In the soaring smoke, Han Jin Shiran came out, and a soft azure glow covered him. No matter whether it was a crushed gravel or a hot lava, it could not affect him.

“The murderer!!” Joyce screamed, and a big Fireball spurt out and rushed to Han Jin’s body.

Han Jin right hand Waving, azure glow only flashed, then the big Fireball was smashed, then he looked at Joyce, shook the head slightly, and set the sword light to the sky, when the abyss mages When rushing out of the tower, only one stream disappeared into the depths of the mantle.

Play to play big scenes and have fun!

The abyss mage who saw this scene, including Zaganide, who hurried back to the dungeon, thought that Han Jin had gone and was satisfied, but at this moment Han Jin appeared on the deep plain again, reclining a piece. Giant rock, lazily looking down.

About 30 abyss mage are busy on the site of the Six Glows Star Array. Although the Six Glows Star Array has been destroyed, there are still some mysterious runes on the ground. Their job is to identify all the identities. Rune is transcribed on paper according to the original arrangement. Don’t underestimate the work. Magic is originally the exclusive specialty of God and Demon. The vast treasures of knowledge possessed by various races are mostly learned by similar methods.

There are also many Minotaurs that pack the bodies of their companions on the plains. Except for hundreds of sacrificed vampires, the most serious casualties are the Abyss Masters. In the plantation of Zaganide, the abyss masters Brother has no power to fight back, but after several abyss demons resumed their ability to move instantly, they immediately caused great damage to the Abyss Masters. There were dozens of Abyss Masters who lost their lives. This is because the demons have escaped. If Wip wants to stay and continue to fight, it may be able to form a system to annihilate the entire abyss mage group.

An abyss mage who was in charge of the inspection just went down the hill and faintly saw a black shadow on the mountain. He blinked and looked at it carefully, but he could not see anything. He immediately felt the wind behind his body and could not help himself. One fell to the ground.

Han Jin put on the cloak and walked slowly to the abyss mage at the original site of Six Glows Star Array. Although they all have good night vision ability, there is no light source on this land, and the ray of two or three magic lights Of light is difficult and far away, no one is aware of the anomaly, let Han Jin approach slowly.

“Hey, you stupid! Step on rune!!” A deep abbot suddenly snarled at Han Jin.

Han Jin stopped and lost the rune mark of the magic source, unable to withstand the trampling of people. The rune at the foot of Han Jin has turned into a fine sand.

The abyss mage ran from the side cautiously and grabbed Han Jin’s shoulder: “Get out of the way! You… you are…”

Han Jin’s fist has been swayed and seems to be casually. In fact, the speed is almost at the extreme, and the power is too big. The abyss mage seems to be hit by the train on the face, and the figure is over a dozen meters away. Eight laps, when he stabilized, it had softened into a mud.

“Be careful…” A nearby abyss mage noticed that he was wrong, and while warning his companions, he released a spell.

The ground shook a little, and a bamboo-like thing suddenly rose from the ground, but Han Jin had already formed hand seals while the magical fluctuations occurred. The figure disappeared in place, the next moment appeared next to the abyss mage, azure The glow was swept through the chest of the abyss mage.

“kill him!”

“There are enemies… there are enemies…”

The abyss mages screamed, and their mental powers were all locked in Han Jin. One after another, the magical aura rushed straight into the deep plain.

Han Jin once again released the constricted mantra, appeared behind an abyss mage, azure glow passed, instantly smashed the magic shield, then cut the body of the abyss mage into two, and the blood light burst out like a fountain.

Han Jin’s contraction spell can be compared with the abundance of the abyss demons, but there will be a small pause when he releases the curse, because he needs time for handed hand seals, but he moves faster than the abyss Some, to make up for their own shortcomings, although the abyss demon can move for a long time, and he is limited by energy, but it is enough to deal with these abyss mage without real powerhouse support.

Every time Han Jin launched a rabbit attack, there was an abyss mage falling into a pool of blood, but Zaganide brought the most elite abyss mage in order to deal with the wight brother, even if it was in a one-sided crisis. It was also shocking and not chaotic, while desperately locking Han Jin to release the magic, and scattered to all around.

Han Jin’s mouth showed a sneer, and those abyss masters treated him as a demon. The moment of the devil’s movement was strange and unpredictable, but the distance of movement was only severe ten meters, and he released the curse, if the distance can only Keeping the district single ten meters, you can’t talk about the word ‘shrinking’.

The sword fell, the blood light shot, once again the sword fell, once again the blood light shot, when the abyss mage wished to open each other’s distance, there were already dozens of partners killed by Han Jin, to At this moment, they were desperate to discover that Han Jin could still easily appear beside them, killing each and everyone companions like a fly.

In the distance, Alquite silently looked at the dozens of vampires in front of him, following the ancestors, they always feared, but at this moment, they only had fear on their faces.

“My fallen Angel… my fallen Angel…” Alquite kept muttering, the sharp-eyed pupils seem to have no focus, and expression is sad and embarrassing.

He is not saddened by the hundreds of sacrificed vampires. In fact, for any of the Blood Race ancestors, the descendants are just tools. In order to strengthen their strength, there is nothing to sacrifice! When Zaganide found him, he almost forgot to form and immediately agreed to cooperate with Zaganide. Although it was clear that Zaganide had a move, he had confidence in his magic. The power of the vampire came from the blood, and the fallen Angel from the blood only He will listen to his command, and he will never be controlled by Zaganide. When he thinks of returning to his home with a few fallen Angels, Alquite is extremely excited. Unfortunately, all this has been destroyed by one person!

“Ancestral ancestor, that guy… that guy has appeared again!” A vampire flew up in the wings and screamed as he landed on the ground.

“Which guy?” Alquite groaned. He had forgotten his demeanor and just wanted to find something to vent his anger.

“That is Raphael!” The vampire scared his legs weak and slammed into the ground.

Alquite groaned and his body suddenly rose to the ground, turning into a huge silver bat, shooting in the direction of the vampire.

At this moment, the battle on the side of Han Jin is nearing the end. Although it is understood that there is also a kind of ignorant, ignorant or kind life in Joy Abyss, he has never left a half-over, and Joyce only It is a special case that makes him somewhat soft. The so-called special case, the bread contains the taste of not being the case, at least not in the second one.

The abyss mage who stayed here has all fallen into a pool of blood, and the minotaurs, evil eyes, and Medusa have also been killed, although they still maintain the courage to fight, and they scream and rush to the other side. They will scream and rush to this side, but for Han Jin, they are just a bunch of jokes that’s all.

It’s time to go… Han Jin wanders around, then slowly swaying the law, at this moment, a silver lightning spurt from afar, in this deep world is particularly conspicuous.

Alquite? Han Jin’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter. Listening to Guevera, Alquet’s strength reached the super-peak peak a long time ago! He has always been a man with his tail, but now, perhaps because of the smoothness of the trip, he suddenly had the urge to let Alquent let go, he hopes to find his position, at least to find out and really The gap between powerhouses.

Killing one ant and one ant, can’t talk about bravery, facing the blood race Al Quart, the real test. In the past, he was not qualified to take risks. After taking the blood of Murphy, his strength has been greatly increased. He can finally become the release method of the system, instead of the waste that used the three-axle to exhaust the energy.

Alquette has been flying fast, the wings are moving, and it has turned into a kind-faced elder who falls far from Han Jin 5 and 60 meters. Han Jin did not move, quietly observing Alquette, and the Minotaurs who started the assault also retreat to the distance and let out the battlefield.

“Raphael Lord? What are you waiting for?” Alquette gave a sharp smile: “Wait for me? Haha… It seems that you don’t know Abyss World at all.”

“Alquite, Blood Race, I know you.” Han Jin indifferently said: “But I can be considered a lord. I can’t run away if I can’t meet the wind and wind. I want to let me go… Yes, but you have to Let me look at my fangs and claws.”

“Your confidence really surprised me.” Alquette’s face was slightly distorted, and he remembered the few fallen angels at his fingertips: “Even if it is Zaganide, don’t dare…”

“Zaganide is Zaganide, I am me, please don’t put us on the relationship on equal terms.” Han Jin interrupted Alcatel’s words: “Thank you.”

“It’s rare… it’s rare.” Alquette’s robes are windless, and the pupils that shrink like a needle tip suddenly magnify. The last pair of eyes are igniting a strange red light: “It’s been a long time, and today I finally met a dare. Little Brat who challenged me, hehe…”

“Want to beat me, or want to make me feel scared, you need to release your strength, not to convince me with your mouth.” Han Jin looked like a knife and collided with Alquett’s gaze without fear: “I really can’t understand.” The famous Big Race, Al Quart, is such an old bastard who likes to talk nonsense.”

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