In the straw shed, Han Jin told his story about it. Of course, Murphy didn’t say that. He finally said his own doubt. When he attacked the little child, he met a tenth order. At the peak powerhouse, when I later rescued Louise, I met a ten-order peak powerhouse. In terms of probability, this is somewhat coincidental, giving people a feeling of powerhouse everywhere. Moreover, he also heard that Louise talked about the military composition of the Nikolai army. There are four Dragon Knights under the Nikolay seat. This is of course a super-powerhouse, and there are six reading force divisions, each of which is a division. They are commanded by the Magister and even the Great Magister. Nikolay is Juggernaut himself. He also has several Juggernauts who are loyal to him. The heads and deputy heads of the Bright Knights are all in all colors. St. Knight, carefully counted, Nikola has a terrible number of powerhouses, and at least ten more than twelve powerhouses work for him!

In his area, the 12th-order powerhouse is too rare, Solomon’s Grand Duke is one, and Solomon’s arch-rival Fossa Lord is one. 20 years ago, Guevera is one, and Cold Shadow City’s Chesham is One, no one else. As for Zaganide and Dismark, no one knows how strong the power is now, but in a decade or so, they definitely didn’t go to the twelfth order. Guevera went into the Dark Raven City alone and rushed in the city, like a deserted place, if Zaganide How can I let Guevera arrogant if I have the power of a battle? !

From the map, the area in the southwestern region is indeed quite large, but this is not the reason for the powerhouse in the southwest, and the level of magical manufacturing in the southwest is obviously higher. The konjac is an example. He saw 湮Konjac, how many are you not seeing? Han Jin is puzzling, and it is reasonable to say that the hard environment can train people. The war between the lords of various places has been going on for years. Today I am hitting you, tomorrow you hit me, messing up, even the mercenaries of the Lonely City. They are also often fighting with World of Warcraft, and their strength is not strong enough to lose their qualifications for survival, so every professional is working hard to cultivate.

The situation in the southwestern region is relatively quiet. Pan Wen said that there were few wars launched a dozen years ago. For example, after Nikolay inherited the position of the iron-clad city lord, the strength of the nearby Dorri City far exceeded that of the Iron Wrist. However, Lin En, the lord of Dorui City, did not want to annex the territory of the Iron Wrist City, but only asked to marry Nikola. If it was replaced by Zaganide and Chesham, it would have been beaten!

The city of baptism has been a lot worse in every respect, and it doesn’t make sense.

Jeddy pondered for a long time, and asked about the situation of Dark Raven City, Beitman, Holy Crown City, Wild Willow City and other cities, and slowly said: “Maybe…related to the degree of civilization.”

“Civilization, what do you mean?” Han Jin said awkwardly.

“You still don’t know the life of ordinary civilians.” Jedice whispered: “A person, if he doesn’t even fill his stomach, does he still have the energy to do something else? From your words, I can hear it. The people here are living very hard. For the civilians, they are not killed by the army and thieves, they can eat enough, they can breed their children, and they have no other pursuits, right?”

Yalina and the others looked at each other and did not speak.

“How can this be done?” Jedish sighed: “This is purgatory! Compared with you, our climate is right, the products and resources are abundant, at least the most civilians can eat, so they have Time also has the energy to think about how to change your own destiny.”

“I mean, I understand.” Han Jin said: “Hungry and sorrowful, full of silver, and some things, only when you meet the basic living conditions, you can think and do.”

“Your words… some are not good, but very brilliant.” Jeddes laughed: “And you thought about it, your population is getting less and less! The civilians can settle down, civilization will progress, you know the iron wrist city. How many people are there in the city?”

“How much?” Saxon curiously asked.

“Three million.”

Winston, Gibran and the others are so moved that a city can accommodate more than three million people, which is almost ten times that of Holy Crown City!

“Do you know how many magic Academy and Wu Academy in the Iron Wing City?” Jedisi asked again.

“More… How much?” This time Saxon’s expression was a bit unnatural.

“There are 40 multiple magic Academys, and there are more than fifty Wu Academys. Of course, there are first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate.” Jedice paused: “But how many of you?”

No one answered, the City of Elements controlled by Solomon and the Holy Crown City controlled by Dismark each had a magic Academy, the Cold Shadow City of Chesham had three magic Academys, and the Fascio dominated by Faso Lord had two Wu Academy. Other places are poor and white.

“Our God’s Word Magic Academy is not the same as your Magic Academy,” Yalina blushes and argues: “The students in our Academy are all elite!”

“Is it a noble elite of bloodline?” Jeddes said with a slight smile: “I take the liberty to ask, your God’s Word Magic Academy, have a few magicians?”

“You are questioning my strength?!” Yalina said proudly.

“No, you misunderstood.” Jedice hurriedly said: “From now on for thirty years, our Magic Academy has produced hundreds of Magisters and Magisters, but their final loyalty is different. , your god’s language ‘elite’ magic Academy, how many cultures?”

Yalina couldn’t answer, and Jedice continued: “The country of Xiongguang has tens of millions of people. At the end of each year, a large number of Magic Academy’s Teachers will move around and look for qualified students, but… the tuition of the Magic Academy. Very expensive, some children don’t have the money to pay tuition, but if his qualifications are good enough, the Magic Academy will give him a chance to learn freely. And your magical Academy and Wu Academy are only open to the nobles?”

The expressions of Gibran and the others are a bit stunned. Han Jin is also lightly sighed. He knows his friends very well. Sunier doesn’t need to say that she is a descendant of God. Lei Zhe is the only son of Conrad Knight. They are qualified to be qualified. The professional, Moxinke is completely lucky. When he was very young, his parents died and he was adopted by Hilna’s father. This is why he hates and loves Hilna. He hates that Hilna’s temper is better than him. More popular, love is on the one hand thanks to gratitude, on the one hand he and Hilla do have two feelings of no guess.

Cessacioun’s path to success is even more difficult. He longs for the life of a bard, and therefore encounters a wandering Magician who still does not know his name is going to die. He learned some magical knowledge. After that, he relied on self-study and one. This ruined magic book became a warlock, so after meeting Yalina, I was entangled in Yalina all day, and I learned a lot of magic knowledge, so he progressed faster than Moxinke, more than Lei Zhe, he has Sufficient qualifications, but there is no orthodox learning magic, it seems to be difficult!

Gibran, Winston and the others also have different opportunities. Otherwise, they may have died long ago, and perhaps they are still a farmer who faces the loess and can’t control his own destiny.

“Do you really think that in the tens of millions of civilians, you can’t pick up a few talents and elites?” Jeddes said with a slight smile.

“Your words make sense.” Han Jin said that he was disgusted with what bloodline theory would of course support Jedice.

Yalina didn’t talk anymore. Although she was qualified enough to uphold her arrogance, she was not arrogant enough to think that tens of millions of people could not match her, not to mention a living example in front of her, Han Jin! Han Jin was still a beggar who had been living for two years. Now? How strong is Han Jin’s strength?

“Don’t think that only the language of the gods Magic Academy is the first-class magic Academy, Raphael just said that the 湮 湮 弩 就是 就是 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十The structure of the 湮 湮 ………hehe, seems to be completely designed for the giant dragon.” Jedith’s smile is a bit weird: “But I am not optimistic about the future of konjac, Nikola’s most powerful ally, dragon The giant dragons of the field are very angry and disgusted with the appearance of the konjac, although Nikolay has repeatedly stressed that the konjac is to deal with the giant dragon controlled by Lola, but in the end he is under pressure, he still ruined the konjac The design of the map, but also his most trusted assistant, is also the main designer of the 湮 湮 , , 大 大 大 大 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 增 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到 送到

“Lola also has a giant dragon?” Han Jin asked.

“Dragon domain supports Nikolay, and Dragon City has always been hostile to each other. They certainly support Lola. This is not a secret, you don’t know?” Jedisi asked.

“I don’t know, no one told me.”

“At that time, Nikolay had produced more than 200 konjac konjac, hehe… The manufacturing power of the country of glory is very amazing. The dragon domain does not satisfy Nikolay’s concession, and asks Nikolay to All the konjac were destroyed, and Nikola was threatened with the abandonment of four Dragon Knights, but… I didn’t know what conditions Nikolay promised, and the Dragon Field suddenly reconciled with Nikolay.”

“When Nikola is also threatened?” Han Jin said with a smile, he suddenly realized a problem, and remembered what Guevera had said before: “Can the dragon domain affect those Dragon Knights??”

“of course.”

“I don’t understand. They are Dragon Knight… or Knight Dragon?” Han Jin said.

“Whoever has the strength is the dominant one. There are countless giant dragons in the Dragon Field and Dragon City. Do you think there are several Dragon Knights in the entire continent?” Jeddy Laughed: “Warcome? People only see the scenery of Dragon Knight.” But can’t see…hehe.”

“Look at what you look like, like… for those giant dragon not at all.”

“Is it strange? The giant dragons have their own powerful power, and they deny any race on the continent. They even repeatedly provoke the authority of the great light god. Why should I like them?” Jeddis was indifferently said.

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