Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 671 Simple Plan

A month passed in the intense preparations for war.

This little time is nothing to anything except Pandora. The Tyron navy has just withdrawn from the webway and wiped out all the entrances and exits of the webway where Commorragh is located.

A large number of Iron Men have just been dropped by the Iron Man Mothership, and they continue to fight in Comoros after the catastrophe.

The transport ship carrying the army and the naval fleet are preparing to return to the sector.

Those high-level officials also learned from scholars that nothing happened to Lord Tyrone and Prophet Uslan. They just landed on a very distant planet, and they were doing something.

The Iron Man mothership, which is independent of humans, has just detected another Hive Fleet, and completely followed Iron Man's preset logic to send the Iron Man fleet to clean up the Zerg.

Within Pandora, the tribe's wild spirits are already on the right track.

On the mountain range where the giant tree is located, a large sea of ​​trees was cleared, and fortresses were built one after another.

A total of about 20,000 Eldar people have transformed from farmers and herdsmen into warriors and war material producers.

Although the Eldar are now so weak that they are like flames that can be blown out at any time in the cold wind, as war resources created by the ancient saints, they themselves have advantages similar to the green skins, with strong bodies, quick learning abilities, and mental endurance. The ability allows a woman who only picked up fruits every day a month ago to quickly learn how to ride a dragon and poke things, and adapt and accept that she will live as a warrior forever in her long life to come.

During the period before the battle begins, every night all members of the tribe will put aside all work and spend ten minutes holding a ceremony to commemorate their ancestors.

"Praise the great soul of the world, and praise each of our ancestors who opened up their homeland."

"Please protect us, we will fight for Pandora's survival!"

"For the souls of the ancestors in the shrine, and for this beautiful home!"


All the people of the Na'vi tribe gathered on the top of the giant tree of the World Shrine. Every adult was wearing armor, holding a weapon and leading his own dragon.

Recently, they no longer take off their armor, because war is expected to come soon.

When these Eldar performed sacrifices, the World Shrine and World Soul seemed to really know what these descendants were going to do, and responded.

Insects shining with beautiful fluorescence hovered around the trees, the gentle warm wind gently touched the skin of every Eldar, and the beasts gathered under the giant tree and screamed.

Uslan watched all this.

Although the Ark Eldar believe that the so-called soul of the world is the same thing as the infinite circuit in the Ark world, it is nothing more than a sacred place that accommodates souls, and worshiping it as a god will not be of any use.

but it is not the truth.

At least on Pandora, at least among the relatives Uslan saw, the World Soul is really useful.

While Uslan was watching this beautiful ceremony, Qin Mo came quietly behind him.

Uslan was surprised when he noticed Qin Mo's arrival, because he had never participated in the ceremony for a while. Apart from making some blood-drawing machines to extract Pandora's minerals, he flew outside the planet.

And today he actually came to the ceremony.

"The war will begin soon." Qin Mo said in a deep voice, trying his best not to disturb the current ceremony with his words, "I found a way to destroy the biological battleship on which the mother worm of the Hive Fleet was riding. If nothing goes wrong, tomorrow In the morning, a piece of biological battleship debris will fall down, and then there will be spores dropped by the Zerg all over the sky."

When Wuslan heard this, he wanted to ask Qin Mo how he did it, but he swallowed it back before he could say it.

In the Battle of Baal, a fragment of a Burner, just a larger fragment, floated in space and threw a flame spear to kill the Zerg. In an instant, it ended the problem that originally required a huge fleet to engage in a long void battle. Female worm.

It is already difficult for a mortal race to travel faster than light, but the Star God can transmit his words tens of thousands of light-years away simply by using electromagnetic force, spanning an astronomical distance of tens of thousands of light-years in an instant.

"What are our plans?" Uslan asked instead.

"It's very simple. Everyone hides in the fortress on the side of the giant tree. Then let your wild relatives organize the dragon knights to leave the fortress, charge to the location of the mother worm, and then kill the mother worm. It's that simple. You follow I will participate in this battle." Qin Mo said the plan that he had thought of for a long time.

Uslan wanted to ask if this was a little too simple.

But then he thought that this was actually very complicated for a Star God.

Ultimately, the reason why this war is fought on Pandora is simply to make the Na'vi people realize what sacrifice means and what survival means.

If it were not for the purpose of using education to invest in an ally who could devote himself to fighting the enemies of the real universe in the future, the Hive Fleet would just be driven into a galaxy and catalyzed a star into a supernova.

This hive fleet has no psychic specialties and is not here to deal with the Star Gods at all. Just like when Qin Mo was thrown into the Blackstone Fortress in the subspace, which indirectly caused Slaanesh's misfortune, the Eldar indirectly caused other The species suffered an unthinkable disaster.

As for the wild spirits on Pandora, they will sacrifice many people and shed rivers of blood, but they only need to pay these prices to learn to survive.

After thinking about it, Uslan sighed: "I am really jealous of these relatives."

The interlocutory ceremony is over.

Normally, the Eldar would have gotten up and done whatever they had to do, but they didn't today.

The young leader Tukalon stepped down from the altar and looked at Qin Mo.

His people gathered together, moved out of the way, and looked at Qin Mo as well.

"Will you take part in the coming battle?" Tu'kalon asked.

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded.

No matter how hard these wild spirits are strengthened and trained, they cannot become capable of fighting against the Zerg in a month.

It is a question whether the combat effectiveness of those dragon knights and their own dragons can match that of the most common warrior of the Eldar clan.

Letting them charge towards the female insect does not mean letting them die.

"Then you should also get your own dragon." Tukalon said, stepping aside, raising his hands high, and looking at the blue light cluster above his head.

This is a dragon-granting ceremony that belongs to these wild spirit tribes. According to them, Pandora's world soul will match each of its children with a dragon that is most compatible with it, and this dragon will establish a spiritual link with the knight.

"Forget it, I will build my own motorcycle or something." Qin Mo refused without thinking.

It's not that Qin Mo doesn't want a dragon. After all, part of the reason for the situation that caused the spirit tribe to charge against the mother insect was because he thought it was interesting.

But Qin Mo knew that he was not a wild spirit tribe on Pandora. It was still unclear whether the soul of the world would accept him, let alone give him a dragon for a person who was not affected by spiritual energy.

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