Han Jin has the advantage of not showing the mountain and not showing water. It is very good at reading and has excellent memory. He thought that in the first few years, he firmly remembered the whole road, not to mention anything else. The surgery is divided into two volumes, which record nearly a thousand law, handprints and talisman. Compared with Dao, the books in this secret library are much simpler.

Moreover, most of the stories recorded here are a piece of story. Han Jin is doing a good job. Only when he sees the comments left by Solomon, will he slow down the reading, or let go of the book for a moment, and then continue. read.

In the eyes of Han Jin, no one can despise the text. Only a few hundred words of passage can condense the grievances of thousands of creatures, or state a heinous brutality. Here, all the history from the century of the gods to today is recorded.

Sometimes, Han Jin feels suffocated. Sometimes, he feels like a pile of boulder in his heart, sinking and hurting. Sometimes he even wants to shoot the case and forcibly break into the picture to change the tragedy. Han Jin saw countless struggles, loyalty and betrayal, rational surname and barbarism, glory and despicableness, love and greed. He finally understood Solomon’s words. Without enough weight, he could not bear the vicissitudes of history.

Solomon’s point of view is very strange. Even in the face of an extremely brutal monarch, he will not judge with right and wrong, but instead propose a word, a surname! Solomon believes that every life, every race, and even every civilization has its own unique and difficult to change, complex surname. If you can master their surnames, then even if you can’t do things like God, you can at least see their direction.

Solomon also said that every life born with a very simple surname, what he will become in the future, depends entirely on the environment, experience and even the culture of the dye, for example, the abyss demon family has always been known for brutal and murderous, it is because Every demon has fun as a slaughter. The little devil is very stunned in life. It is easy to integrate and recognize this atmosphere. If you can destroy the devil’s pool, cut off the bond between Death God and the devil, and kill all the abyss. The demon, leaving only a newly born little demon, what will he become? Perhaps there is a violent factor in his blood, but it is entirely possible to make the evil demon Transformation into a warrior fighting for justice through the induction of the environment and culture!

Therefore, Solomon believes that a monarch is very cruel and cannot be evaluated with right and wrong. If it must be said to be wrong, it is not his fault, but the fault of the environment and the fault of civilization.

In a book “The Twilight of continent”, Han Jin saw the familiar story. He had heard Sunier talk many times before, when the war was about to win a full victory, the leader of the short human race, the king of the hill, invited by Dan Ding War God Abraham and the elf messenger Doreen went to dinner, and at the banquet, they killed Alabham and Doreen on the spot. Later, St. Knight Gotha avenged his comrades and led the army to the dwarf country and killed Dan. After Ding, I did not know where I was.

Everyone who knows that history thinks that Danding is fighting for the contingent’s dominance and only raises the butcher’s knife to the old comrades, but Solomon says that even if Dantin is an unambiguous leader, this tragedy will still Inevitably happen, only time is different, the way is different, everything is due to the short name of the short human race.

The names of the short human races are somewhat contradictory. In comparison, they are kind, but their surnames are rather rude. They like to solve injustices and contradictions in extreme ways, but they are not willing to communicate with other life. Of course, they are not good at this kind of communication.

The short human race is short and stout, not aesthetically pleasing, and they don’t like to decorate themselves. They are unkempt all day, so that their already unbearable image is discounted, grumpy and smoldering, these make the short human race Received a broad level of discrimination. In fact, it is easy to understand. If you have a neighbor, you look ugly and don’t talk about hygiene. Every time you pass by, you will smell the smell, your temper is violent, you can’t move your feet and you can even pick up the bricks. You will not Will you like it? Absolutely not!

Solomon listed the topics of the first continent conference. In the process of redistributing interests after the war, humans and fine spirit races gained more than half of the benefits, but not much for the dwarves. Although Arabahan is human, But he really loves Dolly, and he also likes the Spirit Race. It is under his protection, and there are Doreen’s own efforts. The Spirit Race has already shown a thriving situation. Maybe, Abraham at the time knew that there was some injustice to the short human race, but he had no other way. The cake was so big. He wanted to get more for the Spirit Race. He could only start from the short human race. To give human interests to the short human race, he will be reviled by humans. Solomon also speculated that Abraham and Doreen went to attend Danden’s banquet, and it was also possible to resolve the contradiction. With the status of Abraham’s continent leader at the time, there was almost no guard. There is a taste of the work, why? affectation? Of course, it is to show the closeness and trust of Dan Ding, but unfortunately, he has not really seen the race of the dwarf.

The dwarves also made great sacrifices for the war. Of course they were dissatisfied. In the more than ten days of the meeting, the dwarves represented what they often do, that is, violently jumping, smashing tables, swearing, or simply exiting. They are not arguing, not To persuade, but to use a small child way to vent their anger, but the more they are, the more resentful the human and fine Spirit Race representatives are, the more refuted the tone of the tone is also more mean, according to the short human race’s surname When this kind of anger accumulates to a certain extent, it is inevitable to choose an extreme way, so the tragedy has taken place.

Speaking of St. Knight’s Gotha, Solomon’s words are very cautious. He said that Gotha is either a respectable person or a terrifying person, that is, Solomon can’t see through. He also said that it is possible that Gotha is also somewhat dissatisfied with Abraham because Abraham is too accustomed to the Spirit Race, and the Spirit Race gets too much. Those should belong to humans. In fact, brother After the disappearance of the continuation, the second meeting of the continent completely overturned the principle of the first meeting. The short human race was disqualified. Human beings monopolized most of the interests and laid the most important foundation for mankind to become the continent overlord. In the principle of who benefits and who is the mastermind, Solomon believes that Gotha may have deliberately promoted the tragedy.

The same tragedy, listening to Sunier’s remarks, and seeing Solomon’s comments, brought Han Jin a completely different feeling. Before, he only saw the fierceness of Abraham, the loyalty of Doreen, the love of Gotha, and Dan. Ding’s brutal tyranny, now he has seen a lot.

After a glimpse, Han Jin has been concentrating on the nutrition in the book, even forgetting the daily cultivation, being sleepy, giving himself a return to the Yuan Dynasty, and being hungry, there is food that Yalina personally sent. Can’t hold on, just wash it, sleep for a while, then climb up and continue to watch.

In the past, he could also watch, listen, and think. However, it was a taste that knew it but did not know why. He could not see the shadow when he saw the tree, but could not see the person behind his face. Now there is a hand that pulls him up and lifts it up, letting him look down at the entire World, no matter how big or small. Han Jin knows very well that when he precipitates, ferments and eventually turns into all the things that are truly his own, he will become a completely different person.

He understands that what Solomon really wants to do is a pure Scholar, but this confusing continent has forced Solomon to have no choice but to embark on the road to hegemony, because there is no existence of a school that even life cannot be guaranteed. The meaning.

Yalina often talks about Han Jin. Seeing Han Jin’s concentration, she started to be very happy, but then she became more and more surprised. She also read the book here. It doesn’t feel so interesting. Compared with it, she is more Like to look to the future, or to explore unknown secrets in the lab.

With the experience of Yalina, of course, I don’t understand. If I can’t grasp it in the past, how can I talk about the future? !

Childish is not just a Yalina, her big brother Jared, the second brother Edison also does not understand this truth, which has nothing to do with the character.

Every day, Han Jin has read all the books, but he has picked out dozens of books that he can’t understand for a while, or who need to deepen their understanding, are placed on the desk, he Read it again.

In the past few days, Han Jin’s book was getting fewer and fewer. Finally, the last book closed the last page in his hand. Han Jin was silent for a long time. In fact, compared with when he first entered the study, At all What changes, just a few bloodshot eyes, but he clearly feels that he is different.

Slowly standing up, Han Jin glanced around in a pilgrimage, then walked slowly to the stairs.

Going up the spiral staircase, the door of the darkroom is still open, as if it has been open for a long time, waiting for a long time, outside sun shone brightly, Solomon is sitting in the clear window, obliquely into the light, the body is layered up and down The halo is shrouded.

Upon hearing the footsteps of Han Jin, Solomon didn’t even lift his head. He only whispered, “How much?”

“It’s all finished.” Han Jin smiled and replied.

Solomon was flipping through the pages of the book, and his movements were obviously interrupted: “Looked over?”

“Yes.” Han Jin indulged for a moment: “But… I still need some time to think about it.”

Solomon did not speak any more. His hobby was no different from the rumors outside. He only liked to read books, and Han Jin did not speak. He walked slowly to the window and gently pushed open the window. A cold air rushed. Come in, Han Jin deep took a deep breath, staring out the window.

The atmosphere in the house is very quiet. Many times, the language is really superfluous and somewhat pale.

For a long while, Han Jin asked: “How many days have you passed?”

“42 is gone.” Solomon smiled. “Do you want to go back to Holy Crown City right away or stay here for a few more days?”

“Let’s stay a few more days, Yalina is rare to come back. I will be very busy with her this year. It should be impossible to get out of time.” Han Jin’s gaze turned back to the window and whispered: “42 days? Winter is about to pass.” …” There is still a sentence he did not say, spring is coming, the question is, will this spring belong to him? !

“Right, tell you a message, Longfield’s Elder Xiazo passed the Hama Plain half a month ago. His goal should be Cold Shadow City, but… he will come back sooner or later, I don’t have to find a way to let Do you see him?” Solomon slowly said.

“Dragon Field?” Han Jin snorted and smiled and shook his head. “No, now I meet him, I pay too much, let them take the initiative to come to me.”

“Your things should be done by yourself, I don’t interfere.” Solomon said indifferently: “But I want to remind you that I missed this opportunity and you have no room for regrets in the future.”

“You are… deliberately inducing me? Want me to make a mistake?”

Solomon looked up and after Han Jin walked out of the dark door, he was the first to see Han Jin, but his eyes were full of smiles: “I really don’t regret it?”

“They will come to me anyway, isn’t it?”

Solomon was silent for a while, said with a smile: “Yeah, they will come to you, but it is not up to you to decide, nor is it up to me. On the day when Dragon City and Dragon Field broke, it has already decided everything.” “”

“I know.” Han Jin whispered.

“You already have your own opinions and judgments. This is very good.” Solomon suddenly put down the book and slowly stood up: “Other things, I will not give you advice, it should be understood by yourself, but… There is a person, I suggest that you find his first time and immediately remove him.”

“Who?” Han Jin asked in surprise.

“His name is Adolf. If there is no accident, he should arrive at Holy Crown City this year.”

“What kind of person is he…”

“It’s a bit difficult to answer your words.” Solomon whispered: “The angle is different, and of course it will not be the same. In many people’s eyes, he is an upright believer with a firm belief, but for us, he Very very dangerous, hehe…Raphael, don’t misunderstand, I am not questioning his character. In fact, he is impeccable in this respect. The key is that his appearance will inevitably destroy the stability of Holy Crown City.”

“I believers? He is…”

“Yes, he is the Holy See.” Solomon thought: “His identity is a bit special. Although he never interferes with the government of the Holy See, he has great authority and can even oust the Pope at a critical moment.”

“I never heard Jedice talk about having such a person.” Han Jin astonished.

“When Adolf left the Holy See, Jedith may not have been born yet, and he has not appeared publicly for decades. He has been traveling in various places in the continent. Because of coincidence, I saw him more than ten years ago.” Solomon Slowly said : “He is a bitter cultivator, you know… in order to make himself more tenacious, how does he use his method to hone himself?”

“any solution?”

“Pain! All kinds, endless pain!” Solomon narrowed his eyes as if thinking about something: “Since he became a bitter cultivator, he never ate smoke and fire, never evaded wind and rain, even Never lie down and rest, do you know? He is standing even while sleeping, and always keeps his spine straight.”

Han Jin listened, not at all, he was no stranger to this type of person. He used to hear that the Master had a group of ascetic people in India. They used a near-self-harming approach to awaken the body’s potential. Of course, In the Master’s mouth, the cultivation is almost Demon Path.

“That time… I was very impressed. I can also say that he gave me some enlightenment, hehe… His eyes are very young, although after countless hardships, he did not dispel his life. Enthusiasm, I admire him very much, but unfortunately… We are completely different from him, completely different.” Solomon’s eyes slowly turned and stared at Han Jin: “Do you understand what I mean?”


“Then you talk about it, where is the difference between us and him?”

“Your faith is to live your own life and establish your own rules.” Han Jin’s speech rate is very slow, and he said while thinking: “For example, as you said at the time, there is a game of chess in front of us. What you want to do is simply knock over the board and don’t play it! And you said Adolf, his life is just to be the perfect piece, so he will stop you, or… Stop me, without the board, his existence has no value.”

Solomon’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and then he took his gaze away from Han Jin. If nothing happened, the topic was shifted: “Adolf has a decisive influence on the Holy See. If he appears in the Holy Crown City, he will subvert you and Jedishin. Hard work creates a situation, so you must be careful.”

With Solomon’s ingenuity, a lot has been heard from Han Jin’s words. Han Jin said that Adolf would stop himself, representing Han Jin not only accepting his Solomon philosophy, but also an inheritance.

“I think…” Han Jin slightly frowned: “It was Nikolay who ruined the Holy See. If this bitter cultivator called Adolf is still alive, his first goal should be to go to Nicholas for revenge. You should not take time and Energy is wasted on me.”

“You can think of Nikola right away, not bad… very good.” Solomon finally showed a satisfied smile: “He will go, but he must first ensure that the Holy See can go in the direction he agrees, and then go find Nikolay, with Adolf’s experience, he can tell which thing is more important.”

“I am not willing to be…”

“Not reconciled?”

“This trouble should have belonged to Nikolay.”

“Looks… are you disgusted with him?”

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