Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 727 The Sorrow of Clones

Luojia, who was blown away, stood up and silently returned to the clones. He sat down obediently, hugging his legs with his hands, lowering his head and thinking about something.

Now the original clones are fully aware that they are clones.

If Guilliman lies...for example, in order to realize his own ambitions and want the brothers to find themselves with nowhere to go and then go to his command, for example, he is deliberately planning something.

That Lion would never lie, he was one of the Emperor's most loyal heirs, and he was very hostile to Guilliman.

The moment Llane testified for Guilliman, all the Primarchs actually believed it.

The Primarchs all reacted differently.

Horus showed no expression of loss or discomfort, but just leaned against the culture tank with his eyes closed in deep thought.

But Qin Mo knew that Horus seemed indifferent and fearless on the surface, but he must be a little panicked in his heart.

The first cloning master, Lian El'Jonson, was sitting on the machine that had just been cloned by Perturabo, with the word "heavy" written on his face.

The Second Primarch...there is no Second Primarch.

The third Primarch Fulgrim's handsome face was very pale. When he learned that he was just a clone, he was still shocked to this day.

Fulgrim was unsteady, and when he was about to fall, the tenth primarch Ferus held his arm and gave him a kind and steady smile.

Fulgrim smiled and nodded, but when his eyes moved away from Ferus' face, he returned to his sad face, his eyes full of worries about the future and himself.

The fourth primarch, Perturabo, had already gone crazy when he learned that he was a clone, and that the clone had already gone crazy when he learned that the original body had rebelled. He is now calm.

When looking at Fulgrim, Angron and others, Perturabo's eyes will become hostile.

But he soon felt warm because his clone could still have his brothers with him, but he was still hostile to all the rebellious clones of his original body, including himself.

The Fifth Primarch Jaghatai is gone.

The Sixth Primarch, Leman Russ, sat cross-legged.

When the cloned lion king looked at the cloned wolf king, he found that the brother was not making a fuss at all as he imagined. Instead, he was sitting very calmly cross-legged on the ground, with his hands folded on his chest, thinking about something.

His appearance was similar to that of Magnus when he was deep in thought.

The seventh primarch Rogal Dorn stood with his hands behind his back. He had this look and attitude from the beginning to the end. He was cold and cold. He seemed to be thinking about nothing but in fact he was not thinking about anything. He was very calm, as if he had already They just know that they are clones, or they don’t care about what’s wrong with being a clone.

The eighth primarch Konrad Curze was squatting in a dark corner. He didn't think about the clones at all. He just squatted there, his eyes scanning back and forth among all the clones, and finally settled on Qin Mo, who could release Shoot out lightning to knock the monster flying away from the original body.

The Ninth Primarch Sanguinius stood motionless. He was neither as calm and calm as Rogal Dorn, nor as concerned about his brothers as Ferus. He seemed very indifferent.

Although his face was expressionless, he looked at the star map hanging on the wall of the laboratory.

The star map marks the location of the Blood Angels chapter and their genetic parent star.

It seems that Fabius obtained the Zerg samples there, so he marked the place where the Tyranids were ravaging.

Sanguinius stared at the label, silent.

The tenth primarch, Ferus, paid special attention to Fulgrim. Seeing Fulgrim's eyes staring at nothingness, he was very sad. He frowned and asked and enlightened in a low voice.

Qin Mo saw the two of them and recalled that Ferus and Fulgrim had a very good relationship indeed.

Although Ferus feels similar to Perturabo to Qin Mo, he is far more mentally healthy than Perturabo. At least he can get along well with many of his brothers.

Eleventh...there is no eleventh.

Angron, the twelfth primarch, had long been squatting in the corner, leaning his head against the wall, choking silently.

The atmosphere here was extremely heavy and sad, causing Angron to feel even more uncomfortable.

Otherwise, he would have been enlightened by Perturabo two days ago.

Although Guilliman, the Thirteenth Primarch, has long known that he is a clone, he is still very sad because he knows that he will never be able to meet his adoptive mother... His beloved Ultramar V The world does not belong to him, but to the body.

He was born lost simply because he was a clone.

The fourteenth Primarch Mortarion squatted in the corner, giving people a feeling of deep resentment. He squatted there holding a piece of chalk he found somewhere, and wrote the numerology numbers of each brother on the floor.

The fifteenth primarch, Magnus, still stood there like a scholar, with a proud and calm look on his face.

The sixteenth primarch was Horus. He neither showed shock nor fear, nor did he appear calm and natural.

Lorgar, the seventeenth primarch, sat there, recalling the current situation of the empire, and snickered from time to time.

The happiest of all the cloned Primarchs was Lorgar. He even felt that he was cloned under the guidance of his divine father, because he was satisfied just to see the Empire worshiping the Emperor as a god.

It's really worth dying.

The Eighteenth Primarch Vulkan squatted on the ground, calm and composed.

The cloned Fire Dragon Lord has the same personality as his original body. He really wants to go up and comfort his brothers, but he knows that he is not good at gossiping, which may have the opposite effect.

And what the brothers need most now is not comfort at all, but the direction to survive in the future. If you can survive.

The twentieth Primarch was not one person, but twin brothers, two persons, one named Alpha and the other Omega.

The two people's reactions were very indifferent, as if they never cared about these fatal things, and it seemed that they cared more about observing the reactions of other brothers than expressing their own emotions.


Vulcan, Alpha and Omega…

Qin Mo's eyes roamed around the entire laboratory.

What about Corax?

With such doubts, Qin Mo turned around and looked at Guilliman.

Only Guilliman and he realized that Corax was not here.

Corax just has no presence.

If Guilliman had not recalled this close friend with whom he played games and complained about the Emperor, and then tried to comfort this close friend, he would have been unaware of Corax emerging from the jar like the other Primarchs. Gone.

"You just said that some of us have rebelled."

Finally it was Horus who broke the silence.

The Clone Warmaster looked at Magnus and asked his question softly: "Who is there?"

Magnus, who had been extremely calm just now and told the facts without hesitation, did not respond immediately. Instead, he looked at every Primarch present, and finally fixed his gaze on Horus himself.

But Magnus still didn't say anything, and still stood there with his head held high, his right hand at the same level as his shoulder, using this arm to lift the rolled-up part of the right half of his white robe.

This action made him look like a knowledgeable person.

But only there is.

Magnus pretended that he did not hear Horus' question at all.

Sixth update completed on the first day, seven more days to go

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