Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 739 Speeding Pilot

"Your question makes no sense."

After a long silence, Corax opened his mouth to refute.

"But I do have a wish, a wish for my home planet."

"As a clone, I don't have the obligation to command the Legion in the Great Crusade, and I don't need to be responsible to anyone, so I can finally do something I really want to do."

"Let the Savior Star, the home planet that raised me, and the descendants of all the people who raised me on the home planet be freed from the brutal oppression of the empire."


The planet considered home by the Raven Guard Primarch Corax, where he once landed and was raised by oppressed workers.

He and Guilliman were the only two Primarchs to have had female caregivers growing up, and for whom they both had affection.

Perturabo, who strangled his sister to death, does not count.

Corax led the people of the Savior against oppression, and then went on to fight in the Great Crusade when the Emperor came.

A long time ago, Corax thought that his home planet no longer needed his care, and that he would lead his descendants to save more worlds and people who were oppressed and bullied.

Then he realized that he wanted to be beautiful too much.

What kind of life should the savior star live? It's nothing more than the union overseer being replaced by the God of the Mechanicum, and then the big boss of the union in the mouth of the "overseeker" is replaced by the Ohm Messiah or the God of All Machines. Emperor and the like.

Guilliman knew that the Savior was a close friend.

He also knew that his friend's heir once said: Let me tell you who my lord is. Corax is the enemy of the oppressors, but he is also the friend of the people. The people raised him and the people educated him.

"I never trust any king, because their kindness is a disguise and their good promises are empty promises." Corax said.

Guilliman still wanted to convince his friend, but he had to find another way.

But he soon discovered that he was not the only one who came to convince Corax.

After a burst of footsteps, the Lord of Tyrone walked in holding a scepter and a chain sword.

"So, when the Savior became a forge world of the Adeptus Mechanicus and your people struggled in misery, how come you didn't do anything?"

"Don't tell me you don't know what happened."

"Those who have raised you and fought alongside you, will they call your name when they are being forcibly transformed by the Mechanicus?"

Qin Mo stopped and asked with words followed by questions with eyes.

Corax wanted to explain that he was helpless at that time, because his responsibility was not limited to the savior, and the people he was responsible for were not just the people on that planet.

Qin Mo also knew, but he just had to ask.

"I don't need to say anything to you." Corax looked at the chain sword, "You are armed. If you want to kill me, you can start now."

"I won't kill you because you are a person worthy of communication." Qin Mo said.

In the eyes of Lord Tailong, communication is necessary, but the choice of communication partner is also important.

Those who refuse to accept communication because of their education and their own thinking problems, then there is no need to communicate, such as Erebus, who is born with seeds, and the Dark Eldar who once conquered the Tyrone Star Sector, and those who do not even say hello. The pirates who are willing to fight and rob Tyron's civilian ships, and those beastmen.

Misunderstandings can be resolved through communication, or conflicts can be put aside and they can join forces to resolve the main conflicts. Qin Mo will communicate with them even if they are extremely prejudiced against each other. For example, the Eldar in Uthlan, and Corax in front of him.

"The star sector where the Savior Star is located lacks a king like me." Qin Mo spread his arms as if to show off, "I have the same humanity as you, and I also have more unique advantages than you, so my star sector is beautiful."

"The ruling sage of Agrippina once proposed to establish a forge world in the Tyrone sector so that the sector would not have to pay tithes."

"I told him to shut up because I didn't want a Forge World in my sector full of industrial poisonous gases."

While Qin Mo was saying this, Guilliman looked at Corax.

He found that Corax was listening quietly, although his eyes were still full of hostility.

This shows that Corax is also wondering whether his judgment is correct.

"You don't have to come with me, it doesn't matter." Qin Mo turned around and motioned for Guilliman to leave with him, "You can hide in a corner and be an observer, or you can leave now, anyway. You have a latent talent.”

Guilliman hesitated, and asked Qin Mo with his eyes if this was really possible?

Let Corax decide? What if he just doesn't want to leave with everyone and has to go to the Savior?

But I don't know whether Qin Mo pretended not to see it or really didn't see it. In short, he walked away as fast as flying.

It wasn't until he was far away from Corax that Guilliman asked, "What if he doesn't follow?"

"He will follow." Qin Mo was very sure. "Corax is not a fool. He knows very well that if he doesn't come with us, he can only leave Bloom and the Eye of Terror on two legs."

The device used to send Lorgar into the dimensional space was prepared by scholars, and the black stone in it was about to be activated.

A huge transport plane was built by the New Thunder Warriors using materials in the laboratory.

Considering that Broome may have to come back in the future, the equipment was installed with a self-repair device and hidden in a place where even Fabius could not find it.

Corax did follow before the dimension space was opened and the transport plane flew into the dimension.

"Put on the armor of a new Thunder Warrior."

"We have to go back to the fleet first. You may see the true form of some of you, so be sure to hide them. They have no feelings for you."

The Primarchs were putting on their equipment while listening to Qin Mo speak about important matters.

Bendis took advantage of this moment to sit in the pilot's seat, but was pulled up by Qin Mo.

"You want to fly the transport plane yourself?" Bendis looked at Qin Mo who walked past him in surprise and sat in the pilot's seat.

"Believe me, no one can drive this thing except me." Qin Mo said.

Beyond the Eye of Terror.

The fleet where the Glory of Mankind and Macragge's Glory are located.

Hundreds of cruiser patrol formations are sailing around the fleet.

In order to prevent any hostile personnel from mixing into the fleet, every transport ship and transport aircraft traveling to and from the fleet is carefully inspected by these patrol fleets.

On a gunboat in the 44th Patrol Fleet, the two captains and deputy captains on the bridge were concentrating on the transport fleet that could be lined up outside the window, as well as the transport aircraft that were as dense as mosquitoes.

They are all being examined.

Drones and warships equipped with scanning equipment either flew into transport ships and transport aircraft, or scanned every blind spot of the warship from dozens of kilometers away.

In order to prevent a certain renegade Space Marine who is rumored to be extremely good at disguise from getting involved, the equipment carried by the drone will even compare the soul projections of registered and reported personnel.

A moment later, a transport plane suddenly appeared in the void and flew quickly towards the fleet. It looked very dazzling among the huge queues of transport planes waiting for inspection.

"Shoot it down." The captain ordered without hesitation.

This order was quickly carried out.

The gunboat's weapons officer immediately locked the transport aircraft, and then after seeing the scanning results of the probe integrated in the weapons fire control device, he watched the transport aircraft fly past without any reaction.

"Weapons Officer, why did you refuse to carry out my order?" the captain asked coldly, "According to Article 132 of the patrol and security section of the sector's wartime regulations, any target who resists inspection can be designated as a traitor or spy. Any witnessing ship is obliged to open fire."

"You have violated this rule, Weapons Officer." The deputy captain took over, "Leave your post and wait for the investigation of the Navy Department."

Faced with the accusations from the two captains, the weapons officer responded: "I want to defend myself."

"According to naval regulations, you are qualified." The captain nodded.

"I didn't fire because there were important people in that transport plane," the weapons officer said.

The captain said with a cold face, "Even the important people in that transport plane are the original body. They can ask for immediate inspection, but they must not break through. Unless the important person you are talking about is the Emperor, your defense will be invalid."

"Sorry, Captain. I don't know if the important person on board that transport is the Emperor."


The weapons officer's voice sounded helpless.

"But the one piloting the important people in that transport was the Lord of Tyrone."

Sixth update plan: 3/8

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