Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 746 Reaching a Consensus

"Let's get down to business. I have already planned to send the army to Broome to fight the Death Guard and the Black Legion."

"They gathered on a planet not far from the edge of the Eye of Terror."

Lion stopped commenting on Guilliman's sense of humor and seamlessly switched the topic to his strategic decisions.

Then Ryan explained his plan to Qin Mo in detail.

That is to keep the tasks of Jaghatai and Sanguinius, who have left the main fleet, unchanged. They are still advancing, deploying black stone creations, preparing, continuing to advance, and then continuing to deploy black stone creations. This simple strategic model.

Ryan would always explain to others in detail the reason why he came up with this strategy, that is, the Black Stone Creation is too important, and the Eye of Terror is too dangerous. If a plan is not made around the Black Stone Creation, then this battle cannot be fought. .

Jaghatai and Sanguinius still followed the original plan, making the black stone creations the core of the long battle line, making steady progress step by step. The strategic purpose was not to annihilate anything, but to build more black stone creations.

However, the main fleet needs to change its original plan, rush into the vicinity of Broome as quickly as possible, and then strive to place black stone creations on Broome until it captures the entire Broome and annihilates all enemies on it.

After describing his strategy, Ryan looked at Qin Mo quietly, waiting for him to speak.

The most important thing in this war was not the Tyronian navy that filled the fleets of the four Primarchs, nor the Space Marines, but the various Tyronian war departments responsible for logistics.

Now even the most ordinary Space Marine sub-regiment relies heavily on the supplies of the Talon transport fleet.

"Of course, then we will annihilate the enemy as much as possible. We will have to fight them in the future anyway. We can fight as many as we can now."

Qin Mo agreed without hesitation, so quickly that Ryan was extremely surprised.

The Warmaster hesitated for two seconds and asked in confusion: "Don't you ask me some questions? For example, maybe by the time we reach Broome, the Death Guard and the Black Legion will have already retreated."

"There's no need to worry about those subspace characteristics." Qin Mo shook his head slowly, "After all, it's not just the traitors who have backers in the subspace."

Guilliman nodded: "I think so too."

"But if..." Ryan decided to explain the stakes clearly, "If we can't kill those enemies on Broome quickly, we will be dragged into the quagmire, and then..."

"No matter what happens, it's normal, whether it goes well or not. You are not a god. As a war commander, why don't you just come up with the order you think is correct and discuss it with us?" Qin Mo said calmly.

Ryan breathed heavily and looked directly at Qin Mo.

Ryan also looked at Qin Mo like this during Terra's military parade decades ago, but at that time he had doubts.

But now it's the complete opposite feeling.

"If there are any accidents or troubles, it is not your fault alone, and there is no way to prove that you are not suitable to be a war commander. After all, even the emperor cannot be said to have a perfect plan." Qin Mo added.

While the Warmaster and the Lord of Tyrone were talking, Guilliman was lying on the table smoking a cigar, his eyes moving back and forth between the two.

After thinking about it for a while, Guilliman felt that Qin Mo was trying to increase Ryan's favorability.

But Ryan seemed not to accept this trick at all: "If...ahem, if you think that a few words can...make you and me friends, then you are wrong."

"Why do you think I want to be friends with you?" Qin Mo said with a slight smile on his face, "I just want to close the Eye of Fear, and so do you. And you are the supreme military commander of the empire, and I am nearly six hundred people in Tailong." Leaders of the world, we have formed a military alliance, my people will fight side by side with the soldiers of the empire, at least we will be in harmony."

Ryan nodded thoughtfully.

"If there is a problem with your strategy, I will raise it and stop you. If I think there is no problem, then we have reached an agreement." Qin Mo added.

Ryan nodded, stood up and left the archives.

When walking in the corridor of the Glory Humanity, the Lion King had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

When he was walking on the road and met the New Thunder Warriors and Eisenhorn who were walking in the opposite direction, he unexpectedly nodded to them both.

Originally, the two of them would be looked down upon by the Lion King, because one of them is a member of the improved Thunder Warrior Legion who completely disobeys the empire's orders, and the other is a radical inquisitor who is considered too radical.

Eisenhorn and the Thunder Warrior beside him passed by the Lion King. Both of them looked puzzled. They thought that the Lion King, who never gave them a good look, had taken the wrong medicine today. Why did he have such a bad attitude in terms of attitude? Become another Guilliman.

After a while.

Eisenhorn, who was still striding along the corridor, heard an emergency message suddenly broadcast over the ship's radio.

"After half a Terran day of preparation, the fleet will sail into the Eye of Terror."

Then there are the nearby regional broadcasts.

"Please ask the engineering troops to go to the engine room immediately."

Different voices rang out from every corner of the battleship and from the communication channels of personnel in different departments, and then they immediately gathered together urgently and headed to where they should go.

This is true for everyone.

The atmosphere turned serious almost instantly.

"We are about to enter the Eye of Terror." Eisenhorn stopped and looked at the Thunder Warrior beside him, "The Warmaster finally gave the order!"

Following Eisenhorn was not a Thunder Warrior, but a clone Primarch, Corax, wearing Thunder Warrior armor.

The clone Corax hoped to take a walk on the battleship. It happened that Eisenhorn had some matters related to the Inquisition that might require Corax, so he took the clone Crow King for a spin on the battleship.

"Before you..." Corax was interrupted by the footsteps of a large group of people before he could say anything.

It was a group of people wearing heavy power armor. Their power armor paint was composed of black and yellow stripes. The people wearing power armor were obviously not Astartes, but a group of people wearing power armor with their upper bodies exposed. Mortals with small brains.

Because too many defensive devices were installed, the power armor was even thicker than the Terminator used by Space Marines.

These mortals left talking and laughing.

"Who are they?" Corax stopped and stared at the mortals wearing power armor and asked.

"Workers working in the engine room." Eisenhorn also stopped and looked back at the mortals. "The power armor on their bodies allows them to remain unscathed by the energy dispersion generated when the dimension engine is emergency started."

"I found that there are many iron men on the battleship. Why don't they use iron men as workers?" Corax asked again.

"If something goes wrong at work, can an Iron Man go to jail like a human being?" Eisenhorn asked.

Corax froze.

"You're kidding." Eisenhorn's paralyzed face showed no hint of joking. "The entire fleet will start sailing in half a day. There is too little time for the flagship engine to perform the startup process, and there are too many things to do. There are many, so those workers have to work with the iron men."

"The dimensional engine of the Glory Humanity allows the entire fleet to jump in and out of dimensions uniformly. Starting it is much more troublesome than starting the dimensional engine of a small broken ship."

"Don't worry, these workers are doing fine."

After hearing Eisenhorn say that these workers were doing well, Corax was silent for two seconds and nodded.

"I can tell something from their expressions... These workers probably haven't been beaten all day or regularly by the supervisors on this battleship, so they should really be doing okay."

I wrote too late yesterday, and was asked to work overtime at one o'clock in the morning. I slept until about four o'clock today.

let me slow down

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