Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 745 Fire Sword

"Don't you have anything more to say to them?"

Qin Mo sat on the sofa. He originally planned to watch a family ethics drama.

"I originally had a lot to say, but seeing Angron's appearance, I felt that I had to be more cautious."

The emperor said, sitting next to Qin Mo, and took out a glass of wine and two glasses from under the square table in front of the sofa.

After drinking a glass of wine, the Emperor had only one feeling.

Bitter wine enters the throat and causes pain in the heart.

Angron choked back everything the Emperor wanted to say.

But it was not the words of the son who still hated him after having his nails removed that made him choke, but it reminded the emperor that there was something wrong with the character of his heirs, and a little carelessness could lead to unfavorable consequences.

Now the Emperor decided to be cautious and at least not say something in front of all the clones.

"Thank you for not killing them." The emperor filled a glass and gently moved the glass in front of Qin Mo.

Qin Mo picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

The Emperor continued: "I thought you had no sympathy for these metahumans, and used them as tools just like Malcador."

"There is a big difference between you and me." Qin Mo shook his head, "But I didn't kill them or bring them back. I didn't just sympathize with them."

When he decided to let the clones go, Qin Mo thought about a lot of things.

The only person who could hold him back was the clone Guilliman, and he had no friendship with the other Primarchs.

Eisenhorn also saw it at the time, so he personally picked up the bolt gun and prepared to take action.

After stopping Eisenhorn, Qin Mo had already thought of the placement of all the Primarchs except Sanguinius for a moment.

In the factory composed of Iron Man entities in the warp, there is a tool used to provide raw materials for canning souls. It was originally the barracks of the ancient saints, but was later corrupted into an evil object that would continuously release demons.

Non-subspace life can enter but cannot escape.

The scholars isolated a new world within that tool for the ancient Terran people sent by the Emperor to live in that tool.

Qin Mo wanted to stuff the original clones into the tool, so as not to kill them.

In the real universe, the real Primarchs fought side by side with mankind against the Dark Gods.

In the universe inside that tool, the cloned Primarchs lead the humans there, which is also good.

But what made Qin Mo decide to bring back the original clone was that he thought that Sanguinius could be resurrected by using the clone.

Also, the demon primarch Mortarion was not even completely killed by the Emperor. Part of his soul was still collected by the Emperor, and he could also be redeemed.

Mortarion was once an uprising leader who led the humans on the planet to resist the aliens on a planet where aliens dominated. Even his adoptive father was an alien, but he did not succumb to his adoptive father like Lorgar, but resisted.

Nurgle, who obtained him through intrigue, was not entitled to possess him permanently.

In addition to this reason, the bigger reason is that Qin Mo feels that these original bodies, even clones, are really, really useful.

Whether they are commanders or warriors, assassins or scholars, they are definitely good players in good hands.

Guilliman was able to compete with the master intelligence on his management ability, and then said to the master intelligence: "Humans, they are amazing!"

In short, Qin Mo thought a lot at that time.

"Anyway, I came back from Broome and brought back your cloned descendants. You have plenty of time to get along with the original clones these days." Qin Mo stood up, "You don't have to worry too much, they are clones. , and you are not a complete emperor."

"What you say doesn't sound reassuring at all." The Emperor frowned, "You make it sound like if I become whole one day, I will have no feelings for them."

Hearing this, Qin Mo looked indifferent.

"There is absolutely no need for you to think this way, because you will never become complete, so why worry about something that will never happen?"

"What you said makes sense... By the way, won't you accompany me to deal with the matter regarding the cloning of the original body?"

"I have more important things to do than this. You can be so free as to wander around the Tyrone sector and burst into tears at all the people or things you see, but I am not that free,"

"Is your mouth so poisonous when you were born, or is it because of the influence of the Star God's power?"

Qin Mo did not respond to the emperor again and left the room directly. He was not trying to excuse the emperor, but he really had many things to do.

Such as the current war.

There were many things yet to be decided between him and the two real Primarchs aboard the battleship.

Qin Mo found the two original bodies in the archives.

When he pushed the door open, he saw Guilliman sitting behind the desk, and Lion sitting opposite him, with his legs on the table.

Guilliman looked haggard, because it was not only his brother Llane that made him difficult, but also the mountains of brand new documents on his desk.

Originally, he didn't have as many things to deal with now, but the army of state religion believers has arrived at the fleet, and he has a lot more things that he, the Son of God, needs to deal with.

"We are discussing whether we should go find you together."

"sit down."

Guilliman patted the pile of papers beside his desk that could be used as a chair.

Then he wiped his face with a haggard look, took out a cigar from a small box and held it in his mouth, then picked up the Emperor's Sword.

The Emperor's Sword immediately burst into flames as it fell into Guilliman's hands, as it had every time he used it.

Finally, the weapon that had once belonged to the Emperor was taken by Guilliman and used to light a cigar.

"Huh..." Guilliman let out a long breath, put down the Emperor's Sword and looked at the cigar in his hand, "I just discovered now that the Supreme Lord of Cadia has always enjoyed himself."

"You used the Emperor's Sword to light a cigarette?!" Qin Mo was shocked.

Even he found this scene a bit difficult to accept.

Guilliman blew out a puff of white smoke, looked content, smiled, and looked like he didn't care at all.

There was silence in the archives for two seconds before Guilliman's laughter broke the silence.

"Don't be nervous, this is my father's sword." Guilliman took out the real Emperor's Sword from under the table, "The one I used to light my cigarette was the last time Ultramar had an academic meeting with your sector. A souvenir obtained during the exchange, this souvenir is the product of scholars from our two sectors who tried to reproduce the Emperor's Sword but failed."

Qin Mo sat down helplessly.

Ryan, who had been silent just now, spoke up: "He had heard your footsteps a long time ago, and then asked me to be silent so that he could show off his sense of humor."

"What is showing off? Don't judge me, Lion, you don't understand." Guilliman rolled his eyes at Ryan.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, there may still be conflicts and bad blood between the two original bodies.

But Qin Mo understood that the fact that they could talk to each other was proof that their relationship had greatly improved.

Although it is already the second day, but...sixth update achievement progress: 4/8

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