like a big boy full of sunshine. Compared with the legendary fierce name, the contrast is too big. Of course, with the experience of Howman, It is also impossible to create a scornful heart because of the external impression. Han Jin’s record is real, and Hausmann paused, and said: “And we just just turn around, how can you delay your military major event?! ”

“Just take a turn?” Guevera said with a laugh: “You guy, never go out, I have been looking for you many times, I have not seen you stand up from your broken chair, run so far Is it really just a turn?”

“Guevera, I don’t seem to have done anything sorry for you?” Holman said with a bitter smile, the round face almost wrinkled into a ball: “How is it always for me?”

“I am for you.” Guevera is still laughing, but his eyes are not smiling: “Raphael is not a virtual person, if you really have something… it is best to talk openly. In fact, Guevera is really considering for Holman. Howman has helped Han Jin in the past, and he has already taken the First Step, but there is a second step in the First Step, of course, according to the style of Hausmann and the name. He is very worried that Howman will do something wrong and say the wrong thing.

Howman’s expression is awkward, and nodded for a moment: “You can rest assured, I understand.”

“Mr. Guevera is right. I hate to circle. I am tired. I am tired. If you have anything, you can say something. They are friends.” Han Jin smiled. “Of course, this is not the place to talk. Let’s go up.” Talk.” He didn’t know the relationship between Guevera and Howman. Some words couldn’t be said casually. Then, Han Jin’s eyes fell on Jedice: “Jedice, these days… I have a good time. What?”

Jedice has been staring at Han Jin, and the good eye gaze at Han Jin, so long, it is long sighed.

“How? It’s hard to say a word? Hehe…” Han Jin smiled. “We’re all going to talk, anyway, I have time, you can be your best listener.”

“Raphael!” With the voice, another old man over half a year is coming out.

“Due Sam, are you here too?” Han Jin immediately recognized each other.

“Yeah.” Duye Sam’s gaze glanced behind, as if looking for someone: “More than me, the brethren are coming.”

“Your dragon roar mercenary group?”

“There are a lot of high-ranking mercenaries who are willing to work for adults!” Duye Sam said in a powerful tone.

Han Jin took a long breath and was pleasantly surprised. In the battle with the human race, his army was extremely depleted. For a few days, he had been discussing with Guevera how to deal with it. Who knows that when you sleep, someone will send a pillow and it will be high. The mercenaries have a strong combat power, and with a little training, they will become elite soldiers!

“How many people?” asked Gibran.

“A lot.” Duye Sam with said with a smile: “They heard that Winston and Saxon have become Legion long, and the brethren are not satisfied!”

“Brothers are dissatisfied?” Gibran laughed. “I don’t think you are convinced!”

Duye Sam’s expression was a bit stiff, and the graceful smile turned into a laugh. Among all the disobedient mercenaries, he did include Duye Sam. His strength is stronger than Winston and Gibran, but he’s wrong. I have been staying in the city of Lonely. Every time I think of it, he feels a little wronged, because it is Han Jin who left him to stay in the city of Lonely. He said that if a large number of mercenaries leave, the city of Lonely is too empty, what happens in case Unexpected, the consequences are unimaginable, if he can always follow Han Jin, the two Legion long must have his position! The head of the mercenary group is also called the head of the group, but compared with the long Legion of the regular army, the gap is too big. The former, he can only live in the memory of the mercenaries. With the fault of memory, people will slowly forget him. If he can play under Han Jin, he believes that history books will definitely set aside for him. Lived so big, he enjoyed the enjoyment, and the look of the open is also seen, the last wish is to leave something.

“Duye Sam!”

“grown ups?”

“You first take a rest with your brethren. After I have dealt with a few things, I will find you soon.” Han Jin thought for a moment: “Let’s go, go straight to the night of bliss, go directly to Hilles. Special, just say…” After the words were not finished, he saw that Jess’s face had changed, and this was reflected. Hilister was still being held by the Holy See.

“Gibron, you take Duye Sam to the night of bliss, tell the brethren, let them be free, and I treat you today.”

“Okay.” Gibran laughed at hehe and said: “Include not including me?”

“Julia, have you heard that?” Han Jin said as if he was casually speaking.

“Listen to … to!” Julia was worded and replied.

“Julia, I just made a joke.” Gibran immediately “bear”, don’t look at him always in front of outsiders is always very cold, but in the face of Julia, he has no temper: “I am again Not the first time to come to Holy Crown City, have you seen where I used to go?”

“You used to hide in the basement with Julia. I don’t want to go anywhere.” Cessacioun answered.

“Yeah.” Moxinke carefree said: “In that place, if you can still run out of fools, then I really admire you! The entire continent, I guess no one except Raphael can do it.”

“What are you talking about?” Han Jin felt that this was not a taste.

“Ah…” Moxinke also noticed his own hard wound and hurriedly explained: “I mean he can’t come out, only you can just drill it.”

“I thought, you said that only Raphael can go out and fool around anytime.” Lei Zhe smirked.

On the other side, Howman’s eyes are straightforward. He has seen the lords of the shelves, but I have never seen such a thing. Han Jin has no shelves at all, can’t talk about the misconduct, and the other young People are all expressions that don’t care, and they should have been joking with Han Jin before.

Since Han Jin’s standing in the city of Lonely, Holman also paid attention to Han Jin. However, he did not get much information. Han Jin rarely came out to move around. He stared too tightly and was discovered. Instead, he would make trouble. Unpleasant, the people he sent out can only be seen far and far away, not to mention that his people will only pass back important things, and the boring conversations such as Chang’s parents’ short family will be filtered out. Otherwise, it is purely looking for jealousy, and some things must be witnessed before you can get your own feelings. Listening to others will often be distorted.

“Let’s go, let’s talk to the boat.” Han Jin is too lazy to take care of Moxinke and Lei Zhe.

Howman and Han Jin gave each other a few words. Seeing Han Jin’s eyes flashed an impatient expression, he suddenly remembered Guevera’s words, no more polite, released the floating technique, and the first one flew up.

Moxinke grabbed the ladder and climbed up. Who knows that Han Jin grabbed his shoulder: “You don’t go up.”

“How…what?” Moxinke’s incomprehensible eyes wide open. In his impression, Han Jin is not a person who likes to avenge.

“What are you going up to? Don’t go to see Hilna!” Han Jin showed a smile in his eyes, recalling the woman who opened her mouth and claimed to be ‘Lao Niang’, red-haired, red-skinned like a fire, he just wanted to laugh, then Reminiscent of Moxinke’s helplessness in the clutches, he even wants to laugh.

“I…” Moxinke’s body was stiff, but his hands still clung to the ladder.

“en? What happened to you?” Han Jin was a little surprised. When he came back, Moxinke didn’t have much to say, how Hilna got, what was wronged, etc., and now finally returned to Holy Crown City, how suddenly his attitude It became negative.

Moxinke looked around and took Han Jin to the side. Others were busy on the boat. They didn’t notice them. Even if they noticed, they couldn’t come over and eavesdrop. Unless they were replaced, Moxinke went to eavesdrop. There are still some possibilities.

Han Jin followed Moxinke and said, “Cessacioun, Lei Zhe, don’t go up first.”

“Is there something?” Lei Zhe asked inexplicably.

“You go to see Keeley for me.” Han Jin said: “Right, there is little Joseph.”

“Know it.” Lei Zhe jumped up from the ladder and walked to the city gate with Cessacioun. Duye Sam in front of him saw Lei Zhe and Cessacioun followed, and waited for a moment, the entire group said laughter disappeared In the city gate.

“Raphael, I told you, would you laugh at me?” Moxinke looked at Han Jin seriously.

“Then don’t say anything.” Han Jin turned and was leaving.

“Wait.” Moxinke grabbed Han Jin: “If you don’t even help me, then I am really finished!”

“Is it so serious?” Han Jin was very funny.

“Raphael, I am going to get bored, isn’t it serious?” Moxinke said with a frowning face: “When I can’t see Hilna, I really miss her. Sometimes I can dream of her dreams, but now I will I can see her, I… I suddenly don’t want to see her.”

“Why?” Han Jin asked in surprise.

“Because…” Moxinke scratched his head and scratched hard: “Because I hate her!”

“What do you hate about her?” Han Jin said resolutely, if you let Hilna hear it, it must be dead!

“I hate her temper.” Moxinke cried. “It’s too violent!! A little bit of something that made her dissatisfied. She always yelled at me. You said, why is she like this? If her How good is the spleen weather Yalina! Even if it can’t be done, like Sunier, I…”

“Don’t use someone else’s example… Do you understand?” Han Jin airway.

“I mean that, not intentional.”

Han Jin saw Moxinke for a moment, slowly said: “I understand, you still like Hilna in your heart. After all, you grew up together and have feelings, but you can’t accept Hilna’s temper, which makes you very Pain, what you really want is Dominy… What eyes do you want? I mean you want to find the kind, accept Hilna, you are not willing, you think you will find better Abandon Hilna, you can’t bear it, you don’t want to hurt her, is that true?”

Moxinke stayed and shouted: “Yes! That’s it! Raphael, you said, what should I do?”

“hehe, my own things have not been solved, what do you ask me to do?” Han Jin showed helpless smile: “So… take care!” After that, Han Jin pats on Moxinke’s shoulder and turns away.

“Hey! Raphael!” Moxinke called.

“Whether you want to give up or want to accept it, now that Hilna has been seriously injured, you should visit her. Is this supposed to be?” Han Jin turned back and said, “Do you still use me?”

Moxinke slowly lowered his head, and Han Jin said it makes sense. He can’t argue.

On the deck of the War God, Guevera is introducing Holman. The first one is Gao Bian, who saw the top leader of the Spirit Race, where he smiled and sipped a little wine, but the Hausmann expression did not. There have been changes. As the saying goes, shopping malls such as the battlefield, the previous business, and people are struggling with the blood flow. The latter business needs to be two people working together. Such an example has met a lot, in the eyes of Hausmann. There is nothing good about make a fuss about nothing, but Han Jin, who has no shelf at all, makes him feel incredible.

Then I introduced Yalina and Sunier. Of course, Guevera couldn’t say the entanglement between them. It was only a brief introduction, followed by Steelberg, Hogan, and Harley. With the strength of Steelberg, there is no room for him to speak. I can’t talk about him seriously, but he is the ‘small playmate’ brought out by Han Jin. It is called the master servant and the relatives. This identity is enough. The so-called Sect Chancellor former Grade 7 official, no one dares Adventure Tang Dynasty Steelberg.

After the people were seated, Han Jin appeared on the ship’s side, Guevera asked: “Moxinke God is mysterious, what are you looking for?”

“hehe…” Han Jin shrugged.

“What about others?” Guevera saw Han Jin and didn’t want to say it, he changed the subject.

“Go to Hilna.” Han Jin said while sitting on Jedice’s side: “I said… Can you smile? Look at your face and look.”

“Jedice, what’s wrong with you?” Sunier asked with concern, and Yalina turned her gaze to the side. She had a ghost in her heart and didn’t dare to talk to Jedisi, fearing that she would be seen as a weak spot.

“Can you take up some time?” Jeddes stood up slowly.

“I said, my time is very good today.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Can’t you say it here?”

Hauser was originally sketching the word, seeing Han Jin pay more attention to Jedice, then he turned his eyes away and talked quietly with Guevera.

“It’s best not to say it here.” Jeddes walked slowly down the stairs.

“What about you? Amy, don’t you go?”

“I can wait here.” Amy Jay said with a smile, and when the silhouette of Jeddis had disappeared under the deck, he whispered: “Adult, these days… The temper of the Pope is very No, if you offend you, please forgive me.”

“Don’t worry, there won’t be anything.” Han Jin paused: “Amy Jie, tell me, what happened to Hillester?”

“He’s not very good, but it’s not very bad. When the incident happened, the Pope didn’t know it, so he couldn’t stop it. Later he tried to protect Hiller.” Amy JJ.

“It’s really hard for him.” Han Jin smiled and walked slowly to the stairs.

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