When the rays of light exploded, the half-awake Koko had almost no resistance. His eyes turned and he was stunned. The partners around him screamed to block their eyes with their right arms, and Fiji walked in them. Behind him, several brothers are equally tall, which puts the back of the Fier and the last of the Wip from the direct view of the light source.

Fei Ruiping was very vocal, and he was slow to sit up, but his movements were not slow. He immediately extended his right arm and pushed hard to push Keke and the brothers who supported Keke. On the wall of the cave, he gave up space, and then he stepped forward, blocking in front of Koko, holding the sickle in his left hand and stabbing the position where Han Jin was in the impression.

Everything that Fier has done is entirely instinct, first protect your brother, then fight back!

In fact, Han Jin’s movements were not fast. He even paused for a moment before he attacked the fainting science. The problem was that Han Jin appeared too suddenly, without any warning, and Fiji’s reaction was too cumbersome when he put himself When Han’s brother pushed aside, Han Jin’s flying sword had been stabbed. He staggered in front of him. It was not so much that Han Jin was attacking him. It was better to say that he took the initiative to use his body to meet Han Jin’s sword!

Pu… blood light splash, Han Jin’s azure glow has pierced Feirui’s left leg, and he also pranks to pick one side, forcibly picks off the muscles on the outside of Feiru’s left leg, leaving a deep ten A few centimeters of wounds, when Fiery’s sickle stabbed, he had sunk down, sank into the earth, and disappeared with disappear without a trace.

Han Jin is a personal, uncompromising human, no matter where the soul comes from, the physical bloodline is very pure, but in this abyss World, his survivability is stronger than any abyssal race, because here He can get shelter anywhere, anytime.

The dazzling rays of light gradually dissipated, and Fier had been sweating, but he didn’t scream, just holding the hole in the wall and sitting on the ground a little. A bride from Fiera saw Feirui injured and rushed to pick it up. Wrapping the wound for Fier, but the wound was too deep. In just a short period of time, the blood spurting like a spring had already dyed the legs of Feirui, dyed his buttocks, and gathered on the ground. Become a small deep water.

“Raphael! Bastard!” Wip roared. “How are you getting Lambert?! Tell me!!”

No one answered, only his own voice was responding, Raphael…Raphael… Tell me… Tell me… “Let’s go, go.” Fier used his knives to push his brother aside and then threw it. Drop the sickle and put the unconscious Koko in his arms: “Koko gave me.”

Weipu turned his head and looked towards Fier, another demon shouted: “Firy! What do you mean?!”

“Yeah, Fier, why are you letting us go?!” Another demon yelled as he licked his eyes.

“He can kill Koko, but he doesn’t, he can kill me, but he still doesn’t.” Fier whispered: “Boss, don’t you understand what he wants to do? Go! Don’t go again That’s too late!”

Wip is stuck there. He grew up watching Feirui. In his memory, he never heard of Firy saying so much, but he understood the predicament of Fier.

Four eyes are opposite, one pair of eyes is full of contradictions and sorrows, while the other pair of eyes are saying goodbye, confiding, and entrusting, and time seems to have solidified.

“Go!” Fier suddenly screamed.

Wip did not hesitate, turned around and immediately released the momentary movement, next moment, he has appeared in the weekly ten meters, and then released the momentary movement, the best eyesight can be found, at the moment when the shape of Weipu started, A few drops of water came out of Wip’s face.

“Boss, you…” A demon looked at the back of Weipu with unbelievable eyes. Their brothers, since they had memories, have been sheltering their brothers and even have been deserters!

“That man, I want to use you and Koko to drag you down.” Fier wanted to laugh, but the pain in his leg made him laugh: “Gerry, alive can avenge us! Understand? Go. ……go!!”

“But…” Gehry bit his lip, and Fier’s words were so straightforward. Of course he could understand, but he still wanted to try and walk with Fier and Coco.

Another demon turned around and ran a few steps to release the momentary movement and disappeared into the depths of the road.

“You’re fucking…” Fier’s anger screamed, and the backhand picked up the sickle that had just been thrown on the ground, and made a random stroke: “Roll! Don’t roll the old man to kill you!”

At this moment, Han Jin’s figure slammed out from the side of Gehry, and the azure glow in his hand pierced the heart of the lid with a smashing angle, but this time it was different from the one just now, and Gehry’s heart was already full. Be wary, Han Jin just showed up, Gehry immediately released the momentary movement, appeared in the position where his brother disappeared, and looked back at Han Jin, then turned and turned again.

Han Jin stayed still and leaned over his ears, as if he was listening to something. In fact, he used the induction of the traction to calculate and judge the distance between him and several demons, and the speed at which the demons moved. To decide whether you are going to kill.

For a moment, Han Jin gave up, and the cellar is definitely not catching up. With the curse of the earth… I can try it. The problem is that the momentary movement of the demon can be released continuously. They only appear for a moment, and he can’t judge the devil. The orientation in which they appear, in such a short period of time, it is difficult to launch an effective attack unless the demon automatically hits him.

After giving up their brother, the speed of the demons has increased countless times, sixty li or so, it sounds very far, but for the demons, it doesn’t take long to escape, it’s a martyrdom. A wide stone forest, where…who kill who is not necessarily.

“You are very smart.” Han Jin turned his eyes to Feirui: “If you are their brother, maybe you will take another very different path.”

“This is my destiny, nothing great.” Perhaps it is because Han Jin’s smile on his face is particularly abhorrent, perhaps because he wants to add to the regrets of this life. At this moment, Fiera seems to have a lot of words, he coldly said: “Don’t be proud It’s too early, do you think you will laugh at the end?”

“Yes, at least I will work hard.” Han Jin smiles unchanged: “And you, even the qualifications for hard work are gone.” Han Jin really wants to take advantage of the feelings of Weipu, and delay the speed of their escape, in the long The martyrdom slowly ruined them. Who knows that Fiji broke his intentions, and the sly Weipu immediately fled. Han Jin was disappointed, so his tone remained consistently soft, but with The words are as sharp as nails, and can even be said to be vicious.

“Do you hate us? It’s really hard to understand!” Fierly coldly said: “You killed Solov, it is up to us to hate you!”

“Hate has been planted, not that I kill you, that you killed me.” Han Jin laughed: “These two results… I think anyone will choose the former.”

“Because you killed Solov, so you hate us, must we kill us?” Fier finally laughed: “Raphael Lord, don’t you think you are too cruel, too shameless?!”

“Cruel?” Han Jin pondered for a moment and laughed: “When I first came to this world, I also wanted to be a good civilized and polite child. It’s not me who is cruel, it’s this world! I couldn’t fill it up, I could only watch my own servant being bullied, and then I came over to an army. I waved a knife to us and put a fire on it, burning down our home. I wandered around and became a man. Mercenaries, as a result, people are free to give us a crime, we must kill us, we rebel, escape, and see a group of vampires have no reason, just for fun, killing innocent humans everywhere; I have experienced many dangers I was hurt and lost a good friend. From all of this, I finally understood what is the real survival rule of this world.”

The muscles on Fier’s face were twisted and twisted, and he said in a trembling voice: “You…not this world…”

“As a demon in the abyss, you should be much more thorough than me in this respect, cruel? How can you say such childish words?” Han Jin showed a white tooth, smiled and said: “The famous Weipu seven brothers. … Is there still less life in your hands? Hehe… Even your race can’t hold you anymore! Cruel, shameless… This evaluation is left to you, actually I am a very good one. The good guy, at least before I killed you, explained so much to you, isn’t it?”

“You…what are you from? Where are you from?!” said Fier.

“Don’t tell you…” Han Jin snorted with a smile, as if he was joking with old friends, but his movements didn’t mean any jokes. The azure glow in his hand made a glimpse of the air in the air, directly to Feirui. Chest.

Fier’s figure disappeared from the place, stopped a little, and appeared behind Han Jin. The giant python whispered and slammed into Han Jin’s legs.

If Fiji’s combat effectiveness remains Peak-Stage status, this knife will pose a huge threat to Han Jin, but he is half lying on the ground and has lost too much blood. The speed and strength of the knife are affected. Han Jin even had enough time to form hand seals, then released the curse, appeared on the side of Fiji, flew up and kicked under the ribs of Fier, the body of three meters high turned into a The straw was tumbling and flew out, and it slammed on the wall for more than a dozen times before falling heavily on the ground and picking up a piece of smoke.

“Is it useful?” Han Jin said softly, then waved his beckoning. The flying sword that had just emptied again burst into the rays of light, the next moment, and crossed the stunned Koko throat, accompanied by blood light. Shooting again to Fiji.

Fiji barely lifted the giant python and blocked the fast-approaching azure glow. Who knows that the azure glow stopped for a while, letting Fischer’s sickle, then speeding up and shooting at Fiji.

Fier has reached the end of the oil, and it is difficult to cope with this change. The next moment, the azure glow has been stabbed in from the middle of the nose of Fiji, and finally penetrated the skull of Fier, nailing him to death. On the ground.

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