Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 676 The Power of the Void Dragon

Tyrone Star Sector.

The huge expedition fleet has crossed over from the webway, and in accordance with the provisions of naval regulations, they all gathered at the orbital dock in the sector capital to receive inspection and maintenance.

As the flagship, the Glory Humanity launched a large-scale dimensional navigation force field and led the entire fleet to sail quickly towards the capital of the sector.

"So, my brothers are coming to get me? In person?"

In the bridge of the Glorious Humanity, the White Scar Primarch Jaghatai stood in front of the porthole, talking to a blond lady.

"Yes, the original body." The lady's position was an intelligence officer. She held a business list and reported to Chagatai as arranged on the business list. "The Imperial Regent and Warmaster are expected to arrive in the sector in two days. The sector has begun preparing to welcome the two Primarchs."

Chagatai nodded in a daze.

He had actually known for a long time that Guilliman and Lion would come to the Star Zone to pick him up.

At that time, when they were still in the webway and the core of Commorragh had not been blown up to the sky by those transcendent beings, Qin Mo mentioned it in their first meeting.

"Are you sure they will come in person instead of sending someone?" Chagatai asked again.

The lady shook her head: "Tyron and Ultramar have implemented a detailed communication protocol. If they say the regent and warmaster will come in person, then they will come in person."

"Oh." Chagatai looked at the dimensional space outside the porthole, "That's great."

Jaghatai originally planned to leave immediately, but because Guilliman and Lion were coming in person, he changed his plans.

The Eagle of Chogoris has an ability that his twin Primarch brothers would envy, and that is to be transparent.

Chagatai originally thought that he, a transparent person, would remain transparent until he returned to Quanzhou, and then his descendants would spread the news of his return to the whole galaxy... However, his brothers took it so seriously that they came in person.

"Are you happy?" The lady saw Chagatai's mood.

"Of course." Chagatai nodded, "Do you know what I am thinking now? I just thought that if Ryan and the others could come earlier, I would be moved enough to give them a bear hug."

Jaghatai was looking forward to meeting Ryan.

During the Great Expedition, the two worked closely together for a while and established a friendship.

How good of a relationship this is...equal to Jaghatai's relationship with Magnus before his fall.

Jaghatai's mood improved as he thought about how to "sarcastic" him when meeting Ryan, who was already the Warmaster.

In addition, the fleet had just returned from victory, and other personnel on the bridge were also very happy.

However, this joyful atmosphere did not last long before it turned into solemnity.

The floodgates open.

The star gods floated into the bridge, and their transcendent existence itself would bring heavy psychological pressure to the mortal body.

Saranoga floated in front of the blond lady who was an intelligence officer, looked down at her and asked: "Is your master back?"

"Uh... Lord Tyrone's aircraft has entered the star sector, so... of course, it has returned, but it has not yet reached the capital of the star sector."

The lady who was not nervous at all when talking to Jaghatai, the original body, felt unreasonable fear and nervousness when facing the Star God. Although she knew that these guys would not do anything to her, fear was fear.

"I was shocked when he was sucked into the subspace. I thought we had to break up." Saranoga looked at the other Star Gods and said.

"He's unique in every way. In every way." Burner floated up to the bridge porthole.

Jaghatai glanced at these transcendent beings and asked in a joking way: "How powerful are you? Compared with the original body?"

Hearing this, Burning Man turned his head and glanced at Chagatai, then turned his gaze back without saying anything.

The other star gods stayed directly in the bridge.

According to the rules, they have to go to the capital of the star region after every action to talk to Qin Mo before they can go back to their respective homes.

"Go back to the sector capital and talk about some things...I hope these things can be over within two hours, and then I can go back and do my own thing."

"What? Burn the race you created?"

"Yes. I found that they are evolving towards a higher tolerance to fire."

"I will not burn my dependents, I will tell them stories, although they need to be transformed to be better listeners."


Listening to the conversation among the Star Gods, Chagatai realized that these transcendent beings were all a group of guys with no moral concepts. It was obviously useless to use human ties to help these guys contribute to the same thing.

This also made Chagatai more certain that the governor of this sector must have restricted these transcendent beings in a special way.

"Voyage over."

"We're in the sector."

A crew member shouted to everyone on the bridge.

Then the ship jumped out of the dimension, and the entire huge Tyron naval fleet came to the Tyron star system.

But this fleet is not the only one.

When the Tyrone Navy crossed the dimension, a fleet had already appeared in the galaxy and sailed towards the star port.

There was a blue flagship and a black flagship in that fleet, namely the Glory of Macragge and the Invincible Reason.

And a large fleet led by two flagships.

"Those are my brothers." Chagatai was overjoyed.

Although the intelligence officer said that they would arrive in two days, it was unknown whether it was because the Dimension Engine was so easy to use, or whether Guilliman and Lion paid enough attention to the newly returned original body. In short, they arrived early.

The fleets of the Imperial Regent and Warmaster are approaching the starport. They arrive first before the navy, so they will naturally enter the starport first.

The Tyrone Navy could only queue up and wait to go to the star port to complete the procedures and procedures before heading to the orbital dock.

However, the Star Gods obviously do not have this patience.

Saranoga looked at the Void Dragon: "The victors have priority, what do you think?"

"Same feeling." The Void Dragon gently raised his hand towards the void outside the porthole.

All the warships in Guilliman and Lion's fleet stopped sailing uniformly and were fixed in place.

"What are you going to do?" Chagatai rushed to the Void Dragon's side.

The Void Dragon controls every warship in the fleet, allowing them to regroup in the void and then stand aside.

That is different from the common ability of the Star Gods to distort the laws of physics. The Void Dragon does not work on the spatial coordinates of those battleships, but it directly takes control of those battleships.

The machine soul, the cogitator array, the Mechanicum equipment used to resist data intrusion... these all lost their function. Those ships seemed to have been summoned by their father, and they were all controlled in an instant.

All the warships of the Tyrone Navy also lost their autonomy at the same time, and sailed towards the star port first under the control of the Void Dragon.

Jaghatai watched this scene.

Lost in thought.

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