In the past few days, Han Jin, Jeddis and the others have often discussed the customs of the two regions. Under the tireless introduction of Jedisi, Han Jin learned a lot about the country of Xiongguang, the most popular. The topic is the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the two regions.

The folk customs of the country of Xiongguang are relatively simple. In fact, no matter which space or type of society, the surplus value is mostly created by civilians and slaves, and those who are at the top of the pyramid are often those who never create value. It is a strange phenomenon in human society that there is no food, no food, no textiles, and no clothes.

Although Nikolay has adopted a civil system, each of the Magic Academy and the Wu Academy open their doors to civilians, but this only eases social conflicts and does not fundamentally improve the status of civilians. What Nikola did was to give the civilians a way out, an opportunity to be protected from bullying and to get the protection of the state machine? Yes, let’s make a contribution, despite contributing to the country. If you want to resist, this is what you are wrong with, you can’t be a citizen, you are not able to resist yourself, and who is it? It should be bullied.

It is impossible to destroy the class. It is smart and stupid in life. It is burly and powerful, and has physical weakness. It has good luck and often bad luck. Even if it can eliminate the original class, let everyone Standing on the same starting line, the new class will be quietly re-divided.

Jedice hopes that everyone in World can bathe in the grace of God. However, he does not want to deny the interest class. On the contrary, let a cardinal eat and wear the same as a most ordinary civilian. This is in itself An unfair one. The farmer has worked hard for a year, and can make a few people have enough to eat. And a cardinal can relieve the pain of hundreds or even thousands of people in a year, and even save lives. It’s easy to see at a glance.

Whatever work is done, this is extremely hypocritical! In fact, that is absolutely different.

Of course, Nikolay’s citizenship is indeed a progressive system, at least better than the melee northeast region.

But the scorpion can’t just go on like this. The little thunderbird needs to take care of them. They can’t go back to the city of Lonely at the moment, but they have to go back and tell, lest the people who stay there think that what happened here is a coincidence. Han Jin and the others talked about who will go back tomorrow, suddenly heard a burst of faintly discernable bagpipes.

Julia’s side ear listened for a moment, half-handed her hands into a fist, and stuck it to her mouth. As her fingers pulsed in rhythm, the slightly dull bagpipes rang.

Han Jin screamed: “Who is coming?”

“It’s an elf.” Julia briefly returned, and began to echo the other side with the bagpipes.

The other party obviously heard Julia’s response, and the flute became rushed. Julia listened and blew, suddenly said with a smile: “They are coming.”



“Really?” Han Jin stood up again and again.

“When did I make a joke with you?” Julia whitened Han Jin.

“Sunier? Who is she?” Jedisi asked.

“You see him as happy, can’t you guess?” Yalina said.

“Oh…” Jeddy made a big sigh.

A burst of sound in the forest, Moxinke’s burly silhouette rushed out of the forest, saw Han Jin, Yalina and the others, and shouted: “I finally found you! I said… Who are you fighting with? There are A big, big pit, is a curse? Are you all right?!”

Moxinke had too many questions, so I didn’t know where to start. Then Sunier and Cessacioun came out. The last one was Duye Sam, the head of the dragon roar mercenary group. He also had more than a dozen commissions. Soldier, it seems that Sunier and the others are afraid that this trip is dangerous, so please ask Duye Sam as a bodyguard.

They are acquaintances, there is no need for a guest, here Gibran, Winston and the others smile and stand up and say hello, Moxinke eyes turn, seeing the group of small thunderbird, also called: “I go… What do you mean? Going here to raise chickens?”

“A fool, is that a chicken? I have a good look in the past.” Lei Zhe 讥said with a smile.

“No?” Moxinke walked to the pit a few steps, bent over and grabbed the wings of a small thunderbird, and smashed the little thunderbird: “Is this a chicken scorpion! Where did you get so many eggs? Who hates? Is it you…Lei Zhe!”

The little thunderbird struggled hard, raised his mouth, and took a sip on Moxinke’s fingertips. He thought that Saxon’s boots were worn by the little thunderbird. Moxinke is thick and thick, but it is better than nothing. On the boots, I was immediately stunned by blood.

“Wow… Yeah! This little beast!” Moxinke was furious, threw the little thunderbird to the ground, and lifted his foot to step down.

“en?” Han Jin warns Moxinke with a nasal sound.

“Moxinke, you dare!” Yalina, who was chatting with Sunier, saw this scene, and her hair was erected.

Moxinke was there, and looked back at Han Jin and slim eyebrows’s Yalina. Finally, she got her foot back and laughed a few times.

Sunier took the opportunity to get rid of the “entanglement” of Julia and Yalina, walked to Han Jin and rushed to Han Jin sweetly smiled, and the two men’s hands were quietly held together.

“Do you know it’s amazing?” Lei Zhe’s face is down the stone: “This is thunderbird! You…and now it’s prestige, and after a year, the little thunderbird grows up, you just wait for lightning to smash it! ”

“I’m afraid of them?!” Moxinke showed a scornful smile, pointing to the little thunderbirds in the pit, but seeing the little thunderbirds squeezing into a piece, the number is too much, imagining how the little thunderbirds grow up, can’t help feeling Heart and hair are numb, and thunderbird is a nine-order World of Warcraft. If the cowhide is too big, it will make people blush. Moxinke immediately points to the murderous little murderer who is on the floor: “I will be afraid of it?!”

However, changing from ‘they’ to ‘it’ is already a compromise.

Yalina gas hu hu ran over and held the little murderer in the palm of his hand. It was strange that Han Jin could touch them. Yalina could also be attacked when others approached. Everyone guessed that it should be Yalina’s practice of electric magic.

“It’s so cute!” Sunier yelled. Like Yalina and Julia, she liked these little animals. When thunderbird grows up, it’s hard to say: “Yalina, take it and let me see.”

“No, these Little Brats are fierce and will hurt you.” Yalina shook her head.

“Nothing.” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

See Han Jin saying this, Yalina will be assured that the little thunderbird has been handed over. Sure enough, the little thunderbird looks very well-behaved. Look at Sunier’s palm and look at it. Cautiously take a few steps and be unprepared.

“True,” Sunier said with a smile.

“Aiya, if you come early for ten days, then it will be interesting.” Yalina was a little worried: “It is getting bigger and bigger, and the temper is getting worse! Oh… yes, Raphael, you are not saying Do you want to train a king of thunderbird? Can you see this Little Brat?”

“Which thunderbird can do it.”

“Moxinke, you have a bad luck.” Lei Zhe slammed into Moxinke’s arm.

“What?” Moxinke didn’t understand.

“Thunderbird is very vengeful, you just right about it…tsk tsk!” Lei Zhe screamed at the river to scare Moxinke: “Raphael wants to transform it into a king of thunderbird with magic, you still don’t know Raphael? I’m sure this little Thunderbird will definitely become the tenth thunderbird king in the future! Tenth order…”

Moxinke’s face was a little white, and I didn’t know what was in my mouth.

“How come you?” Gibran turned to the point.

“This is the case.” Cessacioun intervened, Moxinke is not suitable for saying things, often running questions, even talk nonsense, and Sunier is sticking to Han Jin, the same is not suitable.

“Lang Ning came to the letter. He first wiped out the joint army of Beitman. Then he set up a trap and completely smashed Woodrow’s army. But let Woodrow escape. Woodrow is a ten-order big Magician. If he dares not to fight, One heart wants to escape, Lang Ning also has no way to take him. Now Lang Ning is ready to launch a counterattack, he wants to ask you…” Cessacioun suddenly paused, took a look at Lei Zhe: “Ask your opinion.”

“Stop the battle, let Lang Ning take his own ideas.” Han Jin said.

“Lei Zhe, what is your opinion?” Cessacioun said.

“Raphael doesn’t care, what do I do with him?” Lei Zhe shrugged: “But… you go back and tell him, you have to win!”

Cessacioun relaxed: “There is still a thing, in order to eliminate Beitman’s coalition, he consumes a lot of Magic Crystal, and the reserves can’t keep up. After the army entered Beitman, they had to use the advantages of Magic Crystal guns to destroy the city’s city defense, so ……”

“What? In order to let him fight well, Raphael has owed a lot of money to the city, he is not enough?!” Yalina cried.

“It’s not enough.” Cessacioun said with a bitter smile.

“Yalina, don’t we have a lot of thunderbird Magic Crystal? Give them, they should be able to deal with it for a while.”

“That’s not enough.” Yalina was a little distressed. The 9th-order Thunder Magic Crystal was very helpful to her, but when things got to this point, those Magic Crystals couldn’t be kept, and she could still distinguish them: “They There are more than 200 Magic Crystal guns. It is too wasteful to use the 9th-order Thunder Magic Crystal. If you change them to six, 7th grade fire attribute Magic Crystal… It won’t take long.”

“Plus this, isn’t enough?” Han Jin laughed, right hand, a giant Magic Crystal that is a few laps larger than the washbasin appears in front of everyone, the Magic Crystal is as transparent as glass, in the sun Exuding a moving luster, everyone can sense a very clear, pure elemental fluctuation.

“Dragon…Dragon Crystal?!” Yalina was stunned, not only her, but the people present were almost stunned, and even Jeddy stood up and looked at the dragon crystal.

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