“Many thanks for your kindness.” The curved knife in the hands of Rheinnner hangs down at one point, but his tone is still very cold, although he has no qualification for Han Jin for other reasons, but he Will not give up their insistence.

“many thanks? It seems that you don’t want to accept my help.” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“I won’t betray the human race, and I won’t be used by anyone. I will wave my knife at my clansman!”

“You misunderstood.” Han Jin shook the head: “I need the power of the human race, so I have to deal with only one of Fossa.”

“You will need the power of the human race?” Rheinner sneered: “Raphael, as a super-powerhouse, you don’t have to be hypocritical.”

“You have more heart, in fact, I don’t have to deceive you.” Han Jin indifferently said. “hehe… do you really think that I can’t see your intention? Destroy the human race, the elf with great strength is not your opponent, so you will become the most powerful lord in this area!”

“Without the human race and the elves, I will face the Grand Duke of Solomon directly.” Han Jin smiled.

“We know your relationship with Yalina, is the Grand Duke of Solomon a threat to you? It’s a joke!”

“You are too superficial! As a biological son of Fossa, you are not a heart with him. How can I keep peace with the Grand Duke of Solomon?” Han Jin whispered: “A year ago, you sent messengers to go. In the city of Lonely City, I bought a mercenary to attack Yalina. Now I ask you, where did you get the news about Yalina?”

The expression of Rheinel finally changed, and then thoughtfully sinking up, Han Jin’s words were heartfelt words, and Rheinel knew clearly inside and outside. He suddenly noticed that it was not as simple as he thought.

“Before I was strong enough, I didn’t want to face the Duke of Solomon, his terrifying… you should be clearer than me.” Han Jin slowly said: “So my idea is to stop the human race and the fine Spirit Race. The war between the two will give the Wild Willow City back to the elves. The city of Beit belongs to you. It was originally the capital of the orc federation. It is also a wish. I want Dark Raven City and Holy Crown City. You are responsible for blocking Solomon for me. Duke, my attention will turn to the north.”


“Not bad.”

Rheinnell frowned. He had already understood Han Jin’s eyes, worries and hardships, and he himself carefully analyzed that Han Jin’s words were highly credible!

In fact, Han Jin’s wording is not very clever. If Fossa is here, he may laugh at the big teeth on the spot. Who do you think you are? Only by a few words, or your will, can you stop a war and resolve the hatred of hatred by countless lives? ! However, Rhinenell couldn’t think too much. Because of his relationship with Fossa, Fossa would not teach him the power. Everything he has now is almost self-understood. As the saying goes, Master leads the door and learns to be an individual. Han Jin’s qualifications are very good. Otherwise, his Master will not select him in the vast sea. Plus, the Grand Duke of Solomon has two may come by with luck, but In the case of the guide by not searching for it, he has paid countless efforts and energy to get to the present day. Rheinner has none of them. Even if his qualification is better than Han Jin, he can never exceed Han. Jin.

“Of course, my vision may not be realized, and other changes may occur.” Han Jin sighed.

“The change you said means…”

“Maybe it only takes half a year, maybe it will take more than ten years. The army of the abyss race will appear on the ground, and the second continent war will break out.” Han Jin paused: “According to my original plan, I was prepared to deal with Chesham. But my heart is very contradictory. If Chesham is willing to reconcile with Ma Lishen, I can maintain peace with him, continent war… It is related to the survival of all our ground races, Life and Death, we must unite!”

“The army of the abyss race?” Rheinn’s eyes smashed and screamed, “This is impossible!”

“Nothing is impossible.” Han Jin slowly said: “Do you know why I would rather give up Beitman and attack Zaganide?! Because he is the minion of the abyss devil Donald!” In fact, Zaganide not at all forgets his race, To the abyss devil Donald has always been alert, but for the overall situation, planning, can only throw dirty water on Zaganide.

“How did you know?”

“Secret, just like my magic, I must keep my secrets before I completely defeat the abyss.”

Rinner was staring at Han Jin. Today, Han Jin came to him to discuss his father Fusa, which has made him feel incredible. The news he heard later was more shocking than one. He has been speechless.

“I understand now? Whether it is to block the Duke of Solomon, or for the second continent war, I need the power of the human race.”

Rheinnell did not answer, and slowly turned around in the account. For a moment, he suddenly turned and asked: “Why do you have to target my father? Directly talk to him, the effect is not better?!”

“Fusa is an extremely selfish guy. Otherwise, how could he take away his own son’s wife because of his greed? In his eyes, nothing is important to him!” Han Jin whispered: “I even Doubt, if the big devil Donald gives him enough benefits, he will even change his position, stand on the side of the abyssal race, not say me, say you, if you have such a comrade, will you believe him? Do you believe him? ?”

“No!” Rheinner slowly said, he felt that Han Jin’s words are really too deflated!

“I need a new and determined comrade, at least I dare to hand over my back to him.” Han Jin said: “In the children of Fossa, I have learned carefully, only you are the most suitable.”

“Why is it best for me?” Rinner’s heart tickles. He wants to know how Han Jin learned his brother sister and got this correct judgment, but he also understands that Han Jin is impossible. Tell him, so he didn’t ask.

“Because you are smart enough, because you are fully mature, because you are a qualified warrior.”

Rheinnell is long sighed, as the saying goes, the wine has a few thousand cups, and there is not much speculation. He suddenly feels that Han Jin not at all is terrifying.

After a moment, Rheinel slowly said: “Now, I believe in your sincerity, but I will not help you with my father, this… I think you can understand, of course, I will never go to father. Tell me!”

“I can understand.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “In fact, I don’t need you to do anything. Just bring some words and some news to Fossa.”

“What is it?” asked Rheinnell.

The formal and harmonious atmosphere of the conversation has finally begun. Rinner’s expression is constantly changing, sometimes surprised and sometimes happy. He said very seriously and asked, no one knows what they are talking about, just The elves who did not dare to move on the ground, the fear on their faces became more and more intense, and finally became desperate.

I don’t know how long it took, Han Jin Lang said with a smile: “This credit is of course yours. What you didn’t do with Father, you have done it. Who else is more qualified than you?”

Rinner looked at Han Jin with a good eye. Suddenly, the snowy scimitar was pulled out again. The blade light flashed twice. The two fine spiritual roots could not be reacted. They were directly smashed into two paragraphs. “No… …” Another elf screams, but the following words have been cut off by Rinner’s blade light.

“You still don’t know him, this plan can’t be successful.” Rheinner inserted the machete into the scabbard and shook his head.


“Because… under normal circumstances, he will not do things that are not sure.”

“If you are not sure, then give him a grasp.” Han Jin took a crystal scorpion from the space ring and handed it to Rinner.

Rinner looked at Han Jin with a stunned look and took the crystal scorpion. He was very curious. What could change the decision of Fossa? Open the box lid, a sacred magic scroll is quietly lying in the scorpion. When Rinner sees the mark of the scroll, he recognizes the human language and immediately stunned: “This is…”


“Enough… of course enough…” Rheinnell smiled: “Just… some pity! But you can rest assured, I know it’s not mine, hehe… I won’t be as greedy as he is!” He still doesn’t want to really do it because he fears and doesn’t think Han Jin can win easily. Now, why not? !

“Enough is enough.” Han Jin whispered.

“I am very curious, this magic should be long ago…”

“The treasures of civilization cannot be completely disappeared at once, and what will be left to future generations.”

“Yeah…” Rheinner ordered nodded, and then suddenly remembered something: “Right, there is something to tell you.”


“You and Sunrid in Fine Spirit Race… the relationship should be very good?”

“Yes.” Han Jin brows and picks, he can hear, what does Rhineer’s ‘good’ mean.

“You’d better go to Wild Willow City, otherwise…you won’t see the last side.” Rheinnell looked at Han Jin with sympathetic eyes: “Because the movement of the Spirit Race is very vague, he already I’m going to lose patience, so I’m sending a great shaman to support the Wild Willow City War Zone, according to the itinerary… They will drive to Wild Willow City at dusk tomorrow.”

At this moment, Rheinel is extremely sincere. He thinks that Han Jin is his great savior. He suddenly came and gave him a bright hope. He knew him and trusted him. Without any agreement, he called it. The magic scroll of the rare treasure is handed over to him. This is a powerful proof. Therefore, he feels that he should return something. Unfortunately, most of what he can pay is meaningless to Han Jin. Only this news has some value.

Han Jin was silent for a moment: “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, we will be real partners, aren’t we?” Rheinner laughed.

“Yeah…” Han Jin is laughing too.


“Tell everyone, let’s work harder, we will soon be in Wild Willow City.” Branchi said to the tribe around him, and even the long journey to add a few tired colors to her beautiful face. .

When Tracy passed on the words of Branzi, it was not expected by Branzi that the team suddenly complained loudly. Blanche smiled bitterly, but did not blame anything. As a patriarch, she was still tired, and it is no wonder that the soldiers complained.

A tribal leader came to Branchi and said with a little dissatisfaction, “Blanchi, I hope your guess is correct.”

Blanche looked at the tribal leader, indifferently said: “If it is wrong, I have to look at the old tree of life!”

Another tribal leader sighed: “The Senate is not just an alliance with them. At least so far, they are consistent with our goals. I really can’t think of any reason for doing so.”

“I can’t think of it either.” Blanche replied.


“Why do you want to think about it?” Branchi laughed: “I only know that the war has broken out. This is enough. The alliance with the orcs is the decision of the Senate, it has nothing to do with me, and I never think that the orcs will become us. Partner, what do you think?”

The leader of the tribe opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word. Yes, which elf could be willing to treat the orc as his partner. Even the Senate, which made this decision, is afraid to take advantage of it.

“Still take a break and go, the soldiers are already tired.” He and Branzi walked side by side for a while, and the tribal leader said.

Blanche turned to look at him, laughed. “Is you tired?”

The leader of the tribe suddenly blushes. “Don’t you be tired? Even we can’t bear it. How long do you think those ordinary fighters can last?”

Blanche simply stopped and looked at the tribal leader who was talking. “Our warrior is weak to this extent?”

At this time, another tribal leader quickly came up to play the round field. “Blanchi, you know, he doesn’t mean this. In fact, it’s no big deal to take a break. You see, the shadow of the orc is not seen on this road, maybe that The human lord is talking indiscriminately.”

“When you meet the orc’s troops in the wild, how much do you think we will survive?” Branzi dropped the sentence and walked forward without looking back.

The tribal leaders did not speak, looked at each other, and the same shook the head, also followed up. Since you have already believed in Branzi, it is better to obey the order. In the forest, the elves are well-deserved kings, but the combat capability in the wild is somewhat lacking. After all, not every elf tribe can own the silver pega.

Near dusk, the team elves led by Branqi finally saw the silhouette of Wild Willow City.

A stone in Branzi’s heart has finally fallen to the ground. As long as he can enter Wild Willow City, it means that they are safe, and Wild Willow City’s defense ability is unquestionable.

The elves who are busy repairing the Will Willow City city wall found a large silhouette coming from afar, and quickly put down their work, and when they sounded the alarm, they were all hidden behind the vines, a sharp arrow from The vines were found out in the gap.

The closer to Wild Willow City, the more Branzi feels wrong. The ground is full of chaotic wild beast footprints. After dealing with the human race for so many years, Branchi can easily tell that it is a blast wolf. The footprint left.

There is an amazing big pit in the wilderness, a thick bloody airsassaults the senses, Branchi can not help but frown, watching the dark red soil in the pit, the heart is sure that there has been a battle here.

Upon hearing the alarm, Sunier and Athena quickly rushed to the city. After seeing that the opposite was not the orc, but a large number of elves, the two of them were relaxed, the broken city wall was not repaired, and it was simply Not a few rounds of blows.

Entering the city, Branzi and the others were shocked to discover that there were only over a thousand elite Spirit Race fighters in this huge city. Where did the rest go? Was it sacrificed in the battle outside the city?

“We are not stupid, how can we go out of town and the orc’s big forces to resist it?” Hearing Branqi’s question, Sunier said with a smile.

“Great troops?!”

“The animal human race attacked Wild Willow City?!”

“It’s just an offense. They almost knocked Will Willow City down.” Athena said with a wry smile, and then said to the elf guards around me, “Let them speed up, the human race is only temporarily retired, maybe when Will appear again!”

The elves on the city wall are starting to get busy again, and the vines that cover the city wall are also separated like a curtain, revealing the mottled walls below.

“The hill giant?” Branchi frowns asked, iron forging has always been a weakness of the human race, causing them to create a decent siege device that can destroy the city wall that the stone has built. There is only one possibility.

“Well.” Sunier ordered nodded.

“How much?” Blanche asked.

“About a dozen or so,” Sunier replied.

“What?” Blanche took a breath and felt that he would reassess the defensive capabilities of Wild Willow City. Knowing that the Giants of the Hill are natural throwers, the accuracy is not much better than the Spirit Race. The range is farther than the Spirit Race, and the formidable power is bigger. The city wall can be saved under the attack of more than a dozen hill giants, which makes Branchi deeply aware of the power of the ancient tree in Wild Willow City. It is the Tree of Life that was born out of other life seeds. Than.

“But now it’s okay, the hill giants have been killed by Sunier.” Athena said with pride, the earth-shattering arrow made her unforgettable.

Branzi and the tribal leaders around him suddenly turned their heads and looked towards Sunier, his eyes full of shock.

Sunier saw the eyes of Branchi and the others, and gently picked up the corner of his mouth. “The past is a thing, and what is it to do, but it is Branzi elder sister. I am really happy to see you. Just listen to Raphael and talk about you.”

When I heard the name Raphael, everyone had a few minutes on the face. Branchi and the tribal leaders didn’t need to say anything. Without Han Jin’s reminder, they might not know what happened when the orcs hit the front. What about it. What is especially ridiculous is that it is precisely the target of the Elf Alliance. The Wild Willow City elf, headed by Athena, is more aware of the decision made by the Senate and the truth of the absurd wedding.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sunier couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Branzi really didn’t know how to open his mouth. He could only try to shift the subject. “There have been too many things happening recently. Sunier, we are coming from afar, don’t we just want us to stand here?”

Seeing that Branchi didn’t want to say, Sunier didn’t ask for it anymore. A faint said with a smile: “Of course not, I will let you take a break.”

Looking at the back of Branzi and the others, the smile on Sunier’s face slowly disappeared. I think that everyone who came out from the illusion will see that they are all a dodgy look, and Sunier’s heart is faint. There is a slight hunch.

“I… I’m going to help arrange it.” Athena didn’t dare to look at Sunier’s expression, barely found an excuse, and fled as if she had run away.

In the residence provided by Wild Willow City, Branchi and the tribal leaders sat together.

“The decision of the Senate is really too hasty.” A tribal leader sighed and said.

“Yes! I don’t know which damn idea is, what is the human race, and the mainland people know that it is not self-seeking dead end.”

“That is, this time thanks to the human lord, I really don’t know why we have to do it right with him.”

The tribal leaders said in a word that the elf is a race of gratitude and grudges are clear. For Han Jin who saved them indirectly, these leaders can no longer afford a bit of hatred, even though Han Jin’s hands There is no less blood on the elves, but after all, is it that the people who invade themselves first are not, or when Han Jin is absent.

“I am not worried about the orcs,” Branzi whispered.

“What are you worried about?”

Branzi looked up and looked at the tribal leaders around him. “You really don’t know, why is Raphael doing that? It’s the war we started first, the orcs fight with us, he should be the happiest one.”

The tribal leaders were silent, but they just wanted to break their heads and could not think of an answer.

“Is Raphael a little good for the orcs? So I can’t bear to see that we were killed by the orcs?” said a tribal leader.

Branzi thought about it and said, “This should be an aspect. After all, the orc’s word of mouth is really not good.”

“Of course.” The tribal leader who spoke proudly. “Compared with the orcs, we are much better.”

“Where is it?” Branzi snorted. “Is that really the case? See how we deal with the human lord. I don’t say anything about fake weddings. After all, it’s to boost morale. But with fakes. Sunier tricks Raphael into the encirclement. Is this kind of thing just, open and honorable?”

The tribal leaders opened their mouths, but they were speechless.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Athena came in.

“Who is this idea?” Athena’s face was covered with a layer of frost. She was always responsible for guarding Wild Willow City. I don’t know what happened on the front line. The Prudence plan failed. It is not a good thing. Of course. Will not spread around.

“Who else?” Branchi sighed, “Nature is our coalition commander, Prudence.”

damn it! Athena cursed in her heart. As a member of Lydia’s department, she had no good feelings for the radicals led by Prudence and Great Elder. If this happened to other elves, Xina is not so angry, it doesn’t matter, it hangs high. This is not just the creed of some human beings, and the elves can’t be excused.

The key thing is that Sunier is the younger sister of Gao Bin, and for many years, Lydia’s heart is tied to whom, and all of these subordinates are clear, and even take Sunier as a younger sister. Take care of it. Great Elder forced Sunier to accept the Prudence from the South, causing Sunier to forcibly enter the illusion, and they have already made them indifferent. I did not expect them to use Sunier’s name as a bait to bring the human lord into the trap. I can’t imagine what kind of reaction Sunier would do once she learned the news.

“What happened then?” Athena snorted.

“And then? Then we spent a lot of money to come to the Dragon City Elder, which was killed by Raphael!” Branchi said with no anger.

Athena startled, and there is the Elder of Dragon City involved, and even more shocking is that, in the case of falling into the trap, Raphael can actually kill the Elder of Dragon City, how high strength does this need? The human lord is really worthy of the title of the Dragon Slayer.

“What about Prudence?” Athena thought without hesitation. It would be better for him to be killed by Raphael. It wasn’t that he ran here to stir the wind and the rain, maybe not so many things happened.

“It is said that our coalition commander has escaped from the body and has become a blood man.” Blanche curl one’s lip, first of all not optimistic about the war initiated by the elf, and then being squeezed out, She is a little good at Prudence.

“Right, how did Sunier kill more than a dozen hill giants?” asked a tribal leader. Others also came to the spirit. The people present wanted to know the answer. After all, it was the giant of the hill, the human being. Even if you are stupid, you know how to protect the powerful arms of the shaman and the giant hills.

“An arrow.” Athena looked at the suspicion around her and added a tone. “Only one arrow!”

The room suddenly fell silent, shooting more than a dozen hill giants with one arrow. There is no doubt that it is a magical arrow. The problem is that you must do the formidable power to the point where you can do this. point?

“And then Sunier killed all the giants in the hills? How did she do it?”

“Yes, it’s an arrow. The big pit outside the city is her masterpiece. It’s not just the dozen or so giants who died. The orcs who took the wall of Chengren also died. Even the bodies are left. I don’t know how she did it.” Athena spread her hands together. “But I can be sure that Sunier didn’t have that strength before.”

The leaders of the various tribes were immersed in meditation. The Wilhelm Institute in Wild Willow City had a pivotal position in the Elf League. The return of the Gods Arrows was aggravated by the weight of Wild Willow City, and then counted on Sunier. When turned out, I am afraid no one can shake the leadership of Wild Willow City.

No one will not consider for themselves. Being able to join the decision-making level means that they can fight for greater interests for their tribes, but now it is clear that apart from Branzi, these elves who come from afar do not seem to have the qualification. .

The reason why Branchi was valued by the Senate, everyone knows well, but the only foggy flower that Branzi has in his hands.

“Blanchi, what did you say about worrying?” A tribal leader couldn’t stand the dull atmosphere in the house and tried to shift the subject.

“What I am worried about is…” Blanche looked around the crowd.

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