Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 728 The Talent of the War Commander


Qin Mo looked at Horus and said one word decisively.

Horus looked around and pointed at himself in surprise: "Me?"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one rebelling."

Mortarion stepped forward, raising his hand and pointing out each of the clones that had rebelled against themselves.

"You. Horus."

"Magnus, Fulgrim, Angron, Lorgar, Alpha and Omega, Perturabo, Curze."

Every clone of the Traitor Primarch was identified by Mortarion.

When Mortarion was identifying, every clone master except Curze held their breath, fearing that their names would come out of Mortarion's mouth.

The cloned originals who were identified were stunned and confused.

In Qin Mo's eyes, this was extremely normal. Every rebel Primarch had made great contributions to the Empire before surrendering to Chaos. They faced one human or alien force after another during the Great Crusade.

Even enemies as powerful as Ran Dan and Jingyuan, who needed piles of Space Marines as cannon fodder, were all eliminated by the Primarchs.

The memories of these cloned Primarchs were still at the end of the Great Crusade.

Even clones of the original body, whose thinking and psychological state are completely the same, can hardly imagine how they went from fighting for humanity to betraying the Emperor and the Empire, and becoming a separatist hiding in the Eye of Fear. of.

This is as incredible as when Ryan, who went to deal with Ran Dan, suddenly made a 180-degree turn and betrayed the emperor and defected to Ran Dan.

"And you, Mortarion, you have also rebelled." Perturabo reminded.

Mortarion glanced at Perturabo with a sinister look: "I know, but I can't pronounce so many names at once, so I have to take a breath."

This excuse for respite was so poor that Perturabo didn't even bother to refute it.

The Iron Lord's heavy, hammer-like eyes swept over all the Primarchs, and then he loudly announced his opinions.

"Although we are clones, the thoughts of our clones and our original bodies are the same, which means that we will repeat a great rebellion!"

"We are all guilty, Horus, we are all guilty."

"We should atone for our sins right away. Either we commit suicide now, or we go find the original body and fight to the death!"

"We are all guilty!"

After announcing loudly, Perturabo glanced at everyone: "Who is going with me?!"

The impassioned words fell into the sea without causing any waves.

The clones were silent, silent.

Finally, it was Rog Dorn who broke the silence: "Is he like this before, or was his head manipulated during the cloning stage?"

"You pay too little attention to my best friend." Magnus raised his hand and rubbed his forehead in embarrassment.

Rogal Dorn nodded silently.

"You don't agree with me?" Perturabo paced back and forth in front of the clone brothers, "Where did I say something wrong!"

Clone Warmaster Horus looked at Perturabo calmly and said calmly: "Brother, if you are asked to go to Terra to kill our father now, will you go?"

"Of course not." Perturabo shook his head.

"So." Horus spread his hands, "There must be something going on here, and maybe we will become very abnormal in the future."

When Horus made this inference, Qin Mo immediately looked up to him with admiration.

In fact, Horus was right. Although the reason for the Primarch's rebellion was related to the relationship between the Emperor and the Primarch and the Primarch's experience, if the influence of Chaos was excluded, it would be impossible for the Primarch to rebel.

Fulgrim obtained a sword that hosted the demon of Slaanesh when he was conquering the xenos race.

Horus himself was severely wounded, treated and affected by Chaos, and was even delirious when he attacked Terra.

There are also the primarch of the Word Bearers, Erebus of the Word Bearers, the adoptive father of the primarch, these despicable people...

The original body had flaws and Chaos was corrupting it. These two reasons complemented each other and led to the greatest disaster that almost led to the destruction of the human species 10,000 years ago.

Before Qin Mo said this, Horus realized this.

"As expected of a war commander." Qin Mo nodded in praise.

Horus nodded slightly, accepting this evaluation readily.

The Warmaster then turned and addressed all of his clone brothers.

"Don't listen to Perturabo, we clones are not born guilty."

"We are born with only responsibility. Father created us for a great cause and a great dream!"

"The situation in the empire must be very bad now..."

Magnus had not yet explained the current situation of the empire in too much detail, and Horus only knew that the Emperor was worshiped as a god, so he fulfilled the wish of Lorgar's seventeenth brother.

But Horus could quickly figure out the current state of the empire.

As a warmaster, Horus could predict what kind of disaster it would bring to the empire if his warmaster and several other brothers rebelled.

The empire was not destroyed, but it was probably crumbling like a candle in the wind.

"Us clones are not our original bodies after all, and we don't have that much value, but we still retain a certain degree of ability."

"We can at least do something for the crumbling empire and humanity, even if it's just a little bit."

"We try our best."

When Horus finished speaking these words, the clone primarchs all looked at him.

Including Ryan.

Horus's words were not very passionate, and it was not even a qualified speech, but he gave the clones what they needed most now.

That's a goal.

To continue to exist, what should be done to compensate for the empire's goals for the pathetic entities.

Qin Mo glanced at Ryan and then at Horus.

He thought that it was not unreasonable for the Emperor to make Horus the Warmaster.

In terms of combat power alone, Horus is inferior to Sanguinius and Angron.

In terms of operations, it is definitely not as good as Guilliman.

But a warmaster, a military commander of an empire, needs someone like him. At least he can "stick" everyone together.

As for combat effectiveness and operational capabilities... in a huge empire, there are more people who can fight and manage.

"But how can we do what we can?" Guilliman asked. "Our mere presence in the presence of our beings is an offense to them."

Facing Guilliman's question, Horus meditated very seriously.

As Warmaster, Horus's attitude towards Guilliman was different from most people. Of course, he also had doubts about this brother who was running the country of China in the Five Hundred Worlds. This was his duty as Warmaster, and he had to consider these things. .

But Horus still valued Guilliman and cared very much about Guilliman's attitude towards him.

After thinking about it, Clone Horus replied: "The universe is so big that there is always a place for us. Even if we are assassins and soldiers charging on the battlefield, we can still do something for the empire and humanity."

Guilliman raised his head, remained silent for two seconds, and nodded.

When the discussion about whether to atone for the original body or to survive and do something useful is completely over.

Luo Jia, who was kneeling on the ground and shaking from beginning to end, spoke.

"Am I rebelling?"

"How could I rebel?"

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