As the red swells and the sky darkens, Han Jin stands in the wheat field like a nail, searching for the trace of Alquette. After refining the necklace, his mind becomes very clear and his mind is slow. Slowly growing, as long as there is any wind and grass around, you can’t escape his feelings.

I don’t know how long Han Jin was disappointed. He guessed that Alquette should escape with a method he didn’t understand, but just give up, Han Jin is not reconciled. He releases the azure glow and drives the sword light to the distance. Shot, a few months ago, the detective came with an intelligence. Zaganide built a castle at the entrance to a dungeon. He thought about it and might intercept Alquite.

With Feijian, for Han Jin, distance is no longer a problem. It took about two hours. Han Jin found the castle that Knight said, but he was not too close, but the castle was inspected. The abyss mage also saw Han Jin’s sword light, the alarm bell rang, and a group of soldiers rushed to the city wall and entered the full-warning status.

At this moment, Han Jin is already a true influential figure. He has the speciality to spread through various channels, just like the Knights of the rapids Legion are not willing to face Alquette and Zaganide, the abyss of the abyss and The soldiers are not willing to fight with Han Jin. It is the lord’s business. It has nothing to do with their a nobody. To put it bluntly, no one wants to courting death. Unless they have orders, they have to act.

After a long day of arrogance, Zaganide鈥檚 men shouted and yelled at the head of the city, but no one walked out of the castle, and Zaganide himself did not know what it was because it never appeared.

If you don’t escape, you can find the movement here, and Han Jin will take a moment to quit the li or so, hide in a jungle and wait quietly.

Until late at night, Han Jin finally gave up, no matter whether Alquite had escaped to the castle or was hiding in a corner to recover from injury, it was too difficult and difficult to find a person in this vast world. Han Jin Finally, I waited for a few more minutes, driving the sword light and flying in the direction of Maxinburg.

I have been away for three months, and I should go back and see how everyone is doing? Did Sunier come back? Is Harley a leak? Waiting for a lot of things, he is worried, although the cruel reality makes him more and more ruthless, but in a position deep in his heart, still maintains the temperature, which contains his friends, and helped His, dependent on his partner, hey or his subordinates.

When coming, Han Jin was very fast in pursuit of Al Quart. When he went back, he was with one’s heart set on speeding home. The speed was not slow. I don’t know how long it took. The fire attracted the attention of Han Jin.

Azure glow changes direction, wears out in the oblique thorn, Han Jin does not want to gossip, he just wants to see what happened.

Burning is a small village with a small area. The fire should have been burned for a long time, because the houses in the village have become ruins. In the moment of passing at low altitude, Han Jin wandered around and found no living people. Su surname continued to drive forward with the sword light, and soon flew over the small village, but the azure glow suddenly stopped there.

Next moment , azure glow circling half a circle and flying back again, Han Jin jumped off the azure glow and landed firmly on the edge of the well. This well was in the middle of the village, apparently shared by the whole village. That World, the well is not a rarity, but here, the poor people can gather a whole village to fight a well has been very good, and some villages want to drink water have to go to the river to pick it.

A woman was kneeling by the well, one hand was still holding the cable, and there were two deep blood holes behind the neck. It should have been suddenly attacked when the water was hit. Han Jin slowly extended the hand and put the woman The man turned over, yes, this is the farmer woman she saw at dusk, but her face became pale and she was thinner than at dusk.

Han Jin leaned over and turned the woman over and stared at the two deep blood holes. For a long while, he slowly stood up and walked along the village road, except for the occasional fire. In addition to the buzz, the village always looks very quiet.

“It really makes people have nothing to say!” Han Jin laughed up, but he didn’t even smile in his eyes: “Alquite, I have seen you through… no brave heart, your strength What is more powerful and powerful?!”

*** Lang Ning has become the center of everyone, don’t look at him as the commander of the rapids Legion, but on the War God, Guevera, Jeddes, Gail and the others are not powerful, they are highly respected, 鐒塐r both, Lang Ning never dared to put a command on the shelf. In fact, he has always kept a low profile, but today the situation is a bit special.

鈥淎nd then?鈥?Yalina asked with a wink.

“And then…” Langing said with a bitter smile: “Yalina Young Lady, I have already said it again, and then Alquette has escaped without looking back. I see… he has been scared by Raphael. Bold!”

“You say it again,” Moxinke said, laughing at hehe.

“What to say?” Lang Ning asked.

“I just said the last sentence.”

“I said… Alquitte has been scared by Raphael.”

“Good, good, I like this sentence, it feels great!”

鈥淚f you change Raphael to Moxinke, it feels better?鈥?Lei Zhe was on the side of a sudden trick.

Moxinke is immersed in Han Jin’s mood of talking and laughing, and he is not allowed to open his mouth: “Of course! haha…”

鈥淢oxinke!鈥?Cessacioun said in a dignified tone.


“You steal the wine today?”

“You…” Moxinke pulled out a small book: “Do you know who wrote this? Tell you, one day sooner or later…”

“Okay, okay, how can you argue with the three of you?” Yalina interrupted Moxinke’s ideal confession and walked slowly to the front of the ship: “So late… he should be back.”

“In the dungeon, there should be a lot of stories.” Guevera said with a faint smile: “Otherwise, with Alquet’s strength, it is impossible to make such a shameful move.”

“It’s really unbelievable.” Jedith sighed, and the bright magic could have completely suppressed the Blood Race. He was still hurt in the hands of Alquet in the case of a successful attack. How terrifying the strength is, but such Al Quart did not dare to face Han Jin, he knows that Han Jin is also very strong, and should not be so strong.

“In my life, I have seen many young people.” Gail manager said: “And Raphael is the best! He is smart, kind, emotional, and responsible. For example, this time, he chooses one. The man ran into the dungeon and provoked all the heavy burdens alone, hehe, so we had the mood and time to drink and chat here. This young man… is too little, Young Lady, you see… I said right?”

Yalina reveals the expression of thinking, and then nodded: “He is really amazing.”

Jedice’s mouth was upturned, revealing a faint smile, and then he turned his gaze away. He didn’t want to participate in this kind of thing.

Guevera was wrong there, then tapped his finger on the table, indicating that the Gaelic supervisor came over, and then lowered his voice and said, “Gail, you do this… is it wrong?”

“Guevera Knight, I think you know better than me, now Beitman, it’s not safe!” Gay’s director said with a faint smile: “If you get the support of the Grand Duke of Solomon, it will be completely different!”

“Of course I know better than you, including Raphael’s surname.” Guevera indifferently said: “He has been with Sunier for more than two years, and his feelings are deep, if you really want to provoke something… be careful, don’t pick up The stone licks its own feet.”

“You misunderstood me, I just want to give young people a choice. Provoke…hehe, is it that you are such a stupid person in your eyes?” Gael鈥檚 chief squinted: “Deep feelings.” …Guevera Knight, there is nothing in this World that will never change. You see, your power is fading, and my body is slowly growing. Thirty years ago, I was hailed as continent magic. The Solomon Duke of Light began to form his first army. Now, the young Raphael has aroused the vigilance of the surrounding lords, and the glorious elemental capital has ushered in its own sunset. Look at the top of the head, starlight is How brilliant, tomorrow? Maybe it will become a cloud, and after another month, the sky will float snow, turn the land under our feet into a piece of ice, and then a few months, spring will come back, Let the entire World resume opportunity to live.”

Guevera didn’t refute, just quietly looking at Gail.

“Guevera Knight, nothing will not change.” Gael, smiling and repeating, said: “Sunier is not very good at you? And… As far as I know, in the city of the cliff, Wild Lydia of Willow City has attacked you, isn’t it?”

Guevera’s figure was taut and his eyes turned cold, but he remained silent.

“I understand that you always take advantage of this, you don’t want to be troubled by Raphael, but you… really can’t think of it? His troubles will come sooner or later!” The last few words, the Gail manager spit out word by word. “You can let Sunier no longer hate you, but you can’t let all the elves forgive you! After all… Silver Pegasus Legion is ruined in your hands!”

The coldness in Guevera’s eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by deep sorrow, but he disdain to refute anything. If the Spirit Race has enough reason to hate him, then the Silver Pegasus has attacked dozens of towns. Killing his family, who is his hatred? !

“Guevera Knight, in fact, there is no need to argue between us, or… there is no need to make a Sunier unhappy.” Gail manager said: “This is good, we listen to the fate of choice.” Since the Gail manager After finding Yalina, he rarely expressed any opinions. He was always laughed, but he did not mean that he did not understand. As the right arm of the Duke of Solomon, he was no worse than anyone here. Today, he really reveals himself. The edge.

“The choice of fate? It sounds very interesting.” Guevera has stabilized his emotions and revealed a faint smile.

“I guess…” Gail, the general manager, leaned over and whispered: “Wild Willow City is never willing to appears a powerful neighbor, what do you think?”

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