Another morning, Han Jin walked slowly into the hospital. Today’s wind is extraordinarily gentle, with a springy warmth. Han Jin knows that he should leave. Solomon will pass on the information about Wild Willow City to him. Until now, the human race has not collided with the Fine Spirit Race. This proves that the Spirit Race is always vigilant. Opportunity, however, the human race will never be dragged down, and the scorpion that is so poor will soon be here. It has been more than two months since the war. The Dragon City should get news, and it has also developed a revenge plan. If you stay in the capital of the element, he will be in a hurry and have little time to make arrangements.

Although he was grateful to the Duke of Solomon, he also liked to discuss or study on many issues. However, there was no banquet in the world. He eventually returned to Holy Crown City to face everything.

Just then, Yalina walked in from the outside with her unknown songs. Her right hand held the plate, and her left arm was holding a thick stack of books. She saw Han Jin, she suddenly wrinkled her nose and used it. A delicate tone said: “The liar!”

“What happened to me?” Han Jin showed a smile that could not help but laugh.

“Father said, you are not Magician at all!” Yalina walked over to Han Jin: “Then, these are the books that Father gave you.”

“what book?”

“Father said that although you have no magic, but have a very strong mental power, these books are very useful for you.” Yalina thought for a moment: “Father asked me to persuade you, he said, maybe you prefer to use your mental power. The power you know, but it is always good to master something, and what you like is not necessarily the best rule for you, the best for this world.”

“Understood.” Han Jin ordered nodded. After picking up the script, he did understand that the thoughts of the comprehension were of course spiritual.

“Father finally said that if you still don’t want to, he asks you if you remember the Alpine of the Blood Race.”

“I look like a very stubborn person?” Han Jin smiled and walked slowly into the room. Yalina followed the plate and followed Han Jin.

Han Jin sat at the desk and flipped the book that Solomon had chosen for him. Yalina put the plate on the side and sat on one side, holding her hands and looking at Han Jin, these days, the happiest time of her life. Son, all the fears are superfluous. Her father and Han Jin have a very good relationship and are very harmonious. Although her observation is still not well understood, she can also see that the kind of harmony is from the heart. There is absolutely no falsification.

Han Jin looked very seriously. When he started fighting with Alquite, Alquet’s fighting style left a deep impression on him. It can be said that Alquette has reached the best to the point of mental strength. Of perfection’s realm, when encountering an attack, Alquette’s mental power will form a mental barrier. When he launches a counterattack, he can put his mental power together and then launch it at a very fast speed.

His Three Smells True Fire can cause fatal damage to the Abyssal Demon, but has no effect on Alquite!

Moreover, Solomon’s words also make sense. It is not a bad thing to learn more.

Suddenly, a voice came from outside: “Yalina!”

Yalina was dissatisfied with some dissatisfaction, but she could hear that it was the voice of the big brother Jared, or barely stood up and greeted the door, but the door had been pushed away, Jared and a young man successively Going in, in the young aristocratic class of the capital of the capital, Jared’s appearance is very good, but the young people around him are more handsome than him, but with a scornful expression in his eyebrows, his eyes are floating, Slanting, it seems to be flowing.

Yalina puts his dissatisfaction in her heart, said with a smile: “big brother, Tony, how come you?”

“Let’s see you.” Jared glanced at Han Jin and saw Han Jin sitting still in his innocent reading, his heart was very angry, and his tone became a little dull.

“Yalina Young Lady, it’s been a long time since we last met.” The young man named Tony was said with a slight smile, then bent down very gracefully and extended his hand to Yalina.

Yalina hesitated and put the little hand in the palm of the other hand. In fact, this kind of etiquette is not at all, but the Tony looks a bit too much. His lips are pressed tightly on the back of Yalina’s hand, not loosening for a long time, but also Leaning his eyes to Yalina, his eyes also contain some kind of teasing taste.

Yalina was furious, and although she did not inherit the wisdom of father, she also had her own decision and bottom line, which really made her angry, she might even kill on the spot!

Yalina slammed back her hand, and then a violent magic echoed in the air, Jared turned pale with fright, hurriedly in front of Tony: “Yalina, don’t be impulsive! Tony is just because I haven’t seen you for a long time. Hehe…so…he can’t control himself.”

Yalina turned into iceberg beauty a long time ago. Her eyes swept through Tony’s face like a blade. Then she silently retreated. A pair of elegant lips were close together at the moment. She didn’t even dare to talk, worried. When you open your mouth, you will become an angry singer.

Tony’s face couldn’t be hanged, and when he saw Han Jin still looking at the book, he was really angry and didn’t hit a place. He vented his anger to Han Jin: “Jialid, have you seen it? Lord Raphael Trying to learn from the Duke adults, ha!”

“Lord Raphael is still too young, he doesn’t know, some things can’t be learned, haha…” Jared got a heart and laughed. Everyone knows that the only hobby of the Grand Duke of Solomon is reading books. In their eyes, Han Jin’s performance is very hypocritical.

Han Jin smiled and looked up. In his mind, Solomon’s silhouette emerged. Is this going to start?

“Get out.” Han Jin whispered.

The laughter came to an abrupt end, especially Jared, who could hardly believe his ears. Is this his home, let him get out? !

“Lord Raphael, you should be clear, you are just a guest, I am the master here.” Jared was so angry that he was shaking.

Han Jin closed the book and walked slowly to Jared. His eyes slowly swept from Jared’s face and landed on Tony. Suddenly: “Yalina, is there a magic that can make people The teeth are growing again?”

“Like… no, but…”

“That’s good.” Han Jin lifted his hand, and the fist had been slamming on Tony’s face like a lightning bolt. Although Han Jin not at all, the two rows of front teeth were also smashed. When they got out of the way, the figure slammed back and then fell to the ground.

Han Jin explored the throat of Tony, then threw it out, and slammed, Tony slammed into the door, fell straight into the courtyard, rolled a few more laps on the ground, and never again. Moved.

“What about you? Is it your own, or am I giving you a ride?” Han Jin smiled and looked towards Jared.

When Jared wakes up, he realizes that the young man in front of him is the super-powerhouse that once killed Dragon Race Elder Maxwell, the capital of the whole element, except for his father, the Duke of Solomon. People can be enemies.

“You…” Jared stepped back two steps, evil fiercely looking at Han Jin, but the hero did not eat the loss, he was forced to turn around, hurried out, let several guards lift Tony, quickly leave Small courtyard.

“Raphael! If you really want to punish him, tell me, let me do it!!” Yalina hurriedly, she thought that the wicked should be done by her, anyway, the blood relationship can not be subverted, even if the father regenerates, and finally She will forgive her, but Han Jin is different. She is worried that the current rapport will disappear with Han Jin’s fist and disappear without a trace.

“It doesn’t matter.” Han Jin smiled and walked back to the desk and looked at the book carefully.

Yalina is becoming restless. She wants to explain to Father the rudeness of Tony first, and she is worried that her big brother Jared will bring people back for revenge. If it is not good, there will be a shocking bloody case, so I dare not leave. Han Jin, while enjoying the early morning of Yalina, looked at the book as if nothing had happened.

When I was on the third floor, Solomon’s silhouette finally appeared at the door, not waiting for what Yalina explained. Solomon had straight to the point and said: “Raphael, go out with me.”

“Good.” Han Jin replied very well.

Perhaps it is because Solomon issued a ban, perhaps because it is in the center of the Duke’s House, there are few people, and the outside is quiet, even a silhouette can not be seen.

Solomon and Han Jin walked side by side on the stone road, only a little restless on the back of Yalina, and Solomon and Han Jin looked very calm.

The rising sun shines warmly on them, and with the gentle wind, the atmosphere looks very gentle, but they don’t talk, just walked along the path silently. After a long time, Solomon said: ” I thought that you would have to suffer from the dinner at Tony, and I didn’t expect it to be so fast.”

“A little bit unbearable,” Han Jin laughed.

“Can’t help?” Solomon couldn’t help but shook the head: “I see… you want to go back?”

“Some of them want to go back.” Han Jin indulged: “Adult, anyway, I am also the lord of Holy Crown City, the status is much more noble than that Tony, and I have feelings with Yalina, he has What? Inexplicably come over and challenge me… Is it a bit done? I am afraid…”

“Would you waste your time and energy on a pig?” Solomon asked with a smile.

“of course not.”

“Tony is a pig, so they won’t.” Solomon whispered: “And, things happen after all, what they want to care about is just the result of things that may evolve.”

“Understood.” Han Jin smiled.

Han Jin understands that Yalina is confusing, and she is faintly aware that Tony’s rudeness is not that simple. Although Tony’s courage has always been not too small, and even did a strong job of robbing the women, but her Yalina is Solomon’s only daughter, running to the door to tease her, it is simply impossible to understand! It is very likely that who is tempting Tony in the back, or what Tony has misunderstood.

“Right, during the time you read, I prepared a gift for you.” Solomon said with a smile: “Yalina, have you told Raphael?”

“No…no…” Yalina’s face turned slightly red, and finally she couldn’t help but ask: “Don’t you let me keep it secret? How?” If Han Jin is not here, her attitude is much more intense. Where is there such a rogue father? ! Don’t say that in front of her, the result turned around and sold her own daughter daughter!

“Look, is Yalina more beautiful when he is angry?” Solomon was too lazy to respond to Yalina’s question.

“Yeah.” Han Jin has a narrow expression in his eyes.

Yalina gently bites her lips, but unfortunately, there is no gas but no place to vent. The two men in front of the eyes clearly stand on the same front and unite her, but one is her, her, her father, one is her. Deciding the man who wants to spend the rest of his life, who can she point the finger at?

“I know my daughter.” Solomon turned and continued to move forward and said: “Yalina’s surname is similar to Tiffany. The only difference is that she has become a magician through her own efforts. Hehe …may she can’t help you a lot, but she can certainly fulfill the responsibility of a wife.”

“I know.” Han Jin whispered.

In front, I can see Yalina’s small courtyard. They walked around here almost, and Solomon suddenly stopped: “Well, I will not accompany you to continue.”

Han Jin sighed. If it was before, he would definitely be very polite to say goodbye, but now he has already understood the old man in front of him. Solomon likes to play the machine front. He always hides other hidden meanings in his words. I don’t understand if he will explain it.

Such abrupt farewell means that sooner or later, one day, he will leave forever. He guides Han Jin to accept a concept, just as he invited Han Jin, but he will eventually fail, maybe, finally The difference will be more abrupt than now!

Han Jin was silent for a moment, gently holding Yalina’s hand. He didn’t speak, just acted to express his promise, and Yalina never made an intimate move with Han Jin in front of father, his face turned red and red. Some shame.

Solomon smiled. He saw Han Jin’s promise, then sighed and turned to walk along the stone road to the depths of the palace.

“Yalina, go get ready, then go to say goodbye to Mrs. Tiffany, we should leave.” Han Jin slowly said.

“Now?” Yalina stunned.

“Well, now.”

Although it was a bit reluctant, it felt a bit sudden, but Yalina could understand Han Jin’s decision. After all, they came out for too long, and took a step forward. Yalina stopped there again and looked at Han Jin seriously: “Raphael, I Not deliberately wanting to marry you!”

“What? Hehe, I know.” Han Jin reacted.

“Anyway… Anyway, I will give you a surprise in the future!” Yalina said in a very mysterious tone.

“Okay, I am waiting for your surprise.” Han Jin smiled. In fact, when Solomon mentioned the gift, he already knew that Yalina was born and resurrected. It is definitely not the effect of the Tao, but another The influence of mysterious power, the mount of the Grand Duke of Solomon, Undying Bird, Fire Phoenix Phoenix! However, Han Jin certainly won’t break it, and right when Yalina is happy.

The two had nothing to clean up, but it was a long time to say goodbye to Tiffany and several ladies. After a long time, they returned to their small courtyard and were entangled by several maids. Several maids heard that Yalina was going. They all cried into tears. Don’t look at Yalina. In front of Han Jin, it is always as tired as a little child. But for those maids, it is a real big elder sister. After finishing this, the result is just turned, behind. Ok, I started to cry again, and I was too busy with Yalina.

When Han Jin and Yalina left the Duke’s Mansion, it was already in the afternoon. No one came to bid farewell. Even Yalina’s mother, Mrs. Tiffany, did not come. It was deserted and deserted, which made Yalina very unhappy, but Han Jin is always faint, maintaining a posture of peace of mind.

Two people finally got out of the capital of elements. Yalina’s little mouth is getting higher and higher, but she is always not good at questioning her own family in front of Han Jin. She can only bury her doubts in her heart.

Not far away, a group of people in front of them caught their attention, headed by two young girls Magician, Resley and Lorraine! Yalina couldn’t help but sprinted excitedly, and the three girls talked happily in a circle.

Resley and Lorraine often come to Yalina, Han Jin and they are familiar, but they are not good enough to bother the girls to whisper together and avoid one side.

All that was said, Yalina waved in disappointment: “You all go back, the weather is still a bit cold, be careful not to get sick.”

“Who said we want to go back?” Resley said hehe.

“You… where are you going?” Yalina asked in surprise.

“Go with the Holy Crown City with you.” Lorraine smiled.

“What?” Yalina turn pale with fright, could not help but turned to look towards towards Han Jin.

Resley and Lorraine also know who can be the master, pulling Han Jin’s arm around, a brother-in-law, a big brother, called extra intimacy.

Han Jin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, isn’t this forcing himself to be a trafficker? The family of Resley and Lorraine are very simple. If their parents find Solomon’s dignitaries, how can he explain them later? Besides, there is danger on the road. He can’t take care of it too much.

Seeing that the soft words were not effective, Resley took a letter back and reached under the nose of Han Jin. He said smugly: “This is the letter of the Duke, do you want to watch?”

Han Jin took the letter, first opened the magic seal, and took a letter and looked at it carefully. He didn’t believe that Solomon would be fooled by the two girls, but it was indeed Solomon’s handwriting. Moreover, handwriting may be forged, but the analogy between words is a natural indifference, but not others can imitate. Solomon made it clear in his letter that Resley and Lorraine are good girls, but there are not many young people in the Elemental Capital who can see the eye, especially Lorraine. If she does not leave the elemental capital, she Will be married to the Tony’s big brother after half a year, the brothers are all the same, the most important thing is that Tony’s family will become his abandoned son of Han Jin and Solomon, then the future of Lorraine can be imagined know.

Solomon was very concerned about the old men who could really remain loyal. He felt that he did not want to see Lorraine suffer because of the feeling of loving the house and the Ukrainian.

Han Jin made a sigh, and before he spoke, Resley and Lorraine had already seen the clues from Han Jin’s expression changes, and they could not help but cheer. The elements are big, but they can’t help but curious. They have long thought of looking outside.

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