In the nascent morning glow, Han Jin and Sunier are opposite each other. Two people have never slept. After a whole night, Sunier is interested in Han Jin’s experience. Han Jin also wants to know what Sunier encountered in the illusion, especially Sunier. The mutated monster that is told, Han Jin has a feeling of deja vu, but now is not the time to explore, he has more important things to do.

Sunier also knows a lot, and the things of the abyss demon Donald, Han Jin not at all conceal, Sunier understands the anxiety and urgency in Han Jin’s heart, so although they have been separated for too long, the time of meeting has passed too much. Fast, but she did not retain Han Jin.

Han Jin laughed, stepping a step into Void, falling straight from the city wall, disappearing into the earth, looking at the place where Han Jin disappeared, Sunier could not help but sigh, Athena hesitated. Then, the opening said: “Adult, what should we do? Go to the main force or … stay in Wild Willow City?”

“Await a few days, then we set off.”

“The Wild Willow City…”

“The beast human race won’t have the energy to attack Wild Willow City.”

“How is it possible? There are a lot of orcs on the outskirts of Wild Willow City!”

“So we have to wait a few days.” Sunier smiled, she wanted to tell Athena, he said, we can now treat Fossa as a dead person! But the secret is a secret, she can’t talk nonsense, which has nothing to do with Athena’s reliable and unreliable.

In a blink of an eye, the warm sunshine has filled the entire land, and Han Jin is walking at full speed underground, going to Wild Willow City. It is a plan outside. If there is no such accident, he should return to the War God at this moment. Time does not and the others, he must race against time.

Until the second half of the second day, Han Jin finally rushed back to Holy Crown City. This time, he couldn’t shake his body. He first watched the shadow and observed it for a moment, confirming that no one noticed, and the figure was shot into the air. War God, his hand was lightly shot on the bottom of the War God, and then disappeared with disappear without a trace.

Steelberg, who was sleeping with a scent of honey, suddenly opened his eyes and looked suspiciously. All around was still very quiet. He thought it was his own illusion, muttering a whisper, closing his eyes again. Slowly sink into sleep.

Among the War God owners, only Steelberg, who had been acquainted with Han Jin, could sense the fluctuations of the Dafa. No one else could sense it. Even Dominy, who always lives on the deck, is the same.

In fact, the entire War God is a huge Magical Artifact, Han Jin has the highest authority, and what he does is always like everyone else, just to take care of their feelings. Living in someone else’s home is one thing. Living on someone else’s hand is another matter. If anyone knows, as long as Han Jin is willing, he can do anything, including keeping a close eye on everyone’s every move, even taking a bath. Unable to guarantee privacy, it is estimated that no one wants to live, at the very least, Resley and Lorraine must be crazy. Of course, Han Jin will never be so boring. He keeps secrets for good intentions, so as to avoid misunderstandings and let everyone live on the War God, in order to protect their safety.

Yalina still didn’t sleep. She sat at the table and carefully painted something. For a long time, she finally finished painting. She picked up the scroll of the strange rune and carefully compared it with another talisman on the table. After confirming that there was no problem with her painting, then her expression became dignified, brewing her emotions, and then threw the paper roll out, and tenderly shouted: “Go!!”

Nothing happened, the paper fluttered on the floor, and Yalina’s face looked very distressed. Then she bit her teeth and picked up Steelberg’s talisman, and threw away: “Go!”

A white light flashed and landed on Yalina. She felt that her spiritual status had become very exciting, but her excitement was not equal to happiness. Yalina’s eyebrows were quickly mixed up and muttered: “I hate it… …”

Han Jin was behind Yalina with a smile on his lips and quietly watching Yalina.

Yalina slammed the table hard, loudly said: “I don’t believe it!” After she finished, she leaned down and drew it according to the talisman. In order to do the experiment, she came from Steelberg for more than a dozen talisman. And Steelberg will never reject Mistress in the future, of course it is responsive.

Han Jin looked at Yalina’s movements, and there was no spiritual attachment. This experiment would also be a failure. Han Jin shook the head, suddenly grabbed Yalina’s hand and quickly drew it.

Yalina’s figure was not stiff, almost screamed, but she immediately realized who was behind her, making a sigh like a sigh, and her body softly leaning on Han Jin’s arms.

Han Jin’s movements are many times faster than Yalina, and it’s almost a stroke: “Okay, try again.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“If you don’t try it, the magic scroll you made will certainly not fail.” Yalina jumped up and wrapped her hands around Han Jin’s neck, and looked at Han Jin with a smile: “Wild child, finally willing to go home.” ?”

“What do you say about me?” Han Jin almost bit his tongue. When he left, Yalina’s heart was very sad. He just tried to control himself’s all. He just heard Sunier’s news and left. Holy Crown City, and it is inevitable that Yalina will be cranky. In fact, he really went to find Sunier. How many days haven’t seen it, is Yalin like a person? !

“I said that you are a wild child, and finally willing to go home?!” Yalina laughed at Hehe’s repetition.

Han Jin has a feeling of being speechless, wild child? For the first time, he heard someone call him this, and for a moment, Han Jin whispered, “What happened in these days?”

“A lot of things, um…” Yalina thought seriously: “Guevera has been looking for you three times. I said that you have been practicing, and that Jedith has been looking for you once. I told him that you need at least five days. Finishing the cultivation, he said that he will come back to you, and Moxinke… Yes, I remember it!” After that, Yalina loosened Han Jin’s neck and ran to the bed a few steps from under the pillow. I took out a copy and handed it to Han Jin.

Han Jin took the note and looked at it. He suddenly remembered something, said with a smile: “Yalina, I know what kind of man you used to like, so I will always be a little confident when facing you. “”

“I? What kind of man did I like?” Yalina looked at Han Jin inexplicably. She and Han Jin have already reached this step. What is the significance of talking about other men?

“Yeah.” Han Jin thought for a moment: “It must be a real man, with a lion-like chest and arms. It doesn’t have to be handsome, but it must be rough, and it’s best to have a few scars on his face. That’s perfect, the scar is the man’s medal… You should ride a giant giant dragon so you can fly with you on the blue sky…”

“You…you…” Yalina stuttered and said, “Who told you? Lorraine?”

“In the capital of the element, I am not living in your room, when I am bored, I am…”

“You peek at my memory?!” Yalina suddenly realized that she was shy and anxious, and cried out, “Bad!!”

“It was a wild child, now it is a bad guy. After a while, I guess it will become a villain.” Han Jin said with a smile: “But… really, Yalina, is your aesthetic problem? Isn’t Moxinke guy more likable than me? Also, are you confusing Knight with your future husband? Look at your standards, obviously choosing Knight.”

Yalina was too shy, but fortunately she was not as hot as Hilna, otherwise she had already waved her fist.

“Look at me.” Han Jin gently hugged Yalina’s waist: “Tell me, Yalina, what happened in the past few days? I mean, things related to you!”

“No…no.” Yalina shook her head. She had just fallen into a state of shame and urgency. She was suddenly smashed out by Han Jin, and she was somewhat uncomfortable. The expression on her face changed with a stubborn taste.

“Do you say it again?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“It’s really nothing, it’s Gail Uncle talking to me a few times.”

“What did Gail’s manager say?”

“It’s just some past things.” Yalina hesitated, she didn’t mean to say it, but she has already opened her head and can’t hide it.


“It’s something between mother and a few Aunts.” Yalina lowered her head.

“Don’t talk about me?”

“Talked about…”

“What did you say?”

“Raphael, I don’t want to say, don’t you ask, okay?” This is the first time Yalina refused to obey Han Jin. Although she has a lot of courage, the tone still contains a taste of pleading.

Han Jin groaned and then whispered: “I’m sorry.” After that, he gently kissed Yalina’s forehead: “I just found out that you have changed a lot, so I feel a little nervous.”

“Actually… as long as you are happy, I am happy too, this is enough, isn’t it?” Yalina whispered.

“Yeah, as long as we are happy.” Han Jin smiled again.

“Right, Raphael, how did you get in?” Yalina suddenly realized a problem.

“I?” Han Jin expression is unchanged: “Of course, I came in from the door. At that time, you were too focused, so I didn’t notice me.” * “Lie!” Yalina pushed Han Jin away, like a smile yet not A smile’s eyes looked at Han Jin: “Do you know? In order not to let you be dismantled by others, I have set up the magic array!”

This is the tragedy of ‘law blindness’. Han Jin feels helpless. He can sense the fluctuation of magic, but he has no way to go to the magic array, which is already in silent state, although War God is his Magical Artifact. It was also after Yalina reminded him that he sensed the existence of the magic array.

“cough cough…” Han Jin’s eyes showed deep affection: “Yalina, have you thought about me these days?”

“Quickly, how did you get in?” Yalina was unmoved.

“I have done a lot of things in the past few days. It is really exhausting. Do you know? Fossa’s big shaman Yuridin has been killed by me!” Han Jin’s face became full of tiredness, moving If the situation has no effect, then it is reasonable!

“Master, I killed it myself!” Harley finally couldn’t help himself. He thought about how to brag about his achievements. Now that he saw Han Jin’s merits, he felt aggrieved.

“Scram!” For Harley, Han Jin is always concise.

Harley immediately fell into silence, and the luster of the black bead flashed away, turning into a deep silence.

Everyone on World has its own weak spot. The key is whether there is a right way. For Yalina, Han Jin’s reason is right in her heart, because Yalina always regards her mother as an example, and Tifa Mrs. Ni is the standard wife and good mother. Han Jin has done that many major event outside. She feels very tired when she returns home. She wants to rest. She can’t stop it. It’s too embarrassing. She can’t be a pretty girl.

“hmph! You must have a ghost!” Yalina said reluctantly: “I went to Lorraine. Her rumors on the magic array are deeper than me. I don’t believe it…” “Okay, okay.” Han Jin pulls Yalina, with a light finger on his left hand, the floor under his feet turned into a faint starlight.

“What is this?” Yalina curiously asked.

“You touch it yourself.” Han Jin said with a smile.

Yalina tried the extended end of the surname. As a result, she was surprised to find that her half arm was caught in the starlight, but she never touched the floor. Her big eyes were rounded: “This is the door to time and space?” !”

“No.” Han Jin thought for a moment: “At most, it’s the back door I left for myself.”

“You can always turn this door… the door opens?”

“more or less.”

“You… this is my room, what do you do with a back door in my place?!” Yalina understood something again, looking at Han Jin with a sigh of relief: “It turns out that you have already lost your heart.” Right?!” Although Yalina’s mind is far less than her father, she also knows that Han Jin accepted her when she paid so many and pursued so much. The misconduct, when Han Jin built the War God, and the feelings of Sunier are strong, how can other ideas come into being? And she wouldn’t doubt the character of Han Jin. At the beginning, she even sent her arms up. Han Jin can still be quiet, and she is more than her woman. Yalina has this confidence, and she The reason why she grabbed the scorpion was because she wanted to explore the secrets of Han Jin.

“Like… I am not so inferior?” Han Jin smiled.

“Then why do you put the back door on me?”

“Actually… I want to use this room as my lab.” Han Jin shrugged: “But then you selected this room, I have to give it to you.”

“You still have a magic lab?” Yalina first glimpsed, then laughed again, laughing like a little fox.

“Of course.” In front of this little fox wants to fight with him, it is estimated that he has to practice for a few decades, but there are some things he is already ready to tell Yalina slowly. There is no relationship with Yalina now. Han Jin said with a smile : “Would you like to visit?”

“That… okay?” Yalina became reserved.

“Not good? That’s it.” Han Jin said.

Yalina immediately stayed there, her mood became extraordinarily annoyed, blaming herself, why do you want to talk more! Yalina’s eyes turned and I was trying to turn the subject back. I suddenly found that Han Jin’s eyes were full of narrowing colors. She immediately reacted and was teased by Han Jin!

“You… I am going to see your magic lab!” Yalina screamed. At this point, she couldn’t take care of the so-called restraint, and then said with a sigh of relief: “Go!!”

“Now?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Okay!” Yalina nodded hard.

“Go.” Han Jin took Yalina’s hand and took a few steps. He suddenly stopped and looked at Yalina seriously.

“What are you looking at?” Yalina blushes slightly, but her eyes are still brave and Han Jin.

“I’m so curious, what did Gail executive say to you?” Han Jin slowly said, this is his truth, and Yalina laughed for so long, he only felt very relaxed, without the heavy sense of responsibility in the past. The feeling of guilt, especially when he just never came back to see Sunier, how it feels.

“It’s very simple.” Yalina whispered: “I want to be happy, but also make you happy, just like that.”

“It’s very simple…” Han Jin sighed and pulled Yalina to move on.

Yalina’s wrist flicked, a wave of magical waves came, the door opened automatically, and then she looked towards towards Han Jin, which is obviously showing off, how? I didn’t lie to you?

For a moment, two people came to a quiet corridor, because Han Jin just said that the magic laboratory is the top secret of the War God, so she seems to be cautiously, even to the extent of subconsciously holding the breath, out of a dozen Step, Yalina suddenly felt a gust of wind behind her, waiting for her to go back and found that Han Jin had disappeared without disamble.

Yalina was weird, but he didn’t dare to disturb others. He put his hands around his mouth and whispered: “Raphael…Raphael…”

Just shouted twice, one hand jerked out of the wall, grabbed her, and dragged her over, seeing that she was about to hit the wall, and Yalina closed her eyes involuntarily, waiting for the play. The pain came, and then I felt a fluttering thing swept from the body, and then I heard the gentle voice of Han Jin: “Is it? This is the first domesticated Angel, a few months, hehe… also It’s not easy, Yalina, you are the first person to step into this magic lab and share all my happiness and pride.”

“Angel?” Yalina opened eyes and saw an Angel consisting entirely of pure rays of light standing quietly in the room, holding a lightaber in her hands, softly waving in the light, around It’s all endless starlight.

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