Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 677 Three Primarchs

After all the fleets of the Tyron Navy were completed for overhaul and maintenance, and the fleets of Guilliman and Lion entered the starport and docked, Jaghatai saw his brothers at the landing point of the starport.

Guilliman was surrounded by a guard of Ultramar champions.

Llane was surrounded by the Lion Guard, composed of the Primaris Dark Angels.

The two came together, but it didn't look like they came together.

Whether it was the Champions of Ultramar or the Dark Angels, or the two Primarchs, they all kept a certain distance from each other.

Guilliman beamed as soon as he saw Jaghatai coming off the transport plane.

Ryan, on the other hand, had a sullen expression.

The moment he saw them, Jaghatai realized that Lion's black face was not directed at him. He had obviously just had a quarrel with Guilliman.

As for the reason for the quarrel... it was obviously because the fleet was forcibly driven away from the star port by the Star God just now.

"You came here in person, led the fleet in person, just to welcome me?" Chagatai opened his arms and walked towards the two brothers.

"Yes...yes." Guilliman nodded.

But his performance made Chagatai instantly realize that the regent and warmaster came in person, obviously not specifically to welcome him.

But that doesn't matter.



The Lion King embraces the eagle of Chogoris.

Ryan no longer has a dark face when meeting his brothers with whom he has a good relationship.

After the hug, Jaghatai pressed Ryan's shoulder and looked carefully, then exclaimed: "Why are you so old?"

The Ryan in front of him was completely different from the handsome blond boy back then. There were wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, he had a white beard, and he looked much older.

"What surprises me the most is that you haven't aged." Lion said, glancing at Guilliman. "It seems that the Webway has similar effects to the static stance."

"It's better to stand still. At least everyone knows that I squatted in the still stand for ten thousand years instead of sleeping in a corner for ten thousand years." Guilliman said with a smile.

The conversation between the two allowed Chagatai to detect a hint of mutual sarcasm.

In fact, Guilliman and Lion had just argued as Jaghatai had judged.

After the fleet was completely controlled by an unknown force and retreated to the side, Ryan didn't know who controlled the fleet until he discovered that the Tyron Navy, which was supposed to be queuing up, entered the starport first. So whoever controlled the fleet could use his toes. Guess it.

Llane once again warned Guilliman to be careful of the Tyrone Sector, and Guilliman said that he was tired of hearing Llane's nonsense on this matter for decades.

A quarrel broke out between the two, which is why Ryan came over with a dark face.

Seeing that Ryan's face turned dark again, Jaghatai quickly changed the subject: "I heard that you are the war commander?"

"It's been a long time ago!" Ryan smiled when he mentioned this, "Although I am the war commander, if there is anything in the future, we will still discuss it."

"How many generals and artillery did you give Guilliman before you became Warmaster?" Jaghatai asked with a smile.

Hearing his brother making fun of the cannon given to General Perturabo, Ryan rolled his eyes: "Don't mention the cannon. I gave General Perturabo the cannon not for selfish reasons, but to let him go to the palace to support Dorne. How did I know that he had rebelled?"

"Really?" Jaghatai smiled, "I was standing on the wall of the palace with Sanguinius and Dorn. Do you know what I saw?"


"A general cannon that blasts the palace. When it fires, it doesn't make a roar, but: Let Ryan be the war commander! Let Ryan be the war commander!"

"Nonsense, you must have heard wrong!"


Jaghatai was held by Ryan's shoulders.

Ryan smiled and said: "That general cannon actually shouted: Perturabo is a swindler! Perturabo is a swindler!"

The Lion King hugged Chagatai and walked towards the tarmac leaving the star port while joking.

"Go to my flagship to catch up on old times. I have a surprise for you."

"If you want to give me a motorcycle, no need, I already have a good motorcycle."

"Then let's just reminisce about old times..."

Watching the two people staggering away, Guilliman frowned slightly and reminded Ryan from behind: "Don't forget to talk to Jaghatai about business."

Lion ignored Guilliman.

Guilliman felt helpless, but there was nothing he could do to deal with Lion, so he turned and left.

Tyrone Three.

Landed on an island on Guilliman's transport plane.

It is arranged like a camping sanctuary, with a bonfire and barbecue place on the shore.

The holographic equipment projects a huge screen beyond the coastline, creating an open-air theater.

The water is even warm, with a controlled volcano beneath the sea providing heat for the entire ocean.

Guilliman stepped off the transport plane and jumped into the sea. He leaned on the shore and turned on the screen very skillfully.

The Primarch was not on vacation, but had matters of great importance.

But it's not a bad idea to take a break while waiting for Qin Mo.

"The Lord of Tyrone has entered the capital of the sector. He has brought back some Eldar. He may have to wait until they are settled before coming back." The people on the transport plane said to Guilliman.

"There's no rush." ​​Guilliman waved his hand, stretched out his hand and clicked in the air with ease, and then changed the channel on the giant screen located outside the coastline.

A piece of news was playing on the screen.

News about the Eye of Terror on the Astronomy Channel.

"Research experts in the star region recently measured the scope of the Eye of Terror through astronomical detection methods and found that the scope of the Eye of Terror has shrunk slightly."

"Although the reduction is not large, only a few meters, it can be speculated that if this continues in tens of thousands of years, the Eye of Terror will completely disappear."

"This is an idealized speculation. In fact, based on a series of Eye of Terror activity data provided by the astronomical department, it is more likely that we will detect it again in more than ten years and find that the Eye of Terror has expanded again."


"The Eye of Terror."

Guilliman murmured the word, lowering his head and frowning in thought.

It wasn't just researchers in the Tyrone Sector who noticed the Eye of Terror shrinking, the Empire did too.

But as the news said, the Eye of Terror is active, and expecting it to shrink and disappear on its own is a daydream.

"We certainly can't wait for the Eye of Terror to shrink."

A familiar voice reached Guilliman's ears.

When the original body followed the sound, he found that Qin Mo suddenly fell from the sky and landed firmly on the sand.

Guilliman stood up from the sea and looked at Qin Mo excitedly.

Qin Mo also looked at Guilliman excitedly.

This is the first time the two have met since the Plague War.

"Feel sorry."


"About you and Ryan's fleet being controlled."

Qin Mo sat next to Guilliman and soaked in the warm sea water.

He had just arrived in the star area with Thrall and Uslan in an aircraft two minutes ago, and then he heard that Guilliman and Lion's fleet had been controlled.

"It's nothing." Guilliman smiled and shook his head, "It's just that Ryan and I had a quarrel over this matter, but don't take it to heart, it's not a big deal."

Qin Mo nodded and stopped talking about the fleet being controlled.

It is impossible for Guilliman not to care about this matter, but he is more concerned with the overall situation. Compared with what he will do in the future, the fleet's affairs can only be said to be a small matter.

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