I don’t know how long it took. Han Jin’s silhouette slowly came out of the snow, shaking off the snow and walking into the magic shield, and Yalina was already asleep, and she was in the snow, her physical strength. It is very expensive, although the spirit is very exciting, but after lying for a while, she still involuntarily fell into sleep.

If it is a single girl, it should be difficult to sleep in this dark and empty field, but Yalina is not afraid, because there is Han Jin outside, her sleeping posture looks relaxed, and her face has a sweet smile. .

Han Jin quietly looked at Yalina, for a moment, sitting on the carpet with a light-handed disc and began to adjust.

Harley, who was ‘exiled’, didn’t have this good life. He kept flying forward. He had already made up his mind. He would never go back when he was not bright. He didn’t need rest anyway.

Flying and flying… Flying over the grove in front, Harley’s figure stopped and he resumed his body. The two red lights in the eye were shot to the west. Just now, he smelled a bloody the taste of! The undead creature has a natural sensitivity to blood stasis, and in his place of sight, not at all sees any abnormal scene, bloody air should be transmitted from far away, can pass so far, can judge There will never be fewer people who are bleeding.

Is it going to report to the owner or do you look at it first? Harley hesitated, his body quickly collapsed inward, and then turned into a round bead, flying in the direction of the bloody air. Now Harley is different, but he once passed through Angel. A powerful undead creature, although that Angel has lost most of his power, it does not affect Harley’s self-confidence.

He flew forward for ten li or so, and Harley finally approached the battlefield. With the faint light, he could clearly see that three ethnic creatures below were dying. One side is human, and there are elves in human enemies, and there are a large number of orcs. Harley can hardly believe his eyes. The Spirit Race and the human race are two extremes, even though they belong to a relatively weak race, perhaps because of Because of the same illness, there are very few large-scale conflicts between each other, but they look down on each other. The Spirit Race thinks that the orcs are ignorant, rude, and barbaric, and the human race thinks that the elves are too weak and too weak, and always Be smart.

How can these two races fight side by side? Harley believes that the scene in front is too absurd! !

Human beings are at an absolute disadvantage. They fight and try to kill a bloody way. The elves and the orcs are always biting behind humans. After a little contact, after killing a few humans, the elves and the orcs will Slow down, pull apart and then launch the impact again.

In the human ranks, there are six, 70 carriages, some Magicians stand on the carriage, and some horse-ridden warriors provide cover for Magician, but the elves are riding the silver Pegasus, orc warriors. Also riding a blast wolf, humans, no matter the speed, the number of people or the attack power, are far less than the opponent.

In fact, the individual strength of human beings is much stronger than the other. The ray of light of all kinds of fighting skills is blooming, and Magician’s strength is not weak. Even the nine-level magic such as Hellfire and Icicle can be released, but their cooperation is In a mess, when Harley saw the hell flames and ice storms hit the orc warriors in the same area, the heart could not help but burst into pain, too much magic! First use the ice storm to freeze the orc warriors into ice sculpture, then use the hell flame to melt the ice. Is this a game? !

On the contrary, the cooperation between the orc warriors is very tacit, and the interspersed cuts are as natural as the clouds. The bright scimitars are constantly waving, but they are not easy to shoot. Every attack is a siege of a group of fighters. People, of course, because humans are mostly high-level professionals, every time an orc warrior kills a person, they have to pay several times, even ten times, but no orc warrior retreats.

The elves are also very skilled, and they are all shooters. They can form a perfect match with the orc warriors, make up for each other, or help the orc warriors to hunt human warriors, or attack the Magician on the carriage, causing the opposite. A huge threat.

Stupid! If I don’t help, you will be killed by the elves and orc warriors! Harley couldn’t help but feel that he would appear as a hero or a benefactor, and then shot forward silently against the snow.

Behind the battle group, there are hundreds of followers of elves and orc warriors at a moderate pace. Obviously, they are not at all!

The headed elf is a female surname. I don’t see how old I am. Actually, I guess that the age of the elf is a very stupid act. She has a long bow behind her back and looks at clansman fighting in front. She doesn’t even bother to take long bows. Down, it is enough to prove how leisurely she is, as far as her appearance is not to mention, although not as good as Sunier and Yalina, but it is considered beautiful and alluring.

Walking next to the female surname, there is an orc warrior called ‘Top Grade’. From behind, the orc warrior is more than two meters tall and burly, with a black hair dancing in the snow, and obliquely behind it. With an iron bar as thick as a calf, riding a tall Silver Wolf, the extraordinary momentum is like a lonely ranger who is the best in the world. Can go to the front, can scare people, the forehead and cheekbones are high, the eye sockets are deeply trapped, and two white fangs are sticking out in the mouth, unlike the Blood Race, Blood Race The fangs stretched from top to bottom, and his fangs were extended from the pointed finger towards the sky, plus the ugly face, greenish skin, he was more like a ghost than a vampire.

“The snow is getting bigger and bigger.” The female surname looked up at the sky and immediately grinned: “Omar, your subordinates have lost a lot, how? You still don’t want to shoot?”

The female surnamed elf just finished speaking, a meteorite with a whistling sound from the sky, is falling in the middle of a dozen elves, the explosion of the fire instantly shattered all the dozens of elves inside, turned them into An alternative fire elf.

“Hila Ruili, your subordinates are also dead, why don’t you shoot?” The orc warrior named Omar laughed.

“This is a rare opportunity to let the warriors of our two races work together.” The female surname named Hilaryly whispered softly: “Do you think so?”

“Yeah, it’s better to exchange experience with sacrifice on the battlefield.” Omar nodded: “Actually…”

Hilaryly waited for a moment, seeing Omar shut up and said, “Oma, what do you want to say?”

“In fact, our two families should have abandoned traditional prejudice.” Omar sighed: “We lack the power to fight against magic. In the war against the elements, we don’t know that there are soldiers who died in Magician, they… …dead!”

“What are your hill giants doing?” Hilary Laughed.

“Although the giants of the hills have enormous power, but…” Omar shook his head: “How far is the release of magic? They are not close, large lava, quicksand have swallowed them, and Hilary How many arrows are there in your quiver?”

“Exactly one hundred, I haven’t shot yet, what happened?”

“This is the most deadly flaw in the giants of the hills.” Omar said with a bitter smile: “A long time ago, the weapons that the giants liked to use were huge hammers and two hammers, throwing a handle. You can also wave another hammer to join the battle. Later, our orc family was driven by humans to a ridiculous place. There was no iron ore at all. The giants of the hill had to hold the stones to participate in the battle. Now… even the stones are not enough. Use it! What’s more, can the giants of the hills carry more than a hundred stones to run around? They can only launch an attack.”

“I see your subordinate weapons are very good?”

“They are my guards. If they don’t even have the right weapons, we have long been wiped out by the Grand Duke of Solomon.”

“I can understand your dilemma.” Hilaryly also showed a bitter smile: “Our situation is not much better than you.”

“Damn humans! They breed like locusts everywhere, raging everywhere, almost occupying all the resources on the continent.” Omar slowly said: “Hilary, we are now a little late in the league! If you have been in the past few decades, We don’t have to fight at all, we will starve to death and die in poverty! Fortunately, now my father and your Ampudula have made the most sensible choice!”

“As far as I know… you and the elements of the war will break out every year. Every time you start it first?” Hilaryly asked: “Why don’t you take a few years to rest?”

“We have no choice, if we don’t fight… What do we eat? What do they eat?” Silver giant wolf under the seat of Omar Pats: “In that broken place, we can’t grow crops.”

“You mean… eat people??” Hilary’s face changed slightly.

“Yeah.” Omar faintly nodded.

Hilary’s face suddenly became iron blue. She was uncertain now. Now that Omar has indeed eaten, she almost vomited on the spot. If there is no war on the continent, almost every elf will become a variety of artists. They are born to love beauty, but also natural and beautiful, Hilary is really unable to accept this fact.

“hehe, I just said, there is no choice, isn’t it? Let us eat ourselves?” Omar swept over Hilaryly and saw this intelligent and inscrutable fine Spirit Race long. Emotions, his face became extremely ugly, and the topic of interest shifted: “I heard that there is another voice inside your Spirit Race. They firmly believe that they can find a way to peacefully coexist with human beings, their leader… Is the big elf Lydia?”

“how do you know?”

“Do you think that our orcs are fools?”

“This is the case.” Hilaryly avoided the line of sight because she was still nausea: “But Lydia can’t influence our cooperation, she must obey the orders of the United Senate, you don’t have to be nervous.”

“I am not nervous, I just want to remind you.” Omar slowly said: “The powerful humans have fallen apart. They have been busy killing each other for hundreds of years. Now is a good opportunity for the rise of our two families! Missed… … let humans re-establish a unified empire, we will all disappear completely from this world.”

“These words, you should say to the Elders of the United Senate, although I am a patriarch, but the status is not high.” Hilaryly found her attitude somewhat blunt, adding: “Actually… you said these we also We all know that not only us, but Dragon City also maintains a high degree of vigilance against humanity.”

“That’s good.” Hearing that Lianlong City is also vigilant against human beings, Omar’s spirit is greatly enhanced, revealing a smiling face, but his smile makes himself even more ugly.

Hilaryly remembered her task. She looked at the battle group in front and slowly said: “Working with you is also very beneficial to us. Our former shooter can only hide behind the Centaur, but the Centaur’s combat power. Too bad, it is difficult to block the impact of the Human Knight Group and the Swordsman Group. With your protection, we are much safer.”

Omar heard Hilaryly show up, said with a big smile: “It’s like now! Isn’t it? Haha… Don’t worry, our warriors will never be cowards, want to hurt you, unless we walk on our bodies. Rush over.”

Hilaryly turned her head and did not speak. The female surnames mostly felt the surname, while the female surnamed elders felt more surnames. When I heard that Omar actually ate people, the good feelings of Omar in a few days of contact immediately disappeared. Continent All humanoid human life, there are few examples of fried food, even in the Abyss World, only a limited number of races such as Blood Race feed on other life, which really makes her disgusting to the extreme.

“In the past few days, I have often heard you mention the human lord named Raphael. He is very powerful?” Omar changed the subject.

Hilaryly silently nodded.

“Your younger sister is killed by that Raphael, isn’t it?”

Hilaryly’s cheeks twitched and her eyes became fascinated.

“I know that your younger sister has never practiced arrow skills. She only likes the harp. She is willing to dedicate her life to art. Her piano sounds, even the giant dragon will be intoxicated. How can he be a pure elf? Bear with the poisonous hands? Humans… It’s too mean, too cruel, too fierce!” Omar took a long and deep breath: “Hila Ruili, you can rest assured that if you see Raphael on the battlefield, I will take revenge for you! I swear!”

Hilary’s eyes showed a sarcasm expression: “Do you really think that you are Raphael’s opponent?” After a few days of meeting, they were no longer satisfied with each other. Hilaryly suddenly used honorific words, of course, satirizing Omar.

“Hila Ruili, what do you mean by this?” Omar stunned.

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Hilary said indifferently said: “The adults of Prudence have repeatedly told us that the whole winter is over. If we encounter some strange and incomprehensible attacks, we can immediately run away and avoid unnecessary costs.”

“Weird attack?” Omar is more and more confused.

“Raphael is a Magician. He has a lot of formidable power terrifying, but he can’t sense any magical fluctuations. The magical attack is very strange, and… forget it, wait until you get to Fort Maring, let it Master Prudence explained to you.”

“It turned out to be a Magician.” Omar smiled. What he was afraid of was the magic attack of the group’s surname. If there was a single-on-one duel, he was not afraid of anyone except Solomon, the Grand Duke.

“Don’t care.” Hilaryly was quite helpless: “If Raphael suddenly appears here, I will immediately throw you away and escape. This is the power given to me by the United Senate. You should not complain to me.”

“If Raphael really has you said so powerful…” The smile on Omar’s face is getting stronger and stronger. Of course, his face is getting more and more embarrassed: “I can die in such a powerhouse, it is me.” The glory.”

Hilaryly gave up, and it was too difficult to communicate with such a guy who couldn’t get into the oil. Her eyes screamed: “When will your first reinforcements arrive?”

“It’s almost a month.” Omar also knows that Hilaryly is testing intelligence, but he doesn’t care, anyway, it will be said sooner or later.

“Don’t you worry that the Grand Duke of Solomon suddenly attacked your law?”

“Winter is our world, do you know why?” Omar showed a smug smile.


“Because the Duke of Solomon has severe asthma, as long as the weather is cold, he becomes a waste.” Omar laughed loudly: “I don’t think of it? A powerhouse close to the Half-God Level is actually suffering from asthma every year.” Torture?!hahaha ……”

“Impossible…” Hilaryly did not believe.

“Nothing is impossible, before…” Omar said halfway, but suddenly closed his mouth and stared at the distant battle group, and Hilaryly discovered an abnormality and hurriedly took off her longbow.

The orc warriors interspersed with each other suddenly flew up one by one, a puddle of blood and rain, and even the redness of the blizzard, the owner’s blast wolf was everywhere, and the neat team was immediately messed up. Into a group.

A round bead walks like a lightning bolt in the orc warrior’s rank. Every time you fly, you will pierce the body of one or several orc warriors. The huge impact plus their own habits will make those orc warriors like being Whoever slammed a fist, the tragedy flew into the air.

The wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, and now it is dark night. Only the soldiers with excellent eyesight can occasionally see a black point that has passed away, but it is impossible to catch the flight path of the black spot.

Then an arrogant and awkward voice rang between heaven and earth: “Here, here, I am here, come…haha…hey…”

Hilaryly hurriedly took control of the silver flying horse sitting down, raised her hand and shot an arrow, and the sharp whistle broke out. This is a sign of retreat. She remembers the words of Prudence, and the scene in front is incomprehensible. category!

Seeing that his subordinates were slaughtered like grass mowing, Omar was furious and took out the giant stick and rushed straight ahead.

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