When the ramp collapsed, Lambert’s foot suddenly stiffened there, then changed direction, slowly and firmly stepped forward, and the giant hand pointed finger towards Han Jin, while the corner of his eye was Observe this battlefield.

Here are the junctions of the three ramps. There is a ramp behind Lambert. It is now collapsed. There are two ramps behind Han Jin, one of which leads to the ground and the other to where, Lambert does not know, he I didn’t listen to the big brother. It was a bit wider than the ramp, but it was very limited. The height was similar to that of the ramp. The harsh terrain determined that he could only use the cross-cutting method to launch the attack. It was too bad!

“I, the abyss devil Lambert, accept your challenge!” Lambert’s ugly face looked very serious, word by word.

“Challenge? No… this is not a challenge.” Han Jin reveals the expression of a smile yet not a smile: “There is more than sixty miles of squats behind you. When you come, you have stopped twice, once A short break, once is to sleep, then you walked for a long time before you came here, immediately turned around and ran back…hehe, six 10 li! Do you think your brothers can escape?”

“You…how do you know??” Lambert only felt that his heart was suddenly tightened, and the other party knew exactly what his brothers had to do. This is impossible! The abyss demons are very good at capturing the breath of their opponents in the boundless darkness. If someone spies on them in secret, it is impossible to pass their senses.

“Because I am a Magician, a magical Magician.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “Actually… you also have a chance, as long as you can give up the injured partner, but I found that the relationship between your brother is very deep, give up …it is very difficult for you, isn’t it?”

Lambert took a long breath, then closed his lips tightly and made a big step forward. The giant screaming in his hand screamed at Han Jin’s neck. The other side chose this place to fight, full of conspiracy. The most effective and best solution is to kill Han Jin. He is willing to pay any price for it, even if it is life.

Lambert launched the attack very fast. At the starting point, the sharp sickle was close to Han Jin’s neck, but Han Jin’s reaction speed was not slow, and the homestead drifted back into the slant, and then it was hidden in the cave wall. This is Lambert’s first close encounter with Han Jin to release the mantle, seeing a living person melt into the soil, he could not help but bow.

Next moment, Han Jin has rushed out from the side of Lambert’s side. Lambert’s pupil tightened and did not look back. The handle ran back and slammed into Han Jin’s chest.

Han Jin’s body shape stopped, the backhand shot the law, a dazzling rays of light exploded, to deal with the abyss race, glare is the best attack method, except for the caveman who can’t see things, other abyss races Greatly affected, even hurting!

If it is on a wide plain, the blasted light of the blast will soon be absorbed by the darkness, but in this small space, the rays of light are particularly dazzling, the diffused light is reflected back on the cave wall and then spread. , re-reflection, the netform’s formidable power increased several times out of thin air!

Lambert suddenly felt an unbearable sting in his eyes. He screamed and went crazy, generally turning the giant.

Han Jin has retired to the ramp and quietly watched Lambert’s conflicts there. He couldn’t see things and couldn’t lock the space. Lambert had completely lost the ability to move instantly, and he couldn’t sense Han Jin. The breath, in fact, can not be sensed, Han Jin is just a famous Magician, his dependence is not magic, naturally can not talk about magic.

Lambert roared again and again, and a giant python danced like a windmill. Before and after, suddenly left and right, he did not dare to slack off, as if he was fighting with an invisible enemy, because he knew very well, Han Jin definitely hides where he is, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

In this life and death hazard, Lambert has released all the fighting power. The sharp giant sly accidentally smashed the hole in the wall, leaving a deep knife on the wall like a tofu. Traces, of course, this will cause some damage to the giant python, but Lambert has nothing to do with it.

I don’t know how long it took, the dazzling rays of light gradually dissipated, and Lambert also noticed this, the knife suddenly closed, then barely opened his eyes, and now his eyes have become red and swollen. The ugly face is even more ugly. Han Jin’s net light curse completely transcends the magic of the light in a certain sense. If it is the ordinary evil eye, Medusa, it has already become blind at this moment!

“Continue.” Han Jin said with a faint smile, his wrist turned, and a dazzling rays of light illuminate.

Lambert once again made a roar, and took a big step forward. The giant slammed into Han Jin, but Han Jin had hidden into the cave and appeared in another ramp. Lambert stabbed. Empty, quickly pulled out, just like the same, crazy dancing giants, surrounded by wind and rain.

All around the wall, and the top of the cave, has left hundreds of deep knife marks, and Lambert is like a tireless sculptor, but the sculptor knows when to finish his work, Lambert But he struggled and worked hard in the darkness without end.

After a long while, the light gradually faded. Lambert took a few steps back and tried to open the eyes, perhaps because of fear, perhaps because the stimulation was too intense, and Lambert had already burst into tears, his lips. Slightly trembling, the cross-skin on the face was completely distorted, and the blood-stained pupil was desperate except desperate.

“Don’t stop…” Han Jin formed hand seals, his tone is softer and softer, as if to comfort a poorly scared worm.

Lambert sighed, and in this short gap that could lock the space, he finally released the momentary movement, appeared in another ramp, and then stumbled and ran forward.

There is a lack of light source in the ramp. However, the original martyrdom was built by the ancestors of the abyss race. Of course, for your own consideration, some special alchemy remedies are scattered on the wall, and extremely faint rays are emitted in the darkness. Of light, similar to phosphorescence. When I came, Weipubrother could see the scenery around by the shimmer, but now it is different. Lambert was stimulated by the net curse twice. Now it has become a blind eye, everything is seen Not enough, just knowing to run forward, desperately running forward!

I don’t know how far it was, Lambert suddenly bumped into something, he couldn’t help himself, sitting on the ground with his ass, then he climbed up with the fastest speed, groping around with the broken arm, this The scene is more or less desolation, the abyss demon, the ruler in the Abyss World! It would be a sigh of sorrow.

Exploring for a moment, Lambert suddenly understood that this is a no return, the road has been blocked!

Lambert made a desperate roar, his left hand desperately waved a sickle, slashing on the sand, trying to dig a passage for himself. If possible, he really wanted to give up his noble status, even if it turned into an ant. Yeah, as long as you can avoid the terrifying enemy behind you.

Unfortunately, the sickle is only a combat weapon, not suitable for burrowing. Although Lambert broke out the potential beyond the limit, he waved more than 20 knives in the blink of an eye, but the mound was still silent and heavy in front of him.

At this moment, the rear azure glow was great, and Lambert turned back and saw a giant sword spurting him along the ramp.

The giant sword was almost filled with martyrdom, and he was inevitable. Lambert screamed and raised his sickle. The blade of the sickle had penetrated into the top of the hole and then slammed.

There was a loud bang, and the sickle forcibly opened the top of the cave. It has consumed a lot of strength. Lambert can no longer compete with the power contained in the giant sword. The whole body is smashed and flew out, even completely embedded behind it. In the mound.

However, Lambert was not willing to be killed like this, he struggled to jump up, a dazzling rays of light rushed to face, he immediately closed his eyes.

Like the previous two, no matter what kind of creature, the body reaction is often regulated by the nerves. When he sees the light and then closes his eyes, the light has already caused him damage, but his nerves. I haven’t reacted yet, I can’t feel the pain.

That azure glow suddenly turned into a smart little sword, quietly piercing Lambert’s chest!

Lambert felt that his heart was cold, his mind was blurred, and the strength in his body seemed to fade away with something. The tall body slipped a little and finally leaned on the mound, but Lambert The big mouth is still breathing heavily.

Han Jin waved his hand and took back the azure glow, then walked to Lambert step by step.

Lambert looked at the top with no eyes, his breathing frequency seemed very strange, only a short breath when inhaling, then suddenly stopped because of the pain, and then put out a breath, the chest Deep wounds, blood rushed out, and in a short period of time, she dyed Lambert’s body.

In the boundless darkness, Lambert suddenly heard a slightly ridiculous voice: “I said, this is not a challenge.” Then he felt a sharp pain in his forehead, and then he did not know anything. It is.

Next moment, Han Jin looked at the magic crystal in his hand, rubbing it freely, plucking it into the space ring, and then his body was shrunk to the ground.

The five-brother of Wip is still running forward. After Weipu personally broke, he looked backwards as he walked, hoping to see Lambert’s silhouette, and as time passed, his heart became colder and colder. , also produced an ominous premonition, is it … Lambert has been killed? !

impossible! impossible! ! Wip is holding the sickle and his face is constantly twisted. Damn, if they fight on the broad plains, how can they be a human… Weip just thought of it, Han Jin’s figure suddenly appeared, forced to set Into the center of their team, holding an azure glow in their hands, the lightning generally stabbed to the half-fainted Koko, at the same time, a dazzling rays of light lit up in Han Jin’s left hand, shining the road brightly.

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