Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 731 Write to me

Each Primarch found his or her temporary home in the various rooms of the laboratory.

For some reason, Fulgrim was extremely weak as soon as he woke up. Ferus and Curze, the two clones who cared about Fulgrim the most, were always waiting by Fulgrim's side.

Although the cloned Sanguinius had a good relationship with Fulgrim in everyone's impression, he only expressed concern to Fulgrim verbally, and then went off to do whatever he wanted.

Horus has been traveling back and forth between the temporary residences chosen by his clone brothers, taking Rogal Dorn and Sanguinius to comfort each brother who was devastated after learning that he was a clone.

Of course, the Clone Warmaster has not forgotten his promise to Qin Mo. He has been lobbying every brother.

During this time, Magnus had been the most active.

He occasionally ran to study ways to eliminate the new humans with the iron man named Heat Death and the new commander of the Thunder Warriors named Bendis.

Occasionally ran to find Perturabo, pulled him out of the underground research facility, and went to the position of the giant whale on the ground to help the New Thunder Warriors and Iron Man build their positions.

Another twenty-four hours passed after the subspace timer given to Magnus by the scholar.

Magnus and Perturabo returned to the underground research facility after finishing their day's work.

"Mortarion's plague piglets started fighting with the War Mad Maniacs. That bastard thought my psychic powers were unreliable, but the result..."


Magnus chattered as he walked.

Beside him, Perturabo was dull and silent.

Magnus, the Lord of Prospero and the pursuer of knowledge, still looks like a scholar and strides forward with his head held high.

But the Lord of Steel, Perturabo, walked with his head lowered, thinking about something as he walked, and then the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his whole temperament became dull and cold.

Although one of the two people was extremely unhappy and the other looked very happy, they were indeed good friends.

"Yesterday, when Horus asked you those things, why didn't you answer him?" Perturabo suddenly asked

"Because I don't know what to say," Magnus replied.

"Then you still act like an ordinary scholar?"

"Etiquette, tolerance, these are necessary at all times, because you can't panic because of the stupidity and carelessness you occasionally show, and then be looked down upon by your brothers."

After the two clone masters exchanged a few words, Perturabo said nothing.

There was a lot he wanted to say, but he just wouldn't.

When returning to the resting place, Magnus suddenly saw Luo Jia at a corner, and Qin Mo leading Luo Jia to do something.

Magnus had an idea and quickened his pace to follow.

After turning another fork in the road and entering a place that was originally a warehouse and was now used to store large instruments and equipment, Magnus and Perturabo caught up with Lorgar and Qin Mo.

Magnus wanted to say hello, but Qin Mo obviously had no intention of doing so. He began to operate the large equipment that was manufactured yesterday.

This device integrates a black stone.

Although this device and the black stone in it cannot suppress the impact of subspace the size of the Broome planet, they can produce a relatively normal physical range in a small area.

Then Qin Mo, who had difficulty opening the dimension in subspace, opened the dimension within this physical range, put a layer of protective device on Luo Jia and threw it into the dimension.

The device then stopped functioning.

The dimensional rift is closed.

Lorgar received unprecedented sensory stimulation. Everything he saw was composed of lines, and the flow of time in the real universe was even visible here.

During the Great Crusade, Lorgar led the Word Bearers to conquer some human forces that lasted from the 20th to the 30th millennium, and saw a technology called pocket dimension pocket universe.

He suspected that the space he was currently in was a pocket dimension or universe.

But it made him feel that it shouldn't be that simple here.

However, Lorgar soon discovered that no matter what this dimension was like, his mission was not to explore the dimension itself.

Because there was a city built where Lorgar entered the dimensional space. This city was obviously just a base site and should be used for certain people to live in.

But for some reason the city was abandoned again.

Lorgar entered the high tower in the center of the city and found that there was something ready for him.

Some daily necessities.

A pen made with special technology that can always write words.

A notepad that never reaches its storage limit.

"What does this mean?" Luojia murmured to himself and sat down, looking confused.

He was suddenly taken away from Horus by Qin Mo, and then thrown into this strange place without hearing a word of explanation from Qin Mo.

All this made Luojia feel extremely confused.

Is this a kind of exile?

"Just when Lorgar Aurelion was confused, a huge book suddenly appeared in front of him."

"Lorgar Aurelian looked at the huge book in front of him in shock."

Lorgar heard an ethereal voice echoing in his ears. The voice seemed to appear directly in his consciousness, rather than entering his ears through the air.

And in front of this clone master is a huge book.

This book keeps turning pages and recording.

"Who are you? Clone Lorgar Aurelion asked, and then he learned the name of the huge book in front of him - The Narrator."

"The narrator then explained to Lorgar why he had seen him."

"The Forger's Dimension itself is part of the real universe, but in the Eye of Terror, this dimension, which can be freely opened and closed by the Forger, must make complicated preparations in order to take effect."

"That huge device integrated with black stone is the emergency device used to open the entrance to the casting dimension in the Eye of Terror."

"So in fact, Lorgar being sent to the Forger's dimension is equivalent to leaving the Eye of Terror and entering the real universe. If nothing happens later, the Forger and other clones will also leave Broome in a similar way. This vicious planet of the dead.”


Luojia was very frightened when he listened to the words of the huge book in front of him.

He felt like the protagonist in one of those religious children's stories on his home planet of Colchis, entering a wonderful place and embarking on a wonderful adventure, and then encountered a very mysterious and mysterious existence.

"Why did the Forger purposely send Lorgar into the dimension?"

"Because he needs the ability of the narrator, his friend, and hopes that the narrator can start with Lorgar's thinking, logic and creation to find a way to win the state religion in the debate on doctrine."

After Luojia listened to a few more words, he could probably figure out that the guy in front of him was the narrator.

He has a very strange way of speaking, always speaking in the third person.

"Sit down and write. Lorgar Aurelion. So says the Narrator."

As the narrator's voice sounded again, the notebook and pen on the table in front of Luojia floated at the same time and fell into Luojia's hand.

"What to write?" Luojia asked.

"The Book of the Holy Word, the Book of the Holy Word without any abridgements, and you must mark the logic of your thinking at the bottom of each page when writing." The narrator said.

Hearing this, Luojia threw away the pen and book in his hand, sat down next to the desk and looked directly at the reporter.

When he found that he could not find anything resembling the eyes of the narrator and make eye contact with him, Lorgar chose to speak directly.

"Why don't you tell me who you are first." A hint of curiosity and cunning appeared on Luojia's face, "And...the forger you mentioned...is the one who holds the scepter and can shoot lightning?"

Lorgar's response was the narrator's silence.

Then a bolt of lightning rushed over, causing Luo Jia to lose consciousness in an instant, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Then the current dissipated, and Luojia, who regained consciousness, immediately wrote furiously, writing quickly on the blank book.

Book of Sacred Words

Lorgar wrote this title, then raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the narrator again.

Luojia continued to write furiously when he noticed that there was lightning.

Rejoice, for I have brought you the glorious gospel.

God walks among us.

Two more chapters

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