“Maxwell is dead, Prudence has escaped, I am still alive.” Han Jin indifferently said.

Sunier looked at Han Jin quietly. Although Han Jin said it was easy, she knew that she could survive the joint attack between Maxwell and Prudence. Han Jin must have experienced a thrilling battle.


“Actually, shortly after you returned to Wild Willow City, Fine Spirit Race launched an attack on Beitman.”

Sunier as if was struck by lightening, the shape was so crumbling that Athena had to step forward and hold Sunier, but Sunier didn’t need it. She slowly extended the hand and grabbed Athena’s wrist and forced it. Putting Athena’s hand down and setting it aside, she used a lot of strength, and left a path of blue marks on Athena’s wrist.

Athena hesitated for a moment, and finally bowed her head and did not make any moves.

“At that time, where are you?”

“I and Guevera took the army to the dungeon and prepared to make a knot with Zaganide.” Han Jin whispered: “The elite Spirit Race has seized a good opportunity to easily capture Beitman and Dark Raven City.”

Sunier slowly shook her head, as if she didn’t believe it. Her eyes swept over the elves. However, Sunier looked towards where the elves had bowed their heads and dared not look at Sunier. Only Sunier was In the dark, other elves have known these things. When they first put into action, it was nothing. They fought for the glory of the Spirit Emperor country, but now they listen to the victims. They all have the feeling of being ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“And then?” Sunier’s tone seemed to be very difficult.

“The Spirit Race team started attacking the Holy Crown City, but had a small loss under the Holy Crown City, and the winter was here. The Spirit Race team was temporarily suspended. I killed the Dismark and occupied the Holy Crown City. Take over the army of Holy Crown City.” Han Jin slowly said: “Ampudra’s ambition is not only to occupy my Holy Crown City, but also the city of Dip, the Cold Shadow City, but the Spirit Race can’t In the winter, he didn’t want me to stand firm, so he was in line with the human race, and planned to let the orc warrior be his pioneer and continue to attack Holy Crown City. Then… just like this, the human race suddenly came to you. Launched an attack.”

Sunier looked at Han Jin quietly, and she finally understood what the lingering sense of the heart was, strange! At the moment, Han Jin is a bit strange. She can understand that she suffered a sudden attack from the fine Spirit Race, and then was attacked by Maxwell and Prudence. Han Jin’s sense of the Spirit Race is sure to change dramatically, but Sunier feels aggrieved again, a kind of grievance full of tragic surnames, she knows nothing, and does nothing, will Han Jin be separated from her by these? !

“Raphael, I haven’t betrayed you!” Sunier said in a trembling voice, she could say this, she had a hundred percent courage, no matter what, when a person said this, she already It is weak.

If there is another choice, Sunier will never throw away her arrogance, but now it is different. That feeling carries her too much happiness and hope. In order to make up, in order to save, she is willing to give up and can only give up.

“I… know.” Han Jin’s gaze has quietly avoided elsewhere.

“Raphael, how come you ran to Wild Willow City?” Blanche saw the feeling of not speculating and hurriedly shifted the subject.

“ga ga, the owner got a message, the Fossa big shaman Yuridin supported the Wild Willow City War Zone, of course, come over and see.” Harley blame said with a smile: “Master, other places are not over yet. I used to look at it?” Yuridin’s elite has been completely smashed, but the other three orcs do not know the battle of Dongcheng, and still fiercely attacked Wild Willow City.

Athena and Branchi reacted. The battle was not over yet. They seemed to be somewhat irresponsible. Although the orc warriors did not have the protection of Soul Fire, they could not break the guardianship of the ancient trees of life, but they always had to look at it. .

Athena and Branzi looked at each other and Athena whispered a word in Sunier’s ear. Then they split their heads and divided them into two directions to support other directions.

Sunier’s eyes are always on Han Jin. She doesn’t care about Athena at all. She just wants to continue to look at Han Jin and see Han Jin’s heart. Although Harley has already said Han Jin’s trip, she has a slight heart. Some are good, but she always gets rid of an ominous premonition.

“Sunier, let’s go somewhere else.” Han Jin slowly said.

“Good.” Sunier responded with a light click.

Louise and Pan Wen felt awkward because they had just said something wrong. Of course, they would not bother Han Jin and Sunier. Although they also wanted to talk to Han Jin, the two stopped at the place and sent Han Jin with their eyes. Going far away with Sunier.

The longer I walk, the more Sunier can taste the strangeness of Han Jin. In her imagination, after meeting two people, they should be very excited, pour each other, greet, or even be intimate, but Han Jin’s words become very Less, let her be at a loss.

More than once, Sunier wanted to pull Han Jin’s hand. The result was a sneak peek at Han Jin’s quiet, bleak expression. Her hand couldn’t stretch out anyway, and an invisible pressure shrouded her heart.

In fact, Han Jin is always thinking, saying? Still not to say? He said, he was a bit worried. At first he couldn’t control himself. Is Sunier really as strong as he thinks? If you don’t say it, things can always be solved. It is definitely not a solution.

After hesitating for a long while, Han Jin finally decided that this matter was still more suitable by Gao Bin and Sunier. Before he solved Fossa, he did not have the opportunity to contact the Spirit Race again. During this time, Sunier’s emotions also got Buffering, you should be able to calm down and think about their future, at least not to the point of irreparability.

Thinking of Gaobin, Han Jin also thought of another thing. He suddenly stopped and took Sunier’s hand. At this time, he discovered that Sunier’s hand didn’t know when it was cold and wet, as if it were wet. There was a cold sweat.

Sunier also stopped and looked at Han Jin seriously.

“Sunier, you made a big mistake.” Han Jin showed a bitter smile.

“I? What a big mistake?” Sunier’s heart could not help but jump.

“Hairel’s business, you should tell me the original.” Han Jin whispered: “Maybe… I have a chance to save her!”

“What happened to Hailuer?” Sunier startled.

“She died, died…” Han Jin paused for a moment and said the scene at the time. If he understood Haier’s relationship with them, he would definitely find a way, even in the military camp of the abyss. It is unrealistic to save people. His Jin Jin was far less powerful than he is now, but he could secretly apply Dao to Hailuer, let Haierer stay longer, and then look for other opportunities. It is a pity that he only had a slight affection for Hailuer at that time. He felt that Hairouer was willing to fight for Zaganide in the end, and he was very loyal, not to mention when he stood under Hailuer, he saw it from Hailuer’s eyes. A kind of pleading is not to beg for life, but to beg for death. Therefore, he finally put a fire and fulfilled Haier’s wish.

As Han Jin is worried, no matter who it is, no matter how strong she is or how strong he is, there is always a certain limit. Sunier knows that the Spirit Race suddenly attacks Han Jin, knowing that Prudence and Maxwell used to Han Jin set a deadly trap, which has already put tremendous pressure on her. Now she hears the death of Hailuer, and the death is so miserable. She can’t stand it anymore. The clear big eyes also became sluggish, and I watched Han Jin motionless.

“I know your concern, Hailuer has become a dark elf, and her loyal Zaganide is my deadly enemy, so you don’t want me to misunderstand, and don’t want to bother me, when you think the last step Tell me again, it’s not too late, is that right? You…this is war! Then the great wise man, at most, can faintly capture the direction of the war, it is absolutely impossible to predict every detail in the war. It’s a genius, but because of emotional frustration, she hasn’t made any progress for decades. If she accidentally, she can take her life. Can you stop it?” Han Jin slowly said: “Don’t do this, Do you understand? You don’t want to bother me, sometimes it will bother me more. If there is anything in the future, be sure to tell me!”

Sunier’s heart is filled with sorrows and joys. Hi, Han Jin doesn’t seem to care about the contradiction with the Spirit Race. Since there is a future, of course, belongs to them, but the life of Hailuer has disappeared irreparably. Let her feel sad.

Sunier raised her face and Han Jin’s face quickly became blurred. The tears ooze from her eyes and dripped down her cheeks. She murmured: “I hurt her…I am ……”

“It’s her own.” Han Jin whispered: “When she decided to fight for Zaganide, she had decided her fate. To be honest, maybe I had a chance to save her, but I can’t protect her from harm. I guess… even if she saved her, she wouldn’t live anymore.” In the situation at the time, he really couldn’t protect Hailuer. Saving and protecting were two different things. His Han Jin can pose a huge threat to Zaganide and Alquette. It is because he is free and unrestrained. He wants to fight and want to leave. If he deliberately protects Hailuer, he will use Al Quart’s heart. I can definitely see that it is not only that Hailuer can’t save it, but even he himself is in danger.

“You don’t understand…” Sunier leaned against Han Jin’s arms, and her tears flowed more and more: “How do I go to see Lydia, how can I see…”

“Your big brother?”

Despite the grief, Sunier was shocked and stunned. She couldn’t help but wipe her tears and tried to see Han Jin’s expression.

“No one told you, is your big brother Gaobin already back?” Han Jin laughed: “And he has already taken Prudence off the stage and became the actual commander of the Elf Alliance.”

“big brother … he…” Sunier’s brain is close to crash, staying in the illusion for a few months, I didn’t expect World’s change to be so big, the news that shocked her one by one, and then Sunier reacted, anxiously said : “Have you seen him?!”

“I have seen it.” Han Jin nodded.

“He… didn’t say anything?”

“You mean, how are you talking to me?”

Sunier ordered nodded, and her hand had involuntarily used her strength to let Han Jin immediately feel her nervousness. For Sunier now, her clansman set too many obstacles for her, trying every means to destroy her relationship with Han Jin, almost giving her a feeling of rebellion, if her big brother also opposed the relationship, right She will be a fatal blow. Is this world must force her to go to Hailuer’s no return? !

“Talking very well, your big brother has been calling me brother, and I am still playing with me.” Han Jin said with a smile: “I can see that your big brother… is a very pure drunkard.”

“Don’t say this to him…” Hearing Han Jin talking about Gaobin, she felt warm and wanted to laugh, but Hailuer’s bad news was on her heart, and she couldn’t laugh: “He is my big. Brother, also your big brother!”

“I know, so I am worried about him.” Han Jin said, he imagined in his heart, what if Sunier knew about him and Yalina? Perhaps the best way to deal with the pain is to let Sunier know that her other relatives need help more.

“What happened to him?” Sunier hurriedly asked.

“Don’t you tell me about it, I told him about Hailuer.”

“He…” Sunier rounded his eyes. This kind of thing can be imagined by others. She can imagine how grief the Gaobin would be.

“Your big brother lives very real, and loves his surname. He never fakes it.” Han Jin whispered: “Because of this, I am more worried about him, afraid that he will lose his sense… Fortunately, he has a Lidi around him. Ya, Sunier, what is the relationship between your big brother and Lydia?”

“They are good friends.” Sunier’s voice seemed a bit low.

“Just a good friend?” Han Jin asked.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Sunier asked. When Gaobin was in love and was away from Wild Willow City, she was still young. She didn’t know the emotional entanglement between the big brother and the elder sister. She only knew that her big brother liked Hairou. Er, later, because of the joining of a human woman, there was a bloody conflict with the Wild Willow City Senate, and finally had to leave temporarily.

“Your big brother’s emotional judgment is really slow.” Han Jin showed a helpless smile: “Maybe, he really just regarded Lydia as a good friend, but Lydia is very good at Gaobin… Not simple.”

“Ridia to my big brother??” Sunier was surprised.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded: “Lidia’s thoughtfulness and obedience to Gaobin, even my outsider seems to feel a little embarrassed, she just regarded Gaobin as a good friend? Hehe… I don’t believe it. “”

“Lidia used to be the deputy of my big brother, so… are these normal?”

“If you look at it yourself, you will understand.” Han Jin said with a smile: “As long as it is not blind, I believe I can see Lydia’s feelings.”

Sunier pondered seriously about the possible surnames of Lydia and Gaobin.

“Your big brother is very unstable now. When I tell him the news of Hailuer, he…” Han Jin sighed: “Don’t say, Sunier, it’s not good to rely on Lydia alone to comfort him.” He still needs you this younger sister, understand what I mean?”

“I know.” Sunier’s eyes gradually restored the divine light, and Han Jin could think about her big brother, which proves that Han Jin does not care about the damage that the Spirit Race used to hurt, which makes her feel very happy, the kind that makes her breathe. The pressure of the gas is also missing.

“Know it.” Han Jin speaks correctly.

“You just said that my big brother has become the actual commander of the Elf Alliance? What about Prudence?”

“He made too many mistakes, not to mention other tribes, even the elf warriors of the Southern Forest tribe, and would not obey his orders.”

Sunier was silent for a moment: “Raphael, you tell me, no matter what happens in the future, you must tell you, are you serious?”

“Of course it is serious.” Han Jin feels a little wrong, staring at Sunier: “What?”

“Then I told you, but you must not stop me, okay?”

“You first talk about, what?” Han Jin did not dare to promise.

“Promise me?!” Sunier was not fooled.

“Good… well.” Han Jin said reluctantly.

“I want to kill Prudence!” Sunier said word by word, at this moment, Sunier exudes a kind of extraordinary momentum, the eyes like spring water, clear and sharp, before her nervous I’m afraid, just because I don’t know how Han Jin will position the feelings between them. Now that I feel the warmth of Han Jin, she has regained her confidence. Then, one or some of the despicable shameless guys have to pay the price. Be personally guarding the most important things in her life.

“What do you say?” Han Jin startled, he also wanted to kill Prudence, and put it into action, but Sunier wants to do this, he is absolutely not expected, because Sunier attaches importance to clansman, how she chooses Going to kill each other?

“I want to kill Prudence!” Sunier repeated, and she said in a very serious tone: “Raphael, don’t try to stop me, I won’t listen to you in this matter.”

Han Jin stares at Sunier. This is an elf who dares to love and hate. Her attitude is very determined. If her block is not effective at all, she would not be able to discourage her want to come to the Senate and her big brother.

“Don’t talk about this.” Han Jin whispered: “I don’t have much time, talk about anything else.”

“Would you like to go?” Sunier immediately heard the premonition in Han Jin’s words.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded: “And, I have prepared a grave for Prudence, Sunier, this time you must listen to me, otherwise it will undermine my overall plan.”

“Tomb??” Sunier stunned.

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