Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 740 The Warmaster’s Hesitation

"One day ago, the Plague Fleet had assembled over the Plague Planet and began to move towards Broome."

"Inquisitor Alpha and his apprentice learned from the investigation that two more Imperial Navy cruisers were dragged into the plague planet in the Eye of Terror after being corroded by the plague. He believes that we should prepare for a close void battle. Prepare."

The bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

The light is dim.

Holographic devices projected across the bridge a small-scale view of the interior of the Eye of Terror, with the plague planet specifically marked out.

That is the Death Guard's lair.

A liaison officer of the Inquisition stationed in the Golden Expedition Fleet explained to Guilliman and Lion a series of information learned from the Inquisitor's latest investigation.

"All battleships that have been destroyed by the plague will appear inexplicably over the plague planet."

"And the enemy may also have more special ways to replenish battleships. For example, Lord Alpha saw a new Terminus. It became larger and more like... a living creature."

"And that's all."

The members of the Inquisition bowed respectfully to Guilliman and Lion.

Guilliman waved his hand, and the entire bridge suddenly lit up.

Not only the fleets, the Astra Militarum and the Space Marines participated in the Golden Crusade, but also the Inquisition and the Assassin's Chamber.

The Inquisitors, who exist within the Empire as a necessary evil, are now conducting intelligence investigations deep into the Eye of Terror.

On average, every half sentence of information consumes a judge and his apprentice, so even if every sentence of this information may not be of great use, it is absolutely precious.

"These are all the information that Lord Alpha gave his life for, but he also had a last word that had nothing to do with military intelligence." The trial court personnel added.

As if to let the regent know the sacrifice of the Inquisition.

Guilliman nodded and asked softly: "What were Elfa's last words."

The members of the Tribunal clasped their legs together very seriously and performed the Eagle Salute: "The Golden Crusade will be won."

"Salute to him." Guilliman held up his helmet and bowed his head in silence.

As more and more intelligence came from the Tribunal, Ryan sat silently on the tactical table to plan, and fell into deep thought after a while.

The Lion King's eyes were fixed on the partial image of the Eye of Terror displayed on the tactical table.

That's where Bloom is.

The location of the plague fleet in the Tribunal's intelligence was also input into the tactics table, and then the tactics table automatically calculated the time when they were about to arrive at their target and their real-time location based on the data of the plague fleet.

This kind of prediction is quite useful in a normal war, but it is of little use when fighting enemies in the Eye of Terror, because the plague fleet may arrive where they want to go in the next second, or it may be They arrived a few days ago.

Or maybe they were already in Broome before the Golden Crusade began.

"What do you want to do against the Plague Fleet?" Guilliman came up behind Ryan and asked.

Ryan turned around and nodded: "I have a hunch that Broome, a world with little strategic value, may become the battlefield of a super-apocalyptic war. For various reasons unknown to us, enemies are gathering. On the way. And not just the Plague Fleet."

Guilliman thought for a moment and asked, "Then why didn't you give the order?"

"Because I'm not sure whether killing Broome is the right decision." Ryan hesitated slightly, "If we kill Broome desperately, in order to severely damage Broome or even annihilate the big enemy we have to deal with in the future, For most enemies... things may not go as smoothly as expected, and we may be dragged on Broome, causing the original strategy of gradual encroachment to have to change..."

The Lion King is not a person who likes to hesitate, even now ten thousand years later.

But now it is the most important war he has commanded since becoming Warmaster. Every mistake he makes may lead to the death and burial of tens of millions of people. The pressure makes him have to be more cautious and think more.

Guilliman knew this, and he decided to help Lion think more about it.

While the two were discussing, Calgar, the leader of the Ultramarines Chapter, stepped into the bridge, walked up to the Gene Father and reported in a low voice: "The Lord of Tyron is back."

Hearing this, Guilliman looked at Lion.

Ryan raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the tactics table.

Guilliman immediately walked out of the bridge.

The two fleets of the Golden Expeditionary Fleet, commanded by Jaghatai and Sanguinius respectively, have separated from the main fleet and rushed to the positions arranged for them by Lion around the Eye of Terror.

Although there are more than 3,000 warships missing, the fleet docked at the Miracle Void Port in the Belis Corona sector is still extremely large.

A giant stargate was placed at the edge of the galaxy. A huge logistics fleet composed of nearly 10,000 transport ships from the Tyrone sector was like a cloth belt, connecting the stargate to the Void Port in the center of the galaxy.

The Eldar Arkworld of Altanza is docked on the other side of the Void Port, helping the Void Port share the pressure of accommodating supplies and docking ships.

Here, a twenty-kilometer-long transport ship carries only enough supplies to sustain the fleet and army forces for one hour.

Every minute and every second, transport ships from all over the empire arrive at the fleet carrying army soldiers. After entering the void port or the craft world, they are transported by countless transport aircraft to the special reinforced transport ships in the fleet that are specially designed to accommodate the army.

As the transport plane piloted by Qin Mo flew through the fleet, the clone masters wearing the new Thunder Warrior armor in the cabin were amazed by what they saw.

After the transport plane landed on the giant ship Glory of Humanity, the clone masters discovered that even with their own height and eyesight, they could only see a very small part of the entire huge fleet from a corner of the battleship.

"Remember, don't reveal your identity." Qin Mo stood up and left the driver's seat, and at the same time reminded the clones again.

The original clones had heard this warning more than once along the way and were already a little numb. They stood up without any response and lined up neatly out of the transport plane with the new Thunder Warriors led by Bendis.

They look no different from the New Thunder Warriors.

Qin Mo, Eisenhorn, and the Iron Man named Scholar followed the New Thunder Warriors off the transport plane.

When Qin Mo looked forward with hope, what he saw was not Guilliman who came to greet him, but Mathieu, the war apostle.

This devout member of the state church is still dressed in ragged clothes. He looks more like a super beggar who can ask for food on the Glorious Humanity than a man who once fought side by side with the original body and showed great achievements in the plague war. A war apostle with the power of a saint.

"Lord of Tyrone." Mathieu saluted very respectfully.

"Robert, do you know you came to see me?" Although Qin Mo didn't like this guy who had preached to him, but considering that the war apostle had been doing business, he still stopped in front of Mathieu.

In the morning, I helped my father apply for a veteran's certificate. I didn't get home until around three in the afternoon. I started writing two chapters. I tried my best to write them later, but I couldn't finish them until very late.

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