The anger on Alquette’s face disappeared. Like this old monster, which has survived for countless years, it will produce various situations, such as impulsiveness, sorrow, fear, etc., but it will never lose its sense of reason. A precondition for catharsis and expression, and catharsis and expression, is to face a group of ants-like life.

Han Jin just showed his figure, and Alquite immediately stopped all the meaningless movements. His body slowly descended from the sky and stood at a position more than 50 meters away from Han Jin. His eyes were cold and hoarse. The voice said: “It turned out to be you, why? Why did you drill out of the mouse hole today?!”

“hehe… I can hear you, you are helpless.” Han Jin couldn’t help but smile. A gust of wind blew, and a few leaves rolled over from Han Jin. Han Jin suddenly extended the hand and caught a leaf. His look was a little wrong. When he first entered the dungeon, the world outside was green and green. How did it change in the blink of an eye: “Lang Ning, how long have I left?”

“Adult, you have been away for three months!” Lang Ning was surprised and happy, loudly replied.

“Three months? It turned out to be the case… It’s really the old days.” Han Jin released his fingers, and the leaves rolled in the wind, and his eyes followed the leaves, as if he was too lazy to see Alquitt: “I don’t know why, every time I see the world becoming bleak, every time I see the leaves dancing in the wind, I always have a feeling that I can’t tell.”

“Go to your mother’s feeling!!” Alquette said one word, gnashing teeth.

“You don’t understand, so you have lived for thousands of years, and you can’t break the constraints of this world.” He had a bit of pity and a bit of contempt, and then his eyes turned to Alquite’s chest: “It was beaten again.” Wounded? Poor Arquette… You seem to have been unlucky recently.” The wound between Alquette’s neck has been crusted, but the place where the chest is penetrated by light never heals.

“It’s Jessie! If it wasn’t for this old fellow, he would have been killed by Jessie!” Langing said.

Alquette’s fists clenched and loosened, then clenched and then released, then coldly said: “Raphael, this time you don’t want to escape any more, otherwise I will kill them!” Alquette Pointing at the group of Knights, just at the side of Han Jin’s side, he suddenly slanted step by step, the neck was exposed, and even the cracked wounds, exhausted with full force, then the right fist banged, an invisible fist Strength quickly shot to Han Jin.

Alquite played a small trick, and when he stepped out of that step, his angle changed. He punched Han Jin into a dead end, avoiding the strength of the fence, and the Knights behind him would suffer from the fish. Han Jin wants to protect his subordinates and can only resist it.

Bounced the strength of the strength, Alquitt even had no time to watch the results, violently turned, and looked back towards the distance. Although his mental strength is extremely powerful, but it is not inexhaustible, and his strength comes from the blood, twice suffered, loss, and barely repair his body, which makes him The fighting power is greatly reduced, not to mention the burning flame of the chest in the chest, which makes him feel painful and unable to concentrate all his energy on the battle.

Han Jin’s magic props left him with an indelible impression of eternal life. He never wanted to confront Han Jin at this time. The most important thing was that although he could not sense the power of Han Jin, he did it from Han Jin. In one move, he keenly judged that Han Jin’s power was stronger than it was a few months ago.

escape! Of course you have to escape! Just as Fier is determined to go to death, there is hope in life to revenge. Alquitt also understands this truth.

The six-pointed star hanging on the chest of Han Jin gave a slight squeak, and his eyes remained clear, and then an azure glow suddenly bloomed, and immediately turned into a giant sword of more than 20 meters, next moment, Han Jin Refers to the Yu Jian, greeted the quist strength of Al Quart, a loud bang, the turbulent fat strength was smashed and shattered.

Al Quart’s silhouette has become a silver bat, masing into the sky, and in a twinkling of an eye it becomes a vague point. Han Jin is a bit wrong. Compared with his impression, Alquette’s power is regressing. And, with a single blow, he turned and fled, and it was not in line with Alquite’s identity.

“Go!” Han Jin loudly shouts, azure glow slanted into the sky, Han Jin figured a flash, driving the sword light to the direction of Al Quart’s escape.

Lang Ning and the Knights of the rapids Legion are all stunned. In a short period of time, their mood changes too much and too much. The sadness of sorting out the body of the partner, the fear of seeing Alquette, the lord Raphael The ecstasy of the show, and finally the shock of seeing Alquite running like a stray dog. Lang Ning did not conceal the strength of the enemy from the Knights. They all know that Alquite had reached the top of the 12th-level peak a long time ago. The joints of Jedice Archbishop and Gail joined the attack, only to hurt Alquette. But Jeddes Archbishop was also injured in the attack by Alquette, which is enough to prove what kind of combat power Alquott has. However, after their appearance of Sir Lord, Alquite began to behave very arrogantly. Who knows that in a blink of an eye, he reveals the true face of guilty guilt, and they rushed away. They were shocked and puzzled. Their Sir Lord… Alquite escaped fast, Han Jin did not chase it slowly, and the earth, mountains, and rivers swiftly passed under them. This chase and escape, and in a blink of an eye, they crossed the scope of Maxim.

Alquite was desperately fanning his wings. When he decided to take clansman to the ground to expand his power, he never thought that he would have such a wolf day. For a long time, he has been living in boundless respect and admiration because Surviving for a long time, a few distant ancestors know the positioning of the Blood Race in the abyss, they will not fight for anything, naturally there is no danger, so Alquite has long forgotten the taste of fear, now he finally revisited The feeling of long absence. Fear is an invisible hand, pinching his heart and even making him unable to breathe; fear is an inexplicable cold, even through the spiritual barrier, let his body shiver slightly; and fear to the extreme However, it will become a kind of madness. Alquite often wants to turn around and desperately fights with Han Jin.

The surnames of life are sometimes very strange. The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. The brief remarks, the courage to sacrifice and the sacrifice, are often young people.

Seeing Han Jin, he couldn’t keep up, as if he had already taken care of himself. Alquet was shy and angry. He opened his mouth and spit out a black mist. The fog was like life, rapidly expanding, growing, and blinking. It turned into a huge cloud.

At the same time, the azure glow was flying high and flying over the clouds. Han Jin’s eyes were cold and ruthless, sweeping around and catching Al Quart’s silhouette.

For a moment, the azure glow had hovered over the clouds, Han Jin found nothing, he sneered: “Evil monster faded, I am still awkward, clean!”

A ray of light bursts, and with the gesture of Han Jin, it rushes into the clouds.

The fog released by Alquette is not the same as that of the ordinary abyss. The cloud has its own life and its own resistance. The misty waves of the other have even wrapped the rays of light in it.

Han Jin quickly slammed his hand and banged, and the rays of light exploded in the clouds.

Just like Five Elements’s residual restrain, no matter how tenacious the vitality of the cloud is, it can’t fight the nemesis of the hit. For a moment, a light finally pierces the clouds and directs to the sky. Then second and third, the day is shot out of the ground. Thousand zhang When the light is shining, the huge cloud has been smashed, and the pieces have disappeared.

But Alquite is like evaporating out of thin air. The clouds are scattered. There is a piece of golden wheat field underneath. You can also see dozens of silhouettes. They are all farmers who have harvested a year of hard work, but they are heavenly. Natural phenomenon Stunned, forgot the work in his hand, looking at the sky silly.

Han Jin slowly lowered the sword light, and the sharp eyes glanced at each and everyone farmers. In fact, Han Jin not at all means of hostility. First of all, these farmers are human beings, and they rely on their hard work to support their families. It is the purest, the most kind, and the least threatening life, but the farmers are frightened and rushed to the ground. In this troubled world, there is no guarantee of survival. They have no doubt that this The mysterious powerhouse can erase their existence by waving, this kind of thing is not without, but too much.

The little child in the arms of a peasant woman also felt the pressure of terrifying, and suddenly burst into tears. The peasant woman was almost burned by soul, and she smacked twice, seeing that the little child was still crying, she turned out Forcibly hold the child’s mouth with your hand.

Only the strength she used was too great, and even with the nose of the little child, only a few moments, the little child’s face was already blue.

Han Jin’s figure flashed, appeared in front of the peasant woman, then gently extended the hand, grabbed the peasant woman’s trembling little hand, and stopped crying for a moment.

“Don’t be afraid,” Han Jin said softly, then the right hand hit a back to the Yuan Qing spirit and hit the little child’s body.

The little child born soon is not emotional, uncomfortable, of course, crying, comfortable, of course, laughing, with the warm mana flowing in the body, the little child cried a few times and stopped, smashing round Eyes, curious look towards towards Han Jin.

“Big… adults, she… she…” A farmer said in a sly voice, finally finally gnawed his teeth and said a complete sentence: “She is my wife…”

Han Jin discovered that he was still holding the little hand of the peasant woman. He couldn’t help but smile and his fingers gently released: “I’m sorry.”

Han Jin’s looks are very handsome. When the smile is emitted from the heart, he always gives people a feeling like a spring breeze. They are gentle, soft, and even close. The farmers who fell to the ground suddenly felt that they were not So scared, especially the peasant woman, shyly blushing, quietly bowing her head, and then dare not look at Han Jin, she is still very young, the cruelty and ruthlessness of life can not erase the dream of her heart, and the appearance of Han Jin For many girls, it is the white horse Prince who dreams of.

“Have you found a monster? Or… is a silver bat?” Han Jin asked softly.

The farmers looked at each other and shook their heads.

Han Jin saw that the farmers were not at all lying, slowly said: “You go home first, it is very dangerous here.”

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