The red light in the eyes of Alquette was suddenly dark, and the flowing air had a heavy taste at the same time. As Alquette’s figure turned into a path of faintly discernible, he passed through the casual dozen meters. The distance, sharp claw, moved straight to Han Jin’s throat.

It’s said that the old is not a bone, but the Blood Race is a special kind of life. Every vampire is a natural warrior. Although Alquite has been crouching for many years, his explosiveness, speed, etc. have no signs of degradation. .

Han Jin completely motionless, as if I couldn’t see the big fordable power attack, but the air suddenly burst into a white flame, and it was in front of his throat.

Seeing that Alquette’s fingertips were going through the white flames of the group, he suddenly changed his mind, recovered his right paw, and his left paw explored and slammed into Han Jin’s heart.

Another burst of white flaming flame appeared on Han Jin’s chest. Alquette’s figure slid like a stream of water to the side, and the right claw turned over and stabbed Han Jin’s back neck.

Han Jin deliberately angered Alquitt, just to induce Alquite to launch a desperate attack, and his Three Smells True Fire was hard to beat. Now it seems that Alquite is not so easy to be fooled, Han Jin is slightly disappointed. But he didn’t have time to think about it, and released Three Smells True Fire, blocking Alquite’s offense.

Alquette’s mouth suddenly showed a sneer, his fingertips flicking, and the Three Smells True Fire was playing. The Three Smells True Fire seemed to be hit by something, flying backwards and hitting Han Jin. On the back of the brain, it turned into a blast of fire.

Three Smells True Fire was stunned by the gods. Even though the explosion was amazing, Han Jin himself would not be harmed, but Alquette’s fingertips suddenly accelerated, approaching Han Jin’s back neck.

Han Jin was shocked and unconcerned. He was protected by God’s spelling. His reaction speed was also very fast. He flashed to the side and then sank to the ground.

Next moment, Han Jin appeared in the place where the severe ten meters were outside. He touched his back neck with his hand, and when he retracted his hand, his hand was covered with red blood, but his expression was still calm, like The injured person is not him: “Listen to Guevera, there are some super-powerhouses that can turn their mentality into substance, you are one of them.”

“Raphael Lord, if your weapon is just such a poor little flame, I think, we can end.” Alquette smirked and walked step by step to Han Jin.

“End? It’s still early.” Han Jin suddenly screamed, and an azure glow came out and turned into a giant sword that was more than ten meters long. Then he swayed and straightened to Alquette. Welcomed.

If a martial artist sees Han Jin’s swords here, he might laugh at the big teeth, but first he must be able to see it clearly!

Han Jin has nothing to say about the sword technique. Although he has endured Guevera’s guidance, it is far from making up for the huge gap. His sword has only one advantage: fast!

With the sword, his fingertips sway gently, and the giant sword passes through the space of the severe dozen meters. Each sword sweeps out and turns him into a flying sand running stone around the world. The speed of the forced breach of the air barrier, bringing a path of deafening wind and thunder.

The Minotaurs in the distance can’t see Han Jin’s silhouette anymore. What they can see is just another wave of swords, endless, one more than one violent, one more dazzling, even giving them a kind of Swallowing The The illusion of World.

Alquette’s footsteps suddenly stagnated, and then quickly retreated. Han Jin’s sword light was too fast, and his eyesight could not capture the direction. He could only choose to avoid his edge.

Han Jin continued to sprint forward, and Alquette kept retreating. In the blink of an eye, Alquette had already withdrawn from the number of 100 meters. I don’t know when his cheeks, which had been pale for a long time, have become blood red. Being forced back by a human being is an unbearable humiliation for him. Alquet’s right paw is clenched into a fist, slowly retracting, and has been shrunk until he can no longer shrink. Condensed, then slammed forward, condensed into a substantial spiritual force like a huge iron cone, deeply embedded in the sword light.

If the word light released by Han Jin is an endless wave, then the quist strength of Alquite is a reef that is not moving. This is purely a confrontation of power!

The sound of the bang banged, the sky’s sword shadow disappeared, the sharp azure glow returned to its original shape, and it swung like a weak straw to the sky, and Alquite stepped back a few steps.

Han Jin’s expression is still very calm, as if I have already expected this scene, the left hand is quickly carrying a handprint, and the mouth is also singing incantation: “If you want, you are scared…”

Alquite took a long breath and swung forward, and the lightning generally forced Han Jin. With his strength, he still needs some time to recover. He does not believe that the other side can recover faster.

Han Jin turned over his left wrist, and a silky silk line appeared out of thin air, swimming fast, and fluttering toward Alquite like a snake.

Alquette’s tricks were re-applied, and the fingertips flicked, and the essence of the spirit touched the silk thread. Who knows that the silk thread is not affected, slightly twisted, and then entangled in Alquette’s body, Al Quetta screamed and grabbed the thread with his backhand. He immediately stopped, and he could see the thread, but he couldn’t feel what he had caught. In a blooming light, that The thread was wrapped around Alquette and began to tighten inward.

Han Jin’s body shape, a path of white-colored fire group appeared in his palm, such as a bullet, usually hit Al Quart.

In this life and death hazard, Alquite suddenly calmed down, and a spiritual force that could not be detected by a naked eye was centered on his body and released outward.

Bang…Bang Bang… A series of explosions sounded, and there was a layer of physical barrier that was completely composed of mental power around Alquette. Three Smells True Fire, though sharp, could not damage Al Quart through the mental barrier. .

Han Jin Sees Three Smells True Fire doesn’t work. The speed of the figure is a little faster. In the blink of an eye, he rushes to Arquette and punches Alquite’s cheek.

It’s just that his fist is like a Three Smells True Fire, and it’s bounced off with a very flexible thing, but Han Jin didn’t give up, he’s trying to swing his fists, like a storm, and the rotating azure glow is also Under the control of Han Jin, I quickly approached here.

Alquette’s figure suddenly shot like a cannonball in the air. In the screams that were sharp and piercing, and the whole plain was screaming, the wire tied to Arquette was forcibly opened, but it was still unstable. The lines of the road are tightened and sometimes swelled. Obviously, the mana on the ropes is finally countered by the mental power of Arquette.

Alquette’s figure has been shrouded in a dazzling array of Huaguang. At this moment, he does not have any taste of the abyss, but is like a god on earth!

impossible! Han Jin’s heart was inexplicable, but now is not the time to think about analysis, he immediately formed hand seals, appeared in the side of Arquette, throwing his fists to Al Quart’s heart.

Another fierce scream, Alquette’s figure turned into a silver bat, shot out with lightning, and the bundled fairy rope that was tightened in an instant caught an empty, and immediately turned into an unremarkable thread.

Han Jin screamed, formed hand seals, and then followed a white light to catch up, hitting Alquette. The real fighters will never give up their beliefs until the last breath, not to mention that Han Jin knows that when Blood Race releases the deformation, it is their most vulnerable time!

The approaching azure glow swayed into the wind and turned into a giant sword of more than 20 meters long, wrapped in the power of the scorpion but silently squatting.

Sure enough, Alquent, who was shrouded in a net light spell, made a painful scream, not only pain, but he couldn’t see anything at this moment, and he couldn’t hear anything, and the giant sword had fallen. Silver bat on the head.

Blood light 迸射, the silver bat fell to the ground generally to the ground, heavy squatting on the ground, but Alquette has restored the prototype, but the injury remains, a stream of blood sheds from his forehead, shun The cheeks and the nose dripping down are very miserable, at least much worse than Han Jin.

“It’s been a long time… No one has made me so embarrassed for a long time…” Alquette whispered, and he quietly watched the dripping blood drops, not at all anger, only a hint of pity.

Han Jin took back the bundle of fairy ropes, and the law moved and reappeared on the ground.

“Ready…” Alquette turned his eyes to Han Jin.

Han Jin gently touched the azure glow in front of his fingertips, and looked at it with no words.

Alquette opened his mouth and gave a deafening roar. Han Jin also formed hand seals, but when the roaring sound reached his ears, he suddenly felt blank in his mind. He forgot his eyes and forgot. I have forgotten my own way, and even forgot my past, the origin, now Han Jin, like a person who is completely amnesia, wants nothing to raise.

Alquite swung right fist, a bunch of naked eyes couldn’t detect the strength of the screaming and screaming at Han Jin. As the strength of the fellow approached, there was a shallow ditch on the ground, as if there was an invisible fish. The same as swimming.

Han Jin showed a painful color on his face and finally broke free from the blank. Fist strength had already rushed to the front. His finger was a little bit, and the azure glow suddenly turned into a giant sword, which was in front of him.

With a bang, in the hard collision, the giant sword was once again shaken and changed into a faintly discernible azure glow. Two times, Han Jin was in a downwind, which proves that in pure power, he and Alquette There is still a big gap between them.

Azure glow fell backwards, Han Jin raised his hand to catch his flying sword, attached to the strength of the flying sword, let him even retreat two steps, only to stabilize the figure.

Arquette made a sneer, and he was dismissive of Han Jin. Actually, he was really a little scared. Han Jin’s magic was too strange. The magical props were so mysterious and terrifying. He didn’t want it anyway. Close to Han Jin again.

Alquette made another roar. Before the sound wave approached, Han Jin looked at Alquite deeply and his body sank to the ground.

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