“Just here.” Han Jin stopped and pointed his hand at a mountain. The sky was getting darker and the snow was getting bigger and bigger. Keeley and Hilna were very poor. They couldn’t be in this weather. Continue to hurry.

“Master, look at me.” Harley, who made the mistake, showed that he first rushed into the mountain, his body gradually expanded, and then quickly rotated in place.

The gray-black smoke turned into a small tornado, rolling up the snow and snow on the ground, and the tiny sand and dust on the ground. The ground inside the few ten meters became very clean, leaving only some roots to compare. The solid hay is still dancing in the whirlwind.

Harley wrapped up the sand and flew into the air, and Yalina jumped off the unicorn, releasing a magic shield at the right time, encircling the ground about ten square meters, and separating the snow and the cold wind.

Then Yalina walked into the magic shield, shaken off the snow on her body, took a roll of green carpet from the space ring, carefully laid it on the ground, then sat down there, glaring at Han Jin with her eyes.

Although Yalina did not speak, Han Jin knew what Yalina meant. If he refused, he did too much and did not agree with his established principles.

Han Jin paused, slowly walked into the magic shield, Yalina hurriedly greeted him, and Han Jin smashed the snow on his body. It was full of warm scenes. Harley, who came down from midair, felt very tangled. If this adventure is only he and Han Jin How good is two people! He has no doubt about the strength of Han Jin, and he absolutely believes that his master will become a Legendary. In the future, someone will talk about the story of this journey. He must be half a protagonist, but now there is one more. Yalina, then the pen and ink will be concentrated on Yalina, he is superfluous, and the love story is of course more attractive than the feeling of an undead creature.

The unicorn also slowly entered the magic shield. It used to surname the body to shake its body, and countless drops of water flew outward, splashing Yalina and Han Jin.

“This guy… so naughty!” Yalina giggled, and she hurriedly pulled out the silk, wiped the water on her face, and then saw that Han Jin’s face was full of drops of water, while laughing. Go and help Han Jin.

Han Jin is not as tempered as Yalina. He looks at the unicorn quietly. The unicorn is now afraid of Han Jin. Seeing Han Jin looked towards himself, scared and began to tremble again, a little bit squatting. On the ground, there was a very slight whistling sound in the mouth.

“Well, don’t scare it!” Yalina said in a delicate voice.

Han Jin turned his eyes and he didn’t think how cute the unicorn was. If he could, he would rather choose Magic Crystal.

Yalina sat on the rug again, took a small green pillow from the space ring, set it aside, and then took out a pillow, but it was a big problem where the pillow was placed. Yalina was in a daze with her pillow. She wanted to let go, hesitated, and hugged it back. After repeated several times, she finally put the pillow next to the small pillow.

“Aiya! This… this…” Harley couldn’t help but scream.

Yalina immediately flew red, grabbed the pillow like an electric shock, and hesitated for a long while, then put the pillow aside, this distance is farther, and there is almost a gap between the two pillows.

After doing this, Yalina didn’t dare look up at Han Jin, took out a delicate work plate from the space ring, and then put the same thing out, bread, sausage, and various condiments in small bottles, almost everything. A dazzling array of things.

Han Jin is a bit stunned: “In your space ring… all these things are in it?”

“Yeah.” Yalina still didn’t dare to look up.

“How could I not see you before?” Han Jin couldn’t help but shout the head. His space ring contained necessities. In his opinion, carrying these wastes was too wasteful.

“I didn’t bring these before.” Yalina said: “But how can it be the same now?”

“How is it different?”

“Now… I am only taking care of you now.” Yalina said the lower the voice.

Han Jin can’t speak, silently.

There is a huge difference between Sunier and Yalina, because of the different races, the cultures, traditions or traditions they inherit are also very different. Sunier is an elf, and the natural Goddess that the elves believe in, their surnames are not necessary for discussion at all, so within the elves, the status of the female surname is not lost to the male surname, even slightly higher than the male surname, which also allows Sunier to develop Reading power, independent surname. Therefore, after talking with Great Elder Ampudra, Sunier immediately escaped into the temple and used this non-violent and uncooperative way to fight the entire Senate and even the entire elves, although this method was negative. But this is the limit of Sunier. Is it for her to shoot the clansman and force it out? Can’t you go out and kill yourself on the spot? ? If she is replaced by Yalina, she may not have Sunier’s courage!

In human society, the status of female surnames is always lower than that of male surnames. Although female surnames also have complete inheritance rights, the sequence must be followed by male surnames. In fact, it can be seen from the social structure of the Lonely City that the human male mercenary is responsible for hunting World of Warcraft, and the female surname is responsible for holding housework. There are not many female fighters like Hilna. More than just warriors, among the various Magic Academy, male surnames are also generally higher than female surnames. Only in the profession of priests, female surnames account for the majority. But what’s interesting is that the high-ranking priests have become more male names. The only two Archbishops in the Holy See are male surnames, cardinal groups, male surnames account for more than 90%, and the Holy See inheritance is born today. Hundreds of popes, all of whom are male surnames.

Parental behavior often has a huge and subtle influence on small children. Yalina’s father, Solomon Duke, always maintains an absolute strength, and in the eyes of Yalina, her mother is the perfect in World. The female surname is also an example for her to learn, so how does her mother do it, and what she has to do. Moreover, Gail’s general manager repeatedly put pressure on her to let her win Han Jin and make good Han Jin. When she was young, she was under the pressure, and she was under pressure to let her take care of Han Jin like a maid, even to make a compromise, even Han Jin puts forward some excessive demands. If she says that she is too much, she will also accept it. This has nothing to do with her own strength, all because of the influence of culture and tradition.

These are things that Sunier can’t do. No matter how strong and high Han Jin’s strength is, she will put Han Jin on the same level as herself, at least in terms of personality and equality. When she is in danger, she can Han Jin is going to die, but he will not turn himself into a servant who is arrogant and willing to be pleased.

Stopped After the rich ‘picnic’ was finished, Han Jin sat on the carpet, and Yalina took the plate outside the carpet and brushed the tableware with condensed water. Perhaps it was the first time to do this, maybe Her hands and feet were too cold to be flexible. She looked clumsy. She dropped the cutlery on the ground several times. She had to re-wash it and waited for a long time before she could wash the dishes.

Then Yalina returned to the carpet and sat there. For the self-cultivator, the sitting is a normal sitting posture. In this world, Han Jin’s sitting posture is very weird, and it is also somewhat unsightly, at least Yalina does not. Will try this ‘slutty’ sitting posture.

Han Jin noticed that Yalina’s face, nose and fingers were freezing red. When they set off in the morning, they were flying in the air, but then they got snow, the visibility was too low, they could not see the ground, and they were Flying in the sky was a waste of energy, so Han Jin and Yalina fell to the ground.

In order to cope with unexpected situations and cherish every energy, Han Jin’s approach is certainly correct, but using his own standards to ask for a female surname, and still a Magician, is not appropriate, but Yalina is very obedient, Han Jin Let her ride the unicorn, she rode up, Han Jin let her save the magic, she put away the magic shield, in the snow of hiding the sky and covering the earth, she did not suffer less. In order to maintain a certain distance, Han Jin did not let Yalina misunderstand, always avoiding paying attention to Yalina, and walking to the front, never noticed.

Han Jin quickly twitched his fingertips, hitting three talisman in succession, playing on Yalina, playing on Harley, and a talisman on the carpet, then waving a flame, the flames fluttering. On the carpet, the position is just between the two pillows, a hint of warmth emanating from the flame, and soon filled the magic shield.

“Hey?” Yalina couldn’t help but widen her eyes. Magic is her life’s love. Seeing that the flame is flying and burning on the carpet, but the carpet remains intact, it seems to be unaffected, which makes her very curious and wants to reach out. Touching it, but not dare, because Han Jin’s magic often has extremely terrifying formidable power.

“It’s okay.” Han Jin whispered.

“Really?” Yalina speaks correctly, but she used action to show how much she trusted Han Jin, not waiting for Han Jin to answer, she had extended the hand into the flames.

The flames leaped joyfully at Yalina’s fingertips. She felt a hot, but the heat remained within the acceptable range. Yalina gave a cheerful laugh, kept catching in the flames, playing with the beating flames. With.

Harley looked up at the sky, and he asked himself, is it superfluous?

The warmth of the magic shield was very comfortable. After playing for a while, Yalina sat down and put his feet next to the flame. Soon, the steamed water vapor appeared at the bottom of the boots.

“Is the foot frozen? Take off your boots and bake them.” Han Jin whispered.

Yalina groaned, then leaned forward and struggled to untie the leggings. When she really took off her little boots, she showed a pair of beads and feet.

This world is not a sock, but Han Jin’s business sense is too bad. If he turns to be a sock dealer, as long as he is fully prepared, he will definitely make a small fortune, and then develop stockings and so on. More, of course, Han Jin can’t change careers. He is doing the most dangerous and promising career in this world, a robber with a formal business license!

Yalina’s face is lightly red. This time she didn’t smile, just using the smooth toes to stir the flames, and her feet also raised a touch of water vapor.

Harley looked at Yalina and looked back at the sky. I should be… superfluous!

Han Jin closed his eyes and raised his mind. He concentrated on adjusting his interest and the atmosphere was awkward. Practice should be the only way to avoid it.

After about half an hour or so, the energy consumed during the day was all restored. In fact, he did not consume much. Han Jin slowly opened his eyes and was seeing Yalina’s line of sight fleeing to the side.

Han Jin coughed aloud: “Yalina, take a break early, and have to hurry tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Yalina hurried up and went around Han Jin to solve the cloak behind Han Jin.

“Forget it, just sleep like this. Now it has become the site of Fine Spirit Race. What if there is an accident?” Han Jin said, he did not care about the defense provided by the leather armor, but now he has realized this set. The important surname of the equipment can at least provide a perfect excuse.

“Oh, then I will sleep like this.” Yalina didn’t think much, she thought that Han Jin’s caution was correct.

Then Yalina returned to her side and slowly lay on the pillow. Han Jin turned his head and took a few pieces of Magic Crystal in his mouth by taking four observations. This is his secret to Sunier except Harley. Even Steelberg didn’t know, and he wasn’t ready to share it with anyone. Although he knows that after Sunier’s betrayal, he will definitely reveal his secret to the Spirit Race, but knowing it through other channels is one thing. He himself is the other thing, he will not take his heart again. To whom, including Yalina in front.

After swallowing Magic Crystal, Han Jin began to close his eyes again, but he just closed his eyes and suddenly heard a bang, and quickly opened the eyes, seeing that Yalina was trying to bite her lip.

See Han Jin looked towards myself, Yalina hurriedly closed her eyes, but the long eyelashes were still shaking, and her body was trembled, and she was unable to control herself. Low laughter: “hehe…hehe…”

Han Jin is not clear, so it seems that no one is telling a joke. What makes Yalina so happy?

I laughed there for a while, and Yalina quietly opened eyes. In fact, the distance between the two people was less than two feet. The so-called quiet and meaningless, the two people’s eyes collided together, and Yalin could not control it. Laughter: “Giggle…”

“What are you laughing at?” Han Jin has been laughed at by Yalina.

“Nothing! It is… I feel that I am satisfied and satisfied now, so… so I want to laugh.” Yalina’s eyes are full of happiness from the ocean overflow, and the expression is like a child who has stolen countless candy and hides in the bed. It seems that even dreaming will wake up.

Halley is still looking up to the sky, this time he finally confirmed, um, I must be superfluous!

Han Jin is speechless. He really doesn’t know what to say, so he has to shift the subject. His eyes are on the body of Harley: “Hare, you go around and see if there is anything.” Harley is gone, he can also talk about the surroundings, leave here temporarily, and come back when Yalina is asleep.

really! Sure enough… Harley screamed in his heart, but Han Jin’s order had to be heard. He just wanted to leave the magic shield, but he remembered something. He used the words of ‘art’ to test the meaning of Han Jin: “Master, How long does it take me to go?”

“en?” Han Jin didn’t understand.

“That is… How long do you need?” This is related to the special abilities of the individual. Harley can’t open it.

“What time do I need! Roll!!” Han Jin was furious, Yalina couldn’t understand, but he understood, and the backhand released a Thunder Palm, unrelentingly bombarding Harley.

Harley’s figure was smashed out of the magic shield, turned into a black ball in the fierce tragedy, and panicked and shot at a distance. In fact, Han Jin’s Thunder Palm is not so powerful. Harley wants to exchange the horror sound for Han Jin’s sympathy. The unicorn was obsessively observing Han Jin and Yalina. He heard Harley’s tragedy and immediately lowered his head. And then fell asleep… all said that people can grow up quickly in the midst of suffering, and this is equally effective in Warcraft.

“What happened to you?” Seeing Han Jin suddenly angered, Yalina was shocked, hurriedly sat up and looked at Han Jin with a nervous look.

“It’s okay, that guy… I don’t listen.” Han Jin slowed down and said softly: “You should rest first, I will go outside and it is not safe.”

From the perspective of Han Jin, he wants to leave the hustle and bustle environment for a while. He can hear Yalina’s ear and clearly have a guarded warmth.

“Okay, come back soon,” Yalina said in a softer voice.

Han Jin nodded, stood up and walked slowly to the shroud. Like Harley just now, looking up at the sky, his mouth could not help but smile. He remembered Guevera’s words. Yalina is a good girl, don’t hurt her. Now he suddenly realized that he seemed to be trapped, because refusal itself is a kind of harm.

Standing still, Han Jin lightly sighed, he knows that Guevera will never interfere with his private affairs. If Guevera can come out, it proves that the voice has been unified inside! The Spirit Race suddenly launched a war, occupied their Beitman, and occupied their Dark Raven City. They almost made them homeless. The whole army went up and down and hated the elves very much. This way, the soldiers can treat the elf prisoners. It can be seen that even the Yalinshan Reiter who has done the slave has no compassion for the elf prisoners.

It can be said that even if Sunier did not marry Prudence, the soldiers, including Langing, Yalinshan Reiter, and the core members of the rule, could not tolerate an elf as their mistress. The one to emerge victorious It is not known that there is no room for compromise in the war between the aggressor and the invaders. If he still remembers an elf at this moment, it will cause extremely bad morale. influences. And by his side, there is only one Yalina who is qualified to become a mistress. Almost everyone can accept it except for a few special cases.

Perhaps, because of all the scruples, Guevera was forced to find himself. Han Jin reached out and took a few snowflakes, watching the snow slowly melt in the palm of his hand, his eyes getting colder and colder, and then he took the wind. Walk in the snow. He is the lord and the backbone of the whole group. No matter how selfish he is, he can’t deny that thousands of absolutely life is more important than his personal feelings!

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