Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 672 For Pandora

"Please come." Tukalon extended his hand to Qin Mo, "Our ancestors will not refuse a person who guides us."

Qin Mo wanted to refuse, but the eyes of those wild spirit tribes fell on him, hoping that he would agree to Tukalon.

Tukalon meant well, but he was still too young to know that what he was doing was inappropriate.

Because if Qin Mo agreed and walked over, but the soul of the world rejected him and refused to give him a dragon or caused a bigger problem, it would be embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo felt that he could not refuse the kindness of a future ally, so he walked towards Tukalon.

After arriving at the sacrificial altar, Qin Mo looked up at the fluorescence above his head, wondering whether the so-called soul of the world could see him or not.

"My ancestors." Tukalon raised the spear that symbolized the power of the tribal leader and shouted, "This distinguished guest once liberated the mother goddess of our entire race. He came to our homeland to guide us against the plunderers." He will also fight alongside us during the Eater invasion."


Before Tukaron finished speaking, a roar came from not far away.

Then a giant dragon broke through the vines and rushed over. He walked all the way to Qin Mo and lowered his head to look at this human being who was much smaller than himself.

Qin Mo looked at the giant dragon.

This is a dragon that looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but has black scales all over its body. It is also larger than the Tyrannosaurus rex, with a height of about nine meters.

The giant dragon raised its head and roared, its voice shaking the entire giant tree, and then it lowered its head and lay on the ground.

"Thank you." Qin Mo glanced at the entire tree canopy, got up and mounted the dragon.

The black metal flowing like liquid emerged out of thin air in Qin Mo's hand, converging into a weapon that was the same as the spear of the Savage Spirit Dragon Knight.

Then metal emerged out of thin air and covered Qin Mo and the giant dragon, gradually forming armor and riding gear.

The Eldar present looked up at the dragon, delighted that the World Soul had accepted the guest's presence and provided him with a powerful dragon mount.

"The war will start tomorrow, and we will start preparations tonight." Qin Mo announced loudly to the spirit tribes who were looking at him, "Prove your courage in the war and prove that you are qualified to survive in this universe. , and can devote themselves to greater causes in the future.”

At this moment, Qin Mo returned to the time when he was fighting in the bottom nest in a trance.

At that time, the position was attacked by gene stealers, and Qin Mo had to say something to boost everyone's morale.

He was particularly bad at speaking, but he knew what the people fighting alongside him cared about.

"For Pandora!"

Along with a sudden thunder, Qin Mo's roar echoed throughout the forest.

"For Pandora!"

The wild spirit tribes raised their arms and shouted.

Although these Eldar are so weak that they don't even know what kind of enemy they will face, they are high-spirited and ready to face anything.

Tukalon looked at the excited tribesmen in front of him, and he remembered what the distinguished guest beside him had said.

The weak can become strong, and the ethnic group will grow stronger. Weakness is not a problem. The question is whether a group is determined to survive and grow at all costs.

The next day.

The Hive Fleet, which plunders biomass for the main combat power of the Hive Mind, is rampant throughout the star field. They work tirelessly to extract resources from one planet after another, and then store these resources in the fleet, which has evolved specifically to store biomass. in the biological ship.

The biological ships will go to the edge of the galaxy and be eaten by the hive fleet responsible for the war to strengthen themselves.

This worm hive fleet responsible for logistics was leisurely doing what it was supposed to do in the void, and the mother ship carrying the mother worms was completely unaware that something was staring at them.

Until the mothership sailed near a star with special gravity but no major problems. Then the star's special gravity suddenly changed violently, and the mothership was torn and dragged by the strange gravity.

When the Hive Mind realized that this was a gravitational trap set by some kind of transcendent being, it was already too late. The space where the mother ship was located was abnormal due to strange astronomical phenomena, and a small piece of debris where the mother ship was located suddenly disappeared in the galaxy. , when it reappeared, it came near a planet containing extremely rich biomass, and was captured by the planet's gravity and dragged to the ground.

Because the biomass content of this planet is too high, the Hive Mind, which could have produced another female insect, chose to mobilize a small part of its power to invade the planet.

On a macro scale, it looks like a black tentacle clinging to the eastern side of the Milky Way's star disk, extending a hair toward the surroundings.

On a microscopic level, the beautiful world called Pandora, the planet where the mother worm fell, was blocked by the biological battleship that blocked the sky and blocked the light of the star in an instant.

The huge biological warship approached Pandora's orbit, which would have caused celestial bodies' gravitational anomalies to cause disasters such as volcanic eruptions, but Pandora did not have any trouble due to the gravitational anomalies.

But the gravitational pull of the huge biological warship is just a prelude compared to the official invasion that will follow.

Spore airdrop pods filled with Zerg combat units fell toward the ground, accompanied by various Zerg flying combat units.

Strange clouds containing plasma form in the atmosphere. Although they cannot intercept spores, they can intercept and kill unprotected Zerg flying units.

Above the mountain fortress where the World Shrine is located, an invisible barrier protects the entire fortress, preventing spores that are air-dropped directly at the fortress from deviating from their course.

Not far from the fortress, the fat female insect was dragged out of the wreckage of the mothership by a servant species called dragon lizard.

Countless thorns immediately emerged from the ground to restrain the female worm, and the entire earth trembled.

The trees used to replenish water for the Na'vi tribe no longer spray honey but corrosive venom. The highly toxic miasma is released by colorful flowers and fills the entire forest sea.

The beautiful fluorescent bugs that serve as the atmosphere group in tribal rituals rush towards the location of the mother bug in swarms. They attach to all the bugs protecting the mother bug and ignite themselves, creating an effect like a white phosphorus incendiary bomb.

The rolling bugs that play with tribal children burst from their nests, approach the intruders, and explode.

The whole of Pandora became like Catachan, but this did not solve the invaders.

The thorns that bound the female insects were cut off by the tyrant, the insect-eating trees were decomposed into biomass by the tearing insects, and the highly toxic miasma could not even kill the most ordinary Zerg individuals.

Pandora's world soul gave Qin Mo a surprise. It was obviously more powerful than the world souls of other wild spirit tribes for unknown reasons.

Although the World Soul tried its best to fight against the invaders, this was the only thing the souls of the Na'vi ancestors who made up the World Soul could do for their descendants.

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