Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 730 The future of clones

Tyrone Star Sector.

A sector with a total of 582 developed worlds, including Tyron's Gate, the total size is equivalent to two 500 worlds.

Taking Terra, the sacred home planet of the human race, as the base point, the northernmost area called the Halo Stars is where the Tyrone Sector is located.

Although most of the colonized worlds are not strictly complete worlds, they are included in statistics as a city on the planet or a colonial outpost in space. But every existing complete world is extremely prosperous and can provide huge amounts of manpower and material resources.

The trillions of people in the sector are ready to produce and participate in war anytime and anywhere, and they are still working hard to increase the population.

The Tyron navy was powerful enough to win any large-scale void battle, with nearly six thousand ships plus a giant miraculous war machine called the Celestial Engine.

And the gods who inhabit the sector.

Taking the rise and growth of the Tyrone star sector as the main line, Qin Mo briefly told Horus the current situation in the entire galaxy.

He said a lot.

Horus sometimes asked questions, sometimes thought carefully.

The two sat together and talked for a long, long time, but both of them were in the eye of fear. Just as Fabius's insidious plan was executed, not long after, the Dracasi and the Death Guard and the Black Legion descended. Bloom average.

Time is completely unclear to people in the Eye of Fear, and it seems to come and go.

Therefore, when Horus fully understood the situation in the Tyrone sector, the other original bodies had not even found their own places to live.

Qin Mo mentioned the Tyrone Sector to Horus, with the intention of letting Horus make the decision to lead the clone brothers to live in the Sector forever.

But Horus was thinking too much, and he began to worry about the war against the Eye of Terror mentioned in Qin Mo's words.

"The fleet logistics of the Golden Expedition are all provided by your sector..."

"How long can your sector provide logistics... Because the outcome of this war cannot be determined immediately. How long can you sustain such a huge consumption of supplies?"

Horus's question was a bit roundabout. He didn't want Qin Mo to feel that he was looking down on his sector, but he also wanted to express in a subtle way that it was not advisable to have one sector be responsible for all the logistics and supplies.

Clone Horus had no idea what Qin Mo was talking about as the new warmaster, Lion El'Jonson.

"In the mouths of my people, this expedition is called the Millennium War." Qin Mo said, "It means that there will be wars for one thousand years after another. Our entire sector had such awareness at the beginning of the war. Since we dare Being responsible for logistics means having the confidence to be able to provide for one thousand years after another, and ensuring that no one can do a better job than the Tyrone sector in terms of logistical supplies.”

Humans use the millennium system.

The Thousand Year War is more "eternal" than the Ten Thousand Year War because it does not represent a thousand years, but one thousand years after another in the chronological system.

"Thousand-year war." Horus nodded thoughtfully.

I thought they called this expedition to completely close the Eye of Terror the Great Crusade - Horus thought in his mind.

"Back to you, there is only one reason why I am telling you these things. I hope you can join my star sector with your clone brothers, and then play the role of the original body as a non-original body." Qin Mo brought the topic back on track.

After hearing this, Horus unexpectedly nodded.

He nodded, and Qin Mo thought it was a meaningless body movement.

Until Horus nodded and said: "Of course, I will do this, because this is the only choice we have."

Qin Mo wants to say that actually he doesn't like forcing others that much, and it's not like you will die if you don't go to Tailong.

Before he spoke, Horus continued: "If we clones still want to do something for mankind and survive before making amends for the original body, then we must be protected by a powerful force. "

"Perhaps Ryan and the others will think that this is relying on others, but this is not the case. We are just clones and do not have the identity and status of the real original body."

"It's not about living under someone else's roof, it's about finding a place to stay."

Horus had a very clear understanding of the current situation.

In Qin Mo's view, Horus's words not only showed his own attitude towards going to the Tyrone star region, but also tried his best to distance himself from the main body.

"That's it." Horus stood up, "I know why you invited me to discuss alone. You want me to persuade all my clone brothers, because it can be seen that you are not a very patient person. , you don’t want to persuade them one by one.”

Qin Mo nodded.

"I have only one request." Horus smiled and held up a finger.

Qin Mo nodded again.

"Let each of my clone brothers live while they still have the right to live." Horus stretched out his hand, "Is that okay?"

Qin Mo looked at Horus' outstretched hand. He should have agreed immediately, but suddenly he thought of his purpose before meeting the cloning Primarchs, which was not only to kill the cloning Primarchs, but also to clone Sanguinius. Taken away as a container to contain the true form of Sanguinius.

The slight hesitation was noticed by Horus, but he did not inquire into the details. He just said: "If there is something... don't hide it like my father and I did..."

"Yeah." Qin Mo held Horus' hand.

The two of them made an agreement like this.

Then Clone Horus smiled kindly, turned and left.

As he walked, he thought about which of his clone brothers planned to join Talon from the beginning, who needed persuasion, and who was least likely to be willing to join the Talon sector.

Then it’s time to formulate a plan to persuade.

Even if Guilliman is an eloquent speaker, asking him to persuade most of the Primarchs who think that the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds has evil intentions is no different from playing the harp to others.

But Horus had such prestige.

His appearance made him appear to be a fierce and cruel military commander.

My heart is like a rock and my blood is as cold as ice.

A super ruthless character who can issue an order without blinking an eye even if it leads to the death of billions of innocent people in orbital bombing.

But in fact, it's just the opposite. He is a person who can bring others as much warmth as the sun.

Horus always tried to avoid collateral damage during the Great Crusade, and he treated each of his brothers as fairly as possible.

This combat power is not comparable to Llane Sanguinius, operations are not comparable to Guilliman, defensive battles are not comparable to Rogal Dorn and Perturabo's 16th Primarch, he can be taught by the Emperor himself for thirty years, and It was not without reason that he saw the most human side of the Emperor.

The cloned Horus may have worse abilities than the original, but he has no subspace essence and is a pure product of bioengineering. The four gods cannot and do not want to repeat their same tricks.

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