“I said, you remember?” Han Jin whispered.

“Well, you… your magic has not recovered, be careful.” Yalina has a thousand words to say, but I don’t know where to start, and finally condense into one sentence: “Get back soon.”

“I know.” Han Jin paused, he still has some peace of mind: “Don’t even tell Guevera and Gail’s director, understand?”

He must go out and pave the way for his plan. This time he wants to keep everyone in the dark. Otherwise, with Guevera, Gail, and Jedice’s intelligence, it is very possible to see what, Therefore, he wants to ‘close the practice’ to remove his suspicions, and Yalina is the best person to help him cover.

“Do not worry, I… who will not tell!” Yalina slammed nodded.

“Then I am gone.” Han Jin smiled and shrank down the body.

Yalina looked at the place where Han Jin disappeared. After a long time, she slowly turned around and walked back.

Han Jin’s meta-energy has only recovered less than half, but the use of the mantle is completely without problems. In order to avoid any accidents, he has been underground.

The night soon passed, the east gradually turned white, the dawn was dyed golden, the fiery sun jumped out of the horizon silently, and when the sun crossed the sky and slowly hangs down, Han Jin finally drilled out.

The magic projection taught by Solomon is indeed convenient. Although the information is in error, the specific orientation does not change too much. Han Jin found the battlefield with little effort.

After all, the war is not a game of venting temper. Fossa’s strategic vision has not been fully realized. At the beginning, he launched the attack at no cost, in order to destroy the fine Spirit Race as much as possible and get the biggest result. Now, his action is instead. Be cautious.

His empty city strategy can’t last long. Did the Grand Duke of Solomon discover the truth of the city? If the Grand Duke of Solomon sent troops across the swamp, he must fight for life and death with his Fossa. What should he do? And in addition to the fine Spirit Race, he has many enemies, Raphael of Holy Crown City, Lord Martenshen of Dip City, and Lord Chesham of Cold Shadow City. Only by preserving his own strength, he can defeat each and everyone stumbling blocks. , to establish their own hegemony.

What’s more, the failure of the Spirit Race has become a necessity. He does not want to lose too much power for the so-called perfection.

However, the movement of the Spirit Race made him unable to ponder. He thought that the Spirit Race Remnant would definitely retreat to Wild Willow City, and Sunier, who unlocked the mark of God, could use his own power to guard Guardian Wild Willow City, not because of her. Powerful, but because of Fossa’s ‘indulgence’, Fossa laid a number of heavy troops along the way, in the process of the Spirit Race to withdraw to Wild Willow City, he will consume the power of the Spirit Race in batches, put the fine Spirit Race into Wild Willow City, the last one! Fossa can fight against the Grand Duke of Solomon for many years. His military literacy is unquestionable. A true commander is not only good at commanding his own troops, but also good at commanding the enemy’s army. This sentence sounds very deep and practical. The slightly famous generals understand, otherwise they will not be able to become a well-know figure. In this case, Fossa is not willing to capture the Wild Willow City, the fine Spirit Race remnant has no target, will certainly escape into the mountains, endless trouble!

The refinement of Spirit Race’s reaction made Fossa puzzled. At the beginning, the Spirit Race was moving to the west. Fossa laughed at the time and ordered the ministries to follow the original plan. As a result, the Spirit Race suddenly turned to the East. Sa was surprised that the Spirit Race had definitely reached an alliance with Holy Crown City. Raphael was willing to protect the Spirit Race. He hurriedly separated an army and approached the Holy Crown City to deter Holy Crown City. He didn’t want to both sides. At the same time, the ambush under the cloth was transferred back. Refined Spirit Race changed direction again and continued to go west. Fossa’s secret self-satisfaction Spirit Race also became cunning. He even learned to sneak a shot. He sent a messenger and ordered the division to refrain from provoking Holy Crown City. Restoring the original deployment, in a few days, the Fine Spirit Race turned again, took the eastbound, and drew a big ‘w’ on the map. Then, Fossa was really confused, he didn’t understand. What exactly does Spirit Race want to do? !

In fact, Fine Spirit Race doesn’t want to do anything, just want to survive and let the barbaric orcs pay the price! Great Elder, although he has kept his title with bitterness, he is still a political leader, but Gao Bin, who had previously demolition of the human race conspiracy and gained great prestige, has replaced the position of Prudence, that is to say Fossa has already changed an opponent. At the beginning, when the news of the victory of Wild Willow City defending the war came, Gao Bing did not believe it. Later, he verified the real name of the news. Gao Bin immediately judged that this is a conspiracy of Fossa. There are two voices inside the Spirit Race. One is to move closer to Wild Willow City. One is to launch a counterattack. Gaobin replaces the generals with a very tough method, then orders the whole army to go east. After that, it is also Gaobin’s handwriting. It is certainly impossible for Fossa to understand Gao Bin’s intentions, because Gao Bin himself has no clear goal. He is just trying to drag the time and dragging to the Holy Crown City. Han Jin has already contacted Lydia, and Han Jin is willing. Release all prisoners of war and reach a settlement with Jing Spirit Race. Gao Bin knows that Han Jin also sees the harm of the human race. He never believes that Han Jin will wait until he and then rely on his own strength to deal with the human race! Now Han Jin is silent, probably in revenge for the aggression of Fine Spirit Race. After waiting for the Spirit Race and the human race both suffer suffer, he will come out to clean up the mess. Gao Bin is telling Han Jin with practical actions, and it is here. I won’t let the Spirit Race take any unnecessary sacrifices. As for when do you start, look at it yourself!

Because the military leaders of both sides are embarrassed, although the fighting is happening every day, the casualties are not too fierce and the scale is limited.

Han Jin is condescending, far away from the camp of the human race, it is already dusk, and the human race apparently gave up the desire to continue fighting, where he was busy setting up the camp, looking at the banner hanging from the center of the camp, he was looking for The guy is here.

Han Jin took a piece of yellow Magic Crystal from the space ring. After thinking about it and letting it go back, he can now draw the energy of the eighth-order Magic Crystal, but this piece of the Earth’s Magic Crystal, he has been reluctant. Because every time I see this Magic Crystal, he will remember the hard scorpion of the past.

The sky gradually darkened, and Han Jin pondered for a moment, and his body slowly retreated into the ground.

In the human race camp, it is still brightly lit, and the energetic beasts do not like to rest early, not to mention that this scorpion is not white, they have a lot of entertainment, of course, their entertainment is often built on other Above the pain of life.

There is a tall tent in the center, which covers a very wide area, almost three or four times that of other camps. There are two orc warriors wearing machete in front of the account. In fact, their task is to highlight the status of the tent owner and Identity, what really happened, they didn’t use anything, they couldn’t help, and they wanted to become a general in the orc family. Their brains could not be light, but they must have strong strength.

The two orc warriors also understood their responsibilities, so although they were guards, they seemed to be absent-minded. Instead, they watched the distant programs with great interest, and they could not wait for other soldiers to come and change their posts.

A silhouette came over from the account and walked over to the two orc warriors, whispering: “Is Rheinner inside?”

The two orc warriors were shocked and saw that the other party was a human being. They just wanted to open their mouths and felt that the other’s eyes were filled with an indescribable pressure and strength, and they immediately reacted. This human being turned out to be In the name of Rheinel, the orc warrior mechanical point nodded: “At, you are…”

“That’s good.” Han Jin smiled, reached out and opened the curtain, and walked in.

Rheinnell sat on a wide chair and was enjoying his eyes closed. A female surname was lying in the arms of Rheinel, and his tongue was licking the chest of Rhinelene with black fluff. At the foot of the squad, there are three female surnames, huddled together, rushing to absorb the toe of Rheinel, licking the feet of Rheinel, forgetting and forgetting me, as if sipping delicious food.

Rheinner heard the conversation outside. Because someone called his name directly, he was somewhat dissatisfied, but there was no seizure. At this moment, he heard that the other party did not go through his own permission and sneaked in. He immediately became angry and slammed open. eye.

In the moment of seeing Han Jin, Rinner’s body involuntarily stiffened and his hands clenched into fists. In fact, he did not understand why he was so nervous. He was like a frog who saw a poisonous snake.

“It looks like you are very busy, it doesn’t matter, you are busy with you, I can wait a moment.” Han Jin said with a faint smile, then he looked away and looked around with interest.

Although the orcs are very rude, no one can continue to do so in the presence of strangers. Unless they eat surnamed Lie aphrodisiac, they can’t control themselves. Rinner looks at Han Jin coldly: “Who are you?” ”

Once again, the curtains were picked up. Two orc warriors chased them in. They looked very upset and put an unidentified human being in, disturbing the general’s interest, and the consequences were too serious.

“Answer me, who are you?!” Rheinn opened his mouth again. One of his hands had slowly stretched out and held the machete. Although the other person looked young, he felt a kind of feeling. Enormous pressure.

“Is there time now?” Han Jin turned around and he still smiled: “Don’t get me wrong, I just came to talk to you about something, let them go out, it’s not convenient.”

Rheinell is a little sinking and waving; “Get out!”

The two orc warriors, such as Meng Dawei, hurriedly retreated to the account.

“Can make the proud elf become like this, can’t help but sigh, the plastic surname of life is too strong.” Han Jin’s gaze swept from the elves: “I guess… you must use it.” Very cruel way.”

Several female surnames have never stopped their actions. They only heard the words of Han Jin. They have already shed tears, but they still dare not slow down. At least they won’t be slack before they get permission from Rhein.

“If you just come to talk to me about this, then I can only say sorry, this is my interest, you have no right to interfere.” Rinner coldly said: “And you have not told me, who are you?”

“My name is Raphael.” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“It really is you!” Rinner’s body is already tight. Just now he has vaguely guessed the identity of Han Jin, then took a deep breath, and Rheinel said in a word: “Are you coming to kill me?” ?”

“Have you seen Assassin that is so friendly to me?”

“What do you ask me for? Do you sympathize with them?” Rheinner reached out and grabbed the elf’s hair on his chest, almost smashing the elf: “I can give them to you and let them take them away.” “Rheinel believes that there is self-protection, but he can’t help but admit that Han Jin is an abnormal terrifying for all mainland powerhouses, especially if the two sides are in a situation of opposition, if they can and Han Jin. Dealing with it, or retreating from the house.

“No interest.” Han Jin paused: “I just heard that you are unfortunate, so take a look at you and make friends.”

The false taste in Han Jin’s words is simply the first dozen winds that can be heard. Rinner certainly won’t believe it: “Unfortunately? Are you talking about me?”


“How can I not know, what misfortunes do I have?” Rheinner said with a sneer.

“You are the 嫡eldest son of Fossa, but… it seems that Fossa is only seventeen years older than you.” Han Jin indifferently said: “That is, when many years later, when Fraser died, you It is possible to inherit his position, even if you can have the same lifespan as Fossa, it is only happy for seventeen years, hehe… How long is the time now, and how short is the future time, isn’t it? I am very curious, when you have a back on your back, your eyes are spent, and where do you want to find your happiness? They must not do it, even if there are more elves around you, from them, you can There is only helplessness, sadness and shame in the body.”

Rheinner looked at Han Jin coldly, not at all talking.

“And I also doubt that you can have that qualification to become the successor of Fossa.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “Your child is going to be a warrior too? No accident… Fossa can still live For more than a hundred years, when your grandson’s grandson has been there, can a waste that loses most of his strength really win the fear and trust of all orcs?”

“Raphael, I respect you, because you are a super-powerhouse!” Rinner coldly said: “But I didn’t expect that the original Raphael is such a childish, ridiculous person, what are you doing? Run here Provocative relationship between father and child?haha…you are so funny!”

“I said something… Did you seriously think about it, you know, I know.” Han Jin faintly replied: “Can talk, we will continue to talk, can’t talk, I turned and left, that’s it. ”

“So, should I say goodbye?” Rheinnell said in a sarcasm.

“I can see how fearful you are in your heart.” Han Jin laughed: “Before I leave, I will tell a story. Rest assured, I will use the shortest way, not to waste you much time. There used to be one The young warrior, brave, fearless, resolute, determined, can see a lot of excellent qualities in him. Such a young warrior is of course easy to attract the attention of the female surname. Later, he fell in love with a female surname, on the day of marriage. The young warrior’s father came to the wedding, and the result…hehe, the next day, he did the father and ordered his son to fight. When the young soldier was born and died, he returned to his own city and suddenly found out. It turned out that his wife has become… “Shut up!!” Rheinnell’s face has been twisted into a ball, making a low roar, a pair of eyes also becoming blood red, and the protruding teeth are constantly shaking. .

“Fox woman Feibi, what a beautiful name, in the ancient Elvish, this is the meaning of Goddess of the moon, I can imagine her beauty.” Han Jin said to himself: “So Fossa will control Can’t live with his own greed, even took the wife of his own son, isn’t it?”

“To humiliate me… is this your goal?” Rheinnell stood up in a stiff posture, the scimitar pulled out the sheath, and the elf lying on his chest suddenly lost balance, subconsciously Grabbing Rinner’s shoulder, Rheinner grabbed the elf’s hair, scimitar slammed, bloody splash, a headless body fell to the ground, in fact, several elves were scared Pounce on one side.

Rheinner threw his head on the ground and said in a word: “Raphael, I think… you should not reject my challenge, come!”

“Your temper is more impulsive than I thought.” Han Jin’s gaze fell on the headless body, then shook the head: “For a time, place, I really won’t refuse, but this time, I It is here to help you.”

“Help me? What can you help me?!” Rheinel slowly arched his back and scimitars across his chest, a sign that he was about to launch an attack.

“You like Phoebe, not only because of her appearance, but because of her heart. You know her, she knows you too, so she will become the wife of Fossa if she resists, or she swears… “I will kill you.” Han Jin indifferently said: “Do you know why I said that you are unfortunate? Because of this, you can get to the old death of Fossa, then a white-haired old man and an old woman, relative, the sunset is very Beautiful, but unfortunately it is close to the night, at that time, you have no future.”

Rheinnell had a feeling of being unable to breathe, and his eyes were black and black, and even the scimitar in his hand began to tremble.

“You should calm down, otherwise… I have a way to let Fossa kill Phoebe.” Han Jin said: “Nothing else I can’t do, this is definitely not a problem, you better believe me. She wants to protect you, Tolerate that many insults, what should you do for her? And… I am here to help you, to help you regain your dignity!”

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